Hello everyone, this is the first time for me writing a Detective Conan Fanfic so wish me some luck :) Hope you all like.

Detective Conan does not belong to me.

Chapter 1

Conan had just arrived home with Ran and her father Kogoro from another case, solved by the famous Sleeping Kogoro. Conan went to help Ran with the dinner, while Kogoro had stayed in his the office, still trying to figure how he had solve this case.

Everything was normal for the end of yet other day as Conan, until Conan's phone started to ring. He reached for the phone in is pocket and saw Haibara's name on the screen. It was unusually for Haibara to call him at this time of the day, she usually only called him when it was something important.

"Hello." Conan said answering the call.

"Kudo, there is someone here looking for you." Haibara said whispering.

Conan left the kitchen so that he could speak without Ran hearing him talking about his life as Shinichi. He wished that he could tell her the true but this was the only way to keep her safe.

"Looking for me?" Conan asked. "And why are you whispering?"

"Because she seems suspicious. I never saw her before and it looks like even Professor Agasa doesn't know her." She replied.

Professor Agasa knew almost everyone in Shinichi life, so who was looking for him, and at this time of the night?

"Did Professor Agasa asked her why she's looking for me?" Conan asked.

"He did, however she only answered that she had something important to ask." Haibara answered. "Wait I think she's going."

Habaira had probably walked closer to Professor Agasa because now Conan could hear his voice.

"Sorry that I could not help you about Shinichi. But if you would like I could try reach him and tell him that you are looking for him." Professor Agasa said.

"That would be great." Replied a female voice.

"What would you like that I said to him?" Professor Agasa asked.

"Just tell him that I'm someone he lost about thirteen years ago." The same voice answered.

Conan didn't know what to think.

"Kudo do you have idea who she might be?" Habira asked.

"I'm not sure. Can you describe her to me?" Conan asked.

"I can do better. Professor Agasa has a camera at the door I bet there's a photo of her in the security system. Just give me a second" Haibara replied.

"Conan dinner is ready, can you go and call my dad?" Ran asked.

"Send me the photo I have to go." Conan said and hanged up the phone. "Ok Ran."

Conan open the house door and went down the stairs to Kogoro's office. He opened the door to see Kogoro watching some TV, like he normally did when he didn't have any work to do.

"Ran says dinner is ready." Conan informed.

"I will be right there." Kogoro replied.

Conan closed the door, but before he started his way back to the house, he sensed like someone was looking at him in a distance. He looked at the street at the end of the stairs but he could only see the few silhouettes of people passing by. He couldn't see anyone suspicions. He thought that it might just be his impression after what Haibara had told him.

His phone ring again, he was expecting a message with the photo but Haibara was calling him again.

"What happen Haibara?" Conan asked.

"I went to look for the photo, but there's nothing but a blur." Haibara answered.

"A problem with the camera?" Conan questioned.

"No, I think she knew the camera was there." She replied.

"This is getting weird." Conan said. "I will go there tomorrow morning."

"I will see you tomorrow then. I will try to see if I can find out why the photo stayed like this." Haibara said and hang up.

Conan started to go up the stairs when he reached the door of the house the one from the office open and he saw Kogoro coming out.

After dinner Conan went to his room. He still was thinking about this person looking for him, and what she had said about him losing her thirteen years ago. What had happen thirteen years ago that he was not remembering? He knew that there was something he wasn't recalling and that was bothering him. He could try talk to his parents, they probably would know what he wasn't able to remember. However he didn't know where they were now.

Though he knew that there were only two options, that person would be on his side or against him. Those were the only two options for whoever was trying to find Shinichi, since he had disappeared and been turn into Conan.

"Who could she be?" Conan asked to himself.

He decided to not duel into the matter anymore, at least for the night. He would think more about it after talking with Haibara and Professor Agasa and hear what they could tell him. Conan lay down, and even after deciding that he would not think more about it, he couldn't stop thinking about what that person had told to Professor Agasa. He had lost her thirteen years ago, how could he lose someone and don't remember? After a while he was able to fall asleep.

He knew he was dreaming, however he couldn't figure out with what. There were voices, there were cries and screams. But he could not understand anything. When he finally woke up he could even remember less.

Conan dressed up and got ready to go on his way to Professor Agasa's house. He was about to open the door when Ran called him.

"Conan where are you going so early?" She asked.

"Ahh. I'm going to Professor Agasa's house. He said he has some new invention to show me." Conan answered.

"Oh ok. Just don't come back later and don't get in trouble." She said.

Conan left the house with his skateboard and went on his way, it would not take that long to reach the house. When he finally reached the house he open the door and enter.

"Professor Agasa, Haibara. I'm here." Conan said after enter.

"In the living room." He heard Haibara saying.

He walked to the living room, he saw Haibara on a computer and Professor Agasa around some of his inventions. He looked at the screen of the computer and saw a blurry photo.

"Still trying to find out what she did to get the photo blurred?" Conan asked.

"Actually I was trying to see if I could undo the blur, but it's impossible. She probably had some frequency blocker or something." Haibara replied.

"It's weird. She's trying to find me but she's hiding her face." Conan said.

"She said she had something to ask you, maybe she needs your help. There's the possibility that someone is after her. So she's just taking precautions to not be found." Hibaira suggested.

"That is one good suggestion. But the fact she said I lost her thirteen years ago doesn't come out of my mind." Conan said. "Can you describe her?"

" Well there's not much to describe. She had dark brown hair like yours, until her shoulders, blue eyes. She was probably around seventeen. She didn't seem to be hiding herself by her appearance." Haibara replied. "But there was something that caught my attention when I looked at her."

"And what was that?" Conan asked.

"The fact she looked awfully a lot like you." She replied.

And there is the first chapter on this new adventure of mine. I hope you all liked and continue to read more, leave me some feedback :)... i will try my best to at the least post a new chapter every week ^_^