Not going to lie, I teared up writing this last chap guys. It's just, you get so involved in a story and have built up this connection that once it's finally over, it's like your world is sort of ending. I cannot thank you guys enough for all the reviews, reads, follows, messages and favorites. You all make my world go round and keep me going. I hope this was as fun for you as it was for me; I'll truly miss writing this story :(

Follow me on Tumblr, omacagee!

And I hope you enjoy this final installment you beautiful souls you :)

Music used:

Yellowclaw- Invitation

Mike Perry- The Ocean


Chapter Twenty One: New Life

Saturday January 21, 11:07 AM (California Time)

"I cannot believe you're actually leaving," Stacie full on whines as she opens the trunk to her SUV and helps Beca take out her bags. This time, unlike before when there was only a smaller duffel bag and maybe a carry on backpack Beca has two, very large suitcases with clothes and other valuables that she didn't feel comfortable delivering in the U Haul truck all the way down to Georgia.

Beca slides on her aviators and reverses the snapback on her head before exiting the vehicle and taking a few of the bars out of Stacie's hands. She blows out a puff of air before taking a glance at LAX; a place that she no longer has to take every other month to fly down to Hartsfield and see her girlfriend for however long she is granted.

Now, she is leaving for good and though it's been an exact month since she had made her decision to resign from Atlantic, pack her things up and move down to Georgia so she could be closer to Chloe, a girl who has stolen her heart for the better, the thought of it all actually coming true hasn't wrapped around her head just yet.

It still felt like she'd be staying with Chloe for a couple days, only to fly back to California for her job, or school, or because her blissful time she had in Atlanta has ran up but this time, it isn't just a couple days.

It's way longer-forever if she is lucky and that thought excites her to no other.

Attention is drawn to Beca as she stands outside of Stacie's truck, even with her camouflage hat and glasses that are doing absolutely nothing in hiding her identity from the rest of the world as cameras start to flash and whispers are heard around her between groups. With her special Billboard Music Award performance and the hype about an unreleased single from the highly rising music producer, who's voice, along with the talent to write songs came afloat, Beca's name blew up to a maximum.

Also with a post from Atlantic who hosted a goodbye party and uploaded pictures that announced that Beca was leaving, not for good but for a while, people started assuming that she was leaving for Chloe and also the inevitable rumor starters claimed that Beca was unhappy at Atlantic since they tried to produce her written song and break contract, which is such a big fat lie it's truly unbelievable that someone would even come up with that.

Seeing all this extra attention though, Beca ignores them for the most part; her main focus is on her best friend who was hands down the hardest to leave. For years, they've been inseparable-two peas in a pod. Stacie has been there for Beca through thick and thin and knowing they'll have the extra thousand miles keeping them apart is more than a little unsettling.

"We had a good run," Beca replies; the flashes from the few cameras present are more than a little distracting and honestly, very annoying, especially during a time as serious as this. One thing she likes the most about Georgia is that there aren't paparazzis in her face twenty four seven and she for the most part-or as much as she can- get some privacy.

"We had a great run," Stacie corrects and doesn't waste any second before enveloping Beca tight into her embrace. "I'm so proud yet so bummed that you're leaving. Residual Heat sure earned themselves a rare piece I must say," she mumbles into Beca's hair where her face is smushed up against and Beca's heart clenches at the realization she is leaving her best friend.

This isn't something Beca planned to happen as she leaves Los Angeles; the tears that have made an appearance once she saw Stacie starting to cry. She hated crying, more than anything in the world and she never really let her emotions show around others, but it wasn't until she met Chloe that everything changed when and how she showed her true feelings.

And in fact, Chloe change a lot of how Beca thought about things, such as moving across the country for a new territory for her called love.

Before, she wouldn't admit it out loud but her well-being, her music, her success and how she lived her life was her only priority. Self absorbed is a good word for this, and it's painful to think of her being categorized as someone selfish, but then along comes Chloe and like a Goddamn magic trick, she's able to change Beca for the better.

It's fucking crazy honestly.

They soak in silence and don't even dare to flinch a muscle as doing that would hint they're finished with the hug, which they are most definitely not. Beca doesn't know how long they are clinged together before Stacie pulls away, eyes red and puffy, nose stuffy from snot and still she's as flawless and attractive as ever. Beca slings her duffel bag from the ground onto her shoulders after she wipes the few tears under her glasses and is glad no one can snap a photo of how rough she probably looks just under them with all the crying.

Her butt gets a playful tap from Stacie as she turns her body to the sliding doors leading into the airport and security and Stacie is smirking back at her with sunglasses now covering her reddened eyes, waving her off to start a brand new life. She gives Stacie a bold nod, knowing there is nothing left to say and her flight is calling name for departure.

"Text me loser!" Stacie yells across her truck through a rolled down window when she gets in, causing Beca to stop just before the doors.

Beca gives a salute and her signature smirk before taking a look back at the doors that holds her future while Stacie drives off into the passenger drop off traffic. Not only does these doors hold her future, but they hold her new future with Chloe, and this moment of just staring blankly at the sliding doors, dodging the people who are rushing in and out, it's her one chance to back out. Is she even going to enjoy living in Georgia? Will her job there be as successful as her job in California?Will she fit into the crowd there instead of the constant walking hipsters that roam the streets of Los Angeles?

For all those questions, she has absolutely no freaking idea.

But the one thing she can answer is that even though all these may fail and Georgia fucking sucks the living life out of her, she'll be there with Chloe.

And that's really the only answer she needs to hold her head up high and walk boldly through those sliding doors, saying goodbye to her crazy life back here in L.A and hello to her new life with the person she is head over heels for.

Out with the old, in with the new, she thinks to herself, a small smile forming at the corners of her mouth and only gets larger when she prints out her boarding pass. .

Security goes by in a blink of an eye, thanks to being a celebrity and waiting in those dreadful lines is now history. Her stomach rumbles in hunger as she walks through the airport, giving the occasional fan an autograph and or picture she soon gets tagged in on Twitter almost immediately after taking it. This morning was more on the busy side of how her week has gone; she had to make sure everything needed from the apartment was being sent to Atlanta and had to say a million "goodbyes" before she left. Doing all that left zero room for food, which is a necessity for this five brutal hours.

And though there's a Panda Express across the terminal of the airport, practically screaming her name for some orange chicken and those delicious egg rolls they fry up, her stomach, on the other hand, would be screaming her name in a way different manner that would soon hate life once there is the slightest bit of turbulence on the plane. So, and coincidentally directly next to Panda Express is a small snack shop that she ops for, knowing her stomach would be thanking her later.

Feeling her phone go off in her pocket as she waits in line for a quick snack before her flight, it's amazing how sickly giddy her body reacts when she sees Chloe's contact name.

Saturday January 21, 11:23 AM (California Time)

C: Hey baby :) You get through security and everything alright?

B: Yep, just did actually.

B: Now I'm on a hunt for some coffee.

C: Maybe you should eat something. Get something easy on the stomach and not just caffeine lol

B: Waiting in line to get a fruit salad as we speak :-)

B: Thanks for always caring about me though

C: That's what I'm here for! ;)

C: How was Stacie? Aubrey told me she's been a complete mess for the past month. It would be hard leaving Aubrey, so I can only imagine how Stacie feels.

B: Yeah….that sums her up pretty well haha. Leaving was extremely hard, we grew up together. I considered her my family regardless of blood. It's just crazy that for the first time since elementary school, I won't see her every day.

C: I understand. You sure you want to do this? Last chance to back out. I'm be totally okay if we are jumping the gun with this arrangement.

B: You already trying to get rid of me? ;-)

C: Of course not! I'd be completely out of my mind if I wouldn't want you all to myself!

C: But it's a huge change. Ginormous even! I just don't want you to regret anything when you move down here.

B: Chlo..

B: I've told you many times before and I'm about to tell you again, I've never been more sure about something in my entire life. I bought a sick house away from the city. Secluded, just how I like it. I still have a kick ass job making music with a boss that is kind of intimidating but nonetheless still awesome. And I have you nearby, and not just having you through a computer screen, or on the other line of a phone call.

B: I have your actual human form in a fifteen minute drive instead of a five hour plane ride. What more could I ask for?

C: I'm not going to scare you away? Maybe over cuddle you, or mess up one night on dinner? I have a habit of leaving my clothes around my room…. But I always do my laundry!

B: And I suck at doing dishes, but love cooking dinner, especially for my girlfriend. I hate doing laundry and have a habit of eating junk food in my bed.

B: Everyone has their faults but the thing with you and I is that we balance each other out.

B: The only thing that would freak me out is if stuck gum under the coffee table, or started watching me sleep at night.

C: Yeah about that...

B: Shut the Hell up!

C: Lol! Just kidding!

C: I can't wait to see you :)

B: And I can't wait to see YOU.

B: Can you believe this is actually happening? In five hours, I'll be living in the same state as you.

C: Crazy huh? I've been waiting months for this day and finally, my wish has came true :)

B: I love you :-)

B: How's my baby?

C: I love you too :)

C: And I'm great! Just cleaned the house, soon I'm going with Aubrey to the store before we start dinner and I leave to pick you up at the airport :)

B: Oh awkward….

B: I was so talking about Buttercup

C: You were not! Lol

B: Yea I was ;-)

C: Whatever, jerk ;)

C: She's fine, Tank is still all over her. They're the best of buddies :) Your car is also moved and parked in your garage so you have it when you get here :)

B: Ughhhnn you're the best. I knew I kept you around for a reason

C: You sure it isn't because of the great sex we have? ;)

C: And my phenomenal back rubs ;)

B: I mean, that helps.

B: A lot

B: But I mostly keep you around because you're my favorite and my life would be complete shit without you in it :-)

C: Oh so romantic Ms. Mitchell ;)

B: Back on the conversation about sex tho…

B: Wanna Christen my place the right way when I land? You know, I bought a house with a jacuzzi on purpose.

B: Also a California king that has your name written all over it...

C: And what about dinner? ;) You do know that once we start, I won't be able to stop.

C: We found this out the hard way during Christmas Day down in Tampa when my parents specifically told us to be ready for opening presents at nine but didn't actually get out of bed until noon.

C: And that was only because my brothers threatened to tease the living life out of the both us and that was something that just couldn't happen with my parents around, who still believe we are two saints lol

B: NOT my fault. Waking up next to you just…. gets me in the mood. Plus, what better nutrition to have in the morning other than some good ol' morning sex?

B: It definitely woke us up that's for sure.

C: Yeah, with the way you were screaming my name, I'm surprised you didn't wake up the entire ocean ;)

C: Not to brag or anything…

B: Haha that is so bragging and guess what? I can't even lie to that, so kudos for you.

C: Oh I know baby ;)

B: So what do you say?

B: Let's make like the sunset and I'll go down on you

*New Text Message From Stacie Conrad*

Saturday January 21, 11:44 AM

Stacie: I miss you already! :((((

B: Stopppppp Stace. I've already cried enough today. Anymore and I'll shrivel up.

S: I just passed a Cafe Rio and had to pull over and cry because it reminded me of you :(

S: Who am I going to pig out on burritos and chips and salsa with? Who am I going to force to watch movies with me even though all she does is complain the whole time? Who is going to cook for me after a long day of classes?

S: What am I going to do without you munchkin? :(

B: Fucking Stacie. How dare you make me tear up AGAIN while I am waiting in line for my latte. Coffee is suppose to bring people happiness not sadness.

B: You'll be just fine without me.

S: How do you know? :(

B: Because you're a lot stronger than me and Aubrey will be up there in like what… a couple months? March?

B: That's not too far away.

S: She actually agreed to move up here at the end of March instead mid April, just so she can get settled before her dental classes start up again.

B: See? Soon you'll have your girlfriend up there with you ;-)

S: I guess you're right. I just….I'm not good at being alone. I'm a needy person and you always got me what I wanted, whether it was simple like comfort or made me food :(

B: You'll see me next month dude. I'll be there for the Grammys.

*3 New Messages from Chloe Beale*

Saturday January 21, 11:53 AM

Chloe: Very impressive line Mitchell ;)

Chloe: I have been feeling a little….restless without you here.

C: New Year's Eve you really showed your stamina ;)

B: Oh trust me, you haven't seen nothing yet.

*New Message From Stacie Conrad*

Saturday January 21, 11:55 AM

S: Oh that's right! I can't believe you're nominated for best new artist as a music producer and Diplo's album is up for best new album!

B: Dude, you and I both.

S: Think you'll win?

B: Grammy or no Grammy, I'm honored to be nominated. It's such a blessing honestly.

B: Also pretty fucking surreal.

S: I'm so proud of you, Becs. Seriously, you're such an inspiration. Not many can say they have such a talented, humble person to call their best friend at the end of the day.

B: Thanks Stace :-)

B: I know once you get through all those years of school to become a Nuclear Engineer, you're going to do great in life. You've already proven it so far with the size of your brain, nerd.

S: Thanks boo :)

S: But ugh, soooooo many years of school!

S: At least if I ever want to drop out I'll have Aubrey to make the big bucks and keep our house up and running ;)

B: I still can't believe you guys are getting a house together. I mean, I saw it coming because you two are perfect for each other but….damn.

S: You have no room to talk because once Aubrey moves out, Chloe is moving in with you!

B: But that's different. Weren't you the one who always told me my relationship with Chloe was an anomaly?

S: Yes, and it still holds true today. When's the wedding?

B: Haha Shut up.

B: Definitely can't answer that, but what I can say a wedding won't happen until all this hype from the album calms down and I'm done touring with Dip

S: Especially now with rumors floating around the media about you working on a solo EP ;)

B: Jesus, things travel around so fast. It's like….I perform one song at the BMAs and people automatically assume I'm going to drop my own personal album the next day.

S: Technically you are….

S: Gonna write a song about me? ;)

B: Haha you wish loser.

S: What time do you board again?

B: 12:36

S: Booooo not enough time to swing by and kidnap you :(

*New Message From Chloe Beale*

C: Is that a threat, Mitchell?

B: It could be.

B: But knowing my affect on a certain redhead you'll be asking for it.

C: You're on a roll this morning ;)

C: These five hours apart is going to be awful, no thanks to you.

C: Thinking about seeing you makes me horny

*New Message From Stacie Conrad*

S: I love Chloe, but I love you even more and wouldn't mind stealing you for the rest of your life.

B: Trust me Stace, not living together won't mean you'll never see me again. Actually, you'll see me so much you might actually get sick of me.

S: Impossible :)

S: Alright well, I'm going to start driving again. Hopefully this time I won't see anything that reminds me of you :( Call me when you land? And tell gingy that I say hi!

B: Will do punk.

S: Love you my munchkin!

B: Ugh, love you too

Saturday January 21, 12:03 PM

B: Oh yeah?

B: Wanna know a secret?

B: I really want my fingers inside of you

Stacie: Yo B, I respect your sense of adventure and colorful language but seriously, keep your sexting with Chloe to yourself.

Stacie: Kudos on the line tho. You sly dog ;)

B: Oh shit! I'm texting both of you at the same time!

B: My bad…

Wednesday January 25, 4:03 PM (Georgia Time)

"How you doing kiddo?"

Beca sighs out loud and full of exhaustion, wiping her brow from the droplets of sweat she worked up as she put together her coffee table. Moving hasn't been as much of a struggle as she was expecting it would be. Chloe ended up picking her up from the airport Saturday afternoon when she arrived, fed her like the world's best girlfriend and had a relaxing night in together, joined by the one and only Aubrey Posen.

The next day was more on the hectic side since the U-Haul truck was scheduled to arrive around noon at her new house and she'd be drowned with items up to her neck that she had to unpack. With the help of Chloe and Aubrey though, whenever they were free from dental school assignments, or rearranging student plans for upcoming classes, Beca was able to get the most of her stuff unpacked and settled accordingly in her brand new crib. Now, while Chloe is busy at school with her student teaching, she only has to unpack the little stuff like clothes and dishes and hopefully comes tonight, she'd be box free and organized.

Beca slumps away from the table she is currently building like Bob the Builder and finds her new set of leathered couches just ordered from American furniture and molds her body into the material when she lays down. "I'm breaking a sweat that's for sure," she breathes out, embarrassingly winded but ridiculously comfortable. Wow, these couches are impressive she concludes as this is the first time since she arrived in Georgia that she actually took a break and sat in them. Majority of the time spent here so far has been at Chloe's, more specifically her bed, which isn't too much of a shock.

Good thing she didn't have that much to unpack, or that would take up the next week before she got to done anything remotely fun.

"You got everything moved over?"

Taking a gander at the few boxes scattered around the room she has left to unpack, "yeah, I mean for the most part. I still have a few boxes here and there filled with junk and God knows what, but it won't take too long for those to get taken care of." Beca snickers at the memory of Stacie calling her a hoarder as the girl watched everything from behind as she packed up her things back in California. Flannels, posters, junk CD's and boxes of unopened, or ruined pieces of technology for her phone and laptop might not be important to keep around, especially to carry state to state but for her, she just couldn't just throw them away.

It's the little things in life that mean the most, as cheesy and movie cliche as that sounds.

Beca's dad laughs, probably agreeing with her thoughts as he knows from experience that his daughter is more of a saver than a giver. Just ask her middle school bedroom. Half the time he didn't know she had a floor under all her junk.

"How's Georgia treating you so far? A little bit different than L.A. I can assume."

Wasn't that an understatement that was.

Beca's eyes still haven't adjusted to the lack of buildings, replaced with trees that had mutant sized bugs crawling up them and the fact that if she wanted to skip out on work, or just have a relaxing day at the beach, she wouldn't be able to, especially since the closest beach is probably hitting Florida.

North Carolina maybe? South?

Who knows.

Beca may be a high rising music producer and a BMA show stopping performer while being best new artist in the running for a Grammy, but even with all that going on, she is still horrible at geography and chances are, she's not going to get any better.

Either way though, beach or no beach and extreme high heat temps that leaves her permanently sweating from the humidity, Chloe is here with her and there's nothing in the whole world she'd trade that for.

"You know," Beca shrugs her shoulders, though she knows her father can't see the action. She also positions the phone in between her shoulder and ear while she plays with the silver ring around her thumb. "Georgia isn't too bad. I get way less attention down here than I did back in L.A that's for sure."

"Which is shocking since I can't turn on the radio without hearing a song you produced or your name floating around oh so casually. Also, you've started quite the wildfire with all the rumors you teased your fans about a possible upcoming album in the makings."

Beca laughs at this, not really meaning to start a fuss around the music industry and only briefly stunned with how "in the loop" her dad was in the media. Back the , the Billboards was a prime time to not only win Chloe back, but to also show the world a slim taste of her true capabilities when it comes to creating music. What really took the world by storm was a private jam session her and Chloe had during her month long vacation in Georgia where she didn't realizes that while she was revealing some new lyrics to her girlfriend that Chloe was recording the entire thing. Then the suggestion of posting a snippet of the song and leaving it at that without explanation, she agreed to it.

The demands of signing Chloe to a record deal since she was the one singing as well in these demos and didn't take a neurosurgeon to realize Chloe had a pretty damn good voice soon faded away when Beca came out and told them it wasn't going to happen, but would surprise them every once in awhile with a duet sung together. This though was the match to the rumors which then from there only blew up as the months went on.

The least Beca could do was give the world what the wanted.

"Still not set in stone about an album, maybe EP for sure. But who knows how busy I'll be at Residual."

"When do you start at your new company?"

"Keegan, my boss, gave me till tomorrow to get settled and then on Friday we have a meeting together with my new team, signing the contracts, meeting with an artist that I'm supposedly working with and all that fun stuff," Beca explains with a smile. After all this time being away from studios and only having her laptop like the good ol' days- though it's been nice not being cooped up in a studio- she is pretty excited to finally start working again. Plus, Keegan seems laid back and a pretty chill guy, though Roger, who still contacts her daily asking how she is doing in Georgia will forever be her favorite boss.

"That's awesome Becs," Warren says, the sincerity dripping from his tone and it makes Beca feel warm inside. Their relationship may have started off a little bumpy at the start, but over the last couple months, the bond that Beca would've never expected to be built back up has been only getting stronger and stronger by the day with the amount of phone calls she and her dad now share on a daily basis. "Well I was just calling to check up. You and Chloe still up for dinner tonight?"

Beca lights up at this, completely forgetting that she had dinner plans with Chloe and her father tonight at a local pizzeria that has worked it's way up to being one of her favorites. They scheduled it a couple weeks ago, when Beca was still living in LA but Warren has been dying to get some more time with his daughter and her girlfriend.

"Yeah totally. She's at work right now but I'm almost positive she has nothing important going on tonight."

Like the world knew she was being talked about, Chloe's name appears on Beca's screen when she hear the beep through the line that she was getting a call. Smiling at the contact name briefly before returning the phone back up to her ear, "that's actually her calling me right now. Six for tonight?"

"Yep that's perfect," Her father agrees and Beca jots it down mentally in her head so she doesn't forget this time around. That is something she's notorious for. "I'll see you guys soon then. Tell Chloe I said hey."

"Will do. See ya pops." Ending the call, she switches over to Chloe's name to answer, sitting up from the couch as all her energy from unpacking is now restored. "Hey trouble."

Wednesday January 25, 4:16 PM

"Hey baby," Chloe greets in her chipper, bubbly tone that can't help but bring a smile to Beca's face. She has been trapped at work all day and even though Beca saw her this morning for an early breakfast, she couldn't help but to miss her girlfriend almost a scary amount. "How's unpacking going?"

She blows out a puff of air, scanning the living room of the few unopened boxes she had left to dig through, the same amount she had when on the phone with her dad. "It's….going." Beca knows that even though she doesn't have much left over, it will still take a pretty good chunk of her time to get through. "I could use my really strong girlfriend to come help me finish though," Beca smirks hinting this to Chloe, who giggles, but starts to stand and heads over to the boxes to get a head start at putting some dents into the unpacking process. The quicker she gets done, the better.

"I already helped you with all the heavy stuff, what else could there possibly be to finish?"

Seeing the chance left wide open to grab, "oh weird. I wasn't talking about finishing the packing. I was more hinting towards the type of finish that requires my new mattress and a very needed test run. You know, make sure it's-"

"Sturdy?" Chloe finishes and with Beca's hum confirmation, she erupts with a contagious laugh that has Beca smiling like a complete fool. The teasing like this that she is able to do with Chloe never gets old and she hopes it never does. "I cannot believe you just said that."

Beca joins the laughter, "You have to give it to me that it was clever."

"Eh, kinda. Not one of your best lines but mediocre at best."

"My jokes may be dry but I can sure make you wet."

Boom. Beca gives herself a high five for that one because let's be real, that was really fucking good. And by the obvious hitch in Chloe's breathing is a clear confirmation that she thought so as well.

"Okay, better, but I've heard you drop even better lines. I have high standards, babe."

Despite the large smile on her face that becomes permanent whenever she is talking to Chloe, Beca rolls her eyes, throwing useless crap from the box on the couch to separate. Off the line, Tank is heard barking from the backyard, letting Beca know that he is done doing his duties outside and is ready to come back inside. Beca walks to the back to let him in and as she gets to the door, the last bark is heard by Chloe.

"Is that Tank?" Chloe asks as Beca reaches down to pat the side of his belly before closing the door completely once he is fully inside. Instead of answering, Beca switches the call to speaker and makes baby noises to Tank in effort to make him bark so he could talk to Chloe for himself. Not doing this for too long, Tank releases a boisterous bark into the device with his tongue hanging out, panting, and Beca can hear the obnoxious gushy noises from Chloe on the other line.

"Hey baby! Mommy misses you! Are you being a good boy for Beca? I bet you are!" This goes on for God knows however long; Beca isn't too sure but can't take a rough guess that it should've been cut a long time ago.

"No it's cool. I'm here too," Beca scoffs taking offence that she is now left out but Chloe proceeds to ignore her and only talk to Tank, who is only making weird grunting noises into the phone. On the contrary though, Beca can't help but to melt at the sight of Tank recognizing Chloe's voice through the line. She can tell by the extreme wag to his tail and small whine every so often as his mouth opens that Tank is more than excited.

"Speaking of Tank, I saw the funniest thing of you two on People's magazine."

Figuring that Chloe was done talking to Tank either way since the dog is now crashed on Beca's couch, she switches her phone off of speaker and repositions it back to her ear. "Oh yeah? What was it?"

"Hollywood's most talented music producer takes a break away from the studio to walk her dog on a lovely afternoon in Atlanta Georgia." Beca listens to Chloe as it seems like the girl is reading straight from the magazine itself. The specific day the magazine is talking about is a little foggy, taking that she has walked Tank every day while Chloe was at work since she has moved here and she also didn't see any paparazzi during her walk. Maybe the stealth way is how they get pictures in Atlanta rather than the stalking and yelling and harassing. "I don't know if they got it right though. From what I can see it looks like Tank is the one walking you."

Now Beca remembers what day this was.

It was Monday evening after a full day of unpacking and getting things together in her new house. Chloe had been scheduled to work a little bit later to grade for her classes and Beca decided that some outside time away from boxes would be nice, if not dire, and what better walking partner who brings great company other than Tank?

"It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't buy a horse for a dog," Beca battles back with; her height self esteem and ability to handle an animal only taking minimal damage as Chloe continues to laugh about this so called candid, magazine photo that she has still yet to be seen.

"Adopted, first of all," Chloe corrects about a half hour later, it feels like, once she is done giggling and Beca can hear the beeping sound of her truck going off through the other line. "And second, you love Tank and all the size he has to bring. Tell me not that you don't enjoy being cuddled up with him during the night, a little more than me, I might add."

Beca can't even defend herself at this point because she has just been caught red handed. What can she say, Chloe has changed her into quite the cuddler and Tank is big to cover all of her and then some. "He's warm."

"But I'm warm too," Chloe's pout can basically be heard through the phone. "And I tickle your back every time before you fall asleep and run my nails through your hair when you wake up."

Beca shudders; those little things are so true and so her weakness when it involves spending the night with Chloe. "You do, and I love you for that."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Walking up stairs to her room that is completely finished and organized, Beca picks up the picture frame sitting on her dresser from her birthday that Chloe made for her, hanging it up across from where her bed is in the pretty position to see every picture and every word. Beca smiles pleased; there is stuff needed to be added to their timeline from only the past month, including Christmas in Tampa, graduation for Chloe and New Year's Eve. Even on her dresser is a few framed pictures of the many various taken she had blown up from her phone; the best of the best involving her and Chloe. Her house is coming together; it is starting to feel homey.

"Well I'm on my way home from work. I was thinking about stopping by your house and then we can go from there?"

A pleasant sigh is the last thing Beca does before heading back down the stairs to the living room where she takes a squat next to Tank sleeping on the couch. "Yeah that works. I totally forgot to mention and half kinda forgot but my dad and Sheila wanted to do dinner."

"Oh that's right!" Chloe chirps with all her excitement left in the open. Beca forgot that the last time Chloe and her dad met was during Christmas when all of them briefly all got together to chat before him and Sheila left for vacation. He was going to go to Chloe's graduation, as well, but graduation for the University he worked at happened to be going on during the same time period and was unable to. "I'd love to go to dinner! How exciting!"

Beca smiles warmly, patting Tank on the stomach and soon rolls her eyes once he switches to lay on his back, stomach up and in the open for her to rub. "How was your day?" She took this time to study her new house while Chloe explained her highs and lows during work; one of Beca's most favorite things to listen to.

It's crazy honestly. Going from living in a shared apartment with your best friend to owning your very first house by yourself. Bills are going to start coming in the mail, cleaning rituals are going to have to be set, everything is done by herself. She honestly doesn't know whether it's something to be more proud or scared shitless of.


Holy shit, she's an actual adult.

"I can pretty much hear the bolts turning in your head, babe," Chloe chuckles and it comes out a bit on the worried side. Beca snaps out of her trance on the various items that complete her house; the pictures, the vases, the TV set up perfectly smack middle of the living room. "What's on your mind?"

The fact that Chloe always knew whether it was the smallest or biggest thing taking up Beca's mind to make her unbalanced is something…..too good for words. "I just…" Beca starts, ending with a heavy sigh, but can't seem to land on the perfect words to represent how she feels. It's nothing bad-it's so far from being bad. This new feeling is something great, which is leaving her speechless to explain anything to anyone else who isn't inside her head.

"Kinda getting slapped in the face with reality?" And of course, Chloe is able to snatch the words straight from Beca's head and form them to explain exactly how she feels, just like she always does.

Beca answers in a hum, followed by a breathy laugh with a shake to her head because she can't help but feel a little pathetic. She's suppose to be indestructible, nothing, and she means nothing should affect her. So, this little deal that has her stunned out of words, but also something she can't help but be ecstatic about as confusing as confusing gets.

"I'm super proud of you rockstar," Chloe assures clearly and so genuine Beca's heart starts to clench. It's all she says, though, and Beca is positive that it's all she needs to hear because she feels her body lifting, with nothing weighing her down.

"I love you," Beca responds with, resting her head back against the top of the couch to look up at the ceiling and covering most of her face because she feels way too giddy to control. "Hurry up. I wanna see you."

"You betcha, buttercup."

Sunday February 12, 8:23 PM

Dad: You and Chloe looked beautiful tonight, Beca. I'm so very proud of you and so is Sheila. I know you're probably out celebrating but I just wanted to let you know before I go to sleep. Mom would be so proud of you. Congrats on the Grammy's, Becs.

Sunday February 12, 11:23 PM

B: Thank you Dad. I know she would, I just wish she was here right now. Tell Sheila I said thanks too and I'll call you tomorrow morning when it's not 3.

*New Message From Stacie Conrad*

S: OH MY GOD BECA! I don't know if you're at the after party or what but I'm so fucking proud of you! Best new artist!

B: Just got back actually. We didn't stay for too long. But thank you Stace, it's really fucking crazy :-)

S: Damn right it is! Seeing you up there, being awkward like always and giving a real life speech, I'm here to admit I cried like a baby...

S: I balled my eyes out!

B: Not gonna lie I cried too. Especially when I saw Chloe crying.

*New message, Group Chat with Diplo & Selena*

Selena: Congrats tonight you both! I'm so bummed I couldn't be there to accept the award for our album!

B: Missed you tonight, nerd.

Diplo: For sure! But you're out performing at iheart radio so that's something to be hyped about!

Selena: I wish I could see you two before you leave B.

Diplo: Don't worry, she'll be back. I'm hosting a party before we kick off our tour and I'm expecting you to stop by.

B: Damn right Haha

B: Plus you're performing with us for our first tour date.

Selena: That's right!

Selena: Miss you both so much! :(

B: Miss you two losers too.

*2 New Messages From Stacie Conrad*

S: Awe! Precious!

S: You two on the red carpet were seriously the show stoppers, jaw droppers at the Staples Center. You both looked gorgeousssss. I wish I could've made it :(

B: Thank you! And thank you to your cousin because she has an eye for dressing people up haha

B: But it's all good Stace. You took Aubrey to meet your freaking family! How cool is that?

S: Yeah I guess :) but not as cool as winning two Grammys! I can't believe Diplo won too for best new album!

B: Chloe said she called it haha

B: But enough about me, how was Portland? Momma Conrad good?

S: It is a lot of fun! And yes, she's good and already adores Aubrey :)

S: She said congrats too by the way!

B: Tell her I said thanks :-)

B: Can't believe the both of you got time always from the books. Never thought that would happen

*2 New Messages From Aubrey Posen*

A: Congratulations on the awards midget.

A: :)

B: You're so sweet ;-)

B: But thank you. Congrats on tying down the infamous Stacie Conrad. Try not to get caught boning each other at the parent's house ;-)

A: Har har.

*New Message From Stacie Conrad*

S: Trust me, this comes once in a blue moon.

B: Such nerds ;-)

S: Well I'll let you go! I bet you are exhausted. You and Chloe have anything planned for the rest of the night?

B: Not that I know of. She's showering and I'm getting us ice cream at the front desk haha

S: Nice! Well behave you two….or not ;)

S: You deserve a wild night

B: Yeah yeah, we will see

B: Love and miss you, Stace. Enjoy the rest of your time with momma Conrad and Aubrey. Tell her I said hello!

S: Love you too munchkin and I will!

At the little gift shop place near the front desk of the hotel, Beca buys two pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream; one delicious cherry garcia and peanut butter chip. Up at the register she pays for the items, luckily this hotel isn't too on the fancy side and they still sell these items instead of caviar on crackers.

Once everything is paid for and her image isn't noticed by the few people that still happened to be up this late at night, she is standing patiently in the elevator when her phone goes off.

*Chloe Beale Has Tagged You in a Photo on Instagram*

"Even a two time Grammy winner treats me like a Princess. If there was an award for best girlfriend, xxdjBMitchie would win it by a landslide. I love you, superstar!"

Beca grins widely at the photo that most definitely was taken of the both of them during their walk on the red carpet. It's a perfect candid shot of her kneeling down to fix the strap on one of Chloe's heels that happened to unsnap and she is just laughing and it's so laid back and they're having a blast. Chloe has a megawatt smile of her face that's brighter than the flashes taken behind them from the crowd and her cheeks have a hint of pink to them that Beca thinks is the cutest fucking thing in the world.

After liking the photo and staring at it with a manic type of smile, she didn't realize that she missed her floor to her hotel room being too engrossed in the photo and is back in the lobby. Repeating the previous steps to make it to her room, she uses the key card to open the door and her knees almost buckle to a fall when she is greeted with Chloe, who has wet hair from the shower, wearing baggy Barden t-shirt and a pair of spandex to cover as she lays down listen to music for the hotel dock, just staring at her with every ounce of love a person can humanly hold and she has still yet to see something more beautiful than that.

She may have won two special awards earlier tonight but the one prize she cherishes the most is the one she was gifted back in August with when she first met such an amazing person on the internet.

That ladies and gents is an award unbeatable.

Tuesday February 14, 8:35 PM (Georgia Time)

"Alright cutie," Chloe chirps, hands occupied by a freshly popped bowl of extra buttered popcorn and is accompanied with two unopened Mikes Hard Lemonades. She wears a sly smirk all the way from where she came out of the kitchen till she reaches the couch and plops down right next to Beca. "Sixth sleepover we've had in a row. You sick of me yet?"

Beca cranes her neck to the side in time to catch Chloe staring back at her, smile bright, crooked and just so very Chloe. Stealing a piece of popcorn from the bowl sitting in Chloe's lap, she pops the piece into her mouth, chewing it whole. "Nah," she responds in between chews. "I think I'll keep you around. Who else would make me popcorn?"

"I'm here for you, baby," Chloe cooes with a wink and does the honor this time in feeding Beca the next piece of popcorn the girl reaches for. She also swings in for a kiss; her lips lingering a little bit longer to savor the buttery taste on Beca's tongue and breaks away once she's had enough.

"Can you believe this?" Chloe asks, tilting her head on the backrest of the couch so she is still facing Beca, who happens to be caught in a daze after the shared kiss. Beca hums, wondering what Chloe is referring to. "You finally settled in Georgia after the move, almost a month in. You have a Grammy under your belt for with many more to come and are going on tour for the very first time at the start of May. Now you're working with a young and talented new artist at Residual while in the process of producing your very own album. It's crazy," she lists and her voices raises in a breathless way that Beca can tell she is more than proud of all her accomplishments.

"Show the love to yourself a little bit why don't cha," Not one to turn down some sweet talk from Chloe, Beca switches the spotlight over to her girlfriend because she knows she deserves it with all that she's done. Plus Beca loves smothering Chloe with compliments because in return she gets those big blue eyes staring back at her, so full of passion and looks so darn cute. God, seeing Chloe happy is and will always be her aesthetic. "You just graduated in December with a Masters degree and have been positioned a full time job at the school you student teach at. You're kind of a big shot."

"Just kind of?" Chloe curves one of those smirks that really only Beca can respond with is a kiss. So, that's what she does, and she places delicate kisses along Chloe's jaw bone until she reaches a ticklish spot on the redhead's neck and the squirming Chloe ends up doing only pushes Beca more to continue this action.

When she retracts her lips from Chloe's neck, Beca continues, making sure Chloe is paying full attention to what she is about to say, switching her language from playful to serious.

"You have seriously proven yourself to be the best damn music teacher in all of Atlanta, and I'm not just saying this because you're my girlfriend and it's my duty to tell you these things on the daily. I'm telling you because it's one hundred and one percent true." Chloe's cheeks start to blush, turing a pink rosy color and because of this, she lowers her head with a timid smile, avoiding Beca's strong stare. "I snatched me a good one," she finishes with a smile so uncharacteristic but really, she can't find it in her to care because the smile she is returned with from Chloe is one to light up the darkest of days.

"I think you're my soulmate," Chloe admits and Beca can catch the slight flinch of shyness that came with saying this. "I've talked to my mom about this, many times before. I make me feel things that I never thought I'd be able to feel. Not even Paul, though our relationship was strong could make me feel as happy as you do."

Beca doesn't know what to say to this because it seems like Chloe just took the words right from her thoughts. She hasn't been in a strong relationship before, Hell even one that got to the point of exchanging "I love you's," except for that one time with that one girl who shall not be mentioned.

At first, it was scary feeling all these overwhelming emotions when it came to Chloe. She thought she was sick or something because she has never felt so...electric when talking to a person before. But as she became more familiar with all these feelings and they doon didn't scare her anymore, she allowed herself to believe that Chloe, as well, was the person she could end up spending the rest of her life with.

And still to this day, she thinks the exact same thing.

Beca hovers her hand across the side of Chloe's face, thumb brushing against her cheek bone. "You've taught me a lot over the last couple of months, like, to get over my fear of performing to an audience that happens to not be my mother. Also, you taught me how to use emoticons, text without using my eyes and pretty much become a cat with my nocturnal sleep schedule." Chloe laughs watery and Beca sweeps up the few tears rolling down her cheek before falling. "But most importantly you taught me how to love. Before you came along, I was destined that there was no such thing out there. Then I got a glimpse of a cute little redhead and's like cupid struck me in the left cheek with an arrow."

"I love you so much, Beca. To the point where it's not even scary anymore. It's reassuring and safe," Chloe whispers quietly and there's a shake to her voice that clenches at Beca's heart.

"I love you too...and I'm positive that you're my soulmate," Beca repeats and soaks in the beautiful curve from Chloe's mouth she is returned with.

Nothing is said except for the exchange of sickly sweet smiles where their nose are touching and Beca's hands are trailing over the smoothness of Chloe's thigh. Their eyes don't break their intense stare and Chloe's hands drift to the back of Beca's neck where her fingers twirl the baby curl of hair under her ponytail. Stealing one last and short kiss unknowingly, Chloe quickly stands up to her feet and heads for the kitchen without a real reason as to why.

Beca's eyes follow Chloe from the moment she stands all the way into the kitchen where she returns moments later with a unopened bottle of Patron silver replacing that half empty wine bottle. There's a peppy bounce to her step; her tiny sleep shorts barely covering anything and giving Beca the full view of her golden, muscular legs while she sports up top Beca's previously owned black and white flannel, her most prized possession. And for a moment, Beca has to stop and ask herself, is this what heaven looks like? Being trapped in a house with two pets and her girlfriend, three people she loves the most?

The answer is yes, and nothing she is sure can out beat this moment.

Chloe plops back down beside Beca, leaving zero space between where their legs brush up together. Beca's focus changes from Chloe to the new bottle on the coffee table and she turns back to Chloe suspiciously but is met with only a devilish smirk that bubbles her stomachs with excitement.

"Wanna get drunk?" Chloe suggests-well kind of suggests. It more sounds like she's telling Beca that they're about to get drunk and there is no way out of it. But honestly, Beca is so down to let loose for the night, even though she works tomorrow and would no doubt regret it by morning when her brain feels like it's about to burst.

"And then we can," Chloe dangles kittenish and her fingers move to play with the flaps of Beca's unbuttoned flannel. "You know," and then the way she bites her bottom lip jolts a new life in Beca she thinks at how insanely sexy this girl next to her is. "Kick it?"

Chloe's shrug after saying this is so not innocent as Beca knows exactly what she is hovering towards. She smirks devilish at the bottle on the table, mentally going over her schedule and plans she has set up for tomorrow morning. Nothing too big is happening, other than studio time with Nicholas, her new eighteen year old, inspired pop artist that is blowing her away with the set of pipes the kid has, but that's about it.

It's also Valentine's Day; their first Valentine's Day together, so getting drunk and maybe some other stuff is required on such a romantic night. Usually, and still even today, Beca doesn't understand the point of the holiday and why it gets so much attention when it definitely shouldn't. Every day someone who loves someone else should show how much they love each other, not just once a month. They should cherish what they have while they have it; she does with Chloe, knowing that she has experienced the worse without her and never wants to experience that feeling again.

But this time around, the day feels different, and she can't help but feel electric, in a way, showing off her one of a kind valentine to the internet world and going out and being able to spoil Chloe with her favorite chocolates, flowers and whatever gift that catches her eyes. Most of the time she's out buying Chloe stuff just for the Hell of it because she loves her. This time it's a new feeling being able to share this day with someone who means the world to her.

"What do you say?" Chloe snaps Beca out of her admiration to which she didn't even really realize she zoned out. "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." She giggles shyly and before Beca can even reply in disgust at another childish game to play, her shirt is off and throw somewhere around the living room. Blind sighted by this action, Beca can only stare like a teenage boy in middle school. "And you have a hot tub."

The insinuation is there; Beca can gather without even looking, or paying full attention to Chloe's sinful tone as her eyes are focused on way more important things right now, two things, if she's being honest. And once the bra that was under Chloe's newly absent shirt is unhooked and sliding down the girl's biceps, she is off from her spot on the couch with the bottle of alcohol placed firmly in her hand as she bolts for the backyard where a empty jacuzzi is calling their names.

Friday February 16 2019, 2:56 AM (Two years later, California time)

You can be my guiding light
Keep me company in the night.

That's all I need, all I want is for you to stay a little longer now. With arms around me, Like a border
Like the air I breathe, I let you in. Keep me warm underneath my skin,

'Cause I'm giving in to your touch. I can never get enough Dive in deep into the ocean

Beca listens to her track one more time through her laptop set up neatly above one of those hotel desk and dangles a new and very fancy pair of beats headphones around her neck. It's pretty late in Los Angeles where she is and currently has being staying for the past few days for a scheduled Ellen show appearance, almost hitting three in the morning.

These past couple years for Beca has achieved many opportunities thrown her way, including talk shows she has only dreamed of staring in, working with a variety of new artists at Residual and gave them the opportunity to make it big in the industry with her knowledge, as well as theirs. Once that was finished and the hype was subsiding, she was able to take some time off away from music in general to spend the summer in the Bahamas with Chloe, also known as paradise, she can agree with, to soak up the sun, drink margaritas on the beach, whether it was during the morning, afternoon or night of the day.

And now, as she is currently tweaking the tracks to near perfection through her laptop sitting in front of her, she has also been given the chance to get a head start on producing her very own album that fans have only been going berserk over since the first reveal of her own personal, hand written song.

She uploads the album, does all that fancy stuff accompanied with it until she has successfully uploaded the tracks to iTunes and Spotify. Closing her laptop shut, not wanting to deal with the hype from her fans this late at night, she head to the bathroom of the hotel and gets ready for bed. She didn't plan on staying up this late. Half was because she couldn't sleep with her nerves bouncing around her body like pop rocks at the realization she'll be on Ellen tomorrow….well today. Also the lack of sleep came from missing Valentine's Day since she was busy traveling to California, so that settled uneasy in her stomach as she wanted to spend the time with Chloe.

As she is finishing up her night time routine, she sees that she hasn't turned off the notifications on her phone and a single Tumblr message lights up on her screen. Instantly wondering who could be up at this early or late hour, she should've expected it to be the one girl who has a habit of waking up at an insanely early time without any explanation.

Bella4lyfe ,

Hi there! Playing owl again Ms. Mitchell? ;) Just wanted to drop a message by and say that I just downloaded your new album and first of all, I absolutely LOVE it. Already have every track set to my ipod, ready for my workout tomorrow morning while I think about how incredibly talented my girlfriend is with her seven Grammys won already (don't tell her tho) ;) Anyways, still a VERY big fan of yours and even till this day, one amazing 2 years and seven months, you never cease to amaze me with the music you create. I can't say it enough but I'm so very proud of you Beca.

Why don't you stop working so hard and pick up your phone ;)


Chloe Beale

It's not too much of a shock that this message brings Beca's body to the maximum of warmness she can undergo. It warps her back to square one; the beginning when Beca was just a nobody studying music at a University, making mediocre beats on her computer for the Hell of it, not really thinking people out there really gave a damn about her music, but then Chloe comes along with a message, similar to this one, and from that moment where Beca was shitting her pants on how to message this girl back, everything in her life changed completely.

Without so much of a warning, her phone goes off again; this time with a text message, and Beca really just want to scream face first into a pillow like a teenage girl with pure joy when she sees that it's Chloe texting her.

Saturday February 17, 3:30 AM

C: Good morning baby :)

B: Speaking of the devil… ;-)

B: I love the Tumblr message you sent. Creativity though is a little flat ;-)

C: I have no idea what you're talking about….

C: Wanna play twenty questions and refresh my memory? ;)

B: Yeah I'll start. How did I get so lucky and why are you so perfect in every little way possible?

C: I can ask you that same question, Mitchell :)

C: I snatched me a good one I must say!

B: Ditto :-)

B: You like the album?

C: I love it! Really, your writing is something else. It's surprising that you didn't start earlier with all that secret talent you had in your back pocket lol

C: Though I am a little disappointed that I barely got any private sessions from you :(

B: Haha that's because whenever I do give you those private sessions, it usually ends with our clothes off, which is seconds into the track, leaving me with zero progress into the song I'm working on.

C: I can't help that your voice….does things to me, baby :( It's my kryptonite!

B: Trust me, I know ;-) if not by the hungry glare in your eyes, it's most definitely the uncontrollable writhing in your seat while you listen

C: Hush ;)

C: Tha album really is great though! It's nice you got a few tracks with Selena and Diplo on there! Lord knows those two miss you like crazy

B: Oh God…. I know! I miss those losers too. But Selena is getting ready for her new album, which I already know is going to have some bangers. Roger has that one and the guy is a mastermind when it comes to producing.

C: YOUR album has some bangers :)

C: Invitation might just be my new lady jam ;)

B: Oh yeah?

B: Do I get a private showing of this, taking that I made the song?

C: Maybe when you get home, or if you're lucky, late tonight ;)

B: Tease

C: That doesn't sound like something someone should say if they're trying to get into their girlfriend's pants ;)

B: Whatever ;-)

C: Back on track though, I thought you were releasing it next Friday, or that's what you said Keegan wanted.

B: Yeah but you know me. I never follow the rules.

B: But thanks :-) but I didn't feel as passionate with my writing before until I met you. When I did, all of a sudden a shit ton of sappy words and love sayings filled my head with endless ideas for songs.

C: Oh is that so?

C: Are you trying to tell me I'm the reason behind this treasure of an album? ;)

B: Guilty.

B: You're something amazing Chlo. I don't feel like I tell you that enough.

C: You don't feel like multiple times a day, every day isn't enough? I don't think my heart will be able to take anymore compliments from you without it exploding. I'm honestly surprised I'm alive today ;)

B: Well hopefully you're full of unlimited lives because there's no way I'm gonna stop :-)

B: What are you doing up so early? This time you don't have the class excuse since you're long graduated haha

B: Grandma ;-)

C: Shush! 29 is not old, jerk :(

B: But….

B: You're almost….


B: 30…

B: Damn, the word really just rolls off the tongue...


C: I'm breaking up with you.

B: Haha!

B: No you're not. I just wrote an entire album for you :-( Plus, you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried.

C: Whatever :( You're lucky I love you so much.

B: And I love you, grey hair, walker, denchers and all ;-)

C: OMG stopppppppppppppp :(

C: And to answer your question, I'm taking Tank out for an early walk. It's nice and breezy outside right now and he has been jumping around the bed all morning trying to get me up.

B: How is my boy?

B: And girl?

B: And other girl? Haha

C: Tank and Buttercup are good, they miss you though. Just like their momma :(

C: Home isn't the same without you here

B: I've only been gone two days.

B: You didn't burn the house down right?

C: No I haven't, ass ;) And FYI, I've gotten a lot better at my cooking!

B: Thanks to moi ;-)

B: And our weekly binge watch of Food Network

C: Oh yeah! That's my favorite night :)

C: And our wine nights watching Games of Thrones :D

B: Every night spent with you is my favorite.

C: Really? I've been a good roommate?

B: The best

B: But that can change, who knows. 2 years ain't nothing ;-)

C: Well if you haven't broken up with me yet, chances are you won't and if you do, good luck trying to get rid of me :)

B: Well ain't it just a blessing that that won't happen because I love you way too much. There's too much history between us just to go to waste.

C: True :)

C: I still remember our first date! It's was honestly so romantic. Who knew Beca Mitchell had it in her to sweep me literally of my feet ;)

B: Fuck, that night almost gave me an aneurysm.

B: I had to call Stacie multiple times in attempt to calm me down.

C: I could so tell! You being nervous is like seeing a white sheep in a herd of black. Still very adorable though ;)

B: Haha I know. I've gotten better right?

C: The last time I've seen you nervous was meeting my grandparents at graduation lol

C: Which by the way, I'm positive they like you more than they like me!

B: I mean, can you blame them? ;-)

C: Oh hush. I see you're still as modest as the first time we talked ;)

B: God, it feels like years ago. I still remember having a panic attack about meeting you the first time in Georgia because Stacie poisoned my head thinking you were a catfish

C: What?!

C: You never told me this! You said you wanted to skype because it would take some of the pressure off of meeting for the first time!

B: Oh shit that's right…

C: You thought I was a catfish?! :(

B: Well, not before Stacie got it stuck in my head I could be talking to some forty year old dude.

C: I've talked to you on the phone! After the times you butt dialed me, so unless I sound like a total man on the phone, how could you have thought that?!

B: Technology these days are impressive, Chlo. I've seen Dateline and I couldn't help but be a little paranoid…

B: But you don't sound like a man, you sound very beautiful on the phone :-)

C: Nice try -_-

C: But I guess I can't be too upset. Aubrey did the same thing to me, but you were pretty famous around YouTube so it didn't last for long.

B: How is Aubrey? I'm stopping by after the show today. Stacie demands updates on my life though I talk to her every day

B: Guess her Master classes are draining her brain dry haha

C: So jealous Stacie is basically a genius smarty. Her and Aubrey both are going to be millionaires.

C: But Aubrey's good! It's actually weirdly frightening to see her so happy with Stacie. I can't believe we called that they would be perfect together!

C: I never thought they'd follow through with it lol

B: We are pretty good match makers ;-)

B: Did you see they got a freaking pig!?

C: Oh I know! Cute little Sparky :D I can't wait to finally be able to see him. He's soooooo cute!

C: Please FaceTime me tomorrow when you see them!

C: Or today...

B: Duh :-)

B: I honestly think they're just fattening him up so them can cook him later. Talk about an abundance of bacon. They'd never have to go shopping again.

C: Beca!

C: That's awful! Lol what a nice aunt you are!

B: I'm just kidding haha

B: But love the sarcasm, so sexy ;-)

B: With the amount of posts from the both of them through snapchat, no way is that pig going to get a scratch on its nose without the world seeming like it's about to end.

C: It's the same with Tank, Buttercup and you!

B: Even you Haha

B: The amount of photos I have with you in my phone is gnarly

C: Because I'm so cute ;)

B: Can't go against that :-)

B: How's walking?

C: Pretty good! Tank is running around right now.

C: How's the hotel? I bet super fancy. You order room service?

B: Earlier tonight, yes Haha

B: And at pretty damn nice. Being in LA again is bittersweet. I missed the weather for sure, I don't sweat my skin off every time I walk outside that's for sure. But most of me misses Georgia.

C: Well Georgia misses you too, same with me :)

C: It's still crazy to think that we met online.

B: Which is probably why I'm writing a book about it…

C: Excuse me?

C: Beca!

C: You're writing a book?!

B: Surprise Haha

B: But yes I am. I ran it by my publicist and Cassidy was all for it. Been writing it for a while now and actually it's almost done.

C: How did I not know this?! I share a bed with you every night!

C: What's it about?!

B: Us, duh ;-)

C: Okay ass ;)

C: I meant the specifics!

B: Just our journey on how we met and survived a long distance relationship. Long distance gets a bad rep because people don't treat them the right way and is very common. Look at high school seniors and going to college, for example. They don't know the components in keeping a relationship healthy and resort to figuring it will never work out. I want to show people that even though someone you love may live across the country or even world, a relationship between two people regardless of the distance isn't doomed.

B: And ours, with all the obstacles in the way we faced, is a perfect example of an experimental thing for both of us turning into something beautiful and permanent.

C: Awe Becs..

C: I'm so glad I'm texting you right now because you'd so make fun of how I'm currently crying at the park while texting this message.

C: What's the name of the book?

B: 2000 Miles

C: From Georgia to Los Angeles

B: Exactly :-)

C: God, I'm such a mess! Is there anything you can't do?!

C: Next thing you'll drop on me is that you're starring in a action movie like the new Ice Cube!

B: Oh about that, I've talked to my manager…

C: Seriously!?

B: Nah I'm just kidding ;-) maybe next year

C: You're such a pain in the ass!

C: But my pain in the ass :)

B: I love you baby

C: I love you too :)

Writing a book wasn't Beca's initial plan after she got done producing her album. The idea came about when she started to receive messages on her social media accounts from her fans asking for advice if they were stuck with some problems involving long distance. Knowing she and Chloe's relationship was sort of looked up to amongst a bunch of different people, an anomaly, which they received a lot of, she felt like she could help in a way from experience.

She could be the first to say and raise her hand up high that she was one who thought long distance relationships where a big bag of bullshit and a waste of everyone's time. Hell, someone going through this doesn't get the same advantages as someone who can see their partner everyday and be physically with them whenever they want. No one wants to go through the dreadful pain of missing someone every second of every day just hoping that next month, or the month after that they'll finally be able to meet with the person they love.

Being in a long distance relationship is hard; it's really fucking hard. There's certain things a person has to excel at and things they aren't able to do, like cuddle, kiss, or even a simple hug. But what Beca wants to say and let everyone know is that the physical part of a relationship may be a large part of making a the relationship work.

But is it the most important?

No, absolutely not.

And when you find that one person you'd bend over backwards for, the physical portion isn't the part that you start to crave and simply, it's just being able to hear their voice after a long day. Everything else starts to become less important and if you truly care about this person, distance, no matter how far, won't be such a big deal.

When Beca's mom passed away, she was certain that she'd never be happy again and most definitely didn't think she'd ever sing again, or at least in front of people that is. Days were spent moping around; the grieving stages just never ending it seemed like. It was Chloe who brought some hope, happiness and light to her life, making her realize that even though it might not seem like it, life goes on and should be spent with a purpose because at any moment, it could all be taken right from under you.

A lot has happened between them during the couple years they've been together. When one door closes, another one opens, Beca soon discovered as the months passed during her and Chloe's relationship. Yes, the need to be physically close to Chloe became unbearable the longer she was in the long distance relationship and this is hypocritical against what she is trying to get through to people. But without the dire need to be close to Chloe, she doesn't think she'd ever be able to admit it out loud. It was a brutal push in the right direction, and though it fucking sucked those months alone without her girlfriend; the ride was truly one Hell of a rollercoaster, she now can now say they've only just started their own story to a fairy tale ending.

C: I miss you so much

B: I miss you too, but I'm just glad that I get to come home to you instead of waiting months talking through the phone or computer screen

C: Oh same! You'd think I'd be use to not seeing you for a while without missing you too much taking that I spent months missing you.

C: Guess you can say I'm greedy ;)

B: That you are, Ms. Beale

C: Hey now.

C: It's soon to be Mrs. Mitchell, so live up this nickname while you can, fiancee ;)

And oh yeah.

That happened too.


Pussycat Dolls- Buttons

N'sync- Bye Bye Bye

Major Lazor & DJ Snake- Lean On (CRNKN Remix)

Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepsen

Ed Sheeran- Give Me Love

Revolution- Diplo

Where are U Now- Skrillex, Diplo & Justine Bieber

The 1975- Robbers

One Dance- Drake

Uptown Girl- Billy Joel

Won't Go Home Without You- Maroon 5

The Chainsmokers ft Halsey-Closer

Hotline- Pretty Ricky

This Is Halloween- Nightmare Before Christmas

Cold Water- Major Lazor & Justin Bieber

Troye Sivan- WILD

The Chainsmokers- All We Know

Cashmere Cat feat. Selena Gomez- Trust Nobody

My Life Would Suck Without You- Kelly Clarkson

Yellowclaw- Invitation

Mike Perry- The Ocean