


"Bobbi, the test is positive," Simmons assured her. "I checked the results three times."

"No. No that, that can't be right. Take it again."


"Yes Daisy. Again. That last test can't be right."


"There has to be some mistake, alright? There is no way that I am-,"

"Bobbi!" Daisy grabbed the blonde agent by her shoulders and looked her in the eye. "That was the third test," she reminded in a slow, calming voice "and they all say the same thing. You're pregnant."

Letting it finally sink in, Bobbi let out a gasp as she leaned against the wall "What am I going to do?"

"I'm assuming this wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy?" Simmons asked.

"Bobbi if you're worried about Clint being there for you, you're not alone in this."

"It's not that," Bobbi sighed as she ran her fingers over the Mockingbird charm around her neck, remembering her brief marriage with Clint Barton. "October 12th."


"Back when Clint and I were married I got pregnant. And about halfway through I….miscarried."

Simmons gasped slightly. "Oh my God."

"It was during the second trimester. We were just about to find out if…," Bobbi's voice broke "if it was a boy or a girl. Clint was so ready to be a dad. He tore up his den and turned it into a nursery. Spent months trying to find the right crib." Bobbi sighed as tears glistened in her eyes "I'm not worried about Clint not wanting the baby. I'm worried about getting his hopes up on a dream that might not come true."

"Hey," Fitz frowned as he when saw the solemn faces on the young women of SHIELD. "You guys alright?"

"Yeah," Bobbi took a sharp breath as she wiped the unshed tears from her eyes. "You need something, Fitz?

"Not me, Coulson. He's got a mission for us."

"This just came in on our satellites. Looks like some enhanceds had a fight not too far from one of our safe houses."

Daisy frowned as the image came onto the screen "Isn't that the cabin you have me staying in when you found out I was Inhuman?"

"The very same," Coulson confirmed.

"What do we know about the enhanceds?" Bobbi asked.

"We caught one of the parties on satellites. An old friend," Coulson quickly pulled up the image on the moniter "Maybe you've heard of him."

Daisy's eyes widened. "That's Iron Man."

The SHIELD agents quickly arrived at the safehouse, surrounding area decimated. Mile-wide craters scarred the ground. Trees were cut in half and ripped clean from the ground. Fitz whistled. "Some fight."

"Whoever attacked Stark sure didn't pull any punches," Mack commented.

"Are we sure about this?" Hunter asked. "If Iron Man was just here, doesn't that mean that the rest of the Avengers will be here soon? Along with just about every media outlet known to man?"

"Relax, Hunter. Coulson said Hill's buying us time," Bobbi reassured.

"I'm just saying, not all of us have an Avenger for a significant other."

Bobbi rolled her eyes at her ex's comment, when she spotted a strange rustling in the trees. "Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Guys," Daisy slowly drew her gun as she spotted movement in the bushes. The rest of the agents quickly drew their guns, Daisy's eyes widening when she noticed something. "It's a kid."

"It's alright," Bobbi called out "we're here to help. We're not going to hurt you."

"Aunt Bobbi?"

Bobbi's eyes widened as the face of a familiar child walked out: a boy with bright red hair and pale blue eyes. "James?"

"It can't be," Simmons gasped.

"What are you doing here?" Fitz demanded.

"Right now, appreciating the fact you guys actually recognize me."

"Somebody want to clue the rest of in here?" Hunter asked.

"You guys remember that mission FitzSimmons and I took to New York?" Bobbi asked.

"You mean the one where you all got to go Avenges Tower while I was stuck in quarantine for being an Inhuman?" Daisy gripped.

Bobbi nodded. "Here's why. Guys, meet James Rogers. He's the son of Captain America and Black Widow. And he's from the future."

"It's been a while since we've seen you," Bobbi greeted "You look taller."

"I'm thirteen now."

"So it only took you three years to forget not to play with time travel?"

"This is not my fault! Those eggheads are the ones-," James' words were cut off when a man was seen flying through the air, slamming into a tree trunk as he hit the ground.

"Mack!" Bobbi ran to her friend's side, the other agents quickly following her. "What happened?"

The engineer groaned. "She happened."

Mack pointed to a small figure coming into view as it landed on the ground: A young girl with long blonde hair and electric blue eyes. "Fiend!" she declared, a faint London accent in her voice "I won't let you hurt my friends!"

"Torunn stop!" James shouted as his friend lifted Mack in the air with one hand "he's one of Aunt Bobbi's friends!"

Torunn's eyes widened when she noticed the blonde agent standing next to her friend. "You're with SHIELD?"

"Yep. We're the good guys," Mack confirmed, his feet dangling in the air "you think you can put me down now?"

"Sorry." Torunn smiled apologetically as she set the SHIELD engineer down on his feet "so much for a normal camping trip, huh James?"

"Hang on," Hunter made a sweeping motion with his hands as he furrowed him brow "did you just say you lot were camping up here?"

"Yeah," James confirmed "up in the cabin."

"Wait a second," Torunn turned her attention to a tall tree behind James and Bobbi "did you know he was a SHIELD agent?"

"Who are you talking t-bloody!" Hunter shouted as an arrow hit the trunk of a tree behind him, a thick metal coil connected to the shaft, trailing to the tree Torunn was facing.

Emerging from the tree, a boy zip lined down to the ground, a bow in his hands and a quiver on his back. "Maybe." Bobbi was drawn to him the second she saw him. His hair was a pale blonde, the same way Bobbi's was when she was young. His eyes were dark, yet soulful beyond his years. Bobbi had only seen eyes like that on one person before. Clint Barton. The boy took one look at her and frowned. "Mom, why are you looking at me like that?"