Dragonic:Yo yo what's up readers DD here with a new chapter for Descendants. Now since I didn't update for a while I'm gonna make it Saturday or Sunday at best. Now welcome my sister and new character. Musa Cerise not her real name though

Musa:Hey what's up..hope you enjoy the story and my OC

Dragonic:That's great...now get out of my spotlight (Pushes Musa off the stage) Now time for the story

Musa:Hey!you meany...You will never get your phone back (get's phone from his pocket)


Musa:(sticks tongue out) hahahaha..(runs away) so enjoy the story while I hide his phone..bye :D

Dragonic:Roll the clip while I get my phone back (Pulls out a pair of handcuffs and A black Motorbike)

Chapter 3:Sister and New School

(Kendall Dimension)

A black and burnt pink motorbike was racing thought the city to the Portal location. She wore something similar to Lady Deadpool and had her hair in a ponytail. Her suit is black and pink with a burnt pink X on the mask. She has two katanas and two knifes with burnt pink handles. She has a black and dark pink crossbow with unlimited arrows. She has powers similar to Shadow X. Her belt has MC instead of a X. This was Shadow MC sister of Shadow X.

"When I find that idiot I will shoot him"Shadow MC said as she stopped as the portal appeared then she was sucked in

"Reader if you have anything to do with this you're dead"Shadow MC said as she was sucked in

(Descendants:Kendall Room)

Kendall was sleeping peacefully as he wore a black shirt and Red sweatpants. Then a portal opened up as Shadow MC fell though as she landes gracefully. Kendall woke up as apparently Shadow MC foot landed on his crotch

"OWWWWWW"Kendall shouted as The Villains and Teens came as Shadow MC was tied up

"Kendall you alright"Jay asked as Kendall glared at him

"If fine you mean getting hit on the crotch then Yeah I'm fine"Kendall snapped backed

"Ooops Sorry Bro"Shadow MC said as her clothes flashed into a Pink shirt with a black ripped jeans with White Adidas Superstars. She has long hair in a pony tail as it was the same color as Kendall with a pink strip of hair. This was Kendall Sister Musa Cerise Jackson

"Musa I hate you but you're my sister so your forgiven"Kendall said as he undid the ropes as they hugged

"So you gonna introduce me to the Disney Freaks"Musa said as as said people glared at her

"Musa two of them are my girlfriends"Kendall said as Mal and Evie came up as he puts his arm on their shoulder "This is Mal and Evie my girlfriends and their parents Maleficent and The Evil Queen"

"Wait you mean we are in Descendants dimension"Musa asked as Kendall nodded

"This are Jay and Carlos,Their parents Jafar and Cruela De Vile"Kendall said as Musa blushed as she waved at Jay before Maleficent stepped forward

"Now I just got a call from Auradon and they need a sixed student"Maleficent said as they talked as they got Musa clothes and was ready for the next day. They explained the plan as Musa was listening

"So the plan is that we grabbed the wand and release the barrier"Musa asked as they nods "Seems simple enough"

(Next Day)

"You know if you said we have to go to school I would said no"Musa said as she wore burnt pink jeans with a black leather jacket. She also wore black and crimson sneakers. Her jacket had Shadow MC in the back

"Stop complaining"Kendall said as he wore a black shirt,silver jeans and a Black and Red Adidas Superstars. He also has a black duster which reach his knees as Shadow X was on the back in red and silver

"Yeah but its school"Musa complained as she picks up her bags with her clothes and her sling bag as she left

"Yeah but its worth it"Kendall said as he grabbed his bags and left


Jay went to the front as he used his hat as he stole the front as Carlos was pushed in as his bag was put in the trunk. Evie came out as she handed her bag to the chauffeur as he outs it in the back as Mal tosses her in.

"Where are they"Mal asked as she was sitting beside Evie as Mal was getting restless

Kendall and Musa puts their bag in the trunk as they entered the car as Kendall crapped a lollipop as the teens began to grab some candy as Mal was messing with a remote the car was moving as they neared the bridge as the fold lowered as they saw the front window

"Oh God please don't kill them"Musa said

"This was all a set up"Carlos said as they screamed then a bridge appeared as they drove through Auradon

"Excuse me sir did this remote made this bridge appear"Mal asked

"No this one does"The chauffer said as he held up a remote and pressed a button "This one does this"

The cover then came up as Mal then pouted as she kept as Kendall snickered then Mal made his head hit the roof.

"Ouch"Kendall said before Mal kissed him

"Better"Mal asked as Kendall nodded as they approach Auradon


The Limo stopped as they stepped out as Ben came up

"Welcome to Auradon Prep"Ben said before they broke out into a song which made Kendall and Musa sleep through when it ended Mal and Jay pushed them as they headbutted as Kendall pulled out a bow as Musa pulled out a crossbow.

"Alright who wants some"Kendall asked before blinking as they put the weapons away "Sorry force of a habit"

"Its quite alright why don't we start with a tour"Ben said as they entered the building as Kendall felt a huge amount of energy but ignored him


Dragonic:Alright the chapter is done (Screaming) Shut up (Musa with her wrists cuuffed around the pole)

Musa:Okay how bout you untie my hands and we call a truce till the end of the story

Dragonic:Deal (Uncuffs Musa hand) Now please welcome Mal,Evie,Jay and Carlos (Said Four came out)

Mal:Alright guys we'll see you in the next chapter




Musa:And See You

All:Next Time