Scattered Ashes
Hi! This is a special chapter for the guest that reviewed Scattered Ashes about three hours ago. Not sure if you will have finished the story yet or still going through it but either way I hope you still read this :)
(I love explaining the answers to these questions, sorry if I ramble)
I'm doing it this way because there really isn't another way to message you unless you have an account, but eh, worth the effort aren't we? Anyway back on to the topic at hand. Always interesting, surprised I haven't been asked this before or perhaps I just don't remember being asked. Little all over the place like that.
'Spider' is a name that whenever you read it you're always thinking of the actual arachnid and for most it is enough to create the sensation of your skin crawling or the fear of the arachnid themselves, however this is actually the desired state of her enemies. Imagine fighting an opponent whose very name causes you on some level to feel fear without ever having heard of her before. It was my intention that this was to be her unspoken advantage (not that she needed it) against anyone who would cross her in other worlds. Whereas some heroes are given the chance to build a reputation for others to be wary of them, Spider won't have that chance.
The Doctor is a good example. As the last of his species and a time traveller who has proven to be the bane of many that have tried to do evil, his 900+ years have earned him quite a reputation as seen when the Doctor has his unforgiving moments. Because he has built this reputation, people don't innately wish to piss him off unless they are very, very confident.
Spider however has never been in that universe before and so any reputation she will have built wouldn't have even been whispered of by these new people, ergo her name will have to be something that almost everyone thinks twice about.
I basically gave an overpowered woman who has had too much tragedy thrown at her one of her greatest assets, her name will cause at least 70% of people to be automatically scared or wary of their new opponent. The question I had to ask was "Would I, if given the choice pick a fight with someone whose very name I feared?" So I chose something unique and would affect a lot of people in much the same way.
It could be said that it would work against her for people who could be her friend but I suppose it's just a case of you will just have to get to know her.
Thank you so, so much for asking the question, it made me think a lot about the answer and it's probably the first time I've enjoyed myself in a little while. Thank you again :)