AN: A quick note on power levels, magic and the Voice.

The way I see the Thu'um, it is a Tonal Power. Whenever you channel that power into your voice, you bend the world to fit your wants. And that way I see it, the more you train it, the more you can use it - thus the Greybeards, the Ebony Warrior and finally Reziik are all capable of using the Thu'um in quick rapid and powerful bursts.

But, they can't abuse it too much for the world will finally retaliate, and completely annihilate them.

Magic... To be honest, I've decided that J'hago is going to use Skyrim's magic system but with a twist - he can use all of Morrowind's spells in that system. As can Reziik incidentally, but despite the fact that he's a magic specialist, he does not have the same variety that J'hago has. In exchange, he has the Thu'um at his disposal.

I also built them as a weird... Hybrid of sorts, between a warrior and a mage. But, admittedly, they are more concentrated on the magical side, so they can't fight against extremely powerful warriors such as the Ebony Warrior with only their swords/bodies. They abused the fact that they are even more powerful then the various Arch Mages that have existed to, equalize/dominate their fights.

Imagine a guy who has his sword in a sheath, extremely resistant armour, but uses a variety of powerful spells to counter much of their oppositions.

Power levels... To put it this way, both of our protagonists are extremely high on the power table. That's natural, for the fact that this is the Elder Scrolls - power levels are extremely high in that universe.

But, they are in a strange position - due to the fact that Reziik is now currently mantling Alduin and that J'hago is doing the same but with Indoril Nerevar, they are in between the realms of death and living.

At least, that's how I'd explain the fact that your character dies, and comes back alive. A mod for Skyrim called Death Is Overrated is what I used, for this example.

J'hago also is Azura's champion in the mortal world, and you're going to bet that she is going to make him stay alive for as long as possible.

Reziik is a complicated matter, for he technically mantles a lot of gods in quite a few ways, but at the moment he is completely mantling Alduin. Not that he knows all of this multi-mantling stuff, for that would make him ascend to godhood due to CHIM (or so I believe that's how it works). Which is not what I plan to do with these characters.

In the RWBYverse, there is literally only the many legends that could even give them a challenge in all out fight. Before you protest, I have plans to make both of them suffer for their respective goals... Even if it includes the two fighting. But you didn't know that.

Hopefully, you aren't getting a headache from that info dump, but I felt it was needed.


Conquering Remnant

Chapter III


J'hago looked at his new family member critically, as she ate her food, carefully as if she thought that something was going to either interrupt or possibly attack her.

He merely gritted his teeth at the thought, a snarl barely restrained by a vague control that he had over his emotions. He did not want his anger to show up, when he had just gained her trust. And that anger had gained his moniker of 'The Wrath of Azura' by the continents of Tamriel and Akavir. It fit all things considered, he mused due to the fact that he was the Nerevarine, the champion of Azura among other titles.

The Nerevarine wondered if the World-Eater was present, in this world as well. It was on Akavir, the only continent on Nirn not devoured by the Devourer, that they had fought.

The fight had lasted for days, and whilst Reziik looked like he could go on for days, with that damnable smirk on his face, J'hago was feeling the tiredness of an immortal with the body, and the pains of a mortal.

That man had the same problems, but he had the advantage of the Thu'um which had completely turned the tide of battle. Before the Breton had used Shouts, it had been a stalemate with J'hago having an advantage on that front, due to the fact that he was nearly a millennia old when the Dragonborn had stopped training, and decided to fight his last obstacle.

He had lost after that, not being prepared to deal with the Breath of Kyne as the Nords called it... There was also the fact that two dragons had popped up from nowhere under the control of that man, who had quickly killed him... He remembered it as clear as day...

For that was the day that Nirn had been lost to the realms, birthing a new kalpa. It was also the day that he had died.

J'hago stared at the utter destruction that a single man had caused, due to the power of the Voice, and (his shame rose even higher) his own cowardice. He had been forced to run, the races of Akavir dying in the destruction that Reziik was causing.

"FUS RO DAH!" came the primordial voice of a single man, that had undoubtedly destroyed entire cities without breaking a sweat.

He hastily jumped to the side, as the ground where he just was being completely eradicated in the blast. The World-Eater was undoubtedly angry, and his anger showed in his Thu'um.

"So, I finally found you. Thought that I'd have to murder another city to draw your attention." The man stated, his armour made from the bones of the race that he had formerly killed.

J'hago grit his teeth, as he decided to fight once more against this... Monster. He jumped out, Keening striking the ground as Reziik easily dodged. "J'hago needs to defeat you and this one swears that he will do so!"

"Hmm. MUL QAH!" The World-Eater shouted, his form suddenly gaining an ethereal glow, dragon-like scales appearing on his arms.

The monster stood, and slowly walked towards J'hago who leaped towards the Dovahkiin, Keening lashing out against the breastplate of the man.

Much to his surprise, instead of pain, he received a smirk from Reziik whom whispered three words that indicated that he had lost. "IIZ SLEN NUS."

His entire body froze and he fell forward, Keening still in hand, completely frozen.

Reziik turned him over with his boot, and smirked down at him. "If I had been a different man, I would have lost upon meeting you. You are the second strongest opponent that I have the opportunity to fight, and I have to commemorate you for the effort."

He placed his two swords, around his neck a glass sword that radiated frost, and a dragonbone sword that reeked of lightning, and of absorbing the life force of everything. The Dragonborn spoke once more, and J'hago decided to accept his death. "You are my last obstacle, and the last mortal on Nirn. I bid you farewell."

It only took a swift motion, the life of the Nerevarine, and the realm ended in one swoop.

J'hago then remembered feeling nothing but the comforting hug of the moon, after that. But, it made him enraged that he had been next to nothing against that man.

"J'hago?" whispered a terrified voice, and the Khajiit realized that he had stood at one point, his fist around a formerly whole mug.

"Sorry young kitten." He apologized, as he ran over to the sink to wash his bloodied hand.

"Let..." Blake trailed off, before gathering her courage. "Let me deal with the chips in your hand."

The Khajiit looked at his hand, and agreed. "J'hago agrees. Will young kitten need the clips?"

"Tweezers," the Faunus corrected absently, as she looked around the apartment that J'hago had coerced the landlord to give him - for free.

Keening had nearly met flesh once more, he mused. Not that his charge knew that he threatened the racist. Not that he cared - it was a common theme on Nirn - but his family had been.

He sat down, at the kitchen table, his hand already open and ready for Blake's medical administrations. After barely twenty seconds of waiting, the girl arrived with a first aid kit under her arm.

"Thank you, young kitten," muttered J'hago softly, his whiskered face apologetic. "A stray memory has made J'hago angry, and he is sorry."

"It's fine," she said, her amber eyes shyly glancing up at her relative. Blake didn't feel like that he was only a relative - he had cared for her better then either the White Fang or the orphanage. He was more like... A father then anything else.

"After you have finished with J'hago's healing," the Khajiit stated, flinching as a large piece of mug was pulled from his vein. Not as bad as some of his more minor injuries, but it still hurt. "This one shall train you in the arts of sword-fighting, and if possible the arts of magicka."

"Magicka?" She asked, curiously her ears perking up.

"Magic. Control over the elements, the mind, the world, necromancy, and summoning from the outer realms." J'hago said, knowing that she was intelligent enough to understand what he was getting at. "Among other things."

"Magic exists only in fairy tales," The cat Faunus stated, as if that was a set fact.

"Thus J'hago's existence must be a lie, by your logic." The mage opposed.

"How... How does that work?" She asked, curiously.

"Because J'hago is the reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar, which only happened thanks to magic and the gods. Otherwise, his existence would be forfeit, and he'd become another nameless person on the road, that greets you and then never sees you again."

"And magic is similar to Aura and Semblances in a few cases, so why do you think that magic only exists in fairy tales, young kitten?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "May this one add that J'hago performed magic when he met you?"

"Just show me." The girl asked, to which the Khajiit agreed to do so.

He raised his hands, as a bright yellow light appeared that nearly blinded the Faunus, and he healed himself from his self-made cuts. It dissipated, but he noted that his charge still looked doubtful.

He pulled out an iron dagger and to prove a point, he slashed his hand, blood pouring onto the floor. He stopped Blake with a wave of his uninjured hand and closed his eyes, and concentrated on his magicka.

A bright yellow glow surrounded his injured hand, and J'hago forced his magicka to stop the bleeding, clear off any infections, and close the wound. He looked at his relative, and smiled at her stupefaction. "Does this one have to continue, young one?"

"No," she answered before becoming excited, a rare expression on her face, and tone. "Can I also learn magic?"

The Nerevarine gave a toothy grin, revealing fangs that he had never used on anything apart from eating. "Of course. But first, you shall learn how to draw your magicka from your body..."

For the first time since he had been revived, he felt happiness and he momentarily forgot his own shame...

Reziik grimaced as he looked over the horde of Grimm, that vastly outnumbered the forces that Adam and Cinder managed to get. But, he had a shout that Alduin had taught him, before he had also gone to sleep, after they had devoured Nirn. The dragon still hadn't woken up from his slumber, all things considered.

He barked at the bull Faunus, whom was currently killing a boar-like Grimm. "Call out a retreat, Adam! I'm about to use some of that 'magic' as you call it!"

Taurus nodded, as he quickly told the remaining White Fang members. They looked confused, only for a single look from their leader sufficing to make them obey.

Cinder noticed the commotion, and upon seeing what Adam was doing, did the same thing as her compatriot.

"Reziik? Why call us back?" Adam asked, an expression of slight anger showing. "The Grimm are advancing now."

"I have something that'll help us immensely. Just throw me among the Grimm, and you'll see." The Dragonborn stated, a smirk appearing on his face at their stupefied expressions.

He vaguely remembered a time that either Serana, Jenassa or J'zargo would look at him like he was mad for even proposing that idea. Even Alduin seemed to be impressed with their relative power (at least compared to regular mortals/undead), and thus he had told Durnehviir to protect them in the Soul Cairn.

He had brutally murdered the rest, like Aela and all of the rest of his former comrades, because they were unimportant compared to those three.

He wished that he had access to his armour, weapons and other items, but either they had been relocated to his small compartment in Oblivion, or lost forever.

As he was thrown by Taurus' lieutenant, he concentrated his magicka into opening that compartment, and was happy to find his armour intact, and his favourite weapon.

He pulled out his sword, deciding that changing armour in the midst of battle, would be idiotic. He landed in a crouch, as the Grimm leapt at him, he let out a loud guttural growl that came from the very heart of his being.

"VILD TOOR LOK!" The World-Eater let out, as he looked towards the various realms of Aetherius. The clouds turned into a strange orange colour, as rocks descended from the sky at an incredibly fast rate, striking down one of the bird-like Grimm.

Small craters formed as the meteors fell to the ground, and Reziik let out a small growl as he looked around him. Whilst the meteors weren't exactly under his control, they did concentrate on things that attempted to attack him.

He lashed out with his dragonbone sword, the electricity from the various enchantments on the blade, frying the very insides of the unfortunate werewolf-like monster.

The horde of Grimm now seemed to be tame compared to what it had been. To put it in perspective, Adam and Cinder had taken about 5,000 troops, and the Grimm were about ten times that amount.

Now, it was bearable, and due to quite a few heavy hitters on their team, he was now confident at their chances. It was obvious that she had thought that he was just the regular Dragonborn...

He was much more then that.

The World-Eater felt tempted to devour all of these soulless husks of monsters, but found that it would cause nearly as much damage that he had caused on Whiterun.

It had been nothing but a speck of dust after he had finished.

He remembered feeling absolute glee at their terrified faces at the mere sight of him.

His musings were interrupted as a scorpion jumped at him. He felt absolute annoyance, and rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding the attack at his person. Whilst he wasn't the best swordsman, as the various fights with either Aela/the Companions had showed him.

He concentrated on his magicka and cast the Dragonhide spell, his flesh literally turning draconian. Tolfdir had told him that this was probably the effect of his heritage as the Dragonborn, that was causing this side-effect.

He wasn't wrong for most of that theory, but... Reziik was willing to bet that it was in fact Alduin that had made this effect.

The Grimm were suddenly backing away, until their eyes wondered somewhere else.

The former Archmage narrowed his eyes at their actions, trying to conclude what they were actually doing. Before he could do so, the Grimm finished their mute conversation and attacked.

He managed to back away, and summoned a Flame Atronach that quickly threw a fireball at the monsters that was completely ineffective He quickly analysed his opponents weaknesses, and found a relatively common theme - the underbelly/stomach was unprotected.

The World-Eater pointed towards the belly, and the thrall gave a very simple answer... A fireball towards the place that he had pointed.

He smiled, and sheathed his sword on his back, deciding that dual-casting Chain Lightning would be a good way of dealing with them. The bolts struck the wolf-like thing, and struck the same of his kind.

"DUR NEH VIIR!" He shouted towards the ground, a small portal opening up, in an attempt to appease the slaughter that his supposed 'comrades' were getting.

A skeletal dragon rose from the ground, throwing away the Grimm through his summoning.

"It has been awhile, Jun Do Vin Dovah. What do you want me to do?" Durnehviir asked, bowing his head.

Reziik frowned at the fact that he was suddenly called the 'Ruler of the Dragons' by the ancient dragon. Was his usage of Alduin's power, enough to convince them that he was Alduin-reincarnated or something like that?

"I need you to try and fight off all of these monsters, to try and get the numbers down. I'm convinced that you can do it." He commanded calmly, deciding to ignore his musings. He did not want to be caught unaware by these... Soulless husks.

"Very well, Qahnaarin. I shall do your bidding." The Dovah said, before batting his wings absently summoning his own minions and firing off attacks.

The World-Eater shook his head, and decided to fire another Lightning Chain at the Grimm, before backing away and summoning a Storm Atronach and his Fire Atronach that had unfortunately been forced back to Oblivion.

The two beasts of Oblivion screeched in delight as they rapidly fired off lightning bolts and firebolts respectively, at the horde of Grimm.

Durnehviir was doing work, since in barely a few minutes, the horde was getting smaller and getting pushed back towards a palace.

He couldn't hold back his smile of unbidden anticipation, sadism, and glee. He'd prove this bitch who was the ruler of this place.

As the Grimm became even more desperate, they became much more violent, and the Dovah that he barely could keep under control, let itself out.

He channelled his Thu'um into his magicka, his hands and lower arm becoming a draconian black. He leapt forward, his hands lashing out as he hit one of the Grimm in the jaw, before following up with an uppercut towards the midsection.

His grin threatened to invade his face, as he continued wreaking terror amongst the ranks of the husks. It was all becoming a blur, before he had decimated an entire platoon of Grimm with his draconian reflexes and strength.

As he reverted back to as human-like as a Breton could, he absently summoned a Dremora Lord to protect him as he did his morphing. His body went back to normal, and he continued his summoning, even reviving some of the dead White Fang members as his minions.

The process was extremely painful, but he had quickly gotten used to it. He was the World-Eater after all.

Regenerating back his lost magicka, was an easy task - Savos' robes did help a lot in that manner. He got back his reserves, and fired off a dual-wielded Chain Lightning into the large amounts of black.

He continued on, his miniature army of conjured minions and undead getting past the army of Grimm. Durnehviir was also causing complete utter havoc, as was Cinder and Adam's combined forces who had finally decided to set apart their differences and get their acts together.

Reziik smiled sadistically, as his plan was coming to fruition.

Blake stared at the faint yellow light, that she had cast after literally hours upon hours of labouring. This was proof that J'hago wasn't lying, and that this was exclusive from her Semblance.

"Good. J'hago approves." Her guardian, a humanoid cat man said approvingly, before adding, "Though he thinks that is enough for now, yes? Your reserves aren't even a hundredth of this one's, thus even a small light is exhausting."

Admittedly, she did feel spent, despite the fact that the only thing that she had done was find a reserve of water. Unlike what J'hago had said, she had in fact found that she had a dark room that she could manipulate.

She had been scared and thus had asked, what she had found. He had replied that it was merely a generalization what he had been taught, and admitted that it was exclusive for everyone.

What had happened next, was rather... Strange and frightening.

"What this one visualizes as his reserves is a volcano." Was what her teacher had said, and whilst it seemed like merely a statement, she noticed the utter look of uncontrolled rage that she remembered Adam having, when he had heard about the mass Faunus killings in Mistral.

It terrified her, more then many things for it was utterly primal. Like something was waiting to get out, and destroy anything that opposed it.

But, the part of her Khajiit (or at least, that's what he had called it) heritage that she didn't even know existed before, told her that he was merely being protective. Not really told her, but it was an instinct.

That was admittedly a poor excuse, but she felt that he was suffering from some sort of trauma. Not that she knew anything about that stuff, but she had been around a war effort for quite a while.

Unfortunately, her guardian wasn't exactly aware of Remnant's systems, Huntsman system, and the Grimm. He didn't exactly stand out from afar, but she felt as if a real Huntress/Huntsman went close to him, they could obviously tell that he was one.

There was the fact that he was the only Khajiit that existed at the moment, if the Outlands were as unpopulated as people claimed. Then again, they couldn't really expand because of the Grimm.

"Blake? This one has made a delicacy from his homeland." J'hago interrupted, from his position in the kitchen.

"Oh? Er... Sorry." She apologized.

"Do not worry about it, kitten. J'hago also gets too enveloped in his thoughts." He reassured, calmly.

"J'hago? Can I ask a question?" Blake asked, her cat-like curiosity enveloping her.

"Go ahead, young one." He motioned, before going back to the food.

"Before you arrived on Remnant, what was your life before?"

He suddenly stopped, his gaze suddenly turning slightly angry before it quickly disappeared, and he resumed his cooking. "This one had a life filled with adventure, elvish stupidity, and monsters. Do you want me to tell you that story?"

The former White Fang member quickly nodded.

"It all started when the Emperor of a place called Cyrodiil..."

A relatively damaged dragon gazed over the lands of this realm, from his perch on a mountain and let out a small sigh.

"Paarthurnax? What's the matter?" A red dragon questioned from his position in front of the Dragon.

"Alduin has returned, for better or worse," the ancient being revealed, "and Reziik is still his vessel."

"That is... Bad. Very bad."

"Odahviing. His respect for us, is the only thing that kept us surviving his destruction of Nirn. I may need to find students, once more."

"You will regret this," The Winged Hunter warned. "They will die if they fight against him."

"Only if we do not submit to Reziik's authority."

"I refuse." Odahviing immediately responded. "He may not need our services, nor is he as weak as he once was, but his heart is making me want to restart the Dragon Rebellion once more."

"His heart may be darkened," Paarthurnax admitted, "But he is much more merciful then Alduin was. And we could convince him to not devour this world."

"If he doesn't devour it, he will conquer it. Even Azura's champion couldn't beat him! And even if he is not Dragonborn, I am sure that he could beat us, if not send us in a temporary state of death!" The dragon countered, before adding, slightly more calmly, "And the world is a much better place if he doesn't get our support. And, we don't want to get these precious lands involved with him."

"Yes. I agree. He has let his evil nature conquer him, instead of doing what we did." The former leader of the Greybeards finally gave up.

"Let's give the children some more things to start dream about," Odahviing proposed to his former enemy, now friend. "They might want to become the new Greybeards."

"Probably not with the name Greybeards, though." He chuckled, before taking off.

AN: Just a quick note, before we depart.

The dragons are in a completely undiscovered part of the world (at least, by the RWBYverse), that has humans that are being protected by these two, and other beings.

And Odahviing and Paarthurnax are now buddies, because I'm willing to bet that seeing the world get ended by a former friend, and that you two are the last of your kind, would get you to become at the very least, respectful to one another.

And expect more world-building, the next few chapters.