Upon the new morning, and being woken for breakfast by Kasperie who helped her get dressed. Barely awake Rachel is shuffled to the dining hall once more, and seated one more across from Loki and next to Thor. Taking one look at Rachel, Loki gives a small snort and quickly serves up his sister breakfast placing it in front of her as she blearily looks for something that resembles coffee.

"Sister, there is no coffee here-"

"What?!" Rachel looks at Loki heartbroken and slightly more awake than she was before at the notion of being denied her caffeine fix, Thor snickers into his plate as both Odin and Frigga look at the twins with varying degrees of amusement and worry.

"You are on Asgard Chele, there are many things that Midgard has that we do not. Like coffee beans, which are grown in tropical areas, don't suppose Asgard has something like that hmm? We aren't a globe." Loki gives his sister a smirk, as her face grows more horrified.

"B-but caffeine fix? And coffee?" Her tone taking on a confused lit as it edged terrified and sad.

"What better time to kick an addiction and habit wouldn't you say?" Loki teases as he watches her wake fully as the thought takes hold, the glare he gets for his efforts to wake her up would have scared a lesser being, as for him he starts to laugh a full-body laugh starting with a chuckle ending with him doubled over his arms over his stomach as Rachel continues to glower at him.

"You are addicted to this coffee Dear?" Frigga asks, drawing Rachel's attention, her eyebrows furrowed as concern dominates her features.

"On Midgard coffee is a drink, mostly consumed in the morning, it's completely natural, the beans that are used to make coffee are roasted and then ground up. We pour hot water over the ground-up beans to make the drink, it has a chemical in its genetic makeup that helps with drowsiness." Rachel explains, though sees the continued confusion on Frigga's face, "Caffeine is found in the bean, it can help someone who is tired still, or has been overcome with tiredness to bring them back to wakefulness. My brother, Tony, and I drank it a lot, though when I moved to a different part of Midgard, I started drinking Tea, which is a hot beverage made from a certain type of tree leaves, which also contains caffeine. Subsequently, caffeine has addictive properties, and not having access to it regularly can cause withdrawal symptoms, which likely will hit in the ways of headaches, drowsiness, irritability, and constipation as the most common. The less common ones are more like if you are coming down with an illness or even nausea and vomiting as your body gets used to not having a steady stream of sustenance." Rachel continues to explain, not noticing the growing concern on Frigga's face, or Odin's eyebrows raising in surprise.

"And you ingest this willingly?" Odin asks, surprise colouring his voice, as Rachel nods.

"I never had to worry about withdrawals before, I had it in easy access, and the best way to stop an addiction like caffeine is to slowly wean yourself off of it. Because I am stopping completely quite suddenly I can only imagine what will happen."

"You said constipation is also a symptom of withdrawal?" Frigga asks leaning towards Rachel as though she wants to try to hide the other woman from the nastiness that she is describing.

"Yes, caffeine can help with blockages in your system, it contains something we call a laxative, which just helps soften stool so you can expel it properly. In the absence of caffeine, it can cause the body, which had been relying on the additional help, continue to look for additional help and cause a backup within your system." Rachel said it with little to no emotion, her voice completely clinical in her explanation of the sustenance, "That being said when you just start out drinking coffee, or tea it can cause you to go to the lavatory more than usual as it works its way through."

"Well! Isn't this a nice conversation for breakfast!" Thor exclaims loudly, having been forced to sit between Frigga and Rachel. Rachel turns to Thor, almost blinking owlishly as her brain catches up and she looks at the table, noticing a place of food in front of her.

"Oh." Her only statement causes Loki to start snickering again. She glares at him again as she takes her silverware and digs into the food as though she wasn't just talking about using the bathroom in any way. Thor looks at her slightly disgusted as she eats, she throws him a questioning look, which his only reply is to look slightly more horrified, "Yes Thor? You're staring."

"How can you eat after that conversation?"

"You forget I went to college for medical sciences as well, we discussed a lot worse before, after, and even sometimes during lunch. You learn to gain a strong stomach. Plus there was one time Tony got hurt, and it got cut down to the bone, this was before our parents died, and showed me the open wound in the middle of dinner." Rachel shrugs minutely and returns to her breakfast as Thor's face takes on a slightly green-tinged look, Loki looking steadfastly at his plate while trying to control his laughter, looking up only to glance at Rachel, who catches his eye and smirks. The two of them were on the same level when it came to teasing the blonde, that it was one of the best things to do and to do it often.

"I regret what I have eaten," Thor mutters to himself, looking almost longingly to finish his breakfast, but with the knowledge that if he tried it would not sit well.

"And you call yourself a warrior Thor? A little conversation about bowel movements and open wounds should not preter you from eating." Rachel looks at him slightly confused, erasing all amusement from her face with some effort. "I would have figured you had a stronger stomach than that."

"You are truly cruel Lady Rachel." Thor leans back in his chair crossing his arms across his chest and pouts. Having to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as she quickly looks away from him and backs to her food, which now that she was paying attention was eggs and sausage with some toast, blinking she looks up and takes in the food around her.

"Yes Chele, it looks like what you would normally eat in London, though I must insist you try some fruit from Asgard, it's not native to Midgard, I think you will enjoy the taste though," Loki says slightly amused as Rachel continues to be more conscious of her surroundings.

"You have become dependent on caffeine-" Frigga looks to Rachel for confirmation for a second, getting a nod from the young woman, "To help you wake up, how long does it take to wake you up properly?"

"Generally, if you're new to drinking coffee, or tea, or really anything that has caffeine in it, you'll start noticing you're feeling more, I guess jittery would be the best way to explain it, about an hour after you ingest it. But there is also a lot of hype around caffeine and the fact that it helps you wake up, so generally after drinking it since people tend to believe it works immediately our bodies start producing the chemicals that caffeine uses to help wake a person. Though if you drink it for years, your body tends to get used to it, and instead of doing anything, it's more of a comfort than to help wake you up and to help stave off the withdrawal symptoms. As I have been drinking caffeine since I was young it's more of a ritual now for my mornings and my mind starts registering everything after I take a drink or eat something, it doesn't even need to be caffeine anymore really. But I will have to deal with the withdrawal symptoms because I was still introducing my body to the chemicals that is caffeine."

"Will you be alright dear?" Frigga asks worriedly about the young woman.

"Yes Ma'am, the symptoms should begin within the next few days and stick around for anywhere from a few days to a couple of months, or would you use the lunar cycle. No wait, your lunar cycle would be different for Asgard than Earth, we don't share the same Sun do we." Rachel straightens a little and starts pondering this.

"Time seems to move at the same rate Sister." Loki supplies before taking another bite. Rachel hums before moving on automatic and goes back to her food as she continues to ponder the time differences.

"So does that mean you would be on the Gregorian calendar system?"

"Mm, not particularly, we go by the seasons more than the calendar system of Midgard." Loki replies, "The Gregorian system was implemented after Father reigned us in from going to Midgard anymore."

"By what a couple of hundred years?" Rachel asks looking up, the twins not even realising the looks Odin and Frigga had on their faces, whilst Thor finally started in on his food again, now that the conversation had moved on to a far safer topic.

"That would be more something you'd know wouldn't it?" Loki raises a brow at his sister, who shakes her head and frowns a little.

"To be able to truly calculate it I would need to know when you left, and if we're going by the Gregorian calendar it would need to be in B.C, B.C.E, or A.D. Then adding in the fact that the stories of all of you continued to be passed down, which skews the equation more, I would need to be with you, no that wouldn't even work because during that time they wouldn't have used the Gregorian calendar."

"What about using a different calendar system?" Loki proposes, raising a brow, Rachel hums softly.

"It would still skew things because unless we know exactly what calendar system the Norse were using at the time, and how it lines up with each calendar system thereafter would be the only time it would work. And I know the polytheistic religions of the North, like the Norse, or the Celtic, went by the season and the Lunar cycle rather a calendar system like the Gregorian. It wasn't until Christianity was rampant in those areas that people swapped over to the Gregorian due to a Pope of the Church, before that I believe it was the Julian calendar. But given the Gregorian was only introduced about four hundred and forty years ago, we could probably figure out when you first left Midgard, but that still would help with telling how time passes between the two as again we have two different suns, and the distance between the sun, moon and planter, or in Asgard's case, plane, could very well be different, thus causing differentiation in the length of your lunar calendar, meaning a month here could be three months on Midgard."

"Could always measure it." Loki sits back from his food, Rachel doing the same, as the other three of the Royal family watches the two.

"Only way that would work is if I knew the distances between Earth and the Moon, and then the distance between Earth and the sun, and I don't off the top of my head, I would need to look it up." Rachel crosses her arms and shakes her head, Loki hums in agreement, as the two take on looks of consideration, of which the resemblance becomes strikingly obvious.

"How long will your phone have a charge?" Loki asks, looking at her.

"Hmm?" Rachel looks up, taking a second for the question to sink in, "Well that depends on how much charge there is now, and how often I use it, the brightness, and how long the screen is on. Though I wonder if I can engineer something that will let me harness some solar power."

"Could always try incorporating some magic into that." Loki points out raising a brow.

"Except with that being my only Midgardian technology and we didn't get far into testing how our Magic reacts with the hardware of it, I'm worried about frying the motherboard, and if I can get communication setup with Tony he'll want daily texts at least." Loki hums in agreement. Frigga looks to Odin, both looking rather surprised and a little out of their depths before both parents look to Thor, who notices his parent's looks and shrugs, shaking his head.

"Most of that went above and beyond what I understand from Midgard." Thor rumbles, which gains the Twin's attention.

"Would you mind explaining to us what you are trying to figure out? Maybe an outside view will help bring some clarity?" Frigga says, her curiosity peaked by the discussion between her youngest.

"I have a device that can act like an instant messenger, no need to send anyone out to deliver a scroll or parchment. And it can connect two people via voice without needing to be next to one another, or even on the same continent." Rachel says going about the same way she explained her phone to Kassie. "Now it runs off of what one would consider magic almost, we call it electricity, depending on the amount of electricity it can be invisible and it holds power, which we then harness to power our technology with. It was something that was discovered long after you left Midgard, and while I did go to school for Engineering, it never really covered electricity. Though of recent years, especially now that Tony and I are going into clean energy people are looking into converting the rays of the sun into electricity. Now it's not exactly new, it's only about sixty years old from the time that we first used it to power something we have orbiting our planet, oh! Loki what about Wind? I could make a turbine, obviously a small one, just enough to power my phone."

"You still need to figure a way to make the plugin for the charging port." Loki points out.

"Oh pish! A bit of metal, not even enough to make a dagger, moulding it and getting it thin enough and with the proper tongs would be the hardest part."

"Why not make it cordless, this way you can have the panel in the window to charge all day, and then bring it to your bed table to charge through the night."

"You snooped in plans for the Stark Phone didn't you?"

"I added notes too, but it may be a bit more complicated to implement thinking about it, as I was thinking in the ways of Asgardian technology," Loki admits with a smirk, as Rachel rolls her eyes.

"As much as I would love cordless, this version of the Stark Phone doesn't hold the capabilities."

"Why not make a new one using Asgardian technology, I'm sure you can figure a way to make a compatible one, this way you can install Jarvis."

"I'd need to talk to an engineer, or would they be called blacksmiths here, of technology, but before I could even begin to think about that I would need to learn magic properly, and I know that's not something I can ask you directly as you tend to lean towards defence and offence with your magic."

"Thus why language lessons are being implemented for you Sister, there is a section within the library on our technologies, and I am sure you can find an apprenticeship, once you have the basics down."

"How long do they tend to last?" Rachel tilts her head in consideration.

"Mm, I do believe they go from anywhere from a couple of years to more than ten, it is up to your Master and if they deem you done." Rachel makes a small face as she thinks about it.

"I don't think that's a good idea currently Tony will want me home sooner rather than later, and I know apprentices rarely leave their Master's side after being accepted." Loki hums in agreement, as the King and Queen seem to realise the twins had forgotten they were talking to other people, all the while Thor huffs a small laugh, before moving away from the table slightly.

"If our breaking of fast has finished for this day, I would like to get to the training grounds and let Lady Sif and the Warrior Three know I am back," Thor says standing slowly as he waits for permission from his Mother and Father.

"Not so fast Thor Odinson, you will be speaking with me about your Finance lessons, whilst your Mother and Loki take Rachel to the seamstress to get her clothing. Frigga will also speak with you about your language lessons Rachel." Odin says, Thor sits himself again and tries not to pout as Loki moves his chair back and holds a hand out for his Mother, while Rachel gets up herself.

"Yes sir, thank you again for all that you both are doing for me, I greatly appreciate it." Rachel smiles brightly as Odin, who smiles softly back.

"It is our pleasure Rachel, worry not dear one. Come, Alva should be ready for us by now." Frigga states motioning for Rachel to follow with a graceful flick of her hand, Loki falling in step with his sister as the two follow after the Queen.

HI! This is I think one of the shortest chapters thus far, only 6 pages in Google Docs. THAT being said here is Chapter 17. Hopefully, I can get a good schedule going, and update more. Also! PLEASE do not hesitate to leave a comment, I adore hearing from people, and reading through the comments makes me smile, even if they are just pointing out my mistakes. But PLEASE remember to be at LEAST somewhat nice, or they will be deleted and I will likely call you out in a PSA or AN, I've done it before! I will do it again! *Wags finger like it means anything* Well, again PLEASE comment, I love hearing from y'all!

Also please note that I DONT have a Beta, I use Google Docs and Grammarly, so I do make mistakes, and there are times that I go back and SEE these mistakes as I read through again before starting the next chapter, I fix it there, and once I finish the whole first book, I will go back and update the chapter with the issues fixed then, mainly because it just seems easier in just reuploading it all at once, instead of changing it every time someone points it out. But I DO read it, and go back and change it in Google Docs so when I repost it, it's correct. Just to let y'all know