Chapter 1: Let the Destruction Begin
(Link's POV)
Let me just say that Johnny is one of the coolest guys I have ever met. I mean, he's a freaking genius, for Hylia's sake!
Turns out that I'm in Kansas. Which isn't far from Indiana. That's where Lauren lives, and I have been to her house a few times (it's awesome).
The city Johnny and his family live in is Porkbelly. ...Guess they're famous for Bacon, huh?
His house is moderately sized. Not as nice as Lauren's, but hey, I'm not complaining, am I? Okay, not yet, but still.
...Johnny has a talking dog. His name is Dukey. For some reason, he had a "NOT A DOG" shirt on. Of course, I saw right past it.
"So, care to tell me where you're from, Link?" Johnny and I were in his room, getting acquainted. He was on his bed and I was in a chair across from him. Dukey was roaming around the room, throwing in comments now and then. "I'm going to be blunt with you. Judging how you haven't asked what I'm wearing yet, I take it you know where I came from. Well, not where I came from, per say, but where I got these clothes. I'm from Hyrule. Ever heard of it?" "Have I heard of it? Damn right I've heard of it! All those trees….and meat. Lots and lots of meat...and all of those dogs…" Johnny and I turned to face Dukey. "So you were the one that caused all that trouble?" "What…" I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms behind my head. "Well, nearly every tree in the Farore region had your scent on it…" "And you know this because…?" Then Dukey snapped his fingers (paws?). "I've got it! You've got some sort of smell sense, right?" I nodded, "Something like that. Actually, I noticed that you had weird gadgets everywhere, well, I have one myself. Do you want to see how it works?" Johnny stood from his bed and nodded. "Sure. Does it have a name?" I got up from the chair and rolled up my left sleeve. "...It's a watch?" "Yep. A friend of mine calls it the Omnitrix. So that's it's name, I guess. What to know what it does?" Both Dukey and Johnny nodded. "Well, then, follow me outside."
There was a huge patch of woods behind Johnny's house. Which was good. "So...why are we back here?" "You said that you wanted to see what this was, right?" "...Yeah…" "Okay, I think we're deep enough...step back."
Johnny was a lot taller from my point of view. He was just standing there, gaping down at me. Dukey, on the other hand, seemed to be okay with it. "...You're a shape-shifter?" I nodded. Then I turned to Dukey. And grinned evilly. "Hey. Are you up for a challenge?" "What kind of challenge do you have in mind?" I took a few steps deeper into the woods and shook. "It's a race." "...And?" "A race to see who can mark the most trees." Dukey grinned. "Oh, I was waiting for someone to challenge me." "Shall we start, then?" Dukey didn't even answer me, he was already running from me.
"Can I ask why you suggested this?" I turned to Johnny. "Why? Well, the most honest answer I can give you is that I've really gotta go. And, well, I thought since I was out here...why not?" Johnny couldn't keep the grin from his face. "Alright. Go on. Take your time." I rolled my eyes at him and then took off into the woods.
I only marked one tree. I only challenged Dukey to a race so I could have some privacy. Weird, huh?
But he found me anyway and then proceeded to mark over my mark. "You serious? You only marked one tree?" Just then, most of the trees in the forest shed their leaves. If dogs could sweat, Dukey would be sweating buckets. "...Uh…." "What did you do?" "...Mary and Susan must have planted trees that they had worked on…." Far in the distance, I could see Johnny waving his hands around. "...Come on, let's go talk to him."
So, this is how I met Mary and Susan. Of course, they were super pissed off at Dukey. But when they saw me, their hearts melted. Literally.
"Ohhh! Look at him! Isn't he cute?" Seconds later, I was being hugged by two ginger-glasses and lab coat wearing-girls. I frantically glanced in Johnny's direction. …...Help.