Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story.

The words blurred forming dark lines on the page. Her eyelids kept drooping and her head occasionally dropped nearer to the desk. She had not planned to stay here long; the plan was to study for a few hours reading up on the chapters she had missed in the last class however, hours later and Blossom could barely keep awake. She had read everything and more. Blossom had come down with the flu and ended up missing four days of class. The first and last time that would happen. She had emailed her teachers asking what she would need to do in order to catch up. Everything had been straight forward however her chemistry teacher had given them homework, to read five chapters on a subject that had been discussed in length during class.

Blossom closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She should really head home and get a good night sleep. She checked her watch and groaned. 7.30pm. It wasn't particularly late however she had been up the last few nights unable to sleep. The fever and aches had been difficult to ignore. This had been the first time she had left the house. The school library was her best option to get the studying done; it was shared with the nearby college as their old one got renovated. She began packing her things however her movements were sluggish and lifting her heavy books were becoming a problem. By the time she had everything in her bag her arms felt heavy and sore. Blossom had still not fully recovered but she had never missed a day of school before and she didn't want to miss anymore.

She swung her bag over her shoulder and started weaving through the other desks and chairs heading for the exit. She couldn't wait to get home and run herself a hot bath. Her thoughts ran wild as she imagined warm water, perfumed bubbles and darkness. She had been too focused on what bubble bath she was going to use that she didn't see anyone in front of her until after they collided. She fell backwards, dropping her bag off her shoulder at the same time. She knew she should have been able to stop herself from falling but her reflexes weren't the same due to the illness. Her hair had fallen in front of her face so she had not seen the unfortunate person that she had barged into. She turned her head as she began clearing the hair from her eyes, her books had scattered across the floor. Blossom sighed. It wasn't entirely the other persons fault but now Blossom had the almost impossible task of repacking her bag again.

"You can't help yourself can you Pinky? Any excuse to get close to me. Hell! You have practically fallen at my feet! Can't say I don't enjoy the view."

Scratch that. The other person was absolutely at fault here.

Blossom raised her head to see her counterpart smirking down at her. Brick Jojo. The pain in her life and the person out to make it worse. She glared at him as she picked herself off the ground. She wobbled slightly as her vision blurred but she covered herself by putting her hands on her hips. She didn't want to show weakness in front of the Ruff Leader. The Rowdyruff boys had stopped committing crimes for a number of different reasons. The girls had never stopped to ask, just kept on their guard. Eventually they realised that the boys really had given up their life of crime, but that didn't mean the Powerpuff girls were going to be friends with them. They generally stayed out their way and got on with their lives. However, for Blossom, Brick decided he wouldn't give her peace most days. He seemed to make an appearance in her day at least once; it didn't help that they shared most classes together. But still. She never understood why he had to turn round and make a comment. On anything. Blossom glared however she quickly dropped her arms and her expression. She was no mood for Brick and his games. Usually, not that she would admit it to anyone, when Brick did feel the need to comment, their back and forth would amuse her. She only showed annoyance and anger on the surface but underneath she would be laughing and feeling refreshed. Nobody matched her IQ like Brick did; came with being counterparts. It helped that he was easy on the eyes too.

"Brick," Blossom tried to say with much distaste as possible but it sounded more defeated. She dropped to the floor to start picking her books up but as she reached over to grab one, another hand was on it already. She peered up at Brick with confusion. He wasn't supposed to help her, he was supposed to mock and walk away. Brick didn't look at her as he gathered the rest of the books. Once he handed them over and she closed her bag, they stood.

"Where you been Puff?"

"Why do you care?" Blossom uttered as she looked away. She only wanted to get in and get out of the library without anyone being there. She still wasn't looking her best; her hair was limb, there was dark circles under her eyes, and her skin was paler than usual. That was the sight that greeted her in the mirror before she left. Silence surrounded the two leaders that had Blossom turning her head slightly. Brick was staring at her with concern. She could see him trying to figure out what was wrong.

"I had the flu." The concern he showed only deepened. It made Blossom uneasy. She wasn't used to that look coming from the Ruff; she gripped the strap on her bag tighter.

"I think you still do." Brick answered softly.

"I'm fine. I'm over the worst of it," she said a little annoyed. Why did he care so much? Brick continued to search her face for some answers. For a few moments they stared at each other. She left a blush starting to rise from her neck, his red eyes taking everything in.

"Give me your bag."

"What?" Brick stepped closer and grabbed the bag off Blossom's shoulder. Instead of answering he motioned for Blossom to go ahead. Her legs started moving towards the exit before she realised what was happening. She wasn't sure what Brick was up to but as she exited the building she spun round ready to confront him.

Brick continued to look concerned however it was very well masked by his signature smirk. The one that had all the girls melting on the spot, even a few boys too. If Blossom hadn't studied him over the years trying to figure ways to defeat him and his brothers she might not have seen it.

"Keep going Blossom, I'm getting you home." The use of her name threw her off but she refused to move.

"What do you want?"


"Just hand over my bag and I will get on my way, without you," Blossom stretched her hand out to receive her bag. Brick had other ideas. He sighed before grabbing her hand and readied himself for flight. However, Blossom was too quick and snatched her hand back looking pissed.

"What do you think you are doing?" Blossom spoke through clenched teeth.

"I'm sure I have told you this before Pinky but your temper just turns me on," he smiled as her hands formed fists, "like I said before, I'm getting you home in one piece. You look like you will collapse before you get anyway near your home."

Blossom did feel tired and wasn't up for the flight home but she wasn't going to reveal to the leader of the Ruffs how she was feeling.

"I'm fine. Hand me my bag so I can leave."

"No." Brick crossed his arms with her bag securely held in one hand.

"Can we not do this now?" Blossom glared at Brick. If he knew she wasn't well then why try annoy her. Or maybe he really is concerned. Just as soon as that thought formed in her head she quickly cleared it.

"I agree. So give me your hand and we can get you out of here." Brick kept the bag against his side as he held out the other hand.

"What do you care?! God you would think you would be enjoying this! We both know I look and feel awful!"

"I don't enjoy seeing you look like you might collapse at any moment okay?!" Brick raised his voice.

"God why?!" Blossom knew she should calm and try to reason with the Ruff but she was tired. She wanted home to enjoy the hot bath she had been dreaming about and she didn't want Brick seeing her in this state. Blossom thought that must have been the worst thing about everything. She wasn't her best, she looked haggard and she really didn't want Brick seeing her like this. Even that thought annoyed her, she shouldn't care but there was a small part of her that always wanted looking her best in front of him. Maybe if she did he would notice.

"Cause I don't okay!"

"It doesn't make sense. I feel terrible. You should be enjoying this. I mean I look like shit!" Blossom raised her hands and started rubbing her temples. She was trying to stop the headache she could feel coming on. She heard a soft thump and two big hands grab her wrists. As the pulled her hands away she peered up at the red haired boy. His crimson orbs studying her face.

"I care," but before she could answer Brick had brought his lips down to meet hers. Blossoms eyes went wide with disbelief. Brick Jojo was kissing her. Her lips tingled and her skin was on fire where he was touching her. She slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back. It was like a dream, one where she had thought about quite a few times. Where the teens would put their differences aside and come together as one. She slowly eased her wrists from his grasp and grabbed onto his shoulders. One of his hands tangled in her hair and the other was placed gently at the bottom of her back. The fire seemed to spread, she felt alive.

Brick slowly pulled away but didn't go far as he placed his forehead against hers.

"I care."