"How about 'Rise of the Lycans'?"
Consternation flashed across Weiss' expression, but Blake's attention was directed at her laptop. Weiss thought that seemed like an odd choice for movie night, but Blake was deeply involved in environmental science and ecology, so maybe a documentary wouldn't be that far-fetched. "If you're interested in the subject, I guess I don't mind."
Blake was expecting a bit of resistance to her suggestion of action-fantasy schlock, but the phrasing seemed a little odd. Nonetheless, she shrugged and started up the movie.
The art direction's remarkably gothic for a nature documentary, Weiss thought as the intro began. That leather outfit looks supremely uncomfortable for field work, too. Then the title screen flashed up and her immediate facepalm hid her blush but did little to muffle her mortified "Oh."
Blake turned at the sounds. "What's the problem?"
Weiss refused to meet Blake's eyes as she muttered, "I thought the movie was titled 'Rise of the L-i-c-h-e-n-s' when you asked."
The embarrassed confession was met with a snort of laughter. "And you were okay with a movie about moss?"
"They're not mosses!" Weiss' head came up sharply as she corrected Blake with a snap. Belatedly, she realized she'd fallen for the bait. "Wait... you know that."
"Oh-ho. You're cute when you're flustered," Blake smirked at the still-flushed cheeks.
"Stop that! I agreed because it was your suggestion." Weiss' flush intensified. "I figured you wouldn't make any bad recommendations."
Blake dropped her teasing. "To be fair, it's known as a bad vampires-versus-werewolves movie, so I wouldn't be so sure about the latter." Well, mostly dropped her teasing. "If that's not your speed, I might be able to find a real documentary on moss for you."
"They're not—" Weiss sighed as she cut herself off. "I'm not sure what I'd rather not watch: a documentary on lichen or a bad vampire movie."
"You'd probably choose to watch the documentary." Blake shot her a knowing look. "But how about a romantic comedy instead?"