I do not Undertale only my OC

Gaster sat in his lab it was late again he had stayed back again he had got Sans, his eldest son, to watch over Papyrus, his youngest. Gaster had been recently given the job, by the king mainly, to create a weapon of any kind to protect the monsters and to collect the souls from any fallen humans. Groaning in annoyance Gaster stood up and grabbed his mug and filled it with coffee and waked back to his designs all with red corrections scribbled over them. He glanced at the clock as he passed it. 3:30am. He sighed he never stayed this long but he knew he couldn't fail the king that was when a idea hit him looking over at the wal he saw a bone that was lodged in rembering that Sans had been training with Gaster earlyier the latter pulled the bone out and inspected it. One end was alright and the other was now jagged and sharp but this could still be used. Gaster placed the bone in a large tube and placed electrodes on it and pressing several buttons filling the tube with a jelly like water. He then clicked a red button which created a blinding white light making him cover his eyes with his lab coat. After the light subsided Gaster looked inside the tube instead of a useless bone now floating in the tube was a small skeleton child looking at it closer Gaster concluded that it was a girl who must of been just about 5 years old. She had a small face with no jaw maybe from the broken part of the bone it still had teeth but were still childrens teeth. She was very small indeed smaller than Sans and even he was small for a skeleton. Gaster stared in shock for several minutes before deciding to test if his theory waas correct pressing several buttons the skeleton girl was shocked several times and after the eigth time the girl became angered that she had, had enough her left eye became englufed in a blood red flame and as did her hand. What happened next shocked Gaster and pained the child the skeeton shook in pain as she changed her head turned into a gaster blaster her teeth becoming jagged with it her body then morphed into a dinosaur like stance her legs were longer and her claws were sharper. Her spine had elongated and three bones became larger as well. As well as that she grew a tail that twisted and wrighted in pain until the transformation was complete she looked at the burry figure that was Gaster and opened her new mouth firing a large red blast cracking the glass. When Gaster thought that she would break the glass her eyes dimmed down and soon she turned back to her normal skeleton form. Hesitantly Gaster opened the tube and grabbed a towel picking up the child. He then dried her and thats when another surprise happend fire grew from the top of her in the shape of hair it was red like her eye and went to her shoulders were it then flicked up. Little pieces of it would go up and detach from the hair and evaporate in the air. Gaster smiled at the small child feeling like he had just been blessed with another child but his smile went away when he realised what she was created for and that he wuld have to show her to King Asgore and Queen Toriel tommrow when he would have to tell them about her. But for now he had a child to take care of he felt almost lucky that the most recent to perish was a young girl. He placed the skeleton child in a small outfit which consisted of a red knee high length dress with a black bow wrapped around the waist. He then noticed that she was waking up after a few mumbles she looked at Gaster.

"w-w-who are you?" The timid child asked this made Gaster feel worse about tommorow she sounded so innocent and the king would be forcing her to kill to be of use to him.

"My name is Gaster but you can call me your 'dad'" The young skeleton looked down before smiling. Gaster then placed a finger to his chin before saying."now you still need a name... how about Scarlet?" This made Scarlet smile even more and nod. "okay then now let's get you home Scarlet" Scarlet allowed Gaster to pick her up and carry her to the entrance where she began to fall asleep looking even more inoccent and cute which made the feeling in Gaster feel even worse. But what made him worry even more was having to tell Sans the situation Papyrus was still young enough to have a large amount of innocence and naivty but Sans was definietly special. Gaster knew he wouldn't be able to lie to Sans and the truth would make Sans protective over Scarlet which could endanger them both. But for now Gaster had to get Scarlet home he could worry about telling his eldest son the truth when he got home.