Chapter 59
Not the End

Brian wasn't sure how long they had been standing there in front of the door, he is hardly aware of the passing time. He nor Aloohula had seen any movement in either room, he is a little later than yesterday as he wanted Ethan to have left for school when they came. His hope was that it also meant someone would be moving about preparing the shop for the day. The longer he stands here the more his uncertainty as to how things are going to be with the humans is growing into fear and if caught how the Regime will react. Not just for himself, but that he may have put the whole movement into peril.

Aloohula turns to him and then starts banging on the door. After a couple of minutes the shade moves and although they can see a hand they can't see a face. Finally the door opens and Nick gives them an odd look, "May I ask why you are here again?"

He places his hand on the door and pushes it a bit, "May I come in?" Brian then grazes his leg against the door jam, this reminds him of the visuals and the big moment has finally come. His life and the lives of the rest of the movement may be nearing the end and if so it is on him for endangering their lives.

"Can I stop you?" Nick says squinting at them as they enter the room. Both he and Aloohula enter the room quickly and go directly to the room behind the counter. Nick follows quickly behind them, "What the hell! Where do you think you are going?"

Zelda comes into the room entering through the door where the stairs are to go upstairs or the door to go outside. She looks not only frustrated, but concerned. "Seriously, why are you here again? Maybe, make an appointment next time."

For a moment Brian ponders what should be his next move. There is nothing he can do, but move forward and hope for the best, "Where is Javier? We need to speak to him as well." One thing he knows from the little drone hiding above the cabinet is that they are all here and that Ethan has just left for school. He turns as Javier enters the room. He points to the padded bench by the window, "Please sit, I need to speak to you about something very important." In just the short time they have been here the sunny day has been replaced with clouds and impending rain, hopefully this is not a sign of impending doom.

"Screw you!" Nick says his eyes narrowing, "We owe you money, you don't own us."

"I just want you to listen to what I have to say, it is important." Brian says imploringly, "Please."

The three humans look at each other and then go to the bench and sit down. Zelda is defiantly unhappy and lets them know it. "I have things to do and your wasting my time." Nick and Javier say nothing, but you can see that Nick is not happy.

Brian takes a deep breath, it is time. He pulls out the visual from his boot that he wants to show them first. "Zelda, we need to discuss your involvement in the resistance movement against my people."

Suddenly all three are on their feet, but before they can charge out of the room or anything else Aloohula has his weapon out. He levels a hard gaze at them and speaks stiffly, "Sit! We are only here to talk."

"Yes, please." Brian turns to them and hopes they understand that he really needs them and he isn't going to hurt them. He takes a couple of deep breaths and walks over to them with his hands in front of him and showing that he has no weapon. "I have no interest in turning you into my superiors." He turns to Aloohula for a moment and quietly says, "Put the gun down."

"How do we know that!" Zelda snaps.

"Because we could have already done it!" Aloohula says abruptly, then he turns for a moment to Brian. "Sorry, I should have let you say." He has not put the weapon away, but he is not pointing it at them now.

Brian cocks his head to the trooper and smiles as he likes the way Aloohula will not hesitate to take charge in a situation. This is not how most troopers will react, except this time it is for Doing Our Own Thing, they are a team and the leaders may not be the ones expected. With a nod to Aloohula he simply states, "You are fine." He turns away from Aloohula and steps closer to Zelda and hands her the visual of the drawing of what they think his people look like. They have no idea though that on the ships there are three different species and four different ones on his world. This odd representation is of a Dahax, not a Depol or a Whipelli. This is good as he plans to use their lack of knowledge against them, to hopefully convince or basically manipulate them into doing what he needs and hopes that it does not ruin their trust in his people later. Trust he knows is earned and once broken can be difficult to mend.

"Where did you get this?" Zelda asks with a shocked tone as she shows it to both Javier and Nick who look as surprised as she does.

Right now; no matter what he must remain calm. "It does not matter, we found that this is going around different human resistance groups in this area. You see us as," Brian shrugs and with a perplexed tone asks, "What do you see us as?"

Zelda levels a hard stare at him, "You're lizards."

Nick is nodding his head up and down, "Green blood, forked tongues like lizards, pupils are slitted and no junk. You ain't nothing like you pretend to be."

Brian knows he must stay calm and keep himself steady, "I thought lizards didn't have forked tongues." On his world this is true, lizards did not have forked tongues. Serpents on the other hand did have forked tongues. Maybe the humans are thinking of snakes. The Ibrea are nicknamed snake people on his world even though they don't have forked tongues like a Dahax or Depol, but they are extremely tall and slender.

"Ah, well some do. You guys do, ah. . . ." Javier appears to be struggling to say something else, but says nothing more.

"I can show you my tongue," Which is what Brian promptly does and then levels his gaze at Zelda first. "Was that what you were expecting?"

Zelda stands and crosses her arms, "You had an operation to have a human tongue." She turns to Aloohula, "Show me yours; now!"

"No, I won't let you demean Aloohula. I am going to open my mouth, take a look at it and please be kind." He opens his mouth and Zelda does her best to see what she can without a light.

"You have weird teeth," She is frowning. "It is like you have more molars, huge teeth. I still think your tongue has been done. Your medical procedures are likely much better than ours."

"I want you to feel my forehead, push hard; but again be kind." He lowers his head and Zelda of course is rubbing very hard. Then she is pushing on his nose, "Stop! That hurts. Why did you do that?"

Zelda is shaking, "I don't understand it. I don't feel those crest things and your nose." She looks to Javier and Nick, "His nose feels like ours. I don't understand."

Both Javier and Nick come up to him and he begins to back away, but he knows he must remain where he is. "Please be kind, pushing hurts when you do it so hard." They rub his forehead and Nick is pushing on his mouth. He pulls away and snarls, "Seriously! Come on. Stop!" Brian finds himself wanting to leave, but he must remain calm. "Think about my neck, where would all of that flab go. I wouldn't be able to breath if it was shoved back to give me the what you call a normal human look and if I didn't have a large stretchy throat I would not be able to swallow large rodents."

"He's right Zelda, unless you know something different." Javier is giving Zelda an intense look. He picks up the visual and points at something on it. He looks to Brian and motions with his finger. "Hey, turn, I want a side view."

Brian doesn't even blink, he expected this. However, what he had not realized was how hard it was to accept the physical and mental abuse, he is truly feeling embarrassed. He looks towards the door, no running away as he volunteered for this. Brian stares unhappily at Zelda for a moment and then turns giving them their side view as they call it. He glares at the wall wanting this to just finish, but he puts a friendly tone to his words as he asks, "So what do you think of my profile?"

"Can I push your face just a bit?" Nick says uncomfortably. He nods and Nick pushes Brian's chin gently and then Zelda comes up and does the same, but much harder.

Nick gives him a hard look and begins to reach for Brian's crotch, he immediately pushes Nick's hand away. Then with a deep sigh, "Get it over with." Nick is at least gentle and touches him very quickly and then Nick turns to Zelda and Javier shrugging.

"So my face is not squishy and I have more of a flat face, just like you. And I don't know what the other thing was about, but I guess I passed the test." He turns his head to each of them, "Can we get rid of the lizard thing?"

Zelda is tapping her fingers repeatedly on the wall, "I don't understand. Why did he see the Visitor as a lizard, it makes no sense. His face doesn't feel like. . ." She then bangs the wall and stops speaking.

"Everyone has their own truth. Everyone." Brian waves his hand to the bench, only Zelda does not sit. "That individual was afraid and he saw what he wanted to see due to fear. I know that my people have been cruel, but we did it thinking we were doing the right thing for our people. I am so sorry that yours have had to pay the price." He needs to ensure that they feel they can trust him and the next visual may change all of that, but it will prove his trust in them. "My people, are different. We have seen your movies of aliens, read your books, heard news and believe you would have killed us immediately if possible had you seen our true selves. So to gain your trust we came wearing this fake," Brian rubs his hand, "Skin."

She remains perfectly still and her arms are folded, but she is moving her head from side to side slowly. "You are some kind of alien though."

"I thought that was apparent," Brian smiles. "I am going to show you something and I don't want you to freak out." He gives them each a stiff look, "Please."

Zelda looks away for a moment, "Okay." The other two just nod.

Brian reaches into his other boot and hands the visual of what he really looks like before the pseudo-skin was applied to Zelda. There is a look of shock on her face as she walks over to the bench and sits between Javier and Nick. After a minute they all look up in unison. Zelda swallows hard and then says, "This is you, it looks just like you, but green and some things are just like the drawing, sort of. No, crests and such, but sort of. This is the real you? Doesn't this mean you are a lizard." Her look of shock is shared by Javier and Nick.

He nods, "Yes and no. Red eyes and green...ah, I guess you call it scale-like skin. Are you afraid of me now for looking so different." Brian looks directly at Nick, "Had we come looking like our true selves, would you not imagine you were seeing monsters. I believe you would have seen us like the one who drew the picture, his fear took hold of him and he created a monster. Visualize yourself as one of us and you're walking in an all beige people neighborhood. Would this neighborhood not see you as bad people, capable of theft and murder. To them you are a people to not be trusted, this because your skin does not match theirs. These people would be fearful of you." He gives Nick an intense look, "Wait. That's you now, you walking someplace where your skin is different. This you must understand, the poster in the cabinet is what your family felt when they made this shop. The unease of having to be where others thought they had no place. To ease the likely tension, we came not as our true selves, but to look acceptable to humans. " Now all he can do is wait and see how they accept this.

"Your foreigners," Javier says with a chuckle.

Both he and Aloohula are smiling and shaking their heads. Now is the time to put forth the second part of what he must say. "I am definitely a foreigner who plans to leave your world without permission from the Regime. Some of us feel that we can no longer serve Our Great Leader. All we want is to leave. Our superiors will see this as treason if they find out what we plan to do. Therefore, I need your help, Aloohula needs your help, so we can help those like ourselves who want to start a new life without the dictatorship controlling our every move."

"We can connect you to our resistance, they will help you." Zelda says her eyes have taken on an excited look. "I promise you, you are exactly who they need. You complete your plans to leave and we can work on ours and together we will all get what we want."

"No, we simply want to leave. Not fight, not resist," He shrugs, "Just leave. We have a goal and that is what we are looking to do, just leave. The Regime came into power when my parents were children, I have only known the Regime to be in control of our world, not just a country or a continent, but the whole of our world. They have controlled my life as a child until now. Now, I want to be me, I want control of my own life and I am not the only one. Your resistance will only put our lives in danger and put us in the path of those who wish to seek revenge to what they would perceive as me and my friends having done. This means if we did it or not, trust unlike you at Beautiful Smoke would not happen. I trust you, I can put my life in your hands and know you will not betray me."

Aloohula looks to each of them, "I trust you as well."

Nick eyes Brian suspiciously, "What do you want. You're here because you want something. I bet that is why you gave us money."

"No, we did that before we made the decision. I like it here, that is why myself and others did what we did. Just wanted to help. However, things have changed. We need somewhere to go that is not on the ship, we are monitored and although we can get away with things now it won't always be that way. I would like to do those things here, but it means that Zelda needs to leave your resistance group. Just while we do what we need to do. Obviously, we wouldn't want to put ourselves in your hands if we didn't need somewhere away from the Regime. We need a place that we can send information to others so we can work with others on those ships who have committed to leaving as well. When we leave it won't be a few going, it will be many and I imagine it will make a difference to your resistance."

Zelda frowns, "It won't hurt you for me to continue my work with the resistance. Why should I trust you anyway?"

"I have shown you my true self, call me a lizard if you wish. Although I am neither; lizard, mammal, fish, bird or insect. We are an alien life form, you have to remove this fascination with us being lizards. Unless it is easier for you, I actually don't care. I have told you my goal and it is most definitely not what the Regime would approve of. If our superiors find out, Aloohula and I will be arrested, we will be tortured and likely give the names of others and then we will be executed. Then those we have betrayed due to torture will go through the same things. I am sure you understand that one." Again he looks at each of them, please let them accept this, but the silence is deafening as he fights the fear of not knowing their decision. It is easy to dream up different conclusions to this little meeting. "Look you need time to talk about this together without us here."

The silence remains for a few minutes more as the three humans look at each other and then Zelda speaks up. "If we do agree or not agree, we could still tell everything to those in the resistance." She is standing stiffly once again.

"You are right, you can tell and give everything away. What will happen is that your resistance will try to use us and then likely we will be found out and so many will die in the way I have told you already." He holds his hands up and shrugs, "I will be dead, George, Gordon," Brian looks toward Aloohula, "Him. If that is what you desire, our own movement will die. I know, I am asking something very difficult from you. Zelda you are only three; I understand you think you can make a difference and I am sure you can. I understand the difference even one can make, but you will make more of a difference by delaying your work with the resistance. You will make a difference in another way. As I said so many will leave, which will cause further unrest on the ships. When we leave, go back and tell your resistance and give them everything you have found out about us and I can tell you it will be much more than just those visuals."

Zelda walks up and stares straight in his eyes, "I don't know. We will learn so much about your people and the ships and you want us to stay silent. This silence will betray our people."

"The resistance will use everything they learn about us and since we will still be here, we will pay with our lives. Give us time to train and prepare and you will get so much more and know that you have helped so many that just want to leave and have a chance to have their own lives."

"I don't know if I can believe or trust you," Zelda says with a tone that actually sounds confused and sad.

"We are going to leave, but I will return." Brian, turns his head to Aloohula for a moment. "You could have resistance here when we come back and have us taken. Or you can leave your resistance and say that you are fearful for Ethan or whatever. Then hopefully we learn to trust each other, but I like to think our trust has already begun to grow from the first day I came here. Remember, there are those in our movement who are not so sure of this either. Trust is important, but can only be earned. Earned on both sides, but you three talk and I will return and you can let me know your decision."

It is Javier though who says the one thing that Brian has been waiting for. "We could say no, and tell the resistance everything. We know you and your friends, we know except for the trooper you are all Youth Leaders. Maybe, Zelda or one of us has already told them about you and your multiple visits here."

"Again we will likely die horribly so that we are an example for anyone else who may wish to leave or resist. I have told so much already as I trust you three, maybe I should not have. Still with no evidence will the resistance believe you? I believe that you have not spoken about us to your resistance group. Why, because you did not want to bring your friends into potential danger of those seeking revenge. Yes, I said friends into danger." He shrugs, "You see, I have already placed so much trust in you already." Then Brian reaches out to Javier and takes the two visuals from his hand. It would not do for them to actually turn over the visual of his true self over to the resistance. It would be evidence for the Regime to take not only his life, but the rest of Doing Our Own Thing.

The three humans talk quietly together and after what appears to be an agreement, Nick looks to Brian giving him a steady glare. "Yeah, we need to talk about this. You are asking Zelda to give up what she believes passionately in. If we say no, do you run off and turn Zelda in, which is all of us. People have begun to be taken by your people and never return home. Maybe, this is some sort of elaborate spy plan that you have. It is possible that there is no one wishing to leave any of your ships or you could actually be working with your Regime to find those working to strike out against the dictatorship." He then gives both Brian and Aloohula a stern look, "Besides we aren't really friends. We are more like acquaintances who have found we can depend on each other." As soon as he says this he starts waving his hands about as though trying to take back what he just said, "No. I mean, we are business partners. I mean. . ."

Brian interrupts him, "Just talk it over. We will be back. As for us working with the Regime, why would we come here and face a bullet by you or be taken to your resistance. I think you know me, if you say no to helping us, I will leave and not come back. The rest will be on you as our lives will be in your hands." Then he and Aloohula walk to the shop door to leave. He turns for a moment and looks at the three, "I really do like it here. Beautiful Smoke, where it matters not what the color of your skin is, but who you are inside." Then he walks out and closes the door, he knows those words will resonate with the humans. As for their conversation about supporting him or not, they don't know that there is a secret drone which will monitor them. It could very well be that he won't be back and he will need to ensure the story he has to protect the Doing Our Own Thing is put into play.

At first the walk back is quiet until Aloohula suddenly asks, "You had your death dream again last night didn't you?"

He rolls his eyes upwards for a moment, "Yes. Apparently, I will have it until the day I actually die. Therefore, a dream of relentless pain." Brian shakes his head, "Such a fun dream."

"Maybe you should take control of the dream," Aloohula says quietly.

"What do you mean take control? It is a dream, doesn't mean it's going to happen. Just upsets me."

"Yes, take control. Even though a dream, you do something to make it seem easier to get through it and hopefully the dream goes away altogether."

Brian understands what Aloohula is saying, but how would he take control. "I do not know the human boy and I know I die no matter what happens in this dream."

"You're a mountain person, you do that death sleep thing. Ah, sort of a hibernation thing, when you get lost on a cold winter night and await daylight before you try to find your way back. Begin to practice it up until you can do it no matter how much pain your dream gives you, you will get to die peacefully in the dream. That way you take control of the dream."

"I like that, sure." He really does like this. "I already know how to do it, but I could find a way to practice it so no matter what else the dream may add as a distraction; I can still do it." Then Brian finds himself smiling, "I can teach myself to keep my eyes open as well so that the boy will see that I am dead and not question it."

"Exactly!" Aloohula says nodding his head, "Than once practiced and you have control of this dream." He shrugs, "The dream will simply stop. Done!"

"I actually do like that, I am going to do that." Brian finds himself frowning, "If that will stop that stupid dream, I'm all for it. Just wish I knew why I was having it."

Aloohula purses his lips thoughtfully, "It may be guilt or regret or both. It started when we arrived you said. Look we both know I overheard you talking to Kelly, but what I heard makes me think." He swallows hard before continuing. "That maybe you feel you deserve to die for things you have done in the past and know you will likely be ordered to do in the future. However, you have given yourself a way to redeem yourself in your dream, you die and go to your family so you are not alone. Then again maybe your family is your regret, you miss them. You were devoted to your mother, feel guilty about your brother's death, helped to raise your sisters and now have no idea what has happened to them. This was made worse as you were disgusted in the way you felt elated by your father's torture and execution due to the bonding done to you." He gives Brian a smile, "Take control of the dream."

This is the first time that he has ever heard the trooper be kind and thoughtful to anyone, let alone himself. That Aloohula has also listened to past conversations and remembered so much detail is also impressive. He likes the idea of taking control, the dream is starting to wear him down. If this idea helps to end the dream or at least take away some of the fear that has become a dark shadow over his life it will at least release some stress. "Thank you, I appreciate this advice and I will try to take control of my dream." Brian turns to Aloohula for a moment, "I don't know if you know this, but my people believe that when you die your loved ones come and greet you and guide you down the path to the next life." He nods his head to the trooper and looks down to his feet when he says, "That is also very unlike you to be so profound and gracious to someone, especially to someone who was once demeaning to you." Brian looks up and gives Aloohula a warm smile, Aloohula simply rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smile. Now he begins to think of ways of accomplishing the goal of taking control of this frightening dream.

Once they return to the shuttle, he just stands there for some time before entering and may have stood there longer if Aloohula had not turned to him and asked with a perplexed stare, "What is junk? We don't carry junk around with us."

"I don't know," He shrugs and tilts his head, "Garbage. I am not sure if they think we should carry weird trash around or what." He shivers, "I like to know what they thought I was hiding that Nick had to check my genitalia out, as I found that to be a very uncomfortable moment."

"Maybe, a gun. A very tiny, tiny gun." The trooper demonstrates with his fingers how tiny the gun would be and he receives a very nasty look from Brian. Aloohula smirks as he says it one more time, "Very tiny." He smiles, but, his perplexed stare returns, "Garbage, why would we carry trash around. We must be missing something about that statement. Humans have so many phrases, I just don't understand." Both he and Brian shrug then Aloohula begins to turn about. "I don't see Arai."

"Maybe he is checking out something or is inside. Think we stood out here long enough," With that they walk into the small shuttle.

Aloohula looks around the shuttle, "Where is Arai?"

"Just checking on some things," Doug says, he is the pilot and assists Becky with the drones. Next he points at a monitor showing Arai looking at something behind a large dark container and then a man shabbily dressed stands and then walks quickly away from the trooper.

Brian finds himself feeling badly, how many veterans are there on this world who are not being taken care of. This world has far more food and water then his.

Arai signals that he is at the door now. Doug continues to monitor the area slowly for any individuals who may be walking near them so that they can decide if they want to chase those humans away or just fly the shuttle away.

"Sorry it took us so long, I didn't think I would be there as long as we were. It just went on and on," Brian says quietly. "It was certainly eventful as I am sure you at least heard."

Becky has a slight look of shock, "You weren't in there that long. However, it was one emotional time you were both going through. Glad you weren't manipulating them." She is shaking her head with a slight frown as Becky knows that he did manipulate and she would have preferred he had not.

Doug abruptly speaks, he points to his earpiece that he is wearing so he can listen to the conversation at Beautiful Smoke. "Actually that Javier is on-board as they say. Zelda isn't and the one you are calling Nick he seems to be hesitating. However, he said something about being judged too many times on the color of his skin."

He was truly expecting not only Javier, but Nick to understand and agree to his terms. Only Zelda was the expected holdout in her decision, then he thought both Javier and Nick would then talk her into accepting him to use Beautiful Smoke and her leaving the resistance. Now, he finds that either not enough was said or she could care less what happens to him and his friends, the disappointment is clear on his face. "Nick is the one I manipulated and I had expected him to understand my need. I brought up Beautiful Smoke history for that reason." Brian finds himself groaning, "I needed him to help Javier influence Zelda.

"All we can do is monitor them from time to time, but they will notice the drone eventually," Becky says frowning. "I don't think it will take long, but it could be tonight and tomorrow that we know if they will allow us to do what we need or not." Everyone remains quiet just sitting and trying to decide what may be the next plan of action. She sighs and turns to Brian, "I have to say, I have been putting the pretend secret project together. Have footage of different peoples interacting, their accents and different ways speaking to each other. It really is pretty impressive now, I was a bit surprised. Maybe, we can use that as an excuse for further study while we do our own thing, if you know what I mean." Becky winks and they all give her a smile back.

Brian finds he is obsessively moving a leg up and down and actually has to tell himself to stop. It seems that it would be difficult to use the project they have used as subterfuge. However, Becky is very good at what she does and if so maybe they are looking at something worth their time. Brian shrugs, "Show me."

Becky brings up the visuals and Doug points out different people and how two of different cultural differences speak to each other and in turn they meet another that is different and it changes just a bit. Suddenly, Becky holds a hand up and turns the speaker up from the tiny drone at Beautiful Smoke so they can all hear what is being said. There is a visual as well, but due to the way Becky has the drone positioned it is hard to see everything. They can hear Nick talking to Zelda and that he is okay with allowing Brian and his friends to use the room for now. However, that they should watch the Visitors and ensure that they are not being used by them for something other than the project of leaving the Regime. Maybe setup some recording device so they can hear what the Visitors are saying to each other when they can't be in the room with them. Nick gives his reasons why he trusts Brian and his friends and how it may just improve the resistance later if Brian and friends are successful in their plan. Zelda finally says she will think about it and she will make a decision by tonight.

Brian finds himself smiling, she is going to say yes. "We've done it. I can tell by her tone," He looks to each of them. "Tomorrow we officially get their decision." Then he loses his smile and looks down for a moment. "Oh, I am moving to fast. She could still say no."

"You at least caught yourself," Aloohula says as he gives Brian a nod. "You're learning. Now we need to confirm she is in with us."

"Doug and I will do our best to monitor them tonight and have Kelly ensure that the data is gone when we get the confirmation. I am sure we will have it." Becky smiles, "Wow! This really will help our movement to truly do our own thing."

"Unless I hear otherwise, Aloohula and I will finish this tomorrow." He can feel some of the stress lessening now. All he needs is that confirmation.

"Ah, I may not be able to do that," Aloohula is shaking his head. "I am assigned to go with Jason and the Downstairs Kid Carl to someplace called Berma Angle. However, that is why Arai is hear to begin learning what to do. I have not had verification on this trip yet, I was hoping to have it by now." He turns first to Brian and then to Arai, "I will update you as soon as I know."

"Berma Angle? I, I mean they, us; we feel comfortable with you." Brian says frowning "Do you know the reason why?"

Aloohula is sitting with his arms crossed, "Those stupid SSG officers think that the ancients have a portal hidden in the bottom of the water. Apparently, human planes and ships have disappeared there. They will use Carl to read the writings, which there won't be any. The stupid thing is they are going to sprinkle him with black shiny dust and say stupid words so that he can read ancients; whatever."

"He can do that?" Doug has a look of disbelief, "Is that something he can truly do."

"No," Aloohula says rolling his eyes to the ceiling, "They think if they sprinkle him with that black sparkly dust, that he suddenly will have psychic abilities." He takes a deep sigh and has a sad look. "He is scared to death of them, Carl just gives them what they want to hear. I really feel for this child."

"Don't they know what they are doing to him," Becky says, her face showing her sadness. "This is ugly. I have gone down there once with Jason and had a great visit. I spoke to the two older girls about personal girl stuff, he wants me to be their big sister. Really super smart kids and badly in need of family."

Aloohula snarls as he speaks his anger clear to them all. "The SSG are cruel people, who care not who they hurt. They only want, what they want, no matter the harm they cause. Their dedication to Our Leader is deeper than anyone's, it is actually frightening. Anyway, I will be back as soon as I can."

"This is what Jason was talking about early this morning. He didn't say much, but he was afraid of something and didn't want Carl involved." Becky says shaking her head. "He said something about being gone tomorrow and maybe not back until the following day, but not where. I take it you got the request this morning?"

"Yes," Aloohula turns to Brian, "Sorry. Will be back as soon as I am able, but the trip has been on their agenda for a while now. I actually expected this to happen, which is one of the reasons I wanted to move Arai and Beytlo along in what to do for our thing. With those two messed up SSGs you never know where they are going to force you to go at a moments notice."

All Brian can do is hold in any anger he has, he is so tired of the Regime. However, the goal is; just leave. They do not fight, they do not protest, they simply leave. He must remember this is the goal and not anger. He takes a deep breath, "We will continue on. Please return, do nothing rash if possible." Everyone nods in agreement. "Now, I have one more thing. Unless we hear different we should be able to move forward with Beautiful Smoke, but we must consider that this is only the first safe place for us."

"How do we determine our choices are safe in other cities that our ships are docked?" Doug asks with a concerned look.

"Becky has already found the way."

"Ah, Brian. . .ah." Becky gives him an intense look, "I have no idea as I have not given any thoughts to this."

"Yes, you did, you said we could use the supposed project as an excuse for further study while we do our own thing, " Brian points to the monitor where the make-believe project is displayed. "Our superiors like it and I am sure with a little encouragement by you, they are going to want to share this idea with others on each ship. We just need to make sure that when you get to each ship that a Youth Corp member who flies drones is someone in our movement. Then the Kelly programs are begun and monitoring begins just as we did with Beautiful Smoke. Doug, should go with you, it will be better with both of you being there, one for the true project and the other for our superiors. You will also be working with someone who has taken on the role of directing the work for Doing Our Own Thing, on whatever ship you are doing the project. We will figure out how to manipulate this, or rather how you and Doug will. Remember there are those on each ship that will be there to protect you. We will then have the needed safe zones. What do you think?"

It is Aloohula who speaks up first. "When this happens, I think we should ensure that two troopers go as well. This will increase their protection with those they know they can trust already, this will also have a side benefit when they don't need the troopers." He smiles, "By this I mean we can begin the process of bringing in other troopers on the ships. All will be done as instructed, but other younger troopers are as angry as myself, Arai and Beytlo." Arai is nodding in agreement.

Brian blows breath through his lips like a whistle, "I am okay with this. It will take time, months maybe." He nods his head to them, "Why not. I will go to the dream world and notify others on the ships and find out which may be the first ships on our list. In a year we will be gone or have at least tried to gain the freedom to be ourselves."

Aloohula and Arai look at each other for a moment. Then Arai snarls, "Wish it could be now."

There was something odd between the two troopers, he had thought it was because it was Arai's first time to actually work for Doing Our Own Thing, but now he wonders if something else is an issue. He turns to them and eyes them both. "Okay, I want to know what the problem is. You two are hiding or concerned about something. You know we must train to leave and you know that rumors circulate that it may be years before anyone currently twenty-one and younger will be able to go home."

"No, it is something else. Remember Beytlo was unable to join us due to an assignment," Arai says with a concerned look.

"Yes," Brian says and the others nod.

Aloohula looks towards Arai and now he is the one who speaks about Beytlo. "He was assigned a late night assignment to a plant."

"Water plant? Why?" Doug asks with a puzzled look.

"Not a water plant," Aloohula says. He turns to Arai who literally looks sick. "Food processing plant that is being put together. No, longer will humans be brought to the ship and then placed into the pods. They will be brought to the plant and by large numbers. I mean large groups of humans."

"This is hard I am sure, but something else bothers you." Brian can tell there is something larger looming by the look on Arai's face.

"They are going to force us to eat humans." Arai is now angry as he turns to Brian and his tone harsh. "Don't worry, Youth Leaders are expected to eat with humans so you won't have too, I am sure you can get out of it. Oh, and other Whipelli Youth Corp will just eat while on Earth and likely just fruit and vegetables on days they do not go down." Then he turns to Becky and Doug, "You two and the rest of the Depol eat rodents. You won't be eating humans." He simply stops speaking with the sick look coming back to him.

Aloohula is shaking his head, "We don't eat on Earth, at all. You won't see us eating rodents or anything else most likely when on assignment. Almost all of our food is eaten on the ship, we eat fruit wrapped in strips of meat. We swallow small fish or little lizards." He frowns, "Real lizards. We will be in the end the only ones eating humans."

"Or not," Arai says. "Actually, if Diana has her way," He shrugs, "We will all be eating humans as it will be an order. Still I am sure all of you will get out of it, it is only us Dahax that won't be able to."

"Why are we not eating farm animals?" Brian has heard rumors that human meat may have already been introduced. He feels badly now for not telling Aloohula or his friends, but if it was not true he could have caused an issue. "It makes no sense to eat humans. If you want to destroy them why don't they just execute and turn them into dust." Everyone gives him a shocked look. "What I mean is if our superiors plans were or are to get rid of the humans, then making us eat them is only going to cause stress as many are becoming friends with humans. I don't mean our movement, but others as well are making friendships. Just the rumors alone." He sighs deeply.

"Yeah, rumors. Is it a rumor there are so very few women my age on the ships. Makes you wonder though," Becky says with a somber tone. "How many will continue to follow, so willingly."

"Our world is dying, the hope to continue no matter what must be done." Brian shakes his head, "People do what they must to survive. For me this movement is all I have, there is no home for me to go back to."

Doug sighs deeply, "Talking about rumors. I have heard that your mountain communes are being taken apart and are now completely under the Regime and that they are shipping Whipelli out in large numbers to Avena."

"It's the excuse I heard John give to Steven when he asked when the other ships would arrive. He said they were going to Avena first and that they may be to full of. . ." Brian stares at the ceiling, "Ah, water and food animals when they come back in this direction." They all shake their heads as they are getting necessities from Avena after shipping off unwanted individuals from the home world. "This is just what I heard, it was only bits. Still if this is so, it says that we may have some transfers of some officers and crew, but I have a feeling very few will be going home this time. Maybe some of the water gathered and some of the human pods. We need to ensure that those humans we work with are kept safe, we need to be able to protect them." Brian is now thinking who would be best to come up with some plans to put in action in case one of their humans are taken.

Suddenly Doug jerks, "Wait! Shipping your people Brian to the very planet we intend to flee too. How funny is that!"

"Almost everyone our age will want to Do Our Own Thing, lets get this moving faster." Arai says with a snarl. "What do you think. Let's do it now!"

"Not quite yet. Remember that when you try to rush something to grow too quickly," Brian holds his hands out, "Something is never quite right with it. There is a reason to grow naturally. We move slowly we learn and prepare, adapt, bring others into the movement and when we understand the time is right then we," He shrugs, "Leave. I promise it will happen, but we need to have it to happen when we can accomplish our goal and now is not the time."

Becky winks, "We're not going to let this movement die and silence and doing as commanded is something we. . .ALL must do. We will succeed, I know we will or die trying."

Everyone reaches over at the same time for a moment laying a hand on Arai's shoulder as Aloohula says. "They think they have us, but they don't. Let them see us as the dedicated, but we are there for us."

Arai looks up at each of them, "Thank you for including me. Yes, more time will allow us to bring in more for our cause and those training to actually command the ships to Avena will have more time to learn." He puts a finger to his lip for a moment, "Silence. For now silence. Show dedication to the Regime at all times, but always remember where our true loyalty lies." They all smile and make comments in agreement.

"Plus, procuring the pass code programs so they can't blow the ships up when we leave and setting up safe zones." Brian shrugs, "We better finish updating our plans. Hear anything further from the drone?"

Doug shakes his head, "No. I will continue monitoring. So about this plan on the other drone project that we plan to use to get to the other ships. I have a few questions. . ."

They talk for awhile, but one thing is clear they are moving forward. Doing Our Own Thing, is not a dream or something you begin and than stop. This is for real, setting up a safe place at Beautiful Smoke means they can't go back to the blind Regime life they had been living. This is the beginning and not the end. They are on the path like it or not. He finds himself smiling, he is happy to be on this path.