So after re-watching the whole Death Note series and Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.), this idea just popped into my head for some reason. Let's see where this goes. RWBY is not mine.

"They should be arriving soon." A voice on the intercom told him.

"They're kind of cutting it close, aren't they?" The assassin casually spoke into his earpiece as he assembled the last piece of his sniper rifle. "The show's already halfway through and soon it'll be her turn."

"We expected this much so it shouldn't be much of a problem." The voice reminded him. "Cinder wants this job done and we have to make sure it goes smoothly."

The assassin let out a yawn. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It doesn't mean I like waiting around though."

"Oh quit whining Mercury and just do your part."

Mercury just rolled his eyes at his partner's snappy tone. Was it already that time of the month again? She was usually a lot more bearable than this.

The grey-haired teen set down his rifle on the ledge of the building and tried to find a suitable shooting position. He was currently located on one of the high rises across from the regaled Vale Opera House where their target would be performing tonight. He peered into his scope and adjusted the range. From this distance, he was still able to garner a good view of the stage and the performers thanks to the glass dome ceiling.

Mercury checked the air for any winds and was satisfied by the fact that he found none. He then loaded the rifle with his old man's custom armor piercing rounds. His dad was a worthless asshole but Mercury had to admit that the man knew his trade and was pretty good at killing people.

He was good, but I was clearly better.

By using his scope, he saw that the second act for the night had just ended to a round of polite applause. The violinist was taking his bow and was leaving the stage when something caught the assassin's attention. Down on the streets below, He saw that a long pristine limousine, escorted by an impressive amount of security envoys, had just pulled up in front of the entrance.

"Head's up Emerald. The real show is about to start."

"Twenty minutes till show time Miss Schnee." One of the stage-hands informed her. "Oh and your family has arrived."

"Thank you." Weiss said and the crew member left her dressing room without another word.

The girl was currently sitting in front of a mirror as she double-checked for any sign of imperfection with her features. This would be her final concert and she was determined to make it the most memorable one. Her father and sister had even made the special trip all the way from Atlas to watch her perform which prompted her to feel excited and nervous at the same time.

She took deep breaths to center herself, a habit which she picked up from her previous performances, and visualized as many serene thoughts as possible: A gentle flowing river, a wide grassy plain, a shoreline with waves lapping, something crashing in the hallway— wait, what?

"What the hell do you think you're doing you idiots?!" Someone outside shouted.

Curiosity getting the best of her, she headed for the door to her room to see what all the fuss was about. She exited the room to find spilled water on the floor along with shards of a broken glass pitcher. Two boys who looked to be around her age were trying to mop up the large quantities of liquid with towels while a man who looked to be a manager or some sort glared at them.

"What's going on here?" Weiss asked turning all heads toward her.

The manager who had been berating the two who seemed like small staff errand boys began to apologize profusely. "Ah Miss Schnee, I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience! It's just these two nitwits can't even do something as simple as bringing refreshments!"

The two teenagers mumbled their apologies dejectedly. They avoided eye-contact and didn't bother to defend themselves due to the fact that they were probably going to get fired no matter what excuse they came up with. And so they continued to clean up the mess in resignation.

"Miss Schnee, we're reaching the last five minutes. They want you backstage now." Her bodyguard informed her as he received instructions from his scroll.

"Thank you, Hugo." Weiss said to her bodyguard as she allowed him to escort her. She spared the two boys one last look of pity before walking further down the hallway. It was a shame really. If only they hadn't been so clumsy then they might have been able to keep their jobs a little longer.

However, unbeknownst to the Schnee heiress, one of the boys looked up from the ground and watched her leave. A pair of intelligent blue eyes followed her just as she disappeared around the next corner.

Winter was seated next to her father up on one of the VIP boxes that provided the privileged guests an exceptional view of the stage below. She had decided to dress appropriately for her baby sister's final concert. She was adorned in a beautiful white single-strap dress that hugged her curves and left most of her shoulders exposed with matching high-heels. She left her hair in its usual military bun however it didn't dissuade the men from ogling her and the women from throwing envious looks.

Her father was as impassive as ever with his emotionless expression while he watched a very talented singer perform on the stage. The singer's wonderful Aria was filling the room, and even Winter allowed the enchanting melody flow over her. But even the talented performer's voice couldn't release the tension from her father's shoulders.

He was most likely still thinking about the train car that had been hijacked a week ago. She could understand her father's frustration because the amount of Dust that was being delivered on that train was a significant amount. The company took a big hit because of that and no doubt added to her father's growing fury. She had hoped that he would be able to put it behind him for one night and enjoy his daughter's last performance but sadly, it was not the case.

The singer let loose one final high note before letting her voice fade like a summer breeze. The young artist was rewarded by a generous amount of applause from the audience, including Winter's.

The curtains closed and the excited murmurings of the crowd began to fill the opera house. Anticipation began to build since everyone already knows who the final act of the evening would be and it was the performance they have all been waiting for.

"Weiss is up next." Winter heard her father speak.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to hear her sing. It will be quite the finale."

The owner of the SDC merely nodded in agreement as he locked his eyes firmly on the stage. He now wore a strange expression on his face that Winter couldn't pinpoint. The man's shoulders loosened slightly and perhaps the beginnings of a small smile. It was a rare smile that was reserved only for his children and Winter had only caught a glimpse it a few times in her life.

A hush suddenly fell over the audience as they saw the curtains opening and a single spotlight focused on the center of the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Weiss Schnee."

Up on his perch, Mercury stared through the scope of his sniper rifle and directed it at the Schnee's pretty little head as soon as she stepped out into the spotlight. He would be lying if he didn't say that he was kind of reluctant to pull the trigger. The girl was cute and he'd hate to splatter her brains all over that dress.

But unfortunately, orders were orders and there were plenty of other girls.

Mercury let out a disappointed sigh. "Oh well, I hope everyone else is enjoying your last performance beautiful because I can guarantee that it's going to be…mind blowing."

He rested his finger on the trigger and waited for the song to end.

"We have to hurry." A blond teen wearing an errand boy uniform said. "The song has started and they'll be making their move soon."

"What are we going to do about him?" His companion pointed at the unconscious stage manager that they had just assaulted.

"Forget about him! Stick to the plan. Once you see the signal, get ready to move."

His raven-haired companion nodded. "How are you going to get up there?"

The blond teen tapped his chin in thought until his eyes landed on a particular door that had a sign labeled "Costumes"

"Oh I might have an idea."

So here you go! Let me just say before you guys say anything that this isn't necessarily based off of the Deathnote or Sherlock Holmes but it is inspired by it. So there may be elements and similarities from both series but it won't be an EXACT copy. I'm still deciding on pairings. So yeah, tell me what you think and leave your reviews.

On another note, if you guys know me by my other RWBY story, I'm just letting you know that I'll be updating that before the month is out along with another chapter of this one if you guys like it.