3rd Person POV I:
"Come along, we have a meeting to get to." England said sternly toward his fellow comrades.
"But I haven't seen this part of England yet! Who cares if we're a little late?" America protested.
"Oh mein Gott. Vill you two shut up already?" Germany yelled.
"I'm-a hungry Germany~"
"Wow Angleterre, your country is almost -not really- as beautiful as mine!"
"Zhat wasn't me Angleterre."
"Then who on the bloody Earth was it."
"Not me, dude…"
"Not me either."
"England's too scary to get close to! And my hands are-a full with pizza and-a pasta!"
"Aiyah England! Don't scare me like that!"
"I'm not anywhere near you China."
"Hai. England-san is by Germany-kun and I."
"Then who-"
A loud gunshot rang out and the strange presence faltered. The clouds emitted a low grumble and lightning flashed through the sky, rain soon following. Germany and America were holding their guns, Italy with his white flag, Japan with his katana and France was holding a sword. They were all staring at the space behind England and China as the shadow approached. The two countries were pale and slightly unnerved by the loud bang and bullet that barely missed their heads. They took a few steps forward and turned quickly to see long spike-like things where they were previously standing. England drew his gun and China grabbed a sword, figuring it was better than using his weapon during the world wars.
The needles attacked again, aiming for Germany and Japan, then for England and China. Everyone who was attacked so far, had a large gash in various places. There were only three more nations standing. Italy, America and France. The three remaining countries gripped their weapons (and white flag) tighter as the enemy was about to strike again. France and America were targeted and attacked while Italy was trying to help his injured friends. After that though, the battle came to an end. The rain started to fall, mixing with the blood on the ground and Italy's silent tears.
~~ England POV: ~~
Everything was black. Not a peaceful, you're asleep black. More like a wake up and you will wish you were dead because of the pain you have black. That kind of black. All I remember really was seeing a shadow, seeing my comrades getting stabbed and then China and I falling to the ground. I wonder how the others are doing.
I wish I had a book or something to keep myself occupied. It has been a while since I practiced- no. I promised myself that I would never resort to that again. I heard of what had happened in Germany a while back and I refuse to even think of such a magic- er, I suppose it's not really magic…
~~ 3rd Person POV II: ~~ (Keep in mind the Roman numeral next to the POV changes)
It was 11:08. The World Meeting was supposed to start at 8:30. Various countries were missing, that's normal. But Germany and England were missing too. Not normal, at all. This had everyone worried. Canada, Romano, Spain and Prussia being the most. Even Sealand was bothered by it, not much, but still bothered.
"That Potato-Bastard was supposed to be here on time with my brother by now. If Feli doesn't walk through that door right now I'll kill him!" Romano yelled.
"So is my twin, papa and England," Canada started, loud enough for everyone to hear. "But we need to have hope. Hope that they are alright, just sidetracked! Nobody knows what happened and we won't know until they show up! If they aren't here in 10 minutes we will take a small group and go look for them! For now I will try to call America. He always picks up the phone." Canada finished.
"Alright. I trust you Maple-Bastard. You better be right about this."
~~ Italy POV: ~~
I shook Germany again, trying to get him to wake up. I had tried everyone else, the only response I really got was a look of pain from France. I was alone… In the rain… With my friends hurt… If only there was a way to contact the others, my phone was broken after all. That's when I saw a flash, lightning maybe? But there was no noise… Then I remembered the time America showed me how to set up an I-Phone, when I called his phone, it vibrated and the flashlight lit up. I looked at America's jacket and saw a faint glow from the front pocket. I pulled out the broken phone and answered the call from Canada.
"America! Where are you and the others?!"
"Italy?! Slow down! Where are you?!"
"I don't know-a! In an alleyway!"
"I need you to put me on speaker and press the home button, then bring up the bottom bar and press airdrop. That should share your location as long as the phone doesn't die. What percentage is it at?"
"I have your location and we are on the way! Try to stay awake! We will be there-"
That's when the phone died, and I fell unconscious.