Seconds after Deeks left Kensi on the beach

He was walking fast, as fast as he can, away from her. Deeks pulled every energy he had not to look back and see her crying. He was mad at himself for leaving Kensi in tears. Once again she saw how much of a coward he was. She was asking him why can't he fight for her, for them and what did he do? He left her. He turned his back on her and left her.

Damn! He yelled to himself in anguish.

He was almost at the hotel door when his eyes caught Jack looking at him with an unreadable face. Deeks realized his best friend just witnessed what transpired between him and Kensi. Without a word, the dark haired man turned around and he silently followed.

"I'm not sorry." Deeks uttered whilst swirling the bottle of beer in his hand. "I know I should have been but I'm not."

He saw Jack raised an eyebrow at his statement.

The best friends ended up in the hotel bar. Both were seated on the counter stool, each with a beer in hand, neither one was talking. Deeks knew Jack saw him kissing his fiancée but he didn't feel any remorse with it. If he was going to be honest about it, he loved it. Every second that Kensi's lips were locked on his felt right, like it was meant to be, like it should have happened a long time ago.

"I love her. It never changed. No matter how many years has passed, no matter how I tried not to, I still love her." He turned his eyes on his best friend. "And she loves me."

Deeks carefully studied his best friend's face and saw that he immediately avoided his gaze.

"I've known for quite a while of her feelings for me. And it didn't take me long to realize the reason you never wanted me to tell her how I feel about her is because you knew. All these years you knew how much she loves me." Deeks' voice voided any feelings but his grip on the beer tightened, reflecting his true emotion.

Thinking Kensi's pained face when he left her moments ago, he wanted to punch Jack. Does he know how she was hurting? Does he realize how selfish he had been all this time, tilting the situation in his favor and in return causing so much pain for the person he claimed he loved?

"I tried to understand where you are coming from in all of these but can't you see what you have done, what you have been doing?"

Jack threw him an angry glare. "Don't you think I don't know it? Don't you think I don't know that from the very beginning Kensi will never love me the way she loves you? 10 years, Deeks. I've been with her for 10 years and not a single day I didn't try to make her forget about you. For 10 years that every time I will look at her, all I can see was how she was doing her best to love me but to no avail. No matter what, she loves you."

Deeks can clearly see that the man next to him was hurting and for the first time, he pitied him. He had been jealous of Jack's life. Jack had a complete family, Deeks' father was a no show in his life. Jack need not to worry about his future for his parents had already secured it for him financially. Deeks had to work double shifts as a waiter to help his mother put him to college. Jack had Kensi. Deeks felt he was in debt to his best friend that the need to give up the only woman he fell in love with was justified.

But looking at Jack now, he didn't want to be him. He may only have a mother but Roberta made sure that he won't be feeling something was lacking at his life growing up without a father. He may work double time all his life to have all the material things Jack has but Kensi loved him. From the mouth of his very best friend, no matter what Kensi loved him. And that alone was enough for Deeks to feel the luckiest.

"I was a fool." Jack painfully admitted. "Thinking that if she became mine, she will be mine a hundred percent. That in time her heart will belong to me. That if I stayed with her and never let her go she will forget about you and learn to love me like she loves you." He let out a dry laugh before continuing. "A guy can dream, right?"

Deeks was surprised to see tears in his eyes. "Jac-"

"Don't." Jack immediately stopped him. "I did this to myself. It's hard to let go of someone you consider the reason you are breathing but I don't know what else to do. I don't think there is something I can still do." He said, resignation in his voice.

Minutes have passed in silence before Jack stood up from his position. "Love her." He whispered. "Love her like she loves you. She deserves it."

Deeks' eyes widen in shock at his best friend's words.

"I can't make her happy. The only thing you asked me to do, I can't do it. She loves you, Deeks. And she wishes it's you she is marrying tomorrow." With that, Jack turned around. Before he took a step, he looked back at him. "You are a great friend, Deeks. And I'm sorry. I really am." Jack left Deeks who was contemplating flabbergastedly at what had been said between them.

"Marry me."

Kensi turned her head around to see Deeks standing at her already open door. Sitting on the stool of her dresser, her eyes were fixed on the beautiful wedding dress she was supposed to wear hours from now that she didn't see him walked inside.

Deeks knew she was still in shock at Jack's admission and their cancelled wedding but he couldn't wait any longer to be with her. He took careful steps towards her and knelt before the only woman he wanted to be with. He gently enclosed her hands with his. "Marry me, Kensi. I can't give you all the things that he can. Sometimes I will fall short but I promise you this, I will love you. I will be there for you always. I will try my very best to be the husband you deserve." He was beginning to feel nervous when he noticed she remained silent. Kensi looked calm at his proposal."K-Kensi?"

When tears started falling down her pretty face, Deeks immediately but gently wiped them away. There was a churning feeling growing at the pit of his stomach, he suddenly became nervous and unsure. Had it been too soon? She just broke up with her fiancé, how can he asked her to marry him? What if she wasn't ready? They have never even been on a date, what makes him think that she will agree to be his wife that very moment?

All his fretful thoughts disappeared when he heard her words.

Smiling, Kensi asked. "What took you so long?"

A/N: I'm still here. :)

Should this be the end? I'll be okay if this ends here.

Thank you for your wonderful words.