Orientation: Part I- Welcome To the U

General POV

There it was. Every single aspiring student's dream was standing right in front of them. Each van undoubtedly had at least one or two passengers who were wide-eyed, they couldn't grasp the full magnitude of what they were experiencing, and rightfully so. The banners and streamers that were put up by the seniors of the school simply didn't cover it all. Maybe the school spirit part but this was what most of these future champions and wrestlers had dreamed of. Main event matches, cutting promos, adapting to whatever match that was put before them, the students could look forward to all of this and more. But first, of course they had to survive one of the most dreaded events known to man.


Eric's POV

I couldn't wait to step out of the van. It's a whole new experience once you're actually at a place you've heard about. I didn't know how people were going to respond or react to me. I got a lot of weirded out looks at me earlier after blurting to my "son" and dragging him out into the van that we were sitting in, but other than that, I felt I was in an okay standing with everyone else, granted none of them have really talked to me other than Jordan. He looked determined as ever, his eyes fixated on the school. The kid has the makings to be special. According to Vince, all of us did. We all stepped out of the vans simultaneously to be greeted with a small fanfare and red and white confetti. Of course the mastermind behind the entire thing stood on a pedestal. He was probably the happiest of us all considering that this was his birth child so to speak and he was watching it come to fruition. Everyone was herded out of the vans and huddled together in a large group before the pedestal. A loud screech was heard from the speakers, forcing almost everyone under the sound of it to cover their ears. Vince then stepped up to the microphone and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Welcome all to WWE U! New students and staff alike!" He began, his gruff voice traveling in all directions. "This new venture will create the next great superstars and divas of tomorrow. Of course, that wouldn't be possible without all of your interest. Also, the magnificent staff that we have here at WWE U. Now, to get you further acquainted I give you not only the vice-principal of WWE U, but she is also my daughter! Stephanie McMahon!" he exclaimed, looking off in her direction as she ascended onto the stage. Everyone, some more than others (mainly the guys) stared at her intently, I figured they were looking at her as a woman and they failed to realize the she was technically over them. She practically strutted onto the stage, one striking feature about her was definitely her smile. Hell, who wouldn't smile knowing that she could practically have anything in the world what with her father being Vince McMahon. Not just any Vince McMahon either, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Yes, that one.

She stood confidently, moving a part of her hair to the side so that everyone could see her eyes before she spoke. "Thanks dad. Now, I bet you're all wondering what today looks like for you. Well, I'm sure most of you had received the text message sent to you all prior to your arrival." Her statement was met with an equal amount of groans and head nods signaling that some of them had. "Well, those of you who are considered Sophomores will be shown around by Juniors, meaning Freshman will be shown around by Seniors. Until then, have fun and we'll meet back here at three. Go U!"

With that she left the stage, and now the dreaded orientation began.