A/N: Thank you Tumblr for the prompts!

Short Ambreigns One-Shots

Prompt One: "It wouldn't be the first time you broke a promise"

Dean wondered backstage, his mind racing away with thoughts that shouldn't be there, his heart beating too loudly, his body aching.. Speaking of aching Dean's thoughts wonder about his best friend, his only friend, Roman. He'd actually done the same thing Seth did when he betrayed them, he hit Roman with a steel chair in the back, he never saw it coming (both times that is) How is Dean going to explain that to him? He'd never meant to hit Roman really, he just wanted to win by any means necessary, but when did that mean he'd break promises to Roman?

It's not like he can turn the clock back and make it disappear, Roman may have won the match, he might have a smile on his face, but underneath all that Dean knows Roman.

His Roman.

As he enters the locker room, he knows Roman will be there- he always is, Roman isn't pacing, he isn't doing anything really just sitting there,staring blankly into space.

"Roman.." His name comes out of Dean's mouth weakly,almost a plea, there's a hint of desperation there, a willingness for Roman to look at him, to talk to him. Roman lets out a small chuckle, and to be honest it scared Dean, because Roman wasn't the calm guy, he's the hot head, the guy who strikes first asks questions later kinda guy, so him chuckling as his gaze finally meets Dean's scares the lunatic fringe.

It's as if he's taking a page out his book.

"I, Um" Dean doesn't know quite where to start other than by saying, "I'm sorry" an apology he knows he should make, when Roman stands up, he towers over Dean slightly and before that's never scared Dean until Roman's eyes have no love in them, just hurt and betrayal a mirror image of the night Seth betrayed them, the same night Dean promised he'd never hurt Roman that way, that he'd never hurt Roman like Seth did, that he'd always have Roman's back.

That it would be him and Roman against the world.

When really it was Roman always doing the helping and standing by Dean's side when he needs it, Dean promised not to be like Seth, but look where we are now.

"It wouldn't be the first time you broke a promiseā€¦" Roman says glaring at Dean before scooping up his gym bag and leaving Dean alone in the cold, empty locker room.

A/N 2: Please Read And Review x x x