Hi everyone! Missed me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

I've been quite busy with school the past few years and I'm proud and happy to say that I finished my finals, I have a good feeling about it so I hope I graduate. But this also means that your boo has three months of freedom! *hint hint* you know what I'm gonna do ;)

As many of you probably know, Nanatsu no Taizai second season is already raging... Guess who has been writing...

So I'm here to announced that the first chapter of XSinning on a Miko - TaintedX is coming out on June 1st !

This fanfic will be M rated instead of T, because to be fair Kagome is a grown woman in a relationship in my story. There are things that will happen because Meliodas and Kagome are together and to make the scenes more fun and intense. So just to be save I will rate it M. So don't forget it to change the rating, if you can't find it XD

I will also skip the scenes where Kagome isn't in or won't be mentioned, because I realized that I did't enjoy writing those and that the anime a lot of those scenes has. It just takes so long for me to write them, and they probably won't be fun to read or write, since it's exactly like the anime. So if you will be confused about certain moments, I advise you to watch the anime of Nanatsu no Taizai (Season 2) to understand some reasons or what's going on with certain characters.

There will be a cover sneak peak, posted tomorrow on my instagram (Kami_Chama) And if you have any questions, feel free to DM me! I'll try to responds as soon as I can!

So without further ado let's start the countdown!

With thousands of hugs and kisses, yours truly


By the way, I still wanted to reply to the people who reviewed on the last chapter of XSoaMX to show my love and appreciation.^^

Mathew5641: Thank you, this is what I'll make next^^

Guest: This will be the sequel and I hope it will be awesome for you guys!