To the Rescue


Landon Richardson

Official Disclaimer

The characters of Steve McGarrett, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua, Jenna Kaye and Adam 'Toast' Charles do not belong to me. They belong to the creators of Hawaii 50, I am merely using them for my own entertainment.

The character of Danni Williams, while originally based on male Danny, has morphed into her own individual character and therefore can be considered my own I think. The name is the same but pretty much everything is different. This includes Grace who is known as Grace Taylor in the Danni universe since Williams is Danni's maiden name.

The character of Jack and Natasha O'Connor so however belong to me so please do not use them.

I should add that any character who you do not automatically recognise probably belongs to me as well.

Author Note

Welcome to 'To the Rescue'

This was originally in the snippet AU story but I've decided to place it as its own individual story and have edited it and pretty much rewritten it.

It should only be about five chapters long so I'm hoping to have it completed by the end of the week.

So enjoy!

Official summary

Danni Williams knew they were in trouble when the men on their team failed to return after a boy's night out. She just didn't realise how much troubleā€¦ (Danni Universe, Female Danny, McDanni)

Chapter summary

"Jesus Christ McGarrett, will you wake up already!"

Official Romances

Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Hints of Jack O'Connor / Jenna Kaye (JJ)

Romances mentioned during the chapter

Steve McGarrett / Danielle 'Danni' Richardson (McDanni)

Other note

Please keep in mind that I don't have a Beta for this story so the odd mistake may creep in without me meaning it to. I have also never been to Hawaii so all locations are either from the show, google or made up in my own mind.


"Jesus Christ McGarrett, will you wake up already!"

Steve McGarrett groaned as a sharp toned voice cut across the pleasant blackness which he had been floating in previously. He had been dreaming about his partner Danni Williams again but that voice most definitely wasn't hers. It was male and vaguely familiar though he couldn't quite place who it was. His head throbbed uncomfortably making him wonder whether he would throw up but the feeling quickly dispersed leaving him groggy and wondering what the hell had happened.

He remember being at work the day before, he remembered saying goodbye to Danni, Kono Kalakaua and the newest member of their team Jenna Kaye before he and the other male members of their team had gone out together, some sort of male bonding which Toast has insisted on them doing. He remembered drinking but lightly because he didn't want to get drunk before he went to Danni's and then nothing. Everything after that was a blur.

He breathed out loudly, slowly opening his eyes and glanced around him, instantly noting that it was still dark, the walls pressing close together as though he was in a container of some kind.

"What the fuck" He rasped out, bringing a hand to his forehead. "Where's Danni?"

"Jesus it was about time Steve I thought you were never going to wake up. How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened?"

Steve blinked, twisting his head round and found himself looking directly at Jack O'Connor. The other man was sitting with his back against the wall opposite him. He was smiling in relief but Steve could detect the hints of pain beneath it. It was no surprise, his right eye was almost swollen shut while the other side of his face was grazed as though someone had grounded it hard against a rough surface like a pavement.

"Like I drank way too much" Steve answered, forcing himself into a seated position and ignoring the way the small room tilted at the action. "What happened? Where are we exactly?" He coughed, spitting out the flem in his mouth before he looked back at Jack as the other man answered him.

"I'm not sure what happened, either we were targeted or we were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. As for where we are, well your guess is as good as mine. I've got as far as a container." He stated, shifting on the floor as though he was uncomfortable.

"Great" Steve said, scooting back so he could rest against one of the other walls, glancing around him again before he focused back on Jack. "What exactly do you remember?" He asked.

"Not much" Jack admitted on a sigh, bringing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them, a thoughtful frown coming to his face, a frown which clearly hurt if the way he flinched was any indication. "I remember you, me, Chin and Toast going out for some drinks on a lad's night. It was meant to be a team night but Kono had plans with a friend and Danni was taking Jenna out for dinner elsewhere to help ease her into the team." He stated, looking towards Steve who nodded in confirmation. He could remember discussing Danni's plans with her and Kono had been talking about her night out all day. "I remember going to two bars and then we left and started looking for a curry house because Toast was desperate to have one and we went along with it. Somewhere between leaving the bar and searching for the curry house we were jumped and I'm pretty sure we were tazered if the burn on the back of my neck is any indication to go by" He remarked tiredly.

"Tazered" Steve repeated with a frown as he reached up and touched the back of his neck, hissing slightly at the shot of pain caused by prodding the tender, hot skin. "That would explain a lot" He stated.

"Yeah, I woke up about twenty minutes ago to find you out cold, I've been trying to wake you up since then without much success." Jack stated, leaning his head back as his eyes drifted close.

"Where are Chin and Toast? Have you heard from them?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah, it looks like they are in a container next to us which may mean we're in a dock or something. I heard Toast yelling at the top of his lungs as I came to. It's possible to speak to him if you shout, I managed to calm him down but he's pretty close to a full on panic attack. I remember Danni telling me once that Toast really doesn't do well in closed spaces, especially spaces without doors or windows." Jack told Steve who nodded slowly at the information. "Toast did say that Chin was in the container with him but that he was out cold with a nasty gash on his head. Hopefully he'll be awake soon and be able to calm Toast down."

"This situation will be hard enough to deal with without Toast losing his head" Steve agreed, his eyes moving rapidly to and fro as he absorbed the new information Jack has given him. "Do you have any idea how many people are out there?" He asked, making a sound of frustration at the back of his throat when Jack shook his head at him.

"None and there's no way to tell" The blonde man stated. "I think we can assume though that we were taken out by a group rather than an individual. We're not small men after all, Chin is the smallest of us at five foot nine. You and I are six foot one at least while Toast has to be about six foot four. That added to the fact that all of us bar Toast work out means that we would not be easy to move without help."

"So we're looking at a unit of at least eight. It would explain how they managed to get the drop on us." Steve added, glancing down briefly before he looked back up as Jack spoke.

"That's what I thought, all we can do now is sit here, wait and try to build up as much energy as possible so we can actually help when it's time to escape."

"Sit back and wait?" Steve repeated in disbelief "Wait for what exactly?"

"What do you think?" Jack snapped back, bringing a hand up and rubbing at his forehead. "This was a lad's night out McGarrett." He pointed out, his tone making it clear that he thought whatever he was trying to convey was obvious.

Steve stared back, his mind refusing to make the links that Jack's had.

"What has that got to do with anything?" Steve demanded, his eyes narrowing when Jack sighed, raising his eyes to the ceiling as though he was silently asking for strength.

"In case you haven't notice three members of our team are the fairer sex. Danni, Kono and Jenna are still out there, doing whatever it is that they do in the morning. According to my watch it's now six AM and I can guarantee that my sister has already raised the alarm when I didn't come home this morning. The first thing she will do is make contact with Danni and it won't take Danni long to realise that the four of us are missing. They'll soon be looking for us and I have every faith that they will find us. So yeah Steve I suggest we sit back and wait until the ladies come for us because they will find us." He said confidently. "And they'll kick the ass of whoever took us."

"Danni" Steve murmured, looking away from Jack, his mind going back to the small blonde woman, he was torn between relief that she was still out there able to look for them and concern over what she and the other two would be heading into. "We should still come up with some sort of backup plan" Steve said finally, a slight smile curving his mouth at the snort which Jack made.

"Why did I have a feeling that you were going to say something like that" He said, leaning back against the wall. "How about while you think of one I'll close my eyes and rest. When you figure out a plan then wake me" He stated before he slowly pushed himself away from the wall and lay down on his front, his arms cushioning his head as his eyes drifted shut.

Steve sighed glancing around him again.

Just how the hell did they end up in these messes?

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read. An especially big thank you if you have left me a review, favourite the story or decided to follow it.

I really appreciate it