The wind blew over the sea carrying the overwhelming scent of salt and sweet, summer flowers. It was the sea that had always been Leana's relief from stress and the crushing demands of being a Lady. She watched as waves rhythmically crashed over the ruined ships that served as the ghostly reminder of her father's assault on King's Landing. In her mind, she could still hear the screams of her fellow Dragonstone kinsmen as they burned from the wildfire. The brutal battle was freshly engraved in her mind, even after months.
She had wanted to escape King's Landing during the assault, but the Lannisters had stay in her chamber's frequently. She was a prisoner, but the Lannisters would never phrase it that way.
During the battle of Blackwater bay the Lannisters had locked up for reassurances. The small cell window had allowed her to watch some of the battle, but now she wished she could erase it from her memory. The screaming and bloodshed had been more than she was prepared to see.
After the battle, Joffery had been very close to taking her head, marking her as a traitor. She never thought in a million year she would owe her life to Tywin Lannister, but if it hadn't been for Lord Tywin's return as the King's Hand, she would be dead. Tywin had instructed to have her in King's Landing as leverage over Stannis. Tywin Lannister knew that Stannis wasn't defeated yet; he knew that her father was held up in Dragonstone licking his wounds. He would return once again. Stannis was not a weak willed man, he would not give up so easily.
Until her father either died or swore fealty to Joffery she would continue to be treated as a Lannister hostage, much like Sansa Stark. Leana knew it was futile to keep her as a hostage; her father wouldn't do anything to save her and he would never bow to the Lannisters. His pride meant too much to him.
Ceresi had sent Stannis a message claiming they would kill her if he didn't stop his attack on King's Landing, but he hadn't responded to their demands. Her father was too far gone to care about her, she was only his daughter, not his son. She was no direct heir of his, only a son of hers would inherit the Stormlands if he died. Which made her expendable.
She sighed at the thought of being trapped here in King's Landing. She just wanted to go home, it had been months since she had been to the rocky cliffs of Dragonstone. Though it was far from the most extravagant place in Westeros to live, it still had some redeeming qualities.
The view of the sea had been her favorite, not to mention she missed the colder, temperate weather. Most of all, Leana missed her sister, Shireen. She could hardly think about her sister without feeling a knot in her stomach. Shireen was probably lamenting in her tower cell, spending all her time alone. If her sister was lucky Ser Davos had survived the Battle of Blackwater Bay and was visiting her now.
"Leana Baratheon." She heard the whimsical voice of Margaery Tyrell call her name.
Leana turned around to see the future queen looking as radiant as ever. Her chocolate brown hair was braided in an intricate pattern while still allowing some hair to fall perfectly around her, framing her flawless face. It almost made Leana's own dark, chestnut colored braid look inadequate.
Margaery was also wearing a very elegant blue Highgarden dress, causing her energetic, cobalt eyes to pop out. The dress itself was cut low in the front and exposed her back. Her dress sure didn't help the reputation of Tyrell women; they had always been marked as harlots and Margaery didn't seem to break the stereotype.
Leana felt so modest in her long, golden dress that only exposed her shoulders and neck. It had long sleeve that draped down and were embroidered with black lacy flowers, the same colors as the House Baratheon.
"Margaery." Leana smiled, her and Margaery has been long time friends, since childhood. They had grown up at Highgarden together, they'd been close giggling companions since. Margaery had been married to her uncle Renly and for a short time her Tyrell friend had been a queen and family.
"No need to be so formal, Leana." She gave her a smirk. "We were family once." Margaery linked arms with her and slowly began to steer her away from the disheartening visible wreckage, wallowing in the sea.
Leana tried to smile. "I apologize, Margaery. Sometimes I forget about Renly, so much has happened since his... death."
"That is true. Odd to think I am betrothed again already and to another king." Margaery stated, pulling them toward royal gardens that were pristinely tended.
"Did you love Renly?" Leana inquired; she had always approved of her uncle Renly. He had constantly been so sweet to her and they had actually been quite close, mostly because they were not terribly off in age. They had grown a little closer while both staying in King's Landing; Renly had understood the importance of family sticking together, at least when it was important and could benefit him. Even though Renly hadn't cared for her father or his king brother Robert; he had always made an effort of visiting their family at Castle Dragonstone. That was, until he was given a spot on the Small Council as Master of Law.
Margaret's voice broke Leana out of deep reminiscing. "Renly was a good man, a very caring man, but I don't think I could ever fully love him. I believe you knew he preferred the company of men. Such a shame, he was very handsome." She chuckled, leaning in slightly to whisper in her ear. "He was better than Joffery in almost every way."
Leana couldn't help but crack a smirk. Margaery was always less guarded around her and they both always spoke their mind around each other. It was a bond they enjoyed sharing equally.
"Are you excited for your wedding?" Leana questioned.
"I'm excited to be the queen." Margaery shot her a sly side glance. "So yes, I am ecstatic about the wedding. You'll be attending, right?"
"Of course, I could never miss my sweet cousin's wedding." Leana forced a hollow smile. "I'm not quite as thrilled as you are. I will be attending the wedding by myself. Without an escort."
She hadn't had many suitors while marked as the daughter of a traitor. For most, simply being around her was a sin, as if her father's actions would taint them.
Margaery gave her hand a gentle tug. "I think I might be able to remedy that problem. You could attend the wedding with Oberyn. Someone has yet to tell him that Joffery declared bastards are not allowed at the royal wedding."
"Why would Joffery order such a thing?"
Margaery titled her head slightly to try and hide her disapproval. "He will not admit it, but I think he might be sensitive about the claims against him. Particularly, the claim that he is a bastard born of incest."
"It makes sense why he is so defensive. That rumor is one of the reasons Westeros is at war." Leana muttered. Though she would never admit it, she knew Joffery was not a Baratheon. He was missing the dark brown hair and the stern cheekbones that were an infamous trait of her house. Joffrey's face was too soft and his blonde hair was a telltale sign he wasn't of House Baratheon.
"But as I was saying, Oberyn is a good man, you would like him. I was hoping to speak with him tomorrow about the dilemma."
Leana nodded."If you would like, I will attend the wedding with him. It would be better than attending it alone."
Margaery let out a light, airy laugh. "Then it's settled, I'll arrange an introduction. You will like the man, he's as passionate as you are." The future queen gave her arm a small reassuring tug. "Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting a Dornishman?"
Leana laughed. "My father was too much of a prude to allow them around. Even on my short visits to King's Landing I never met one."
The future queen like a sly smile slip. "Then you are in for a treat."
Leana wasn't certain what Margarey meant by that, but it had her curious.
"Thank you, for helping me." Leana smiled happily. It was rare that she ever got a choice in anything, but so was life. "Have you visited Sansa since the event of the Red Wedding?" She prodded, carefully.
"I'm afraid not. She has been so reclusive as of late. I fear she is highly depressed, as any person would be over the death of their mother and their three brothers." Margaery said, briskly.
Leana held in a retort. She knew well enough her father would never care about the death of his family. He was a very hollow man, almost nothing existed inside him except his rooted desire for the throne.
"I was thinking of visiting Sansa tomorrow. It would do us both some good to speak," Leana insisted. She tried her best to sound happy, yet it her words were very empty.
"I think that would be good," Margaery concluded as she unlinked their arms. "I must got attend to the guest seating for the wedding, but it was nice to chat with you Leana. I'll be sure to see you again soon to arrange your meeting with Oberyn." And just like that Margaery left Leana with her thoughts of the foreign prince she was to meet.
[A/N]: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this is a new muse I have been been working on. I promise there will be some good juicy dialog from Prince Oberyn next chapter. Please take the time to leave your thoughts, and thank you so much for taking the time to read. :)