It had been a few weeks when Selina eventually consented to join the Justice League. Some of the members were suspicious as were expected but what Selina didn't expect was an overwhelming support from Wonder Woman. Whether it was because Steve Trevors' belief in Selina or the fact she averted a war between Cadmus and the Justice League Diana decided to give Catwoman a chance. Surprising they did worked well together; they decided to have their own personal battle of the sexes, a friendly rivalry against Batman and Superman. Superman found it amusing whilst Batman found it exasperating.

Another thing that Batman found exasperating is when Catwoman left Isis in his care at the Watchtower. Normally she would have left Isis in the care of Barbara Gordon however when Selina was away for long periods of time on League business Isis got restless. Many times the Birds of Prey ended up scouring Gotham for Isis rather than criminals because her cat wanted to find her mistress so Catwoman was forced to bring the cat with her. When missions were too dangerous for Isis to be around, Batman had to look after her mainly because the cat didn't get along with any other League member but him.

"Hello sweetheart." Selina said picking up Isis and kissing her head.

"Hello to you to." Bruce smiled. No one in the League ever saw Bruce behave this way, Selina only ever saw this side of Bruce rarely and it made her only more determined to see more it particularly after the mission she had just been on.

As if he read her mind Bruce asked, "How was the mission?"

"Some loser invented a time travelling device." Selina grimaced.

"He can't have been that much of a loser if he managed to invent such a device." Bruce reasoned and dangerous he thought.

"Trust me Bruce he was a loser." Selina sat in his room idly petting Isis. "He used it to collect worthless junk to impress his shrew of a wife."

"That is still kind of dangerous Selina." Bruce seemed concerned "Taking random objects could cause ripple effects."

"Don't I know it." Selina huffed. "Half way through the mission a ripple effect caused Diana to disappear leaving me with Green Lantern and believe me his detective skills are poor."

"He can't have been all that bad." Bruce said.

"He ran into his son Warhawk from the future and asked who his mother was." Selina said incredulously "Now I know why you had to spend so much time away from Gotham to help these idiots."

"Well I'm not on my own now." Bruce said sitting next Selina.

Selina looked away from Bruce nervously. "Warhawk wasn't the only one from the future I met."

"Who?" Bruce asked curiously. It couldn't have been their child could it.

"You." Selina looked Bruce in the eye.

"I'm surprised I lived so long." Bruce couldn't believe it, with risks he took he could have died ages ago.

"You still looked handsome to me." Selina caressed his cheek and she meant it.

Bruce took hold of her hand, "But there is something you're not telling me isn't there?"

"You're right." Selina looked away petting Isis nervously. "You were alone." Tears began to build up "There was no Dick, no Barbara, no Tim and not me."

Bruce held Selina's cheek and wiped away her tears forcing her to look at him. "It's kind of an occupational hazard." He had made his peace with that possibility. After losing his parents he he didn't want to lose anyone cared for that way again. It was more easier for him to drive them away like Dick.

"It doesn't have to always be that way." Holding Bruce's hand to her cheek. "I know that what we do can be serious but it doesn't mean that we can't enjoy what we do."

"And you enjoy being one of the heroes?" Bruce asked.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Selina smiled, "It got kind of boring stealing jewels without you there to chase me."

"So you're saying that in order to get you to reform, I only had to leave you alone?"

"Don't be conceited." Selina huffed, "I had plenty of other reasons to steal. They are just not as important as they once were."

"And what is important to you?" Bruce asked.

"We can discuss this at a nice little restaurant that I know." Selina suggested giving Bruce a flirtatious smile.

"You're asking me out?" This was a turn of events for Bruce. They had dinner many times as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle but Bruce had always been the one to suggest it.

"If you're not interested I heard Superman's available." Selina smirked getting up from her seat.

Bruce growled and put his arms around her possessively, "I think I can offer you much better company than that farm boy." He then kissed her making Selina forget all her worries about Bruce's future. Selina was done fighting her feelings instead she was going to fight against that future she saw. Selina was going to give Bruce a happy ending whether his alter ego liked it or not.