I'm back with new chapter.

Warning:This chapter has a mention of self harm if that makes anyone uncomfortable. you can skip that sentence.

I love reading your review seeing that you've favorited and followed this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own the vampire diaries


Klaus lays down next to his wife on their bed and places a soft kiss on her shoulder

laying a hand over his kiss and she doesn't even move. "My love you need to feed, it's been three days."

Very soft a voice breaks the silence. "No."

Klaus hates seeing his wife like this, he doesn't know what is worse seeing her like this or knowing that he and Caroline were going to be parents but his mother killed their baby when she and Mikael turned them.


Rebekah snuggles up on Stefan while he's sitting in the living room, he leans down and kisses her forehead, "Worried about Caroline?"

She nods "I've never seen her this depressed, she's not eating, Nik has to bath her, she won't leave the bed, I'm worried she is going to desiccate. Caroline has been my best friend my whole life I can't imagine life without her, the only times we weren't able to go to the other was when I was daggered. Right before I got daggered in Chicago it was Caroline who was trying to convince Nik to let me go off with you."

Stefan wraps his arms around Rebekah's body while she snuggles her head into his neck "She knows how much you love her, Caroline will get through this she is strong."

Rebekah's eyes widen she just got an idea she quickly gets out of Stefan's embrace but before she leaves she gives him a kiss on the lips. "I love you."

Stefan reaches out to her and barely misses her but catches a finger. "I love you too, what just happened?"

"Caroline's strength doesn't just come from inside her, like all of us our strength comes from the family but we are not the only family Caroline has."


Vegas Nevada:

A phone rings echos through the halls of the mansion, a handsome man with jet black haired, light olive skin and a strong jaw line wakes up with men and women on him all have bite marks in them and on the cusp of life and death. He moves one of the guys off him so he can reach his phone. " Of course I'll be there, I'll leave within the hour."

After the phone call he reaches back to the pile and grabs a woman's wrist and bites into it and drinks the rest of her blood killing her. Yelling his British voice echoing off the walls of the mansion. "Who's up for a trip."


Florence Italy:

"Elizabeth, I'm back." A shaggy handsome brown haired man with strongly defined features and piercing blue eyes walks into a grand mansion. He hears movement from the kitchen and a blonde with wavy hair is at the one of the counters making a salad for the two of them. He comes up behind her and puts his arms around her waist and leaves a trail of kisses from her ear down to her collar bone.

Elizabeth giggles and turns around in his embrace "Any luck?"


Elizabeth leans closer and leaves a kiss on his lips, he picks her up and she wraps her legs around her his waist and he moves them over to the dining room table and lays her down on it before hovering over her leaving down to pepper her neck with kisses. She unbuttoned his shirt and it falls to the ground.

As her pants hit the floor his phone rings in his jeans pocket on the floor next to hers. He goes to move off her and she stops him. "Leave it."

"What if its important?"

She nods and he reaches into his jeans still naked answers the phone, " Of course, I'll be there. I'm in the middle of something at the moment so when I'm done I'll leave."

Elizabeth leans up on her elbows, "Who was that?"

With a smirk the guy looks up at the naked blonde on the table. "My aunt, my mom needs me and my brother."

He sends a quick text and goes back to Elizabeth on the table.

After they finish they are just laying on the kitchen table and Elizabeth rolls over on her stomach, " Is he picking you up here or are you two meeting up there."

He rolls over on his side to face her. " We'll probably meet there, I didn't want them to see me like this but she's my mom I have to go she would do the same thing for either of us."

Elizabeth reaches up and cups his cheek, " I love you and I wish I could fix this."

He places a hand over her's on his cheek. " I love you too. Why don't you come too, meet my mom meet the others."

"Meet the originals no thank you I like living. I don't want them to kill me because I breathed to loud for their liking, or was in their way."

"They wouldn't kill you, they would see your important to me and Caroline would never let them do anything to you."


Rebekah and Elijah find Klaus in the door of his bedroom just watching Caroline lay in bed under the blankets. "Nik you need to call them."

Klaus whips around to face his younger sister. "No."

"They need to be here, Caroline needs them especially now."

"No, I refuse to call them, I also refuse to accept we've come to that point."

Rebekah sighs and puts both hands on her older brothers shoulders forcing him to look her in the face. "We have, I'll call them, you go to Caroline."

He nods as he turns back to looking at his wife he calls over his shoulder. "Tell them not to call me dad, Caroline might love that they call her mom but they are not my children."

As Rebekah and Elijah are leaving Rebekah whispers to him. "I already called them I just wanted Nik to accept that we've come to that point and accept that they are coming."

"We've never seen Niklaus nor Caroline this broken before we have to find Esther or Finn."

"Do you think Finn knew Esther's secret?"

Elijah looks over at his sister as they walk down the stairs, "I don't know, if he did he played it off really well. All we can do is be there for Caroline and Niklaus in their time of need."


Driving past the sign that says welcome to Mystic Falls are three male vampires. The British one in the passengers seat and the shaggy haired one in the backseat are going back and forth.

"How are you going to explain this to mom?"

"Hopefully Davina can fix it before we see her. Davina and if Freya is awake her too are my last hope. I've tried for years to reverse this."

"You know she will find out secrets don't last long in that home."

"Must you be such a big brother."

The older of the two smirks at the younger. "Come on I don't get to be a big brother with them I do with you."

"If you couldn't tell I'm glaring at you."

The older smirks. "I know."


The door bell rings and Davina lets them in the house, Klaus looks for the two he's looking for and only sees one. "Where's Sebastian, we need both of you to help Caroline."

Davina points to the handsome man next to her. "He's right here."

"Your the only you can see me, I've been cursed by a jealous witch. I need your help."

"Of course your family lets see if we can make you visible again." Davina goes to put her arm around his shoulders but knows it would look weird so she puts her arm down.


Rebekah pulls Enzo, and his brother Kai over to where Stefan is. "Guys with is my boyfriend Stefan Salvatore."

Enzo's eyes widen when she says Salvatore. "Salvatore by any chance would you know Damon Salvatore?"

"Yeah he's my brother, how do you know each other?"

Enzo diverts his eyes from looking at Stefan "Oh you know around?"

Stefan looks quizzical at him and wants to ask more questions but can see that Enzo is not going to give him more. He looks over at Rebekah. "So we have two people from Caroline's line, Kai from Kol's, where's your first vampire or Klaus'or even Elijah's?"

Kai interjects. "Lucien Klaus's first vampire is still in Vegas he had some business to take care of should be joining us soon."

It's Rebekah's turn to looks away from Stefan, "Umm well I didn't call my first vampire or Elijah's they are siblings and mine is psycho and she tricked me into turning her."

"She tricked you Rebekah Mikaelson. I've heard people call you she Devil, the woman who when she first walked into Alaric's classroom you had all eyes on you."

"She devil let me guess Elena?"

He nods, "You had my eyes even when you entered and then exited a second later."

She smiles at him and leaves a kiss on his cheek.

"How did she trick you."

"She sliced her wrists because Nik wouldn't date her and since we were staying in her castle I gave her my blood to save her and she jumped out the window and killed her self then went to Nik and told him they are the same now."


Davina has pulled a bunch of grimoires and is in the library with Sebastian. After fifteen minutes Klaus comes in " I don't care if your visible or not, Caroline needs you."


Enzo and Sebastian enter their moms room and see her under the blankets not moving. Both of them look at each other they have never seen her in this state. Enzo leans over and whispers to Sebastian. "Since your having an issue maybe you shouldn't talk."

Everyday Sebastian has hoped he would be visible and he never wanted the Mikaelsons most of all his mom to see him like this but when he got that phone call he knew he had to go. " Your right, even though it will be hard I don't want her to see me like this."

Both sons get on each side of their mom and lift the blankets off her face. "Mom wake up."

Without even thinking its just a gut reaction Sebastian starts talking. " Mom its us."

Enzo's eyes widen and he reaches over and hits Sebastian in the shoulder he knows he hit something it was hard. Sebastian whispers. "I'm sorry it just came out."

Caroline starts moving in the bed and slightly opens her eyes and sees her first son Enzo smiling at her. "Enzo what are you doing here?"

Caroline pulls her son into her arms. "Rebekah called told me that you needed me."

"I love that your here but did I also hear your brother."

Enzo looks away from his mom and looks directly at Sebastian. "No you didn't. It's just me."

Caroline knows her children she knows their voice and when they are lying to her and when they are near call it mothers intuition"what are you not telling me?"

Still not making eye contact with her. "Nothing"

She reaches out and grabs his chin to make him look at her. "Don't make me compel you."

Enzo scrunches up his face even though he is a thousand Caroline is still his mom and he loves her, "Fine Sebastian is here he's next to you but invisible."

Caroline turns to her left and Sebastian reaches out and touches his moms arm. "Hi mom."

She pulls him into a hug too, both of her children are with her. She has missed them dearly. Its been a couple century's since they were all together, mainly because Sebastian hasn't been able to visit. Enzo visited them in California and Caroline would spend weekends in Vegas with him. Both sons are in her embrace, She feels better with them here. This is just what she needed.

"What happened?"

Sebastian widen his eyes and looks away from his mom. "It's complicated."

"Tell us and we can help you make it uncomplicated for you?"

"We're here to help you not me."

With her arms still around her sons shoulders she tightens her grip on Sebastian. "Helping you will help me or at least distract me. I found out a couple days ago that I was pregnant when I turned into a vampire. I couldn't help the child I was carrying but I can help my child who is invisible."

Sebastian shrugs he knows his mom wants to help him and she needs help he loves her, its because of her that he is here.

There is no sire bond between the three of them. Neither Enzo or Sebastian loved Caroline before she turned them the love happened after they turned. Plus the love is not romantic at all it's all family love these three are a family.

"Ok you can help me, but first you need to shower."

Enzo reaches over Caroline and pushes Sebastian off the bed who laughs "Dude."

"Enzo don't push your brother off the bed. He's right I should take a shower and get some blood. I haven't do anything since I was told about my baby."

Both boys put their head on her shoulders and squeeze her in a hug with Enzo putting an arm around Sebastian and Sebastian putting an arm around Enzo.

Sebastian goes to get the shower ready while Enzo gets her off the bed and to the bathroom, "We'll be downstairs when your done."


Klaus hears the shower in his bedroom and rushes to see if Caroline is doing something drastic but when he finds her she's just taking a shower he smiles then drops it when he remembered who they had to bring in to help her since he couldn't. He goes back into their bedroom and picks out a pair of black jeans and a pink tiered ruffled cami and a navy blue jacket and a pair of black heels with gold lines around he front.


When Caroline enters the living room she sees that everyone except Freya and Davina are in the room and talking. Enzo is sitting in a chair and on the arm is a floating glass of blood. She goes over to the floating glass of blood and puts an arm around what she guesses is a shoulder and she's correct. "Let me guess Kol."


Klaus is happy his wife is out of bed but sad that she wouldn't move when he asked or from something he did. The whole thing is out of his hands and he doesn't like it.

Enzo and Sebastian look up at their mom. "Let's go get someone to eat."

Caroline smiles at her children and nods. As they are leaving Kol with a lit candle tries to pour hot wax on Sebastian to make him visible because he's ran Into him a couple times already. Caroline reaches out and grabs his arm and squeezes using her vampiric strength to make it hurt. "Pour that on my son and I will snap your neck."

He nods and she releases his arm which has a red marks and finger nail indents.


"This town is so boring."

"Yes it is boring and every supernatural with the exception of our family and even some of the humans are obsessed with one annoying doppelgänger named Elena."

Caroline and her sons enter the Grill. " Ohh so many people to eat."

"Are we splitting the restaurant into thirds."

"Children please I still have to live in this god forsaken town after you both leave. Plus Sebastian should you really be eating people in your condition." Caroline turns to her oldest Enzo " We'll only eat a couple."

They sit down at a table and a server comes over to to take their orders. While they are waiting for their food they are looking around the restaurant for someone to kill for dessert.

Damon is drinking at the bar with Elena and Alaric, Matt is behind the bar "Look what just walked in."

They all turn to look at the blonde original and Enzo. Damon eyes widen when he sees him. "Enzo?"

Damon goes to walk over and Alaric grabs his arm. " Do you think that is a good idea."

"I'm not going to make a scene he's an old friend."

As soon as Damon said he's not going to make a scene they hear Elena's voice and not next to them. "How dare you show your face here after what you did?"

All three vampires look up at the human doppelgänger, Enzo and Sebastian look at her then at their mom they know you don't confront an original and Caroline is extra emotional at the moment. "After what I did!? I didn't do anything. I was trying to save all vampires. Your witch tried to break our spell so she could break into our home. I might be a thousand years old but breaking and entering is still a crime."

Elena looks at Enzo she can't see Sebastian but his chair is pulled out and he's sitting in it. "How can you even sit with her she helped murder me and my best friend."

Caroline grips the edge of the table trying to reframe from killing Elena. Sebastian puts a hand over his moms and she smiles at him the anger still bubbling inside her, while Enzo responds to Elena "We love Caroline and we are all murders. I know for a fact that Damon over there watching us he's murdered people. It was not Caroline who murdered your friend it was Davina. She didn't mercilessly kill her either she was protecting trying to stop Esther and your friend tried to break into her home."

As calmly as Caroline can she says. "Elena leave now."

"Not until you bring Bonnie back we all know you can you brought Esther back."

That's the last straw for Caroline.


Damon swoops in and gets Elena out of Caroline's grasp but is pushed back by something invisible and watches as Elena is carried out of the grill.

He looks down at Enzo who is laughing. "It's been a long time Enzo."

"Almost a hundred years."

"How do you know Caroline?''

Enzo smiles back at Caroline "Wow everyone knows of the originals but the people they turn go unnoticed."

She nods. While he turns back to Damon. " I'm the first person Caroline turned into vampire."

Sebastian has come back to the table while Caroline looks up Damon "How do you know my son?"

Damon's eyes widen he is taken aback by that phrase. "Excuse me your son?"

"Yes Enzo and Sebastian." She gesture to Sebastian but Damon cant see him. " I turned them then adopted them. They are my children you mess with them and you have an original to deal with."

"I knew Enzo in the thirties when we were science experiments."

Caroline looks over at Enzo who is glaring up at Damon "Why have you kept this from me this whole time?"

He looks back at his mom and bites his lip trying to look as innocent as he can. "I didn't want you to worry, you were in London turning and having fun."

"If you were in trouble I would of killed everyone trying to rescue you."

"I know but Kai and Lucien killed everyone and rescued me and released Damon."

Damon looks down at Enzo "We spent five years together I would of remembered if you said you knew the originals."

"I did I said Caroline's name."


After lunch Caroline, Enzo and Sebastian picked out their dessert, three guys in the grill they compelled them and they followed them out to the alley next to the grill. They push the guys up against the walls fangs pop out and they attack sucking them dry.

After they hide the bodies. They return to the mansion, while Enzo goes to find everyone Sebastian goes back to the library to continue helping Davina and Freya. Caroline goes into the living room to take a breath she is putting on a brave face but she is still hurting inside.

That when Klaus finds her, he sits on the arm of her chair and puts and arm around her shoulders. " I'm happy your out of bed and feeling a little better my love, right before you came back I was talking with Freya and the strangest thing happened Damon got caught in our door again. So naturally I asked him what he was doing and he told me you bit Elena. Now I didn't believe him because you know I need all of elena's blood for my hybrids. So is it true?"

"She attacked me first Nik. Blaming me for her witch's death. When I tried to remain calm and explained what happened she just kept going at it so before Sebastian threw her out of the grill yes I bit her but I held back and she still has a bunch of blood in her useless body."

Klaus squeezes her shoulder not hard but not soft either. " I need her blood and if you continue to feed from her we can't make anymore hybrids."

She looks up at him "Would that be a bad thing lets be honest here your hybrids don't do anything and even when they are asked to do something they bitch and moan about. If you want minions compel someone I'm sure we could find someone in this town to compel into being our minion."

"I want hybrids they are mini me's I get to boss around and they have to do what I say because sirebond and they have to do what you say because your my wife so their boss too."

Caroline rolls her eyes she doesn't like the hybrids they don't listen and have no regard for any of them. When she gets up he kisses her on the forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." Caroline puts her arms around his neck and plays with the ends of his hair,"Thank you for letting my children in the house. While I'm helping Sebastian become visible again what will you be doing?"

"Finding and killing Esther."

"Can I help you kill her she killed not only us but our child. She needs to be tortured."

Klaus smiles down at her and moves a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. "Of course you can help, after we catch her we'll put those chains kol and Davina made on her so she can't use magic on us and then I'll let you in to play with her."


Caroline finds both her children in the library with Davina and Freya. "Sebastian start from the beginning how did this start?"

He sits down in front of his mom and rubs his forehead he's ashamed of his current state. "You remember when you turned me I was the lover of a princess."

Caroline nods. "Well turns out I have even more charm as a vampire. There were a couple centuries where I was just going girl to girl and one day a witch who I had flirted with saw me flirting with someone else she got jealous and desiccated me in a box for flirting with other women. I was found a hundred years later by a beautiful witch named Elizabeth. When the witch found out I was no longer desiccated she cursed me with invisibility only witches can see me and since witches and vampires don't get along no witch will help. My girlfriend Elizabeth and I have been all over Europe, Australia, South America looking for a witch who can reverse this. I've been like this for a twelve years."

Caroline's ears perked up when she heard girlfriend. "You have a girlfriend?'

Sebastian with an annoyed seriously that's what you picked up from my sentence look written all over his face says. "Mom bigger picture here I'm in invisible."

"Sorry your right but we will be coming back to you having a girlfriend. So who is this witch?"

"Her name is Genevieve."

Caroline looks up at Davina who when she heard that name her ears perked up they both have heard that name. They have met so many people in the last thousand years names and faces they if they don't have a personal connection to them they just become a blur in the mind.

"Twelve years, Why didn't you tell me?"

Sebastian looks away ashamed his face turns red even though nobody but Davina and Freya can see him. "I was embarrassed."

"If you would of told me you got desiccated we could of taken care of this before you became invisible, why didn't you send us a letter saying you became invisible Davina would of been all over it."

Sebastian looks over at Davina and she looks up from a grimoire and nods. "We love you Sebastian you not only one of Caroline's children you part of the family."


"Freya have you found her yet."

Freya looks up from the map at her brother who has been on her back about locating Esther. Everyday she gets the map out pricks her finger and drops blood on the map and everyday Esther can not be found.

"No she has herself cloaked I can't locate her."

"How is that possible Davina killed the Bennett witch which Esther was using. Just tell me who I need to murder. Better yet tell Caroline and I and we will murder them. We both need this."

Freya runs her hands through her hair and up at her brother. "As much as that sounds like a lovely bonding experience for the both of you I can not locate her."

Klaus lets out a scream frustration pouring out of him from hearing he was going to be a dad but their baby was murdered when they were, to Esther and Finn disappearing, to Esther cloaking herself so not even Freya could find her.


Everyone has gathered in the living room Caroline sitting on the couch with her two sons on each side of her, Stefan sitting in a chair with Rebekah on his lap and a hand on her thigh. Elijah and Katherine standing in the doorway over watching all of this. Kol and Davina leaning against the couch, Freya exhausted from trying to locate Esther and trying to find a spell to reverse the spell on Sebastian she is slumped in a chair her eyes wanting to be closed.

Klaus stands at the head of the room and addresses everyone. "Clearly us all being together is not solving any problem. We need to split up. Freya you, my first vampire Lucien and I are going to search the globe for Esther."

Freya's scrunches up her face when she hears the name Lucien she hasn't heard that name in centuries. That name does not bring up happy memories.

"Rebekah I have an important job for you which I will discuss later. Kol and Davina you keep looking for that spell. Elijah while I'm gone your in charge."

Elijah sighs and side eyes Katherine who has her arms crossed and leaning against the doorway. "I'm the oldest I don't get why I wasn't in charge in the first place."

Freya clears her throat. "Sorry second oldest."

"Finn is still alive."

Klaus turns towards his oldest sister. "Finn is dead to me. I will bring him back to torture him but no sibling love."

"When we thought you were dead or in your coffin I was in charge and I was born third."

Katherine curls up to Elijah's side and whispers in his ear but everyone can hear but Freya and Davina. "Your going to have to show me tonight who's in charge."

They all scrunch up their face in disgust they do not want to hear about Elijah and Katherine wanting to have sex. Elijah smiles down at her and pecks her on the nose. "I'd be happy to."

"My love what are you going to do?" Klaus hopes his wife does not go back to living in their bed.

"I'm going to find the witch who cursed my son and torture her and then kill her."

Klaus goes over to her and pulls up to to lean forward and kiss her on the top of her head so proud of how well his wife is doing. "Have fun my love."