*-eep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Steven laid among the covers of his bed refusing open his eyes as his alarm clock continued announcing the new day.

"Please Steven; promise me you'll do your best to be responsible with this gift." Rang in his ears with a certain tone of finality.

Something about this time told him it would be his last chance, if he ended up in the void again he didn't know what would happen but he was sure he didn't want to find out.

The smell of bacon and pancakes greeted him as he dragged himself out of bed. He shut off the alarm just as Amethyst told him to wake up followed by Pearl admonishing her for her rudeness.

So we're here again? Steven thought to himself. The day of the explosion? Why though? What's so important about this day, why not when Malachite attacked or when the gems tried to save Lapis? Steven received no response.

The day took the same path it had always taken when Steven had rewound to this point. He ate breakfast with the gems, Pearl was going to rearrange her sword collection, Amethyst was going to check out the Beach City wrestlemania competition that night, and so on.

It didn't take long for Steven to find himself in front of the barn standing next to the crystal gems as Peridot gave a self-satisfying speech about her latest invention. Steven sighed inwardly. It felt like he had been here a million times over already. Hearing Peridot's talk was really starting to get on his nerves.

"Uh, Peridot." Steven began, stopping the green gem mid-speech, much to her annoyance. "Maybe check the capacitor before you start that thing up. Okay?"

Steven yawned. He hated being rude but having replayed this scenario he already knew that, as per his request, Peridot would check on the capacitor, find that it was broken and give up on the project. Just like every other time. Boring.

"I don't think that will be necessary Steven."

Steven's eyes widened in shock at Peridot's response.

Why wasn't she agreeing? Every time he traveled back She always agreed with him! If she didn't then the machine was going to explode in a ball of hellfire that would consume them all.

"A-are you sure you don't want to check the capacitor? Because I'm pretty sure that-"

"Steven please." Peridot said, cutting him off. "I was once in charge of monitoring this whole planet, I practically hand built the entire sector 7 wing of the gem controlled world Aierth, and I have spent weeks building this device from tools infinitely more primitive than your average drivers back on homeworld. In short? I think I've got this."

"But you really don't!" Steven shouted, feeling more panicked by the second. "Peridot, I swear that all you need to do is check the capacitor. Please. It'd put my tiny human mind at ease if you did."

Peridot moved towards the control panel and began to tinker with it. At first Steven thought that he had finally gotten through and that Peridot would remove the panel to check on the damaged part like she always did, but then he heard "Start-up sequence initiated."

"No!" Steven screamed. "You guys need to-"

He was cut off by a hand around his mouth and another on his shoulder. He looked up and found Pearl right beside him.

"Steven Quartz Universe!" She half whispered, half yelled. "Peridot put a lot of time and effort into this weapon to give us a fighting chance against Yellow Diamond and I swear to your earth god that if you don't knock this behavior off this second I…I…I don't know what I'll do but you can bet that TV of yours will be the first thing to go!"

The possible loss of his TV was almost enough to deter him, almost.

Steven pushed Pearl's hand away from his mouth. "Guys! I am telling you that we really-"


Thick black smoke began to pour from the machine as it started to shake itself apart.

"U-uh, don't worry I-I can fix this, no problem." Peridot said. Ripping off the control panel to look inside.

Steven hung his head in defeat, knowing the situation was already past helping. "Damnit Peridot." He cursed in frustration.

It was okay, everything was still fine. Just one more reversal of time and he'd get it right, he was sure of it.

Steven took a deep breath in and closed his eyes trying to focus on the breakfast he and the gems had shared. The scent of bacon and pancakes wafted past his nose, Amethyst's voice ringing out, and Pearl scolding her. Pearl…she always had to scold everyone, including him. If she hadn't then maybe he wouldn't have to redo this scenario for the fifteen billionth time. Steven ground his teeth as his concentration began to wane and his thoughts turned to that of the narcissistic gem. He loved her like any of the other gems but sometimes she could just be...frustrating.

"It's going to blow!" Amethyst's voice rang out through the commotion.

Steven felt the world lurch forward in the familiar sensation that denoted a jump in time.


"Leave the horror here. Forget the horror here. Forget the horror here. Leave it all down here. It's future rust and it's future dust."

Steven blinked in confusion through the morning light and hit the snooze button on his alarm. Two things became immediately apparent: 1. Spanish Sahara by Foals was playing on his alarm clock instead of the usual beeping and 2. someone had switched his favorite Cookie Kat alarm clock for a plain old boring one.

Steven put his hand on his face, trying to collect his thoughts and found that he couldn't. Why was he so groggy and tired after having just woken up? What had happened to his youthful energy? And who could've stolen his favorite…

Steven's train of thought came to a screeching halt when his hand brushed against the hairy stubble that formed along his chin and jaw line.

"Do I have a beard!" He yelled in shock.

Steven tore off the covers and tripped over himself as he stumbled out of bed causing him to fall face first onto the floor below. Cursing, he rushed to the bathroom mirror and stared in abject horror at what he found there. What stared back at him was a noticeably older Steven. This version of him was quite handsome with the look of a muscled man in his mid-twenties sporting a messy sweep of dark, curly hair that hid a deep scar along his right temple, piercing eyes and yes, a light, short boxed beard. Steven touched his face in disbelief. How had this happened? What could have caused him to jump so far ahead into the future? Then Steven noticed the most important thing; he wasn't wearing any clothes. Embarrassed, he grabbed a towel off of the rack and wrapped it around himself.

Stepping out of the bathroom Steven tripped over himself again and stubbed his toe on the door frame. It would seem this new, lanky body would take some getting used to. Cursing himself for the second time that day Steven gritted his teeth and waited for the pain to subside. When it finally did he headed for the kitchen. All this time traveling really worked up an appetite.

Steven had almost made it to the fridge when a thin, pale arm snaked its way across his chest and from behind him. He could feel a warm, soft body pressing against his back.

"So there you are my little rose." A whisper came in a sultry voice.

Steven gulped as Pearl's voice cut through the morning air as clearly as if she had yelled it. Oh God no, please no. Steven silently prayed before turning his head to meet her.

Facing Pearl now Steven found that his worst fears had been realized as Pearl stood before him completely unclothed, her curves bare for the world to see. Even though Steven had never thought of Pearl in this way, something stirred inside of him as his breath got caught in his throat. After all, this was the first real live, not on the computer, naked woman he had seen.

"I-I…uh, you…I mean." Steven stammered as he backed away.

Pearl smiled and moved closer to him. She put a finger to her lips. "Shhh, you don't have to say anything. This is all kind of new for me too." Her voice still a smokey whisper. "That being said, last night was amazing Ro…I mean Steven. I can see why you, or rather, I mean why Rose did what she did. I think I finally understand her's and Greg's relationship thanks to you." When she reached him she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't worry about all this being out in the open. While you were asleep I may or may not have sent Garnet and Amethyst out on a wild goose chase." Pearl giggled at the thought. "So we have the whole day to ourselves."

Steven had seen enough of the internet to know what that meant. Disentangling himself from Pearl he backed himself into the refrigerator door.

"What's wrong Steven I thought you-"

But he shut her out as he closed his eyes shut in an effort to concentrate on something, anything that would get him out of this. He tried to remember that morning on the day of the explosion. The sound of his alarm going off, the pale morning gloom, the smell of breakfast being cooked. But the feeling of Pearl's skin against his, the citrusy smell of her, and the feelings her body was stirring up within him called even harder. He felt the world lurch forward in the familiar sensation that told him he was being dragged through space and time again.


"Leave the horror here. Forget the horror here. Forget the horror here. Leave it all down here. It's future rust and it's future dust."

Steven groaned as he sat up in bed and shut off the alarm clock. He quickly pealed back the sheets and confirmed that he was still in fact his twenty five year old self from just a few minutes previous. Why? He thought to himself. How did I end up here? Somehow he had traveled to a point in the future where he and Pearl had grown a little too close. What was that Rose had said when they met for the first time? That he was one of an infinite number of possible futures for her? Maybe this was kind of like that, something that wasn't set in stone. Steven prayed this was the case.

"Alrighty then." He said, readying himself. "I just need to concentrate really hard on the day of the explosion, send myself back there, make sure Peridot doesn't explode everyone, save Connie from drowning, and stop Lapis from becoming a vegetable. After that? Don't do whatever lands us in this situation. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

As he closed his eyes to force another jump he felt a soft, warm hand loop around from behind and caress his bare chest.

"Good morning my little rose."

Steven's eyes shot open. "Pearl, I'm going to need you to back away, alright?"

Steven felt the hand withdraw. "Oh, okay. I-I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I wasn't really at my best and when you came along you really helped me...well, really we helped each other. I was hoping tha-"

"Pearl!" Steven cut her off without turning to face her. Seeing her naked once was enough. He couldn't take much more of this. "I'm sorry but could you please stop talking for a minute?"

He could've sworn he heard her sob for a moment.

"No!" Pearl shouted. "Ros... Steven why are you acting like this? I thought we had shared a beautiful and wonderful thing together last night. Just the two of us? Please don't do this to me. Don't shut me out like everyone else!"

"I'm sorry Pearl." Steven said, sadness gathering in his thoughts as he tried to concentrate on initiating a jump. All he could feel where the tears streaming down his back as his friend sobbed over him like the soft pitter patter of rain drops. The emptiness of having smashed a friend's hopes and dreams...even if she wasn't going to remember this in a few seconds. It all felt so paralyzing. "but I've gotta do this."


*-eep* *Beep*

Steven's hand rose above the covers and slammed down on the Cookie Kat alarm clock silencing it. He had never been so happy to hear the familiar "Beep" of a new day.

Stretching out his right hand in front of his face he confirmed that it was normal sized, he was back in his regular body! No Steven/Pearl relationship to speak of.

At this point Steven noticed something odd about his surroundings. The beach side studio built into the temple had been rearranged. His bed was no longer on the loft but where his couch used to be and at some point someone had installed a skylight just above his bed. Oh, no. Steven thought. Damnit Pearl! If only you had just let me concentrate.

Despite the clock's read out telling him it was 10:00 AM the sky outside was dark and abysmal with rain pittering and pattering against the windows and skylight.

Well better see what's going on in this time. Steven thought to himself.

He tried to sit up in bed and found that he couldn't move or rather the right half of his body moved just fine but the left half was slow and clunky in its response. Terrified of what he might find, Steven placed a tentative hand over the covers and yanked them back. He screamed.

This wasn't just a different time for him, this was an entirely different reality. Somehow, at some point in time the left side of Steven's body had been encased in rose quartz crystal. He was literally half human, half crystal gem!

Steven's heart pounded in his chest as his thoughts raced. N-no, no this isn't happening. This can't be real!

"Whoa, whoa Stu-ball! Calm down buddy I'm here now, I'm here." Greg said as he rushed to Steven's side and hugged him. "Sorry buddy I didn't know you were up yet. Don't worry though I've got you."

"W-wouts hapang ou eee?" Steven blurted out before remembering that the left side of his face was paralyzed by its crystal covering.

"Whoa, buddy not so fast." Greg said in a soothing voice. "Remember kiddo, slow and steady. Now, tell me what's up. Do you need to use the restroom? Do you want some food? I'm here for you."

Slowly, deliberately Steven formed his words frustrated with the slow pace and occasional slurring. "What happened to me?"

"What are you talking about stu-ball? You look just as handsome and perfect as the day you were born. Why? Is something the matter?" Greg asked patiently.

I've been like this my whole life!? Steven screamed internally. "Where are the crystal gems dad?"

At the mention of the gems Greg's face darkened. "I thought we agreed that you didn't like to talk about them."

"Where are they?" Steven repeated.

*sigh* "Gone kiddo and don't ask where because I'm not even sure if they're still on this planet or not. I-it's just with your mom's, uh…"departure" and you being…well, um…they just couldn't see what a special little miracle you really are...and that's on them." Greg finished with a hint of repressed anger tinging every word.

It was silent for a long time. Steven could feel himself sinking deeper and deeper into depression. Had the gems really abandoned him? They would never do that…would they? But what if the conditions were just right, what if his mom had died giving birth to the child of a human failure and that child was a monster? What if they had never even gotten to know him, would they really leave like that? Steven didn't know what to think anymore, so much of his perceived relationships with the gems had been challenged by these last few time skips that he wasn't sure if he could face them even if they were here.

Greg stood up and broke the silence. "Welp, no reason to brood here in bed kiddo. I don't know about you but I am starving. So I'ma gonna make me a big stack o'pancakes. You want some pal?"

Steven looked up at this world's version of his father. He was gaunt and grey streaked his short cropped hair but he was still a kind and gentle man despite the stresses of taking care of this version of Steven. Steven could feel tears beginning to stream down his face as he looked upon what he had cost his father.


"Yeah stu-ball what's up?"

Steven had already closed his eyes in concentration. "Thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me."

Greg looked over his shoulder from the kitchen at Steven. "Well thanks but don't mention it kiddo. I'm just happy to help."

"Yeah, I know." Steven said more to himself than to Greg.

As the world began to fade out and Steven awaited the lurch forward that would denote a jump he suddenly found himself upended as everything did a complete 180 which could only mean…

Oh no. Steven thought. I'm not done here. I didn't get to change anything! I can't go back to the void just yet.

But it was already too late.


"Oh, You're back here again."

Steven heard his mother's voice and turned to face her. "I-I tried to do my best but Peridot wouldn't listen and then things got weird, like really weird…I'm sorry."

"Yes I know." Rose said. "It seems as if your power has been growing since you began using it. First it was back in time for a few hours and now you're jumping around whole years. You've even begun traversing different possibilities. You've...You've certainly grown, haven't you?"

Steven could hear a note of sadness in her voice. He wondered if she was disappointed in him.

"Steven." Rose began. "When last I saw you I asked you to use your abilities responsibly. Do you remember that?" Steven nodded his head. "Good, good…Steven I want you to think back on all of your past experiences in jumping from one time to the next. Tell me, did any of them end well?"

Steven thought back on all that he had been through. "No." He said. "It's kind of been a miserable time, b-but I can fix it. I know I can. I mean you said it yourself, there is an infinite number of possible futures. Can't there be just one where I succeed?"

Rose sighed. "That's not exactly how it works Steven. You can't just hop from place to place and hope that you end up at your desired destination. When Peridot's machine explodes you die and Peridot dies. If the machine doesn't explode then Connie drowns. If the machine doesn't explode and Connie doesn't drown then Lapis is left a drooling vegetable. And if none of the above happens then we go right back to square one and you die...or else you end up in another possibility and I take it you weren't fond of that either?"

Steven shook his head. "No."

For a moment he thought he had caught a glimpse of a lone tear streaking down Rose's face before she wiped it away.

Steven was completely lost at this point. "I, uh…it sounds like this power is a lot more complicated than I originally thought, huh?"

"Exactly!" Rose said, her face lighting up. "I think you're finally getting it. Steven I am sorry but something is pulling you down a deathward spiral, a force greater than you can comprehend, call it the invisible hand of time or a destiny of sorts that pushes you down certain paths and there is nothing you can do about it. I mean you can take different paths but the end result will always be the same. Someone has to die Steven. Either you sacrifice yourself or you will have to sacrifice someone else. This is an inevitability and it is one that you have to learn to accept. There is no winning here."

"No!" Steven shouted. "This can't be the only way. I know there has to be a path where everyone gets a happy ending."

"So you're determined to press on then?"

"Mom." Steven began. "We can't just resign ourselves to a fate some invisible hand picks out for us or whatever. That's just stupid."

"Oh, I see." Rose said. "And you're sure you won't change your mind. You would just have to go back to the day of the explosion and let events play out as they may. Steven…I am begging you to do this because if you don't I will have to-"

But he was already gone, vanished into the void in another effort to "fix" things. Little did he know everything was exactly as it should be for him and the only thing that needed fixing was his time jumps.

Rose was left alone in the gloom. "Oh Steven, I tried. I really did want to see you succeed but you're doomed to fix one leak only for another to spring up somewhere else. It's a sinking ship you're on and you refuse to admit it."

Rose had left out one little detail in her talks with Steven. This version of Steven Universe, the one in which she willed her time skipping powers into her unborn child and nothing else, only existed while she remained within this space. It was this endless void that allowed her to observe this Steven and any other possibility that might come of her exploits. Once she left, she would be free to act in a way that brought about this Steven's birth and eventually lead him down this path but she would also be free to choose not to if he proved too unstable which he unfortunately had.

"I'm so sorry Steven but I think it's time for me to wake up." Rose closed her eyes and, with powers far more advanced than any Steven had developed, she picked the time and place of where she had left off.


Rose awoke on a bright sunny beach next to the temple. To everyone else it merely appeared as if she had dosed off in the afternoon sun among the sand but to her it had been another exhausting ordeal of searching for the perfect future for humanity and gems alike.

Standing up, she shook the sand off of her and rubbed the back of her head. It felt like it might explode. It had been a long trip, maybe she had overdone it this time?

"Back in the world of the living I see."

Startled, Rose felt a shiver pass through her before realizing the voice belonged to Garnet, the other gem with a small amount of future sight.

"Yeah, I was gone for a while this time." Rose said digging the last bit of sand out of her ear.

"Find anything good?" Garnet asked.

"Yes, actually. His name is Steven." Rose said.



"Alright then." Garnet said. "I hope this Steven thing works out. For all our sakes."

"We'll see." Rose said leaving Garnet behind as she walked along the shore line.

She knew that a time traveling Steven was not a viable option. At some point in time he was just going to get himself stuck in a never ending loop of trying to save everyone and that would not end well for anyone. No matter the form in which he existed, Steven was doomed to lose someone close to him. A Steven that couldn't deal with that was no future at all. Still, even with his limited abilities just one instance of her child had done more for gem and human kind alike than any previous possibility she had encountered. Maybe she should start focusing all of her efforts solely on him now? Definitely not a Steven with time travel abilities but maybe a Steven who wielded her shield, and could give plant life sentience, and heal people. Maybe a Steven whom she willed all of her love and compassion into. That would certainly be something to see.

Rose knew that the second she decided on a new course of action that would spell the end for the time traveling version of Steven. It wasn't like she was killing anyone and it wouldn't necessarily be death for him and all the people he knew. It would be more like non-existence. That wasn't so bad she reassured herself and yet it hurt all the same. He had called her mom, had told her that he loved her. How could she just discard all of that?

"For the greater good." She told herself. "It's always for the greater good."