Levi sighed internally as his horse galloped hard under him. Another twenty percent loss. While there have been other escavations that have had higher death tolls, twenty percent was still much too high. No, the only thing that would satisfy him would be zero casualities. Though that was most likely not going to happen anytime soon. More than likely, it would not happen as long as he was alive. A frown played on his lips as he slowly shook his head. He needed to stop thinking about this. He could dwell on it later, once he and the remainder of his team were back within the walls. No more, not here, not now. Out in titan territory you can't keep looking back, all that will do is make you miss the monster in front of you, and cause more meaningless deaths. He had to keep looking forward, he had to stay in there here and now.
"Ummm Captain. Do you see that?" Levi looked over to Petra who had pushed her horse so it was riding parellel with his. Her honey hair was whipping around her face wildly, her brows were knitted and a small frown pulled at her lips. Furrowing his brow Levi looked to where she was staring. There was smoke, or steam coming off in large plums above the tall trees of the gaint forest. Plums that were as familiar to him as the air he beathed. There in the forest titan bodies were evaporating away and by the look of it a large number of titans. His brows drew deeper as he mentally went over the formations in his head, there should be no teams in there. There should be no teams that close to them. That steam was not caused by any scouts. Closing his eyes for a moment he went over thier options. They were on thier way home, they were tired, the horses were begining to fatigue, they were low on blades and gas. They should just continue home. He opened his eyes and looked once again at the sky, but something in there was killing titans. Something that they were unaware of, something possibly new. A new developement like this could shed even more light on the monsters, and besides slaying, that is what the scouts were meant to do. To obtain information that could lead to the downfall of them. There was no way he would be able to pass this up. If there was something in there that could take on a large group, then they had to find out what it was.
"We move towards the trees!" He turned his head and looked back at the rest of the team. They glanced at him then back at the smoke. Most gave a curt head nodd before they pulled the reigns of thier horses to move towards the steam. With a quick nod, he twisted his head so he was looking forward again. Tension filled the riders, though it was not an unfamiliar feeling, evey scouting expidition this was the atmosphere, waiting for the hammer to drop. Just as the group came to the border of the forest they slowed thier horses down and slid out of each saddle. Each member walking towards the abandoned building that lined the forest, there they secured thier steeds and waited for further instruction. Levi dismounted and patted the black horse that he had ridded for almost two years on the side of its neck and teathered her to a post. She was a beautiful beast and one that had saved his life on more than one occasion.
"Take to the trees and follow the smoke, this is just reconosin here, so keep your distance." He said as he looked at each member of his team's face, his lids halway shut. They all gave him a stiff nodd then engaged thier 3D manuver gear. Quickly all of the squad was swinging through the air gaining height each time they let thier hooks lodge into the large trees. It didn't take long for them to find the site that had caused them to investigate. Each member landed on a branch high up wth a muffled thunk, The sight below them caused the whole team to stiffen.
"They don't have any gear." Oulo hissed as he took a step closer to Levi. Not even acknologing the man Levi crouched down to watch the scene in front of him. This should not be possible. There is no way they could have been able to take down so many titans. There was something very off and wrong about what was happening down there.
There fighting four titans were two people, wearing black cloaks with the hood drawn over thier head, white masks of some type of animals over thier faces. The pair moved quickly and smoothly as they fought the seven meter class. They were fighting them wrong though, they didn't look like they knew where to strike. Levi lazily took in the surroundings, there were nine titan corpses that were currently evaporating around them. How is it they were able to dispatch those? Sheer luck? No, no one had that amount of luck. Maybe one, but not nine.
"I still say it's the necks!" A womans voice came out of one of the masked fighters below drawing his attention back to the fight. His eyes widening as a titan reached out for her, she jumped up quickly onto the titans wrist and... ran up its' arm. Without gear, that should be impossible. He narrowed his eyes on the fighter who seemed to be wielding a sword of some type, it's blade much thinner than the ones that were currnetly in their gear. When she reached the shoulder she ran full speed shoulder checkinging the side of the titans face pushing it away quickly sliced its throat. Blood poured out followed by a large cloud of steam. The woman jumped off the monster and landed neatly in front of it. "OK, not the front of the necks." She yelled as she jumped back to get out of the reach the titan infront of her.
"Copy that Kitten-chan." The other masked figure said as he gave a quick salute and then was running up a differernt seven-meter class. The masked female jumped back onto the titan she had just engaged with, this time aiming for the back of the neck.
"It's CAT! Got it Hound!" She yelled as she slashed the neck. Levi frowned, she was aiming too high. He could hear her growl out in frustration as the giant didn't fall. She was standing in the middle of its shoulders the exact space she needed to slice.
"Captain," Gunther sighed as he prepared to pull out his blades. Levi just held out his hand and shook his head. If things went bad he would have his team engage, but right now, well right now he just wanted to see how these strangers were able to take down titans by themselves. Thats when he noticed the male jump off the titan he was on. Once he hit the ground he watched as the man brough a hand up in front of his masked face, two fingers up, then suddenly there was a loud pop as an exposion happened right at the nape of the titans neck. Immediatly the monster crumbled to the ground as steam rose from its body. Levi looked back to where the woman stood still hacking away at the neck until a frustrated scream left her and she stomped her foot down on the nape of the neck. The air filled with a loud cracking noise as her foot and calf entered into the skin causinh the titan under her to fall to the ground.
"Holy shit is that hot!" She cried out as she pulled her leg out of the titan. She quickly looked up at her partner. "The nape! It's the nape!" The woman yelled out as she began to run towards the other titan.
"Ten four, Kitten." The man saluted as he took off to the next titan.
"CAT! Fucking cat!" She yelled as she made her way to the nape of the other titan.
"Aww, but Kitten fits you so much better, Kitten-chan." The other chuckled as he made his way up. Levi's brow furrowed as he watched. These two were fighting titans, this was not the time to be playful. Sure his team was always bantering, but never when it was time to fight. That was a time to be serious. These two seemed a little cocky, and being cocky never ends well. Just as he had that thought the titans that the male was running on reached out and grabbed him.
"Hound!" The other masked figured yelled before punching the nape of the neck of the one she was on. The gaint fell as she jumped off of it and made a mad dash to where her partner was. Before she could make contact there was a flash of ligh and the hand that was holding the male exploded around him. As he was about to fall he grabbed onto the titans forearm and heaved himself up the monster, quickly dodging the snapping jaws as he made it to the neck, there was another flash of light as the man buried his hand into the titans spinal colum. More steam filled the air as he jumped down.
"Behind you Cat!" He yelled as he looked over at his partner. The woman spun around just narrowly missing the grasp of the titan. She ran forward grabbing onto the leg and... No..that wasn't possible, she could not have just lifted then threw the titan. The sharp intakes of breath around Levi let him know he really did just see that. Shaking his head out of the daze he looked back to the pair. They stood next to each other and were patting the dirt off of thier legs.
"Who are these people?" Eld whispered as he looked down with wide eyes. Levi grunted but didn't take his eyes off of the couple on the forest floor.
"So, how are those birds of yours Kitten-chan?" The girl snorted and shook her head.
"Useless. They just sit there and stare. You hope that they would move, but they never do." She sighed. "Let's get going. All I want to do is go home and take a shower." The masked male nodded then looked to the spot where the last titan was thrown, it was getting up and making it's way back to them.
"Let me just take care of this one then we'll get going." He pointed his thumb to the titan that was walking back towards them. The woman nodded as the man took off. Suddenly the ground began to rumble and the giant trees began to sway, all of his team's attention was averted to where the sound was coming. A large fifteen meter was coming and quickly. Levi looked down as the woman spun towards the sound, but this time, she didn't move fast enough. The gaint reached down and held her between its thumb and forefinger, one of her arms pinned behind her back. She flayed as it began to lift her. Her free fist hitting the fingers. Each punch she landed knocked off chunks of its' skin. If she could land her fist just right she could have probably gotten away, but the hold was too awkward.
"SENSEI!" The womans' panicked scream echoed through the trees. Levi fought a grimace, the death screams were sounds that haunted him every night.
"Captain Levi!" Petra spat as she stood watching the scene with wide eyes. Levi shook his head, it was too late for her. He was not willing to sacrifice his team for two strangers. He lazily looked at Perta waiting for her to try and defy his order, but all the response she gave was a frown. Good.
"Fuck Cat!" The man yelled as he jumped off of the titan he just dispatched. He ran towards the woman, but he didn't get there in time. The titan placed her in its mouth, her legs kicking furiously before it swiftly clamped it's jaws shut. The sound of the bones snapping in her legs echoed through out the trees, as did the thunks each made as they hit the ground. The masked man stopped in front of the titan his arms falling loosely to his sides. As he looked up he fell to his knees. The titan looking down at him with a feral smile as blood dribbled down its chin. Idiot, Levi thought. Just giving up and kneeling down to the giant, offering himself as a snack. Taking a breath Levi was about to send them out to retrieve the man when a muffled scream filled the forest. He looked around looking for its owner, but all that was there was the masked man and his team. Levi quirked a brow as another muffled scream rang. It was coming from with in the titan. The monster stilled just as it's stomach exploded . Stomach acid flowed out of its belly like a waterfall brining out the woman with it.
"SAKURA!" The masked man yelled as he quickly crawled to her. His hands pulling her mask away as he inspected her.
"Kill it." She coughed the man nodded. Before he could even move, Petra was already swinging to the titan. Levi sighed. Why couldn't they listen to him all the time? Standing he nodded towards the rest of his team, and they took off after Perta.
Petra made quick work of the titan, so the rest of the team landed before the two stranger. The man stiffened as they landed and took a step towards his partner. Levi lazily looked at him noticing that under his cape his finger seemed to be moving something. A blade he presumed. Perta neatly landed next to him and began to take a step to the woman laying on the ground. The stranger quicky moved between the two in a defensive stance, holding up a small blade. Levi looked around to see that most of his squad had also pulled out thier blades and had them pointed at the man.
"It's dangerous to stay on the forest floor." Levi lazily drawled. He could finally see the people that they had been watching clearly. The man still had on his mask, it was mostly white, red rimming the eyes and red accent marks on the cheeks. The mouth pulled up into a creepy smirk. The hood of his cloke still pulled over the top of his head. He stood tense as Levi looked down to his fallen partner. She was covered in blood and stomach acid. Her eyes fluttering open and shut. "You need to get your partner to higher ground, and you need to bind her legs before she bleeds out. We do not mean you harm" The masked man quickly looked back to his partner and then back. Letting out a sigh he nodded. He bent down and gently pulled the woman into his arms and turned again to face Levi.
"Give her to someone, you don't have gear, and we need to get to the top branches," Levi said as he nodded to Eld.
"No." The masked man tensed. Levi sighed. Why are people always so frustrating.
"How are you going to get up the trees?" Petra asked as she eyed the man.
"Don't worry about it." He said in a flat voice, turning his head he looked at Gunther. "Grab her legs will you?" Levi snorted and shook his head.
"No leave them, there is nothing to salvage," Levi said looking at Gunther who stilled under his gaze. Stupid, why take the legs? Being out titan territory was no time to get sentimental over lost appendages. The masked man let out a growl but relaxed slightly as the dazed girl reached out and patted his mask.
"Fine, I'll get them." He ground out and turned to retrieve the legs. The man turned his head to look to Levi, even with the mask he knew the man was glaring at him. Not that it bothered him, he was used to be looked down upon, a childhood in the underground had seen to that. He watched the man as he held onto the girl and grabbed the disembodied legs, placing them on her chest he gave Levi a nod. He snorted back at the man, there was no way that they were going to make it to the branches they needed to reach. He would make the fool learn, He knew it was a waste of gas, but they were on thier way back. He curtly nodded at the man and released the wires of his gear, the hooks lodging in the tree branch with a thunk which was quickly followed by the hiss of the engine as it began to reel him to the tree. Releasing the hooks he landed softly on the branch. He turned to see the rest of his squad following up, the masked man staring as they rose to the branch. Levi watched as he looked down at the girl in his arms and nodded. Without warning, the man took off to the tree where they were perched. There was another quick in take of breaths as he began to run up the tree. They all stood wide eyed at the man as he made his approach and met them on the thick branch that they gathered. Without sparing a word the masked man placed the woman down gently at the joint where the branch connected to the trunk. He stood and pushed open the front of his cloak to reveal tight white armor under it. There were shin guards and pouches tied to the thighs of his legs. The man frantically searched the content until he pulled out a small medicine bottle. Kneeling down to his counter part he pulled down his hood, white hair springing free as he moved his mask to the side of his head. Levi gazed at the mans profile, silver brows pulled in concern, the lower half of his face covered by another mask. Well, that seemed redundant, a mask under a mask.
"You need to bind her legs," Petra said quietly from her spot behind Levi. The man ignored her and softly slapped the face of the woman hunched in the nook of the tree. Slowly her eyes fluttered open and she gazed at the man infront of her.
"Hound, your mask." She croaked out and reached up. The man grabbed her and began to pry her fingers open.
"I don't think we need to worry about that right now." The woman hummed with a tired nod, her eyes fluttering shut again. "No, no Sakura-chan, you can't sleep yet you have some healing to do." He murmured as he patted her cheek again. Her eyes lazily opened and she slowly raised a brow. She wasn't going to last long. Not only was there blood pooling from her legs, her entire face was covered in blood, and it wasn't from a titan. No that had to be hers, titans blood would have evaporated by now. Some one should end it for her, to watch her bleed out was crueler than death.
"Kakashi." She said roughly and her head rolled back to rest against the tree.
"Was I just eaten?" She asked as she closed her eyes again. The man shook her a but and sighed.
"That you were Sakura-chan." There was a soft snort and a chuckle came out as her head rolled and she lazily gazed at the people surrounding her. Her green eves vivid against the red that coated her face. Levi raised a brow, she was taking this too well. He understood shock, but the calmness that she was showing was.. unnatural.
"Huh, that's new." She sighed out.
"That it is, here you need to take these." He placed the pills in her hand. With tired eyes, she looked down and shook her head. She started to lift her hand to her face before the man in front of her gasped it and pulled it towards him. "No, use the pills." His voice was hard as he grasped her hand. The woman let out a soft sigh and struggled to pull her hand back. Levi looked to see his team glancing from the pair back to him.
"They won't work fast enough."
"Then summon."
"Kakashi, I don't have enough chakra left. Trust me, I know what I am doing." She said softly as she finally pulled her arm away.
"It's too soon." There was desperation in the mans voice. She gave him a soft smirk before she touched her forehead. All that over tapping her forehead. These people were ridiculous. Levi was just about to command that her legs get bound when dark lines ran from her forehead down her cheeks. Immediatly her eyes widened and she became more alert. What was this?
"My legs," Her voice was much stronger and her eyes darted over the faces around her. The man, Kakashi was his name reach to the side and placed her legs flush with her wounds. She eyed the team but then let out a long sigh. Pulling the gloved that covered her hands she placed them over where her legs had been severed. Black lines running down the back of her hands. She grunted as a light green light began to glow around her hands. Immediatly The whole squad took a step back.
"What are you?" Eld panicked as he drew his bladed and pointed them at the strangers, the rest of his team following suite. The woman looked up but her hand still radiated with a green glow her brow arched as she looked at them.
"Are they pointing giant razor blades at us?" She asked, but her voice seemed to be laced with amusement. Kakashi clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"You know Sakura, one of the seven swordsmen used a giant needled." He said as he turned to face the squad surrounding them.
"Fair enough." She replied before focusing back on her legs, which between the fabric black lined began to appear.
"They do seem to be gaint razor blades." He shrugged. "I suggest that you point your weapons elsewhere." Kakashi's tone dropped as he glared at them. Levi watched as his hands moved under his cloak and grasped for something, a weapon more than likely.
"OR what?" Olou snapped. Levi held back a sigh. Getting in a fight on a branch with questionable opponents was not the wisest idea his team had ever come up with.
"Lower your blades," Levi said stoically, his team sent him worried glances. "I told them that we intended no harm, and they have not tried to harm us so lower your blades." Each face was drawn tight with apprehension but the four of them slowly lowered thier weapons. Levi took note as the muscles in the masked mans body slightly uncoiled. To most he may have even seemed relaxed, but he could tell that the silver haired man was ready to attack at any given second. The slight stiffness in his body reminded Levi of a corned animal, and corned animals were unpredictable at best.
"How's it going over there?" Kakashi asked as he looked over his should to Sakura. She didn't even bother to look up, she was concentrating on her leg, the hood blocking out the top of her face. The only area that was clear was the tip of her nose and lips, that were pulled into a slight frown.
"Almost there." She sighed out as she moved her hands to the sides of he thighs. "I have the vascular system and skeletal reattached and most of the muscles. That should be complete in a few minutes, then I need about five to finish with the nerves." Levi couldn't stop his mouth from dropping open slightly. She really was reattaching her legs. He turned his attention to Kakashi.
"Who are you?" He asked as he took a step forward. Kakashi had to be at least six feet tall, and it caused him to have to look up at him. Times like this he wished he had a more imposing frame. Normally it didn't bother him if anyone gave him shit about his height he was quick to shut them up. But the two that were in front of him, they oozed power. It was not a type of power he had ever come across either. Kakashi looked down at him, and Levi could see he was calculating his response.
"My name is Kakashi Hatake." He drawled as he slightly cocked his head. "And who exactly are you?"
"Levi Ackerman, what's that one's name." Levi lifted his chin in the direction on the girl.
"Sakura Haruno." She spat between clenched teeth.
"Hitting the nerves are we?" Kakashi asked as he arched his brow.
"Shove it sensei." She growled.
"Ah as I recall I am no longer your sensei." Kakashi sang as he winked at the girl. She snorted at him then grimaced in pain.
"Where are you two from?" Levi asked ignoring thier banter. Kakashi furrowed his brow as he brough his attention back to Levi.
"Why don't you tell us where you are from first?" He asked as he raised a brow.
"We are from within the walls." Petra spoke up.
"The walls?"
"Yeah, the civilization within the walls." Eld snorted. This time, Levi did sigh. They couldn't just let him do the talking.
"Have you heard of the elemental nations?" Kakashi asked slowly as he quirked a brow.
"No," Levi said stoically. There were no other nations besides that which was held within the walls. They were all that was left, the only one to carry on humanity. Levi was pulled from his musing as Sakura grunted and stood. Her pants were tight but the area of the fabric that was cut showed a sliver of thigh, which now also had the black lines running down.
"That was faster than expected," Kakashi said as he turned to the woman. She stood and grinned at him pulling her hood down to reveal pink hair. That could not be natural.
"Ohh, I am just that good." She said as she ran her hand through her hair. Kakashi shook his head, but if you looked close enough you could see him smirking under his cloth mask. "Well, we should probably be off. A shower is calling my name and then I plan on throwing myself into my bed to deal with the fallout." The smile faded as she grimaced. Levi concurred with her plan. All he wanted to do was to get back in the wall clean himself off and then perhaps help himself to the decanter of wine that was sitting proudly on his desk.
"Ah, yes. Well, thank you for your assistance, no matter how late it was. You heard my partner we must be off." Kakashi said as he nodded to his partner. She looked at the squad and smirked then waved her hand. Before they could say anything the two bounded from the branch that they were standing to another tree. Levi groaned. He didn't want to chase them. That decanter was calling his name, but he couldn't let these two go so easy. No, if they could take down twelve titans in one sitting and heal, they could be game changers. He was not going to let them slip away so easy.
"Follow them." He ordered as he glanced to his team. "But give them a little distance." He finished as he deployed his 3d gear and swung after the strange pair.
"How is anything that they do possible?" Petra asked as she caught up to her captain. He glanced at her his brows furrowed and he shook his head.
"I haven't the slightest, but there is too potential to have them disappear." He grunted as he threw his hooks out again. They followed behind the two for nearly a mile when he noticed that they fell to the ground. Levi and his squad halted on a branch above them and looked to the scene infront of them. It was apparent that there was some type of fight there, two more steaming titan bodies laid on the ground. The two strangers seemed to be searching for something.
"Sakura look," Kakashi said as he pointed to a patch of ground. Levi squinted as he followed where the man was pointing. It looked as if a clear line was drawn on the ground. On one side the forest was left untouched, on the other side the grass was crushed, there were burn marks around, all evidence pointed to a battle. It was odd, though, how was there such a perfect device?
"What does that mean?" She asked softly as she ran both hands through her hair. "No, it can't be right."
"Sakura..." Kakashi reached out to her shoulder.
"No, no... It's wrong we HAVE to be in the land of fire.. This is all some type of fucked up genjutsu." Her words came out fast and choppy and filled with panic. With a shaky hand, he lifted it infront of her face, once again two fingers pointing up. "KAI!" She looked around her eyes wildly darting. "FUCKING KAI!" Kakashi stepped forward and placed his hand over hers shaking his head slowly. Levi thoughtfully scratched his chin, he had never heard of the land of fire and neither the genjutsu stuff either. What exactly were they?
"This is not an illusion. You would have figured it out long ago Sakura, you know it." She looked up at the man her eyes wide a slight quiver. She wiped her face on her sleeve causing the dried blood to crack off.
"Kakashi I am so tired." She said as she looked down to the ground. He let out a sigh.
"Go ahead and release. I'll protect you while you recuperate." The girl looked up at the silver hair man and smirked. The black lined that were running down her face began to recede as she leaned into him. After a few moments, her whole body became lax and he lifted her to his chest. He slowly turned and looked to the branch that was holding the scouts.
"Do you know of any place that we can take shelter for a few days?" He yelled up at them with glassy eyes.