Chapter 4

It took Blake an hour of driving to finally make it to Yang's house. She drove up to the driveway and stopped her car before hitting Yang's garage door. She looked back into the back seat, and smirked when she saw Yang and Harry were still sleeping, the former cuddling the latter like a child would a teddy bear. "Looks like we have a mother of the year in the making." Blake said softly so she wouldn't wake them up. She knew eventually they were going to have to wake up... So she decided to wake Yang up by poking her in the face. Yang mumbled in her sleep and swatted the faunas's hand away. Blake snickers as she started to tickle Yang's nose.

Yang groaned in annoyance. "Stooooop..."

"Wakey wakey Yang." Blake said mischievously. "It's time to wake uuuuuuuup."

"Noooo...I don't wannaaaaaa..."

"But Yang, we're at your place. Don't you want to show Harry your awesome house?" Blake asked her blonde friend.

"No, I wanna sleep..."

"Then maybe I can take Harry and show him your house myself? Your spare key is still under the doormat right?" Blake asked her, hoping that will wake her up.

"Fine, whatever..." Yang groaned dramatically as she rose to her feet. And promptly hit her head on the car ceiling. The sound of her impacting the ceiling and her growling under her breath caused Harry to bolt up, immediate going into high alert.

"I'm up!" He said in alarm. Harry looks around and sees that Yang was shaking while rubbing her head. "Y-Yang...? Are you okay?"

Yang tenses as she realizes she woke up Harry. "I'm fine, I just hit my head a little. Nothing serious." Yang told him as she sat back down and ruffled his hair.

"You sounded kinda mad..."

'It's fine, I was just in a little bit of pain. I'm all better see?" Yang stated while smiling.

Harry smiled back. "Okay. I'm glad you're not mad."

Yang smiled and kissed his forehead. "I'm glad to hear it." Yang told him then started to unbuckle him. After he was unbuckled, she scooped him up. Once he was secure in her arms, she exited the vehicle.

"So do you need me to stay for anything else?" Blake asked.

Yang turns towards her black haired friend and smirks. "Nope. But you can stay awhile if you want." Yang offered.

Blake yawned. "I'm pretty tired, actually..." She heads towards her car and gets back in, fastening her seatbelt before looking at Yang and Harry. "Thanks for the offer though, but I should get back home before I fall asleep."

Yang nodded and waved. "All right. Later, kitty."

"See ya Yang." Blake said with a smile before putting her car in reverse and left the drive way. She then drives away and before long is no longer visible.

Yang smiled and waved back...then her eyes widened. "WAIT, YOU STILL HAVE MY BIKE!" But Blake was to far away to hear her yelling so didn't stop. Yang's shoulders sagged. "Dang it..." Harry looks up at her in concern.

"She'll bring it back..." He said softly.

Yang looks at him and smiles. "Yeah...your right." Yang stated. Harry smiled as she picked him up and cuddled him. "Now lets get inside." Yang told him while he was snuggling into her.

"Okay." Harry agreed. Yang smirked and carried him into her home. She walks past her living room and heads towards the kitchen. Yang placed Harry in a chair and patted his head.

"Hang tight little guy. I'm going to rustle up some grub for us." Yang explained as she walked around the kitchen and pick stuff out. Harry smiled as he watched his new caretaker begin to prepare the food. Within twenty minutes, she had prepared two big helpings of macaroni and cheese with shredded bacon mixed in. Harry blinked at the large plate she put in front of him.

He stared at the plate for a moment before looking at Yang in confusion. " I allowed to eat all this?" Harry asked her, causing her to give him a look.

"Well, yeah. I put it in front of you for a reason." She replied. He nodded his head slowly and looked at the food in front of him and picked up the fork that was next to the plate. He spears through some of the macaroni and bacon and hesitantly puts it in his mouth. He let out a soft "Mmm..." When the food was in his mouth. The creamy taste of the cheese, the texture of the noddles, and the delicious taste of bacon was so good. Yang chuckled. "Glad you like it." Harry didn't answer as he started to eat the plate of food with gusto. Yang snickered. "You're eating so fast I'd be surprised if you knew what you were eating."

Harry stopped eating and blushed in embarrassment. "S-sorry." Harry said apologetically.

Yang laughed. "I'm just messin' with ya." She emphasizes her words by ruffling his head again. Harry smiled and leaned into the touch with closed eyes. Yang smiled and continued to ruffle his head for a few more minutes. Much to Harry's disappointment, she took her hand off his head. He nodded his head at her words and resumed eating his dinner, Yang following his example. Soon enough, they finished eating.

Harry was the most full he's ever been in his entire life. "Thank you for the food Yang." Harry told her as she cleared the table.

"No worries, kid." Yang replied with a grin. "I'm happy you liked it so much." Yang remarked as she went to the sink and quickly washed the plates and the pot she cooked the dinner in and placed them in the strainer. Harry smiled, then let out a yawn. Yang looks at him and smiles. "looks like someone is getting sleepy." Yang remarked as she went over to him and picked him up. "Let's get you to bed little guy." Yang let out a yawn of her own. "Looks like I need to get to bed too. I'm still tired from earlier...Thanks Blake." Yang grumbled under her breath as she carried Harry to her room. Once she reached her room, she placed Harry in her bed and plopped in next to him. Harry giggled when he was lifted slightly when Yang hit the bed. "Forget pajamas..." Yang mumbled. "Straight to sleep..." She wrapped her arms around Harry and dragged him into her embrace. Then she instantly fell asleep once he was in her chest, snoring like a train.

Harry smiled and snuggled into her embrace, then followed her example and went to sleep and was able to ignore her snoring.