Chapter 1: New Participants

News of Curt's contest spread across the Amazon like a raging storm. Many birds and animals rushed to the grizzled turtle in hopes to compete. The coordinator didn't decline any animal and signed them up immediately to further encourage more animals to compete. Whether it was for thrills, bragging rights, or any other reason, a fighting tournament is a happy addition of entertainment in the wild.

Of course, there were some rules in play to keep the competition fair, but exciting. Mainly to note is the animal and species who are competing must be paired to combat against each other within their size range.

While size is a factor to consider, age doesn't stop Curt to decline a competitor. In the previous contests Curt held, he's encountered quite a number of young animals with outstanding fighting prowess.

Knowing this fact, Tiago races home to ask for permission to compete.

We bring ourselves to a heated argument among our beloved Gunderson Family where Eduardo tries his best to convince his daughter Jewel and son-in-law Blu for his grandchildren to compete.

Despite stating both good and bad reasons, the good seems to overcome the bad in terms on how to toughen Blu and Jewel's children in handling the wild.

Sure they got Blu's urban smarts and Jewel's wildlife knowledge, but Eduardo believes knowledge alone can't overcome a powerful predator without strength.

Against their better judgment, Blu and Jewel reluctantly agree for their children to compete. Tiago is beyond thrilled to get in a scuffle. However, Bia and Carla seemed shaken due to their lack of enthusiasm to harm others. Eduardo notices the doubt in Bia and Carla's eyes and asked what will it take for them to complete.

The two younglings thought and agreed to compete under one condition, their parents compete as well. Blu and Jewel held no objection as the two felt confident in their own fighting ability.

Eduardo didn't argue and happily agrees for his family to compete in Curt's Cabana of Combat, and he has full confidence that his family can bring a win to his tribe like the previous Ordeal of the Mighty (as read in Birdy Beatdown).

With that settled, Blu led his family to Curt's Cabana to participate in another fighting tournament. From his previous experience in the Ordeal, Blu hopes he could show the jungle he's a force to reckon with.

That is, until Blu and his family arrived at the enlisting camp.

Left and right were all kinds of animals, eager to compete in Curt's contest whatever their reasons, ranging from small to large animals. Jewel and the kids were not surprisingly nervous to get in a fight with the burly animals scattered about, but Blu on the other hand, remained composed and confident.

No doubt clouded Blu's mind, more so was his excitement. He recognized a few participants who competed in the Ordeal from his last fighting bout, but one particular bird stood out of the crowd.

In return, that said bird notices Blu, and a warm smile engulfs his beak as he flies over to hug his good friend.

"Good old Blu, glad to see you again."

"You too Rico, welcome back buddy."

A/N: And thus concludes this chapter. Next chapter will be our first bout. As always, take care and hope to hear from you soon!-Poshil

All characters excluding Curt and Rico belong to Blue Sky Studios. Curt belongs to Yootisposhil and Rico belongs to Rico the Black Macaw. Permission was given to use the characters above and I'm not held accountable whatever fate befells them.