Don't Speak


Landon Richardson

Official disclaimer

The characters of Steve McGarrett, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua, Adam 'Toast' Charles and Jenna Kaye do not belong to me in any shape or form, I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes.

The character of Danni Williams although originally based on male Danny can probably be considered my own by now since the only thing the two share is a name and how they ended up on the taskforce. Everything else including Danni's background and family are completely different now. This also means that the character of Grace is different, for example her surname is Taylor not Williams since Williams is Danni's maiden name, Taylor was her married name.

The characters of Jack O'Connor, Poppy O'Connor, Bella O'Connor, Natasha O'Connor, Riley King, David Williams and Libby Williams do belong to me as does any character who you do not instantly recognise from the show. Please do not use these characters without asking first.

Author Note

And here we have chapter five for you all!

Hopefully you're all enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

This story you get to explore Jack and his daughters a bit more. I know quite a few of you have expressed an interest in knowing more about him which is understandable. I mean he's a part of 50 in this universe and yet not much is known about him… that will eventually change but hopefully this small sneak peek into him, Poppy and Bella will suffice for now J

Enjoy the chapter.

Official Summary

Danni Williams didn't mean to lose her temper in such a fashion but what she didn't expect was the effect which it had on the team. Can things go back to the way they were or have things changed for good? (McDanni, female Danni, part of the Danni world saga)

Chapter Summary

"Daddy are we still going to see Gracie today?" Poppy O'Connor asked eagerly as she looked up from her bowl of cereal, her large Dark Brown eyes wide with a hopeful expression in them which caused Jack to laugh as he shook his head at her tactics.

Official romances

Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Kono Kalakaua / Charlie Fong (KoFo)

Chapter Romances

Mentions of Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Other note

Please keep in mind that I don't have a Beta for this story so the odd mistake may creep in without me meaning it to. I have also never been to Hawaii so all locations are either from the show, google or made up in my own mind.

The sentence I was given

This isn't worth it anymore.

Chapter Five


"Daddy are we still going to see Gracie today?" Poppy O'Connor asked eagerly as she looked up from her bowl of cereal, her large Dark Brown eyes wide with a hopeful expression in them which caused Jack to laugh as he shook his head at her tactics. Ever since they had arrived in Hawaii, the small nine year old had been testing her limits with him, clearly trying to figure out how much he would tolerate when it came to the way she acted and what she had to do to make him relent on his rules.

"You know you are sweetheart" Jack replied as he came to the table, hooking his foot round the leg of the chair in front of him and pulled it out, sinking down into it and placing his own bowl of cereal on the table. A glance to the side of him showed his other daughter Bella was focused on her food, clearly ignoring the conversation going on around her. It was no surprise, the four year old often seemed to prefer her own company and thoughts.

"But what time are we going Daddy? Is Auntie Danni going to cook for us do you think?" Poppy pressed, tilting her head to the side. She sighed pushing back her long red hair from her face.

"We'll have to take you to get a haircut this weekend sweetheart" Jack told her ignoring the instant sound of complaint she made at the suggestion as he turned his attention back to Bella, giving his youngest daughter's long blond-red hair a critical look before focusing back on his eldest answering her first question. "We're meeting your Auntie Danni and Grace at the beach once we've finished eating breakfast. I don't know what the plans for food are later though."

Poppy made a sound of excitement at the back of her throat and focused on Bella as the small girl looked up, her pale blue eyes looking puzzled.

"Eat your breakfast Bella so we can go" Poppy stated before she focused on he own food, shovelling it into her mouth at a speed.

"Take your time Bella, there's no rush darling" Jack told his youngest as he reached out, stroking his hand over the top of her head before he focused on Poppy. "And you missy, if you carry on eating like that then we won't be going anywhere. You're a lady remember, ladies don't guzzle their food like it's their last meal." He pointed out dryly, his mouth curling into a reluctant smile when she looked up and smiled at him, her cheeks puffed out round the food in her mouth.

The rest of the meal passed quickly, broken up by Poppy's continual chatter about what she and Grace would get up to that day before she quickly ran out of the room with Bella just behind him leaving Jack to clear up the bowls, his mind going to the upcoming meeting with Danni. He hadn't seen her since her blow up six days earlier. He had been tempted to go and see her but work had been kicking their ass, especially since they had been a man down and raising two young daughters alone as well as being a father figure to his two nephews who had moved out here with Jack's sister Natasha meant that his free time was limited.

Being partnered with Steve as well had left Jack clutching at his hair praying for Danni to return more than once. He had always known that the other man had a reckless streak when it came to his own safety, he had always placed the safety of his team above his own which was something which Jack could respect. What he hadn't realised before was just how much Danni calmed him and kept him on the straight and narrow. It was an experience which he didn't want to repeat and one which made him want to ensure that Danni never left them like this again.

Shaking his head, he placed the bowls away and headed out of the kitchen, smiling when he saw that both Poppy and Bella were ready and dressed, standing by the front door with their bags over their shoulders.

"Ready Daddy" Bella announced seriously.

"So I see" Jack said, heading over to them and pulled on his trainer. He grabbed his cell phone, sending Danni a text to let them know that they were leaving. "Are you both sure that you have everything because we won't be coming back here until later on." He asked them, his eyes moving over their faces, his heart aching when he saw the familiar features belonging to their mother.

"Everything Daddy, please can we just go now?" Poppy asked with a long suffering sigh which caused Jack to smile at her.

"Yes Poppy we can go now. When did you get so impatient?" He asked her, scooping his keys from the side and opened the front door, stepping back and allowing his daughters to run out of the house before he followed them, locking the door behind him. He leaned down and picked up Bella, resting her against his hip before he headed to the car, unlocking it. He settled his youngest into the car, strapping her in before checking that Poppy was secure as well.

"Shaved ice Daddy?" Bella piped up hopefully as Jack entered the car himself, starting it and reversed out of the drive way.

"Later on Darling, you've just had breakfast" He remarked, shooting her a smile which grew when she noticed the way Bella's lower lip jutted out. "I promise" He added.

The drive to the beach took twenty minutes though it took a further five minutes for Jack to find a parking space. He killed the engine and climbed out, moving round the car and opened the door, taking Bella out and resting her against his hip, Poppy climbing out on the other side. He locked the car, taking Poppy's hand and headed across the car park, down the steps and onto the beach. He glanced around him, his eyes landing on the familiar figure of Danni and Grace. They were settled fairly nearby, Danni on her knees next to Grace as she rubbed sun cream onto the small girl's skin, nodding at whatever it was that the small girl was saying to her.

"Gracie" Poppy yelled out, waving frantically at the other girl as she pulled at Jack's arm, dragging him over to the pair.

"Poppy you're here!" Grace replied back equally as excited as though the two of them hadn't seen each other for weeks rather than at school the day before. Jack let go of Poppy just as Grace few herself at Poppy, the two small girls hugging.

"Hey Jack, hey Bella, glad you could make it" Danni said with a smile as she moved over to them, going up slightly on her tiptoes so she could brush a kiss against Bella's forehead, smiling when the small girl threw her arms round Danni's neck and hugged her.

"Good to see you as well Danni" Jack said with a grin as he passed Bella over to the blonde woman. "Things have been a bit mad this week without you there."

Danni glanced up at him, her grey eyes narrowing slightly at him.

"So Chin and Kono has told me. You been partnering with Steve?" She asked him curiously.

"Yeah most of the time" Jack said with a nod. "And can I just say that I have a whole new level of respect for you Danni and all you do. Keeping up with Steve is a full time job on its own so god only know how you managed to do that and everything else you had on at work. I… I guess I didn't realise quite how hard you had it. I should have supported you more Danni and I'm sorry."

Danni stared at him for a moment, her face fixed in its default thoughtful expression, the look which he had never quite been able to read. He opened his mouth to speak, closing it when Danni suddenly smiled at him.

"Thank you Jack, I appreciate that. I'm sorry as well for losing it like I did. I should have handled it better" Danni replied, placing Bella on the floor.

"I'm pretty sure you don't owe me an apology though you might owe me a coffee if Steve carries on the way he is doing" Jack replied with a smile, glancing over Danni's shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of which, here's Steve now." He commented watching as Danni's glanced over her shoulder as well. Jack couldn't see her face but there must have been something welcoming in her expression as Steve's pace quickened, his face lighting up.

"Hey" He called out as he approached them, his eyes flickering over them all before they focused on Danni in a way which told Jack that everyone else had ceased to exist for the other man.

"Hey yourself" Danni replied, turning to face him. Jack rolled his eyes when Steve stepped into Danni's personal space, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her close, dropping his head and kissing her gently on the mouth.

"Uncle Steve you're here!" Grace yelled, throwing herself at the dark haired man. Steve had enough time to twist on the spot and catch the girl, hugging her closely and kissing her on the cheek. "I've missed you, where have you been?" the small girl demanded as she pulled she could look at Steve in the face.

"I've been busy at work Gracie" Steve told her "But I'm here now and I'm pretty sure we have a sandcastle to build. Danni why don't you call Meka and Amy and see if they are around today. Meka is always going on about how he is the king of sandcastles. I think it might be time to prove him wrong and show him who the exact King of it is." He commented with a grin at her. Danni stared at him for a moment before she laughed softly.

"I do remember Amy saying that they were around today, let me call her and see whether they want to meet us." Danni remarked before she moved over to where hers and Grace's bags were and began rummaging through them. Jack turned and looked at Steve, surprised to see the other man watching him.

"You okay?" Jack asked him quietly. Steve nodded, placing Grace on the floor before he moved towards Jack, lowering his voice.

"Did you speak to her? How did she seem?" Steve asked him,

"She seemed fine" Jack answered slowly. "I apologised to her, she said it was fine and then you arrived. She seems normal to me. Why? What do you think something is wrong?" He asked watching as Steve frowned as he turned his face towards Danni.

"I don't know" Steve replied sounding troubled before he looked back at Jack. "But I'm going to find out and you're going to help me." He stated.

Jack sighed, reaching up and running his hand through his hair before he turned his attention to Bella, picking her up and burying his nose into her hair, squeezing his eyes shut.

Somehow he had the feeling that this wouldn't end well.

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read. An especially big thank you if you have left me a review, favourite the story or decided to follow it.

I really appreciate it