It has a cool title, hasn't it? But, really, it's just a bundle of crap.

You'll believe what I said when you reach the end of the page. Just don't burn me, I'm not a witch or a sorceress.


Shooting Daggers at Point Blank


"Do you know what they say?" Minato questioned all of a sudden in a cheerful evening where birds sang and the clouds made heart shaped on the sky and flowers shook their petals and whatnots.

Yukari stopped drinking, then gazed deep into his eyes. "Minato, delve into my very soul." Minato's eyes widened in alarm, he gulped visibly. "Have you found it?"

"Find what?"

"Look deeper," she instructed, leaning in even closer much to Minato's guilty pleasure. A few seconds passed with the intense silence, until Yukari said in a low, low voice, "then you'll find me not caring."

The author had the stupid idea of wasting ninety-nine words to build up the tension, and it failed. No, the fourth wall would not protect you. This whole screen you're seeing is cancer given the physical shape of words and it will infect you. It will infect and suck your life.

Then, the author had even the dumber idea of not deleting that hideous paragraph above and noped the heck out of your set of profanities.

Minato didn't breathe for a full minute to emphasize his incredulity towards the girl beside him, however, the girl simply snorted and blew her forelocks in a mocking way.

Minato didn't breathe for another minute. He gaped for oxygen like a fish out of water when he tried to get back at what he was saying. "T-They say people only need three things to be happy."

"Go on, I might be listening." Yukari said with blue lips, after taking a chug of her Pepsi.

The blue-haired male thought she looked like a zombie in diabetes.

"Those three things are; a hope, somebody to love, and-"

"A cell phone." Yukari suggested.

A confused face followed the suggestion. "No, it's actually-"

"A cell phone." Yukari suggested.


"A freaking cell phone." Yukari suggested.

Minato ran his palms across his face. He was that frustrated. "Sure." He said with wide, exasperated eyes that looked like Joker's Why So Serious face. "SURE. A cell phone."

Yukari stifled a laugh, but her neck couldn't bear the unbearable tension and she broke her spine to support a hysterical laughter. The sane piece of her mind was scared that shit would hit the fan soon. Minato was a very respectable guy, she loved that part of him, but getting him bent backward for a stupid reason would straight up be unintelligent and derisory. "Sorry, sorry." The brunette wiped a tear from her right eye. "You looked like Satan himself. Couldn't help it." She reasoned before redoing her hysterical laughter.

Five minutes of maniacal laughter later, Yukari drank her entire bottle—turning her lips fucking green—and told Minato to continue his speech.

He was no longer interested at this point. The more he tried to make sense of the situation, the more he got his brain scattered. The more he got his brain scattered, the more he wanted to punch out Cthulhu. The more he wanted to punch out Cthulhu, the more he tried to make sense of the situation.

It was an evil chain, a bomb that almost exploded his brain in an abrupt wave of orange.

Minato concluded all communications from him would be thrown into the wastebasket. He then smiled an innocent smile, got up, and stalked out the classroom in a 'fuck it, I'm outta here' manner.

Yukari packed her things in a hurry and caught up to him. They were now walking outside Gekkoukan High School, the birds now sang death songs, skull-shaped clouds hovered over the sky, and the flowers withered into nothingness. That was what was happening in his mind, however. Yukari, being the graceful Lover that she wasn't, attempted to revise the gloomy view inside his brain, "So, what about happiness and somebody to love?"

Minato exhaled patiently, "Nvm. It was dumb."

"It wasn't!" What a giant ass, Takeba Yukari. "Come on, get me the dirt!"

Minato's response was a mere crook of his eyebrow. "Truce?"

"Yeah, truce, why not?" Yukari laughed, her green lips had begun to fade into its original pink. Minato comprehended whether or not he waste anymore time trying to give any essence into the situation he faced.

He comprehended for twenty minutes—seriously, it was a hard task—they were already in front of the dorm now. Yukari waited, both eyebrows raised. She was about to raise both her hands too and rush straight for the door when the blue haired male decided to give her a third chance. "So, do you think you're happy now?"

"Uhh, kind of. I laughed twenty one minutes ago, didn't I?"

"That means you have somebody you love?"

"I have?"

"You do?"

"Do I?"

"Aren't you?"

Yukari finally raised her hands in the air. "I admit defeat. Fine, Minato." She said in exasperation as she stepped on the stairs a little too energetically. No, she didn't fall, that would be cliché as hell. No, Minato also, didn't catch her hands giving her an emerald ring, for he was by no means a Shakespeare's descendant. "Fine."

Minato watched as the brunette went in the dorm, leaving six unanswered questions at his responsibilities. "Does that mean you have somebody you love, Yukari?" Not caring how Ken would react, he shouted into the closed piece of wood. He could just go in and lessen all the drama he had to go through, but he was the protagonist for a reason.

"Dammit, Minato, do you really have to ask?" Yukari's voice shouted back. At this point, the police would get suspicious of them two if they didn't stop the bickering soon.

What's a young man doing shouting to a door? They would wonder.

Minato gave little to no crap to the not-yet-existent policemen, "Is he me?"

At that inquiry, Yukari slammed the door open with vengeful steams above her head. She stared long into Minato's grayish orbs. "Minato, delve deep into my very soul."

Minato gulped visibly, cursing déjà vu's ugly cruelty. "I-I'm doing it." Yukari opened her mouth but was stopped by the boy. "No, I don't see anything."

Yukari inhaled, "You can also see me not not accepting."

Yes, she was using two negations at one sentence, imagine Junpei's horror.

What did she mean? "What do you mean?"

"Raise Pixie to level 98, then maybe I'll tell you." She winked. It was drop dead mission impossible. Although, once again, the protagonist was the protagonist for a reason.

Scratch that, make it two reasons.

Later that night, SEES had to go through all kinds of journey in Tartarus in a single night. Minato was so glad he had the PSP version, he'd be fatigued to Death—yes, the emo Black Rock Shooter that always made Fuuka gasp—if he had used the original PS2 version.


A/N: I would probably regret this. Oh well, let's just make fake beneficial use of this crap by putting in mind that my National Exam has finished! Yeay!

Maybe I should take antidepressants or whatnot. I know one person would be rendered dead if he ever read this hideous fic. Let's pray for his safety somewhere in the world.

Oh, I put a small epilogue at the end, because this airhead honestly thought it wasn't half a bad idea to put this up since no one would be reading this anyway. Here, eat crap.


In another timeline in the same dimension where Elizabeth had let the protagonist's Personae to roam around in the Velvet Room, Minato and Yukari reached a different ending of their little conversation.

Minato's response was a mere crook of his eyebrow.


"Said someone who laughed like Orpheus in obesity doing an Agi on a Cowardly Maya."

"I didn't. Your face looked like Satan craving a Samsara in his skill slot."

In the distance, they could hear Beelzebub doing a Victory Cry after beating Helel in a chess match while Alice and Orobas played Monopoly together. Where did Igor get all those knick-knacks?

Both teenagers stopped in their track to condemn for Alice's loss in France for a moment.

"Would you finish your point, Minato? Because this story has to finish soon or I don't know, we'll get deleted and all that crap."

"How about making this story pointless?" Yukari raised an eyebrow. "Can you find any other way to make the slightest sense of this crap?"

Yukari cogitated the idea and decided she would better be off with this. The point of the story was taken anyways. The genre was already romance, so hell with the author's reputation. "Suggestion accepted."

And they both walked home with their asses swaying like the wind had taken down the storm.


Assuming your brain is still intact, how about giving a review? Thank you for reading this, have a nice day!

04/19/2016 ~NollyLvn