When Karin got home from school she went straight up to her room while Yuzu stayed downstairs to cook. She closed the door and went over to her bed. She took one last look at the door to make sure it was closed before lifting up her mattress and pulling out a stack of letters. They were all from the same person and sometimes when she missed him she would read the letters to make herself feel better.

"Karin dinner is ready"Yuzu yelled.

"Ok"Karin yelled back stuffing the letters back under her mattress.

Ichigo had come back early from a mission with Rukia so he decided to come home before leaving again. He tried to get in his window but it was locked.

"Idiot I can't believe you locked it"Rukia said crossing her arms.

"I didn't mean to ok. Let's just go in through Karin and Yuzu's room"Ichigo said stepping inside. Rukia followed him but tripped over the windowsill and landed on Karin's bed. Ichigo was about to comment when he saw some letters on the ground.

"You knocked these over"Ichigo said handing them to Rukia.

"Ooh who could be writing letters to Karin"Rukia said trying to open one.

"Hey those are hers"Ichigo said trying to take it away.

"No way they may be love letters"Rukia said clutching them to her chest. Ichigo sighed and watched as Rukia read one. Then she awwed really loud.

"Ichigo you gotta read this Karin has a boyfriend"Rukia said waving the letter in front of his face talking in a sing song voice.

"She does not"he said snatching the letter up. When he was done reading he was pissed.

"When I get a hold of Toshiro he's dead"Ichigo said jumping back out the window leaving Rukia laughing on the bed.