A/N – My first That 70's Show fanfic. I thought it would only be right if I wrote a story about my favorite television show of all time. A few changes though. Season 8 never happened. Because it sucked balls. Things just weren't the same without Eric there. Anyways, this is a Donna/Eric/Jackie fanfic. I was just gonna have it be an Eric and Jackie thing, but I thought it would be more interesting if I had a love triangle. I hope you enjoy. :)

Disclaimer – I don't own That 70's Show or any of their characters.

March 4, 2001

It had been 21 years since the group parted ways. 21 years since Michael Kelso moved in with his now wife Brooke and his baby girl Betsy. 21 years since Fez opened his own beauty salon that he ran with Jackie. 21 years since Donna was hired by Hyde to work at his record store. But it's been 22 years since Eric left.

Donna Pinciotti was amazed at how everyone has grown up and matured. Kelso's oldest daughter Betsy just turned 22 a couple of months ago, he had another daughter named Michelle who would be eight by the end of the month. He still lived in Chicago with Brooke and they were a happily married couple. She was still a librarian and Kelso was actually a stay at home father.

Fez was the only one who never grew up completely. He never got married (except for Laurie of course, and you see how well that went), he was still a player though. He wasn't with anyone at the moment, but he keeps telling everyone about a girl named Sue who he cuts hair for every six weeks. It's too bad she's almost twenty years his elder.

Hyde wasn't married, but he was seeing a woman named Quinta right now. Donna deemed them perfect for each other, because Quinta was Hyde as a woman, personality wise anyway. He owned the record store in Point Place, but he also had a chain of other record stores left behind by his father, who was recently deceased.

Jackie worked with Fez in Point Place, but they were talking about opening another salon in a larger area where they could get more customers. Jackie loved the idea since she always wanted to live in a big city, she's already offered to manage one in Chicago. Donna knows Jackie actually wants to live in Chicago just so she can see her goddaughters more often. She loved those two so much.

And Donna was married once. Back in 1983, when she realized her and Eric weren't going to be together. She married a man named Kanul. He was born and raised in India, but moved to America for work purposes. He and Donna dated for a year or so before he proposed to her on Christmas Eve in 1982. The wedding was beautiful, they invited everyone they held dear to their hearts. Donna invited Eric, sending him an invitation to where he was living in Chicago at the time, but he never showed. He didn't even have the curtesy to send a letter or drop a call to tell them he couldn't attend. Donna was actually a little hurt that she hasn't heard from him in almost twenty years.

Anyway, after Donna and Kanul got married, they honeymooned in Paris, where Donna always wanted to go but never had the money to afford. But Kanul was well on money, so he pitched in and helped pay for it.

After their honeymoon, they came back home and went straight back to work. Kanul was always gone on business, so he left Donna alone a lot of the time. In 1987, she told Kanul she was pregnant and in the February of 1988, she gave birth to a baby girl they called Callie.

Callie was a happy little girl, was always smiling and she was fearless. Until the year of 1999, when tragedy struck.

Kanul took off work for a couple of weeks around Christmas to be with the family, it was the first time he's done that in at least ten years, maybe more. He just wanted to spend time with them, and Donna and Callie were excited. But on December 23, Kitty Forman had called up Donna, who only lived a few miles away, and asked if she could get Kanul to go pick up Laurie from the airport, as Red wasn't feeling well (he had just suffered a stroke a few months back). Kanul said he would and left to go get her, telling his girls he'd be back in under an hour.

So Donna and Callie waited. And waited. And waited. Then it was Callie's bedtime. So then Donna waited some more. After around eleven o'clock that evening, a policeman knocked on the door and told Donna the most awful news. Kanul and Laurie were hit by a drunk driver on the interstate. The car was apparently sideswiped and it rolled several times before stopping in a ditch. Kanul suffered fatal head wounds, Laurie suffered serious head wounds as well and was now paralyzed from the waist down and could hardly do anything for herself.

Donna remembers falling to her knees as the policeman told her what had happened. She doesn't remember crying, she just remembers shaking uncontrollably and thinking about how she was going to tell her daughter her daddy was gone.

Callie was tougher now than she was before, everything that came her way, she knocked down. Donna tried dating again after about a year and a half of mourning, but Callie hated the two men that she brought home. She always thought Donna was trying to replace her father when Donna was really just trying to move on.

"Mom," The small voice of the thirteen year Callie spoke as Donna sit on the bed herself and Kanul once shared. She turned towards the voice and smiled sweetly to her beautiful dark haired daughter.

"Yes sweetie?" She said softly, like if she spoke too loudly, the walls would crumble around them.

Callie looked unsure of herself, almost nervous as she asked, "Are you sure it's alright that I tag along to New York with you?"

Donna smiled sweetly and nodded slightly, "Of course, it is. You know your Uncle Hyde already told you it was alright that you came."

Callie still didn't look sure, "Really? But I thought Hyde didn't like it when I'm around for extended amounts of time."

Donna casted her a confused look, "What? Where did you hear that?"

Callie shrugged and averted her gaze shyly as she slowly inched towards her mother, "He just seems annoyed with me after a while."

Donna smirked sweetly at her daughter as she grabbed her considerably smaller hands and squeezed them gently, "He's like that with everybody. Trust me… He loves you very much, don't forget that."

Callie nodded and smiled softly, "Okay."

Donna smiled and averted eye contact, instead focusing her attention on her daughter's hands. Donna always thought her daughter looked more like Kanul than her. She had his eyes, but Kanul always said that she had her nose. Donna missed him so much.

"Mom?" Donna jerked her up when she heard her daughter's sweet voice.

"Mm?" Donna hummed, looking into her daughter's warm brown eyes.

Callie raised an eyebrow and brought a hand to her mother's face, wiping her pale cheek, "Why are you crying?"

Donna didn't even notice. She averted her gaze once again and wiped her eyes, "Um, why don't you go finish packing? Okay?"

Callie kept her eyes trained on her mother, concerned for her, but she nodded anyway and started to leave, "Yeah… Okay…"

Donna waited for her daughter to leave the room completely before she let the tears fall again. No matter what anybody said, the 'it'll be okay' or 'it'll get better over time,' those were lies. It never got better. And it never would.