Sorry for being so far behind on updating this story. The issue wasn't writing, but work. Got to work at a summer camp this summer, and had an amazing experience up there. Big shout-out to my co-workers and friends!

So anyways, this chapter will introduce the last two Brawler recruits for the Neo Bakugan Battle Brawlers. And if you know the series, you might get an inkling at who one of these recruit's Bakugan partners is gonna be.

Well, that's enough out of me. Time to See what's up with the Brawlers still on New Vestroia.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bakugan. All rights to appropriate owners.

Chapter 5:
One to Stand Tall

The Neo Bakugan Battle Brawlers stood before a screen in the cockpit, looking over a map of New Vestroia, and figuring out our next plan of attack. With Vestal Tower crossed off as a place to recruit brawlers, we needed to find a new target to hit and rescue captives.
"So far, looks like Gundal Sphere is our best target to hit next." Genn suggested, "It's out of the way, and has more frequent prisoner transfers."
"It sounds like it could work." Gladius evaluated.
"However, I'd like a second opinion. Aria?" My partner was not quite prepared to be called on, which wasn't surprising.
Still, she answered, "I'd say we should try. But, let's head away from Gundal Sphere in case someone like Winstra has a trap ready for us. Then, we'll scope out the place before moving in." Now that was a plan if I ever heard one.
"I like that approach." Sarah concurred, "That way, we don't step into trouble like before."
"'Kay! Setting course for Gundal Sphere!" Genn announced.
As he returned to manual control, I brought up the burning question, "Why's this place called Gundal Sphere? I thought these people were Vestals."
"Believe us Leo, we have no idea." Yoshi said, exasperated. While that didn't answer a lot, it definitely meant we had to treat carefully now. Still, I didn't like the feeling I was getting about this target.

By nightfall, we camped the base in another valley to hide it from patrols. Up on the roof, the four brawlers were eating some pre-prepared food for their dinner. As they ate, Yoshi noticed how her companion Genn was scarfing his food.
"Genn!" she growled, "Do you have to be so noisy when you eat?!"
"What?!" Genn muttered with food in his mouth, "I'm hungry. Brawling works up my appetite." And he returned to his food.
"You are so inconsiderate! Sarah, help me out." However, Sarah was eating much like Genn was: messy. She was so busy eating, she didn't even register the plea. Growing steadily more frustrated, Yoshi addressed Aria, "Well, maybe one other person can show common decency." Sadly, my partner had not been eating a lot when we were on the run before, so she was wolfing down as much food as she could. It was embarrassing to watch, but I reminded myself of why she was eating like this.
But she did stop her scarfing for a moment to answer, "Sorry. I'm just really hungry."
"I give up!" Yoshi sighed.

After we had our fill of food, all the brawlers returned to their rooms to sleep. I tried to fall asleep myself, but I was restless. My mind was abuzz with questions from our recent battles. Popping out of ball form, I looked up through the window to the starry sky. There was still so much I didn't know about myself, or about why I was here on New Vestroia in such dark times. Even more disconcerting was that symbol that flashed when Aria or the others battled: the attribute symbols. What was the meaning of Aria possessing that symbol, and why did it always empower me and the other Bakugan? Even more prevalent, who was I? Beyond meeting Aria, my memories were void.
While I was loss in thought, a voice called out, Leonidas. But this wasn't the same voice that gave me my name. This voice was dark, full of pride and lust. Leonidas! it called again, stronger than before.
"Who's there?! Who are you?!" I called back.
You have forgotten.
"Who are you?!" I yelled. That woke Aria up, though I wasn't aware of it yet.
If you want answers, come find me. For I am closer than you think. Then the voice's presence vanished.
"Wait!" Before I could go anywhere, Aria cupped me in her hands and brought me up to eye-level.
"Leo, what's wrong?" she asked, a tone of worry evident in her voice.
"Sorry Aria." I replied, "I was... hearing someone in my head. It felt like they were here earlier."
"I honestly don't know. He said I had forgotten, and that he was close by if I sought answers." I couldn't afford to hide things, even from my partner. And besides, I knew I could trust her with this matter.
Aria seemed to understand what I was feeling, as she suggested, "Then let's go find some answers." I was caught quite off-guard by the suggestion. "Well, we don't really know anything about ourselves." she continued, "And there haven't been a lot of leads to recovering our different pasts. So if there is one nearby, I say we take the opportunity while it's there."
"But what if it's Dragna or another Vestal Knight?" I cautioned.
"Then we brawl them out of here!" A simple strategy, but one I was eager for. So I agreed, and we went outside without letting anyone else know.

Once we were outside the base, the voice from before boomed, So you brought your brawler with you? Fitting for this occasion, Pyrus Leonidas. The two of us stopped and looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.
Oh, don't try looking for us. another voice announced, You won't find us... until we reveal ourselves to you both.
"Who are you?!" we demanded. And in a cloud of black mist, just a bit of a distance in front of us, stood a boy with orange hair standing up in some kind of retro hairstyle, a black jacket with belts and buckles on the front, purple sweats with a decorative chain dangling from his right hip, and black, high boots. His eyes were most disturbing, cause they were just blue circles with no irises. He must've been from another world besides Earth.
"Name's Lloyd." the stranger introduced, "And we have a score to settle."
"A score?" Aria wondered aloud.
"Yeah. With Leonidas."
"With me?! For what?!" I exclaimed.
"For forgetting your purpose for being on New Vestroia." Lloyd elaborated, "You see, you aren't like the other Bakugan. You didn't come from New Vestroia. You were born from the Doom Dimension."
"I don't understand." I spoke up, "What do you mean I'm not like other Bakugan? And what is this Doom Dimension?"
Smirking, he told us, "I'll let my Bakugan enlighten you there. Go, Darkus Vladitor!" And floating before him was a black Bakugan we had never seen before. When it appeared, it looked like some kind of ancient warlord. It had a samurai helmet with two horns attached, and it looked like its body could be armored. Darkus Vladitor.

"Leonidas," Vladitor began, "You and I came from the same place: a place called the Doom Dimension. Any Bakugan sent to such a place never returns. It is from there I was sealed away for so long, and you were created."
"What?!" Aria gasped.
"You and I were brought here, Leonidas, for a purpose. To destroy all Bakugan!"
"To destroy?!" I shouted in surprise. That can't have been my mission.
"It is your destiny, Leonidas. Join us, and together we can conquer all worlds. Starting with the home of the fabled dragonoid: Earth." Earth? Aria's home, was the home of the dragon Bakugan?
Erring on caution, I inquired, "What of the Neo Bakugan Battle Brawlers? What will become of them?"
"Simple." Vladitor answered, "They will be eliminated!" That sealed what I needed to do.
But Aria replied first, "Then count us out. There's no way we're destroying our friends. Leo and I will put a stop to your plan, Vladitor!"
"That's right!" I added, "You can tell Dragna that we will never side with him, or you."
"You mean those power-hungry idiots?" Lloyd laughed, "Don't put me in with them. I'd rather be caught dead before siding with them." So he wasn't aligned with Dragna. But then, who did Lloyd and Vladitor fight under?
"Well, it seems we'll just have to make you join us in another manner." Vladitor suggested. So we were going to brawl.
With Gauntlets prepped, Aria and Lloyd slid the activator card into the slot to begin.

"Gauntlet, Power Strike!"

"Gate Card, Set!" Lloyd initiated. With the Gate Card ready, he called out,
"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand!"
"Destroy them, Darkus Vladitor!" Vladitor was definitely like an ancient warlord. His helmet was as intimidating now as it was in ball form; purple and black armor gave off a dark aura that seemed to make the night darker; and a cape flapped behind him. He was pure intimidation, with the power to back it up.
"Let's see what you got, Leonidas." Lloyd taunted.
"Come and face me in battle!" Vladitor challenged.
"Leo, you alright?" Aria asked with worry.
I turned to her, and assured, "Don't worry about me. I won't let him win. But I'll need your guidance. We are partners, after all."
Smiling back, she agreed, "Totally! We'll just beat these two together! Like we always do!"
"Right!" So I folded back into a ball, letting Aria take hold of me.
"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand!"
"Rise, Pyrus Leonidas!" With muscles bulging, and scales hardening, I let out a mighty roar as I braced to battle Vladitor.
"Vladitor, I do not trust your words." I roared, "So I will stand by who I trust most. Aria and I will take you down!"

Leonidas: 600 Vladitor: 650

"Well then, Leonidas, show us how the two of you will overcome my power."
With Vladitor's invitation, Aria proclaimed, "Ability Activate! Firestorm!"

Leonidas- 700 Vladitor: 650

With fire around me, I charged for Vladitor full force.
But Lloyd retaliated, "Ability Activate! Shogun Strength!" All Vladitor did with the new ability was block my charge with his right hand, then he pushed me back a short distance after doing so.

Leonidas- 600 Vladitor: 650

"Better try something else." I suggested to Aria.
So she announced, "Ability Activate! Slaying Dragon!"

Leonidas- 750 Vladitor: 650

But Lloyd calmly countered, "Ability Activate! Warped Palm!" As I swung my tail to strike, Vladitor clasped his palms together and caught it mid-swing.
"Is that the best you can do?"

Leonidas- 600 Vladitor- 700

But Aria was crafty, for I could sense her counter strategy.
"Ability Activate! Second Turret!" I pointed my tail right into Vladitor's face, and shot a beam right into him. "How's that for a better tactic!" Aria smirked.

Leonidas- 700 Vladitor- 600

"Not bad." Lloyd commended, "I might have to start actually fighting back. Ability Activate! Life Snatcher!" Vladitor rushed over to me after he recovered, and grabbed me by my shoulders. Once he made contact, I felt my power being drained out of me because of his powers.
"Leonidas!" Aria cried out.
"Now, Gate Card Open! Silent Doom!"
"If your G-Power drops below 400 while this card is active, you automatically fall Leonidas." Vladitor 'kindly' elaborated, "You have no chance to fight now." Maybe on my own, I'd be powerless. But with Aria, I knew we could fight back. Thankfully, Aria knew what to do.
"Double Ability Activate! Firestorm plus Slaying Dragon!" With fire coursing through me, I flipped us over and threw Vladitor off. This stopped the power drain at 400 G's, just at the point where I would lose.

Leonidas- 650 Vladitor- 600

"Now, Ability Activate! Alpha Blaster!"

Leonidas- 850 Vladitor- 400

We were poised to seize victory. So I concentrated all my energy into my jaw, and belted out a powerful beam that blasted Vladitor back. There was no way he could've withstood that attack. Yet, he did. When the smoke cleared, Vladitor was still standing. Both Aria and I couldn't believe our attack didn't end this round.
"Impressive. But not strong enough." Vladitor chuckled.
"How are you still standing?!" I demanded.
"Simple." Lloyd replied, "By using the ability Shogun Armored. With it, Vladitor can withstand any attack, regardless of power difference." This didn't look good. And even worse when Lloyd called out,
"Double Ability Activate! Overturn plus Dark Sphere Impact!" With the new power, a strange aura surrounded Vladitor, increasing his strength.

Leonidas- 400 Vladitor- 850

Then, with two powerful punches, Vladitor blasted energy at me with such force that I reverted to ball form. Our first loss, and we lost by a huge margin. The resulting blast from the power difference blasted Aria back, slamming her into the base. With victory secured, Vladitor returned to Lloyd.

Recovering with great effort, Aria recovered me from the ground as she stood ready for another go. But Vladitor's attack really took the wind out of us. How was he so powerful?
"This, my dear Leonidas, is the power of the Doom Dimension." Lloyd chuckled, "With this power, Vladitor is invincible to any and all Bakugan. You can have that power too, once you side with us."
Opening up, I retorted, "You can keep your power. Even if you don't work for Dragna, I will stop you. Count on it!"
"The only thing I'll count on is bringing you to your senses." Vladitor retorted, "And reminding you of your true mission."
"Forget it Vladitor!" Aria shouted, "Gate Card Set!" With the Gate Card ready, we prepped for the next bout.
"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand!"
"Let's do this Leo!"
"Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand!"
"Crush them Vladitor!"

Leonidas: 600 Vladitor: 650

Before we began our battle, the other brawlers raced outside to see what the commotion was all about. It was then they noticed Vladitor and how menacing he was.
"Whoa bongo!" Amazon exclaimed, "Who's the creepy Bakugan?!"
"I don't recognize him at all." Gladius informed, "He is unlike anything I have ever seen."
"What the heck is he doing battling Aria and Leonidas?!" Genn demanded.
"I'll explain everything later Genn." Aria responded.
Goresh began to notice something about Vladitor at that moment, and revealed, "Everyone, his energy, it's of the Doom Dimension!"
The other Bakugan shuddered at the claim as Lloyd scoffed, "Took your little friends long enough, Leonidas. I'm amazed the knights haven't managed to capture those three yet." Well, he was a third right. But I wasn't gonna tell him.
"I wonder," Vladitor pondered, "Why do you side with such inferiors? Your power surpasses all of theirs, yet you still fight with them."
"That's easy enough to answer!" I shot back, "Unlike you, the Neo Bakugan Battle Brawlers welcomed me into their group with a true purpose: freeing those from the knights and the Twin Kings. And unlike you, Aria and I don't need to destroy others. We're stronger together!"
"Now we'll show you our real strength!" Aria proclaimed, "Ability Activate! Burning Talons!" Pyrus energy infused into my claws as I took to the air. I was not gonna let Vladitor defeat us this time.

Leonidas- 700 Vladitor- 550

But once more, Lloyd returned calmly, "Ability Activate! Divert Guard!"

Leonidas: 700 Vladitor- 750

Just before I made contact, Aria added, "Ability Activate! Fire Scatter!"

Leonidas- 800 Vladitor: 750

Thanks to the last-minute ability, the energy from my claws surrounded Vladitor upon impact, then rushed in after I backed away.
"Way to go guys!" Sarah cheered, "Show him who's boss!"
Not letting up, Aria commanded, "Ability Activate! Hyper Wing!"

Leonidas- 900 Vladitor- 650

Letting out an evil laugh, Lloyd teased, "Is that the best you got? Ability Activate! Overturn!" Despite his new ability, I rushed for Vladitor with what power I had. But when I did, he caught my wing and flung me upwards.

Leonidas- 700 Vladitor- 850

"Now for the finish. Ability Activate! Dark Sphere Impact!"

Leonidas- 500 Vladitor- 1050

"Oh, that's bad!" Genn began to panic, "The power difference is over 500. If Leo loses now..."
"Lloyd will claim him!" Gladius finished.
"Come on Aria!" Yoshi shouted, "You can't lose now! Try something new! Anything!"
Somehow, Aria did, as she roared out, "Triple Ability Activate! Alpha Blaster, plus Firestorm, plus Fusion Ability: Helix Blaster!"
"Triple Ability?!" Everyone gasped. I couldn't blame them for being so surprised, I was too.
Righting myself, I concentrated a lot of energy for my normal attack. Then, thanks to the Fusion Ability, I changed what the power would do, augmenting the energy color and shape.

Leonidas- 600- 800- 1100 Vladitor- 850- 550

Still, Aria wasn't finished, as she then called out, "Gate Card Open! Scorched Earth!" Fire erupted from the field when the Gate Card was active, lava spewing from cracks in the ground, and chunks of rock heaved upward to create a chaotic landscape. I drew in all this energy to further enhance my attack. As I did, Aria's Pyrus symbol began to shine on her forehead once again.

Leonidas- 1300- 1400 Vladitor: 550

"This is our true power, Vladitor!" I bellowed, "Helix Blaster!" I belted out a double helix beam drenched in lava and fire, and scored a devastating blow on Vladitor, thus cancelling his attack. With so much power, there was no way that Vladitor could withstand the blast this time. Yet, as I landed, I felt that the battle had not ended. The team was cheering right behind us, but Aria seemed confused.
"That was actually quite impressive! You had me worried for a bit there." Lloyd told us as the smoke cleared, "So now, I guess I should fight more seriously." That was when it was revealed that Vladitor was still standing, though not exactly as pristine as before. Seems my attack did quite a number on him, and still he withstood it. It was then we noticed the power change.

Leonidas: 600 Vladitor: 650

"How did you manage to withstand that?!" Aria demanded.
Holding up his Gauntlet, Lloyd answered, "With the Power Reset ability. With this, I can reset our power levels if Vladitor's base power level is higher than my opponent's."
"That's cheating!" Genn griped.
"I know this guy's a Darkus user, but that has got to be illegal!" Yoshi complained.
"This is battle. You do what you must to win." Vladitor scoffed, "To battle by rules is childish." The coward! I couldn't believe how low this guy went to try and be better.
"Well then, Ability Activate!" Aria tried once more. But instead, the Gauntlet just spat the card out. "What the-"
"I'm sorry Aria." I reconciled, collapsing to my knees, "That Triple Ability took too much energy to use. I'm afraid I can't go on now." Which meant, we had lost. We only had 10% of our Life Gauge, the exact amount Vladitor had over me. Without new abilities, I couldn't continue.
"Now, to finish this." Then, a symbol appeared on Lloyd's abdomen like the ones the other brawlers had. The Darkus symbol. Along with its appearance, Lloyd held up a peculiar card as he inserted it into his Gauntlet.
"Attribute Ability Activate! Doom End!" The new ability shrouded us all in a dark mist, creating a field of pure darkness, and shutting out the Gate Card's effect. The strange thing was, this mist seemed to be coming from Vladitor himself.

Leonidas- 300 Vladitor- 1150

"Not good! We have to get Aria and Leo out of there!" Genn panicked.
"We... can't." Gladius responded, sounding very weak for some reason. That's when we noticed that all the other Bakugan seemed to be weakened. They had closed up into balls, and drooped into their partners' hands.
"With the Doom Dimension now present, any Bakugan not from the Doom Dimension will lose their strength." Vladitor enlightened.
"And thanks to Doom End, Vladitor gets to use the power of the Doom Dimension, and create a pocket where its power emerges." Lloyd added. While it was true what they said, I did not feel weakened beyond my exhaustion. The field wasn't affect me at all. Could I truly be from the Doom Dimension after all?
"Now Leonidas," Vladitor boomed, "accept your fate, and submit!" Gathering a massive orb of dark energy, he flung his final attack. And as it came, I almost felt ready to surrender. However, when I looked back to Aria, I remembered that I needed to protect her. I couldn't give up, despite that I would lose. So I threw myself over my partner as the attack bore in.

Then, at the last possible moment, someone called out, "Ability Activate! Blade Boomerang!" A spinning blade came out of nowhere, slicing through Vladitor's attack and shredding the Doom mist around us. With it gone, the other Bakugan regained their strength as we all looked around for who saved Aria and me. But we didn't need to, as a green Bakugan with feather wings like an eagle descended before us. From what I saw, his body looked humanoid besides the feathers and talon feet, one hand was a sword that was curved towards the end, and he had the head of a falcon. On his shoulder stood a boy with a green tunic and sweats, and raven-black hair tied into a long, thin ponytail.
"Who are you to intrude on our battle?!" Vladitor demanded.
"Get out of our way if you know what's good for you!" Lloyd roared in outrage, "This is between us and her!"
I tried getting back up to finish the battle, however the stranger cautioned, "Stay down, Leonidas. Let us handle this fight now."
"Who... Who are you?" I groaned.
"I am Ventus Machete. My partner is a human called Tien."
"Talk later Machete." the boy called Tien instructed, "Defeat the Vestal and his Bakugan."
"Ability Activate! Kazami Style- Blade of Illusion!" Swinging his blade arm, Machete generated a powerful gust of wind towards Vladitor, and disappeared inside. By the time Vladitor and Lloyd could retaliate, he had dealt multiple blows at weak points through Vladitor's armor.

Vladitor- 750 Machete: 600

"Now, Double Ability Activate! Soaring Dive plus Blade Boomerang!" Flipping into the air, Machete dove into Vladitor surrounded in a kind of green fire.

Vladitor- 650 Machete- 750

"Enough!" Lloyd growled in outrage, "Ability Activate! Dark Sphere Impact!"
But right when the ability activated, Tien called, "Fusion Ability Activate! Shinju Format- Phase Blade!" Thanks to it, Machete phased through Vladitor's attack, then nailed him dead-on.

Vladitor- 500 Machete- 1000

With it, Vladitor fell in defeat, and Lloyd was defeated instantly.
"No way!" Genn said in amazement.
"He just took down Vladitor like he was nothing." Sarah admired, "Who is this guy?" With the battle over, Machete and I returned to our brawlers. But because I was still too weak, I landed short at Aria's feet.
Lloyd retrieved Vladitor, then warned, "This won't happen next time. We'll get Leonidas someday, and all Bakugan will bow to us as their emperors!" And he left. Everyone was about to give chase when Tien held out his arm to stop them.
"Let him go." he told us, "He's of no consequence."
"But that symbol..." Goresh began.
"Another time. We have more pressing matters." That's when he got up close to Aria, making me a little edgy.

As if the dude couldn't get any weirder, he knelt before her with his head bowed.
"Mistress, you are unsafe here." he spoke, "I must take you someplace secluded for training."
"Wait, what are you saying?" Aria questioned, "And why did you call me, 'mistress'?"
"Haha. Aria's got a boyfriend!" Yoshi laughed hysterically, "And quite the charmer too."
"We must find sanctuary, away from there inferiors." That killed the laughing Yoshi's humor.
"Whoa whoa, not happening." Aria refuted, "First off, no one calls my team inferior. Second, I'm fine where I'm at. Leo and I can handle things."
"That Vestal was about to defeat you, and take your Bakugan. You call that being fine?"
"Knock it off kid!" I interjected, "We just got surprised was all. We won't lose to Vladitor next time."
"Listen dude," Genn came in, "Why don't we just team up? We need a Ventus brawler anyway, and you fit the bill quite well."
"I don't work with weaklings." Tien scoffed. We were all ready to lose our tempers now. This guys was especially pushing my buttons.
Calmly, Aria inquired, "Why won't you join us, and help save New Vestroia?"
"I am saving New Vestroia, by making sure you become stronger." he explained, "But this Bakugan you side with, he is not meant to be your partner."
"Say that again?" I growled threateningly.
"There is another you are meant to have. A dragonoid that possesses the very core of New Vestroia. He is the savior you must ally yourself with. He is the legendary dragon Bakugan."
"Hold on! I thought Leo was the dragon Bakugan. Are you saying there's another?"
"Leonidas isn't the one. He's from the Doom Dimension, like Vladitor said. Mistress, he is our enemy."
Before I could get in his face, Aria snatched me up and refuted, "I don't care. Leonidas is my partner, and that's that. And I'm not abandoning the Battle Brawlers either. And I am not your mistress, so knock that off too. Got it Tien?"
Standing up, Tien replied, "You won't heed my words?"
"I won't heed anything you say if you keep putting down my friends. I know we aren't very strong right now, and we accept that. But that's why we are forming a team: to grow stronger. And you should know better than to put down Leo. Okay, so maybe he's from the Doom Dimension. That doesn't matter. He's my partner, and that's that." I couldn't be more proud to have such a strong-willed partner like Aria. But I was also very touched by her conviction to stand by me. It was because of her words and her faith that I felt devoted to protecting her, and standing against all who stood opposed.
With a dejected sigh, Tien requested, "Then forgive me for what I will do." Before we could even register what he meant, Tien struck Aria at a specific point on her neck. The blow knocked her out, causing her to fall and lose her grip on me. The boy swiftly caught her, then took off in a flash. As he was departing, he called,
"Bakugan Brawl!"
Summoning Machete, he fled in a heartbeat.
"Aria!" I called after her.
"Hey jerk, bring her back!" Yoshi demanded.
"Send me out boss." Amazon suggested, "Let me go after him."
"You're not just gonna leave us Amazon!" Sarah protested.
"But he's getting away!"
"We'll find him, but as a team." Genn sternly reminded, "Which means we stay together."
"Good point." Yoshi admitted after letting out a sigh, "We formed the Neo Bakugan Battle Brawlers to be a team like the originals. We can't live up to the legend if we don't work like a team."
"Well said Yoshi." Goresh complemented.
"Well, I hardly count without Aria." I spoke up.
"Don't say that Leonidas." Genn tried to assure, "Don't listen to those guys. So what if you're different from other Bakugan? Aria summed it up perfectly when Yoshi and I revealed who we really were. You are a part of our team, with or without a brawler. Though, with her is probably better."
At that last comment, Yoshi and Sarah pounded Genn into the dirt, chastising, "Just stop talking now!"
"Thanks everyone." I chuckled, "But the fact remains that I can't really be of any use without Aria. So I'm afraid that finding her is my responsibility. When we are reunited, I will rejoin. Till then, farewell." And I flew off, with the brawlers protesting for me to stay.
As I took off, I felt some kind of energy flow through my body, empowering me. It made me change back to my true form, and helped me to soar off after Tien and Machete. Lloyd and Vladitor may have been truthful in the fact that I was from the Doom Dimension, but not in my mission to destroy all Bakugan. And I was going to prove it, to them and Tien.
"Vladitor, Tien, I'll show you!" I roared out, "Aria and I will prove what my true purpose is!"

Well things just went from bad to worse for us now. Aria is taken by Mr. Ninja, Leonidas went off after her, and now Dragna found us and is wanting a rematch with our leader. Well, not one to mess around, Yoshi and Sarah take him on, as well as his new partner. But then another knight shows up to aid Dragna in the challenge. The weird thing is, he doesn't seem to approve of Dragna's methods. Wonder what that's all about. But what came next was a real shock, especially for me. And I thought being a Battle Brawler couldn't get any weirder. Guess I was wrong.

Next time,
The Noblest Knight

Bakugan Brawl!

You don't wanna miss this!