A/N: Hey guys! In HP:FP (Hell's Prince: Fate's Prophecy) the chapter I just recently posted, I said I'd hopefully post another chapter for that and a chapter for this, however, I ended up on a mini vacation to my uncle and his family so I was too busy to make a chapter for HP:FP but in a day of which I just got back day before yesterday I was only able to make one for Dead Bite, therefore it's a short chapter but like I said many times before it can possibly get longer as the story goes on. Anyway HP:FP is my main story so that will always be updated before or at least sooner than Dead Bite. Onwards to my story! Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!



'Thinking'- Demons/summons or in anger.

"Talking"- Demons/summons or in anger.

Jutsu- being shouted or said out loud.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HOTD...but I wish I did.

Chapter 2: Dead silence

Normal Pov.

Our dimensional travelers had split up, after extra orders given by Naruto to save as many as they could and hide them to keep them safe, and went down the different wings of the school, zoning in on their abilities to sense people who were alive. They decided to save as many people they could, no matter if they knew them or not. Killing as many zombies on their way as they could, they were slowly saving as many people as they were able to.

Naruto's Pov.

I made my way towards Takashi first, he is my friend after all. I sensed that Igou guy and that Rei girl, they were surrounded by the dead fucks. I sped off to help him out of the ditch he was stuck in. I pulled back my sword and took off three heads that was in my way, another swing and five went down. I swung more and more until I stood right in front of Takashi and saved that damn idiot Igou or whatever-the-hell-his-name-is, from getting bitten by the living-fucking-dead!

"Fuck, you fucktard! Didn't you hear Takashi screaming for you to get the fuck away from these corpses!? Are you fucking deaf or something?" I yelled at the silver headed idiot standing in front of me with a dumb ass expression. I shook my head feeling more and more of those living dead shits coming this way. Pulling up the Rei girl and patting Takashi on his back, I pulled them into one of the janitors cupboards and pushed all three of them in it.

"Hey Naruto, wait a moment! Where are you going! We can't all fit in here!" Rei, that stupid girl said trying to pull away from me as I shoved them into the small room. I rolled my eyes at her attitude. 'Seriously...is she always such a bitch? At least Sakura-chan grew out of her bitchy habits...sigh'

"Listen stupid, I don't give a fuck! Now I will make you fit and you will all stay here and be silent! No noise, movement or anything else! Am I clear?" I spoke lowly to them with a don't-fuck-with-me look, that made them nod slowly.

I backed away and closed the door and bent some bars over the handles so no one can do get in or out. I ran down the hallway towards the closest life force I could find and came across a girl with short shoulder length green hair and orange eyes, she wore a familiar white and red outfit, she was killing zombies left and right, I gaped at her.


Hinata's Pov.

After splitting up with the group I ran into immediate trouble. I hacked my way through the bunches of zombies into the classroom where two lifeforms were hiding. I didn't waste anymore time with getting them out and locking them into a different place with no living dead. I continued doing that for the next few minutes, just as instructed. I killed the dead, saved the living, locked them away so they not eaten and don't make things worse for themselves, and repeat the entire process.

I saw Saeko in the distance and went to help her seeing as she was getting overwhelmed with all those bastards. I stepped in swinging my sword in fast and precise slashes, heads went flying and blood of the dead splashed all over the hallways and floors but I ignored it all and dodged the blood. I definitely don't want to be soaked with zombie blood, you never know what can happen. I reached Saeko pretty fast and looked her over, she was soaked in blood but none of it was hers.

"Saeko-chan, are you alright?" I asked her looking around for more of those fuckers.

"Yeah Hinata, I'm fine, are you?" She asked looking me over, I sent her a smile when she raised her eyebrow at my outfit.

"Yeah, I'm great. Naruto-kun sent us out to find any and all the living and save them then put them away safely until we've saved all we could. Think you can help?" I questioned her and she looked thoughtful before nodding slowly and we ran down the hallway into the next while I sensed out any living however we ended up running right into two people I never thought I'd ever see again.

"Itachi-san? Sasuke-san?"

Sakura's Pov.

"So wait, let me get this right, some people were revived from the dead because, there's something bigger going on here? What. The. Fuck! Shikamaru! Neji? How many of you are here again and give me names!" I yelled at them after I secured the last of the living in the section I went to. Where I ended up meeting my old, supposed to be dead, friends, namely Shikamaru and Neji.

"Yes that's exactly what we were told, sorry Sakura. There's only a few of us here that were brought back to life some are out in the city trying to contain the infected and the dead. Let's see, the one's that were brought back are, Neji and I, Fuu, Yugito, Gaara, Itachi, Sasuke, Nagato, Konan, Sasori, Deidara, Kushina, Minato, Sasuke's parents, Shisui, Hanabi and Mei." Shikamaru said and my eye's just got bigger and bigger as he went on listing them one after each other.

"What the fuck! What in the world is big enough to bring back most of our most powerful ninja from the dead? Just what the fuck is going on here!" I cursed out running a hand through my hair before asking my next question. "Where are all of them right now?" This time Neji stepped forward.

"We don't know ourselves what went wrong, as far as we know, when you guys were brought to this world something changed and now things are going haywire all over the place. That's what we were told when we were brought back here a year ago." He said before pausing and looking at my expression, then continuing. "Gaara, Fuu, Itachi, Sasuke, Shikamaru and I are all current in this school helping in different sections, killing off the dead. Yugito, Shisui and Sasuke's father, Fugaku are with the police force out in the city, they already reported in to us. Nagato and Konan are by the boarder putting up a barrier, the government already knows, so no one can get in and no one can get out. Sasori and Deidara are killing the dead off from the sky's. Naruto's parents are closing off areas with their seal work and Mei, Sasuke's mother and Hanabi are helping out too." I closed my eyes after he ended of his explanation.

"Alright, this section is clean and secured. What now?" I asked calmer now with the truth out in the air, however, I was still a bit frustrated over the shit the Kami has created here.

"Now we need to take the dead bodies here and clean it up. We need to get to your mansion after cleaning up the school. We know that your mansion is bigger than the Takagi's. We need to get everyone you have saved there, I don't doubt it's the safest place in the world to be right now. Come on Sakura let's clean up this section then go find Naruto and the others." Shikamaru told me and I nodded before beginning to gather up all the heads we lopped off and moving them all into one pile along with the bodies, checking for any more with my clones, then burning them with a fire jutsu.

Normal Pov.

After five hours of none stop killing, saving and cleaning up, the school was finally secured and cleansed from the dead. The outside gates were no more but now a sand wall ten feet tall stood in place of it. Every classroom was emptied of the desks and chairs, the broken windows were all taken down and off to be replaced by harder, stronger windows. All the desks and chairs were in the auditorium set out neatly. Eleven figures stood up on the stage talking.

"Hokage-sama, I assume you now know about everything?" Asked a dark haired man with his hair up in a spiky ponytail that stood up on his head. Naruto nodded his head seriously looking at his old comrade, who was once his right hand man, his strategist. "Right, then I guess we should bring in the living to explain what we are going to do."

"Shikamaru... please call me Naruto again, in fact all of you, none of that Hokage-sama bullshit. Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Tenten and I will go bring in the living, you guys relax here, you've done enough for now." Naruto spoke to them with authority and they all couldn't help but stand straighter. He turned towards the one dark haired man who stood to the side of everyone, his black eyes boar into Naruto's own purple. "Sasuke... it's great to see you alive again you bastard." And with that he and his wives disappeared to bring back the ones they saved.

Once every living person, that was in the school, was in the auditorium, looking around scared and helpless, Naruto stepped up to the mic.

"I would like all of you to sit the fuck down and listen to what I have to say before you all start fucking yelling and doing stupid, fucked up things." Naruto spoke boredly but with a hint of authority. The students and some teachers glared at him some were about to protest until a voice boomed from the back of the auditorium.

"That was not a request fuckers!" Sasuke boomed looking at them all with sharp and dark eyes. Across the hall Naruto rolled his eyes a bit, but the people started to settle and sit as told. "Good." Sasuke muttered under his breath. On the other end behind Naruto, Sakura stood leaning against the wall and smiled softly at the interaction between Naruto and Sasuke.

"O-kay! Now all of you should really be fucking grateful for us, since we're the one's who saved your motherfucking asses. So this is how this is going to work, I'm going to let you all know that we, my friends and I, are all top ranking guards in the emperor's guard. I, for one, rank higher than miss Takagi's parents. My friends and I also have powers, powers that no normal human has here, mainly because we not normal but that's all you going to get from us for now." Naruto told them and paused, waiting for their out bursts and he wasn't surprised that they did indeed burst out with questions and disbelief.

"Shut up! All of you!" Sasuke boomed once again and they cringed when they all felt an overwhelming presence come over them when they didn't listen to him when he first spoke. This time they went quiet again but for good now. Sasuke nodded at Naruto to continue.

"Great! Now, I'm going to teleport all of you back to my mansion, it's pretty big. My wives will help any and all of you, so you better listen to them. Now if you didn't notice the floor you standing on has been painted with seals that will help me teleport you all to my place, so get ready, it's a bumpy ride." Naruto said grinning and winked over at his girls when he said wives, which made many people's eyes widen. Before anyone could argue and run he flashed through five hand signs and everyone that was once in the auditorium was now gone and appeared on his front yard, that was more than five times the size of the auditorium.

Back at the auditorium at the school the walls of sand still held up. Gaara had modified his jutsu to the point where he could leave the area and the jutsu would stay in place for months before it started cracking. For now the hallways were empty, the classrooms were empty, the grounds were empty, everything in the school was empty and clean, as if the zombies never even appeared in the school. Everything was silent...too silent until suddenly there was humming in the hallways.

"La...la la...la...la la la...la la...la..." A soft childlike voice sung. Small feet hopped and skipped along the corridors of the empty but no longer silent hallways...


See you guys next update! I bet you all wondering what the hell am i doing to this story...well...You will see... Until next time!