Fire Emblem

Start date 5/10/16

End date: Unknown

Chapter(s): 1/?

Summary: Three years after the fall of Grima, and finding Robin once again sleeping in the field, Chrom and the Shepherds are living within the Halidom in peace. As the new Exalt, Chrom rules over the kingdom, and must make hard decisions, and one of them being weather or not to make an alliance with two new powerful kingdoms by the names of Nohr and Hoshido. And much to Robin's distress, his twin brother, Kamui, is torn between the two kingdoms. Now, fearing for the safety of his brother, Robin takes Kamui and flees. Now Robin must either, choose to leave his home and help his brother escape from the two royal families that insist that Kamui join them, or allow his brother to face the issue alone.

Chapter 1

Sun crept through the curtains of a young man's room, his arm tucked neatly under his head, his back facing the window. The warm rays of sun ran ever so gently over his bear back as he slept peacefully. The man's silver bangs fell over his forehead gently, his face at peace. Completely unaware of someone entering his room and quietly walking over to the window. Suddenly, bright sun light floods into the room, causing the man in the bed to groan and pull the pillow over his head. he could hear the chuckle from another man.

"You normally don't sleep in, Robin." Rubbing his eyes and siting up, the said man looks up.

"Morning to you too Gaius." He greets the candy loving, assassin. The said male nods in a silent good morning and crosses his arms, looking at the Tactician that the kingdom had grown to love, even if he hailed from Plegia and at one point was the fell Dragon himself. But, for a while, the people of the kingdom did hate him, they would often demand that Chrom exile him, or execute him. but, he always refused. Gaius moves out of the man's way as he got up and began to get ready for the day.

He could remember when Chrom, Robin and a few of the other Shepherds had been walking through the City of Ylisstol a few weeks after finding Robin once again. they had decided to walk through the city, to see what damage had been done, and needless to say, everyone could feel the tension in the air as people watched as Robbin walked down the street with Chrom. It was a shock when the people started throwing insults at the Tactician, it was even more shocking when that began throwing stones at him.

At first, no one thought much of it, they had managed to make sure none of the stones hit him, until someone had actually tackled the young man to the ground and caused the man to cut the corner of his left eyebrow on a rock pretty bad. Chrom was not happy when he saw the blood oozing down his face. Quite frankly, Gaius had never seen Chrom snap so quickly. the words he had spoken and the scolding he had given the people was a harsh one. But, after it was done, he picked up his best friend and stormed back to the castle. It was after that, and after seeing Robin after four days of staying in the castle did the people see the scar that he had left, and it was then, did they 'Forgive' him.

Robin, never once blamed them, nor got angry. he never hated they for that. Gaius was shocked. But he was proud of him, not many people could say the same. Chrom was angry for a while, but eventually, Robin talked him into forgetting about what happened. Even if the scar stayed to remind them all of what happened.

"Gaius," the said man is snapped out of his thoughts as he looks over at Robin who was now fully dressed. "Are you alright?" he asks kindly; the man nods as he gives him a smile.

"Yeah, just thinking. Anyway, come on. Chrom is waiting on us." Nodding the Tactician follows the assassin out of the room and down the hallway. "Apparently, the council is worried about the two kingdoms in the south." Hearing that, Robin looks at the other man.

"Nohr and Hoshido? Those two new power houses correct?" he nods. "what are they so worried about? Not like they've shown aggression to our kingdom. Wonder why." He states, continuing to walk down the hallway that just seemed to go on forever. In his mind, he was actually very worried about those two kingdoms as well. But not because of the power they had gained so quickly, oh no.

He was worried because of someone who was in Nohr. He went by the name of Kamui, his younger twin brother. Although he had woken up with no memories, he had always felt as if he was forgetting something far too important. And sure enough, the second time he was found in that open field, he had remembered, he had a younger twin brother. One that his mother had separated for their safety. Needless to say, it worked in a sense, but he was still found by his father, and nearly died killing Grima, but when he had heard that Kamui was alive and well, hidden within the kingdom of Nohr, he couldn't have been happier, but, he had kept all of this a secret, for he didn't want Chrom to feel as if he had to go, get him and bring him here to Ylisse.

"Robin." Looking up from being snapped out of his thoughts, the silver haired man smiles seeing the Exalt of the Halidom. "Gaius, morning to you as well." The assassin nods with a small friendly grin. "Well, im hoping this doesn't take so long." Chrom explains with a playful tone, causing Robin to chuckle lightly and nod as she follows the man into the room.


"Kamui?" looking up, the said silver haired male smiles a bit.

"Jakob, morning." The said young man greets. Nodding, Jakob bows as he enters the room and closes the door behind himself. He watched as his butler walked over to the window and closed the curtains before turning to look back at him. "Jakob?" he asks, the man puts his finger to his mouth, silencing him, staying quite the silver haired prince could hear footsteps walking down the hall way and coming to a stop in front of his door.

"Lord Kamui? If your awake, your siblings are here to see you. so, please meet them outside. They have great news for you." and with that, a mind named Flora walks away, letting out a sigh, Kamui stands up and stretches his arms over his head. to be honest, his memory was still very fuzzy, he didn't remember a lot, and what he did remember of his childhood, was all blurry and he couldn't quite tell what was what, nor who was who. In truth, he knew that Xander, Leo, Camilla and Elise were not his actual siblings, but they did raise him and he did love them. but then, there was his family in Hoshido; Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura. He was taken from them and told that Hoshido was the enemy, but only to finally remember later, the late Queen of Hoshido, who had sacrificed herself for him, was his mother.

Needless to say, he was distraught over it, and the guilt only dug itself deeper when Takumi, at the time, had told him that it was indeed his fault. And he never once forgave himself for getting his mother killed, and it didn't help that he knew that his twin, Robin, who was living somewhere in Ylisse thought she was still alive. If he were to ever to see him again, he had no idea how to break the news to Robin, Kamui startles slightly when he feels Jakob touch his cheek gently, looking up he could see a look of concern on his face.

"Jakob? Wh-"

"What thoughts are plaguing your mind to point where you would start crying so early in the morning my Lord?" the man asks, blinking in confusion, Kamui reaches up and touches under his eye and pulls his hand back, finding that he was indeed crying the younger male shakes his head and wipes the tears away. "My Lord?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Jakob." Kamui gives him a smile. "But, thank you for your concern. Perhaps it's time we go meet my brothers and sisters outside don't you think?" the Butler hesitates in answering for a moment, Kamui knew it was because he was still worried as to why he had started crying in the first place. Kamui knew very well that Jakob was debating if he should pester him about it or not.

"Very well my Lord. I'll go inform them that you are on your way while you get ready. Make haste, no making Xander wait long." Jakob finally tells him as he walks over to the window and reopens the curtains and walks out of the room without another word. Letting out a sigh, he stands up and begins to get ready to go meet his brothers and sisters.


"And, if worse comes, to worse, I already have a plan set for how to deal with both Armies of Nohr and Hoshido. So, as you can see, there is no need to feel uneasy in these times of peace." Robin finishes explaining as he sets down a few pieces of paper on a desk in front of him, as he stood before several council men who seemed to be processing all of the information the Tactician had just presented them. Chrom smiles as he looked at his best friend and gives him a slight nod, nodding back Robin then turns his attention back at the council men.

"Very well, we see your point. But, we would like to see these plans you have about dealing with the armies they have. And how can we be sure that they will work? Considering we know next to nothing about them." Chrom frowns as he watches Robin pull out a map and opens it up on the table.

"Well, we all Nohr and Hoshido are right across each other. And Ylisse is located just above them, making a triangle. Now, our army isn't big enough to break in half, but-" the sound of door suddenly slamming open cuts him off, looking up, he could see Cordelia standing at the door, panting.

"Exalt Chrom, R-Robin! Make haste out to the front of the castle, please!" she pleads, hearing the panicked tone in her voice, Robin and Chrom rush over to her.

"Peace Cordelia, what has happened?" Chrom asks as Robin helps her stand up straight. She looks up at the men and frowns.

"The Prince second oldest Prince from Nohr has been brought here by his retainer, and both are wounded your highness!"