[A/N]: Hello there! So, this is the first chapter of my gender swap AU for Jily and also my first multichapter. Not all characters will be introduced right away, but, just so you know, everyone has changed genders and their names will sound very similar to their original names in the Harry Potter world: Jamie - James, Liam - Lily, Sirena - Sirius, Marcus - Marlene, Allen - Alice, Remy - Remus, Petra - Peter, Frankie - Frank. This will consist of six chapters and I will post them every Wednesday, so if you come back every week you shall be rewarded with a new chapter. Enjoy and please let me know what you think in the reviews!

Disclaimer: I most certainly do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters in this story even though they are gender swapped.

"What's up, Evans?"

Liam looked up from his book to find Jamie Potter staring at him, her arms folded over the top of the armchair across from him. She was smirking, her hazel eyes twinkling behind her glasses and her black hair looking as messy as ever. She winked at him before moving to sit in the armchair. She crossed her legs, her smirk never going away. Now, Jamie Potter was an expert in the arts of teasing and flirting, especially when those were directed at him (which, most of the time, they were). Therefore, she knew exactly what she was doing to him here. She knew that, with the movement, her skirt had ridden up and that that now gave him a privileged view of her legs. And Merlin, those girl's legs, but he couldn't let her lead him like this.

"I'm reading a very interesting book right now, Potter, so, please, if you don't mind, don't interrupt." He directed his gaze back down to the book, trying to concentrate on the words and get his mind off of the siren in front of him. Hogwarts, the four founders, Godric Gryffindor… God damn it. But she just sat there, one hand messing her hair up in a way that should make it look weird and ugly, and instead only made it look incredibly attractive. And why was he thinking about how attractive she was when he should be reading? Reading, Liam, you're reading.

"Oh, but the thing is, Evans, I do mind. I doubt that book comes even close to being as interesting as me, so come on, give a girl some attention, will you? It's been a very dull day, and those green eyes of yours are probably the one thing that can make it interesting." He fought hard against himself to keep looking at the book, even if he wasn't really being able to comprehend any of the words in front of him.

"Sorry, Potter, but I'm busy." He heard her let out a little laugh at his grumbled remark before she stood up. From the corner of the eye he saw as she walked up and sat down next to him on the couch, way closer than necessary – she obviously made sure that her thigh was touching his even though it was a three person couch. He still didn't look up at her, though, even if now, with her new accommodation, her legs were exactly in his line of vision as he stared down at his book, he still thought that would be better than having to look into her hazel eyes or see her crooked smile.

"Now, I disagree with that, Evans. You've read 'Hogwarts, a History' at least… What? One hundred times? And right now you're not reading a word of what's written in that book of yours! Your eyes have been staring at the same spot since I arrived here. That's not exactly reading, is it?" She teased him as she dragged a hand through his hair, her nails scratching his scalp slightly. He shook her off, trying to ignore the sensations that her action had caused on his body, and she giggled a bit.

"Well, I'm trying to, but you're distracting me." He muttered and almost cursed out loud, because he knew those had been the wrong words to say the moment they left his mouth.

"Oh, am I?" She said in an amused tone, one of her hands starting to trail up his arm and she crossed her legs again, her grin bigger than ever.

"Bloody hell, Potter. What do you want?" He let go of his book in frustration and turned to her, but his voice was tight as he tried to remember how to breathe normally because she was really close to him at that particular moment, and the frustrating lass noticed it, as she always did, letting out a little laugh again.

She moved so that her mouth was right next to his ear and whispered with so much mischief in her voice that he finally understood why she called herself a Marauder. "I told you, Evans. I want you to entertain me." She bit his ear lobe lightly and stood up right after as he jumped up on the couch, looking up at her, his eyes wide. What the bloody hell was that? Jamie Potter only laughed again, winking and turning around, walking up to her friends that were entering the Common Room.

Holy freaking crap. She would be the death of him, he was certain of it. He looked back at his book that was still laying open and unread in his lap and focused on getting his breathing back to normal as Marcus Mckinnon, his best friend, sat on the armchair that Potter had been on a few minutes earlier. Mark had a satisfied smile on his face and Liam knew exactly what that meant. Sirena Black.

"'Sup, mate?" Mark said, throwing one of the pillows at him as a greeting.

"Hey. You were with Sirena?" He asked and the other boy looked up at him, his blue eyes wide in surprise.

"How could you tell?" He sounded nervous as his hands moved to his neck, feeling it as if trying to find out if there were any marks there. Liam laughed at his friend's antics before answering.

"Don't worry, mate, you don't have a hickey. You've just got your post-Sirena face on." He gestured vaguely to Marcus's face, making his nervous expression change to confusion and it made Liam want to laugh again.

"My post… Okay, if we're going there, let me guess. Jamie was just here?" Marcus recovered himself and smirked, and Liam rolled his eyes. He didn't want to remember that.

"How could you tell?" He sighed, resting his elbows on his knees and hiding his face in his hands.

"You've got your post-Jamie face on." He looked up at Mark again, who was still smirking and was now also sporting a smug expression, and glared at him with the best death glare that he could manage (And, not that he wanted to brag or anything, but his death glare was a pretty good one. If looks could kill, his definitely would.). He certainly didn't have a post-Potter face or whatever. That was just ridiculous.

"Shut up. I don't have a post-Jamie face."

"Yeah, you do. It's that whole 'she just aroused me and I actually want to snog her, but I'll never admit that to anyone because I'm too proud and stubborn and stupid' face that you do." Marcus chuckled, pointing at his face like he had done to him before.

That was so not true. He was not aroused by Potter. I mean, of course, she was extremely fit and everything, and she sometimes managed to cause him goose bumps because she was downright sexy, but he… It wasn't true! And, by the way, he was also not proud or stubborn or stupid, he didn't like Potter like that because he didn't approve of her behavior in the last six years and… Yeah, he just didn't like her like that. Of course not, no matter what his thoughts sometimes wandered off to and… Anyway!

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Marcus. Shut up." He was the one that chucked one of the pillows by him to his friend's face this time, who laughed at him again and threw the pillow back. Mark laid back on the armchair and stared back at him, while he was trying to just get back to his book once and for all. Honestly, didn't people know not to interrupt someone when they're reading?

"I don't know why you resist her, mate. Hell, I don't know how you resist her." Oh, bloody hell. Apparently that topic of conversation wasn't going to end so soon. He sighed again, finally closing his book and giving up.


He huffed and rolled his eyes before answering. "Because Jamie's one fit lass, that's why! If it was me she was fawning over like that I…" Mark then hesitated and he glared at him.

"What? You what?" So maybe his tone was a bit more threatening than he intended it to be, but… But… But he was the one suffering on Potter's hands! Marcus had no idea what he was talking about.

"I probably wouldn't have as much self-control." He winked and Liam felt his cheeks burning. He didn't know exactly why he was so bothered by what he was saying, but he was. Mark was talking about the wrong friend, after all! He had that… Could he call it a relationship? Well, that thing with Black and he was pretty sure that if she heard him talking like that about her best friend she wouldn't like it one bit.

"I thought your deal was with Black, mate. And that you thought about Potter like she was your little sister or something." He hissed, and Marcus only rolled his eyes. What the hell, he was being serious here! It was amazing how his stupid best friend never took anything seriously.

"You know what I mean. I would never have anything with her, of course – ew, by the way, we grew up together – I was just giving an example. But, for real now, if you're not into Jamie like you're always insisting, stop sounding so freaking jealous, Liam." Jealous? He wasn't jealous of Potter! He would never… Oh, he had reached his fill with this pointless conversation. Mark was now smirking in a way that would make Sirena Black proud and that was definitely not a good sign.

"I'm not… Whatever, Marcus. I just… I just need to clear my head. See you later, mate." He stood up, picking up his book that he had ended up not even being able to read due to those annoying people that were always up in his business. Privacy and alone time were two things that didn't exist in Hogwarts, apparently. He ignored completely the knowing look Mark gave him and left the Common Room. He was in a real need of some fresh air now, and maybe if he just sat under a tree on the gardens with his book, alone and isolated, people would understand that that was what all he had wanted to do all day. Read.