A/N: For all of you who do not know, I love Star Wars(Hence the reason I'm writing this). Though I've fallen out a lot on the Clone Wars series. But I have seen enough to get some of the important stuff memorized. Including this. I really like writing alternate forms of how things are done; a "what might have been." Cause there's a lot of stuff you can do with that. It's amazing. And this would definitely be on my list as an interesting storyline. I'm going to try to make it as accurate as possible, so if some stuff seems a little out of character, forgive me. Now enough of my ranting. On with it!
"I have to sort this out on my own. Without the Order. And without you," Ahsoka said, unable to look Anakin in the eye as she said that sentence.
Anakin looked at his Padawan's back with sadness in his eyes. The more he brooded on how sometimes he himself wanted to walk away from the Order and to never look back. He felt part of this war, but he felt he was losing more and more of himself the more he stuck around the council. Not only more and more of himself, but more of the people he cared about. His mother because he wasn't there. Now Ahsoka was the next to go. How long before the same thing happened to Rex? Padme? Obi-Wan? How long did he have to wait around for the people he cared about to leave him one by one, driven off by this Order that brings peace?
Anakin clenched his fists and looked down at the side of the ground at the thought as the memories traveled through his head.
Obi-Wan being shot as he fell dozens of feet... his 'grave' as the cloth that covered something that was not his body... dozens dying before the Separatists' droids as the ripped through villages and killed families... Padme slowly walking away from him as he made the decision to protect her...
All of a sudden, Anakin let out a low growl that caused Ahsoka to abruptly turn back to her master, and saw him clenching his fists with his face morphed into a look that was half angry and half sad.
"Never again. I'm not losing..." Anakin said, his frustrated voice turning sorrowful. "...I'm not losing anyone ever again."
In that moment, she saw the underlying emotion that was underneath her master beyond the humor and the anger when things came down to the wire. Beyond the surface of her master, she suddenly sensed, no. Not only sensed, but she could feel his pain. His anguish. His fear. And it was obvious these things had been haunting him for a long time. Probably as soon as the war started.
"Anakin?" she asked, using his actual name. One, she didn't really see herself calling him master since she was leaving. And two, she could see that this would require more of a gentle hand. She figured her leave would hit him hard, but the emotion she herself could feel was intense. Almost crippling.
Anakin looked down at his metal hand before looking down on his left hand. The one that had his comlink attached to it. He knew if he stayed, he would end up losing everything and everyone he remotely cared about. At the very least, he would be forced to watch them die. And he would even admit it to himself. He was a coward for walking away from that for that reason. But he didn't care.
So he removed his comlink and crushed in his metal hand. Ahsoka's eyes widened at the sight of him doing that, but he looked back at his Padawan and directed her face to look at him while putting his hands on her shoulders gently.
"I'm coming with you," Anakin told her. His voice was one that was absolute; the voice he rarely used when he was dead serious. Ahsoka shook her head. He couldn't help that he was making a reckless decision on her behalf, and she didn't want him to do that.
"I don't want you to do that," she said.
"I can honestly say this to you Snips: You're not the only reason I'm leaving. I... I can honestly say that I'm at my breaking point. This reached it. This really reached it," Anakin said. Again, she could see that he was completely serious. But she also heard the frustration in his tone.
"The Council don't care about anyone. Many times they've disregarded how everyone feels to get meet their own goals. Not only that, did you hear him in there?" Anakin said, the word coming off like venom on his lips. The anger was great in his voice, and Ahsoka didn't believe she could stop it no matter what she said.
"Hear who?" Ahsoka asked, somewhat hesitantly. Him bring up the answer might just make him angrier, and she was correct in that assumption. The right corner of his mouth twitched while his mouth was locked in a snarl. She had seen Anakin angry many times. In a lot of those instances, he was near murderous. Now he looked ready to brutalize.
"Windu!" Anakin suddenly yelled, refusing to refer to the man as 'master.' He was his master, his superior, no longer. "He talked about you being on the run like that and him hunting relentlessly for you as if it were the workings of the Force when he knew, they all knew they just outlawed you and treated you like a traitor! Well damn them all to Chaos! Damn them! Damn the Order! Damn this war!"
Then Anakin turned on his heel and had an overwhelming urge to smash something, or hurt someone. He just wanted to release his anger on whatever he could. Whether it was a cruel Sith or a heartless Jedi. Not by the Force. Not by his lightsaber. He wanted to hurt them with his bare hands. Make them bleed. Break them.
Ahsoka turned Anakin around while putting a comforting hand on his cheek. Angry and hateful blue eyes met another pair of blue eyes, but they were sympathetic and understanding. Anakin had never felt that bit of understanding from anyone. The sight of it caused his eyes to soften and the anger in his gut faded with his shoulders relaxing and his fists unclenching.
"More than anything, I believe this place has been heavier on you than me. You're just much better at tolerating it. It's probably more than I can probably imagine, but... you have a place here. I don't," Ahsoka told him.
"You're wrong," Anakin said, removing the glove on his left hand and tossing it to the side. He rubbed his fingers together and felt his flesh again. He felt like he had part of his humanity back. Ever since the war started, he felt that having both of his hands feel lifeless would make him more emotionless as well; deaden his sense of touch, therefore numb part of his humanity so he could be the Jedi and warrior that this war needed him to be. By taking that off, he felt as if he had part of his life back. Life that the Jedi had taken from him.
"You don't have to let me go with you. But I'm leaving anyway. If you want to distance yourself from any reminder of the Jedi, I can understand that. I... I'm losing my humanity by staying here. And I'm not losing that. I don't care for the Order enough to lose that," Anakin said. He gently grabbed Ahoska's hand and took it off his face before walking past her. But he didn't get far before Ahsoka grabbed his arm.
Anakin halted in his walking and looked back at his Padawan, who was looking at him with a focused look. Almost like his answer was the only thing was on her mind, even though there were so many including that one.
"If you're set on that, then we might as well leave together. Better to have a companion with you than go alone, right?" Ahsoka said with a small smile. Anakin gave her a small smile as well before putting his metal hand on Ahsoka's bare back before gently ushering her forward.
"After you Snips," he said, adjusting his position so he could let her pass. And he found that he couldn't stop smiling now. Neither could Ahsoka.
"Why thank you, Skyguy," Ahsoka said as she walked past him. Anakin followed suit and they walked down the steps of the Jedi temple. Amazingly, not a soul saw them. But several people could sense the intensity of the emotions coming from the foot of the temple. Yoda gave off a pondering grunt while Palpatine's neutral frown grew slightly more distinct. Even through his power, something strange had happened. Something even he had not foreseen.
"Mas," Palpatine said neutrally, but his tone was absolute.
"Yes Chancellor?" the Chagrian questioned.
"Advise anyone in the temple. I wish to see Master Skywalker. I would enjoy a conversation with him," Palpatine said.
"Yes Chancellor," the Chagrian said, walking out of the chamber as Palpatine folded his fingers in thoughts.
A/N: I will continue this eventually, but it's not high on the priority list. Updates might be spanned out for a long period of time. This was more of a pilot chapter than anything. But hey. Feel free to leave how you feel about it in a review. Farewell.