Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! nor it's characters. I also do not profit from this work of fiction.

A/N: It's finally the end. See ya in another fic.

Chapter Summary: Atemu and Yuugi go on with their date, find some trouble, then go home.

Warning: Language

Chapter 4: Happily Ever After

Atemu and Yuugi stopped at the first booth they saw, a test of aim that comprised of knocking down three stacked bottles with a baseball. Yuugi went first, setting down his money and receiving a small basket with three baseballs inside. Beside him, Atemu gave him two thumbs up and Yuugi smiled. Taking up ball number one, Yuugi threw it and missed horribly. Flinching, Yuugi glanced at Atemu as he picked up the next ball, but Atemu only smiled encouragingly. Relieved, Yuugi turned back to the game. The next ball barely grazed the bottle and the third only managed to knock off the top one.

"It's harder than it looks," Yuugi said as he paid for another round. The carnie handed him another three baseballs in a basket and Yuugi tossed his first ball, knocking the top bottle off. Grinning, he tossed the next and struck another bottle down. The third baseball missed, but he had won a prize. Between a small plush frog, rabbit, and alien, Yuugi picked the rabbit. He immediately held out the yellow bunny to Atemu, shaking it slightly so its long ears flopped happily. "It's not a teddy bear," Yuugi said with a wry smile, "but we're getting there." Atemu took the rabbit and chuckled, setting it down next to their drinks and candy as he pulled out his wallet to lay down his own cash with a grin.

"It's rigged," Atemu whispered so the man tending the booth would not hear and Yuugi turned a shocked look to Atemu.

"You lie," Yuugi whispered back as Atemu took up his first baseball, weighing it in his hand. Shaking his head, Atemu gave him a crooked smile. "It's really rigged?" Yuugi asked him, "How?"

"Well," Atemu said, rolling his shoulder as he turned to the side, away from Yuugi, "glue or sometimes a bit of duct tape keeps them in place." He narrowed his eyes, concentrating and Yuugi thought he looked strikingly like a pitcher at his mound, studying the batter at home base. "You just gotta hit them hard enough," he said, taking a breath. With a fancy whirl, Atemu threw the ball and knocked the top bottle down with barely a waver from the other two. He jabbed a thumb at them. "See?" he said and Yuugi nodded, brow furrowed. The second ball hit smack dab between the two that remained, but only knocked off a second. The third missed and Atemu chose a blue frog with black spots as his prize. Amused, he held it out to Yuugi who embraced it with a smile. "I'll get you a teddy bear next," Atemu said and Yuugi nodded in delight.

"Sure," Yuugi said, "but let's try another booth." They gathered their cups, cotton candy, and plush animals, making their way to the next booth. When they paused, Yuugi turned a curious look to Atemu. "Were you ever in baseball?"

"Varsity team in high school," Atemu said with a grin, "that obvious, huh?"

"Just a little," Yuugi teased, holding up a hand with his forefinger and thumb in a pinch, and Atemu laughed.

On they went from booth to booth, tossing rings onto bottles, aiming streams of water into clown faces, and shooting rifles, until they had won two large bears each with a few smaller animals. Then they were walking around, hands still clasped despite the amount of animals and items squeezed into their other arms. Having had their fill of fun, they watched other carnival goers, neither feeling quite ready to leave. It was then that a child's cries reached their ears and Yuugi stopped, eyes searching about for the source. He soon spotted the small girl, standing next to the gun gallery with two blonde pigtails, a pair of round glasses, and watery blue eyes. She wore a cobalt-blue skirt with a white, frilly top, a red handkerchief tied at her neck. Before her was a crouched man with a black t-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. He was trying to take her hand, but she was backing away, terrified. Heart clenching, Yuugi opened his mouth to alert Atemu, when Atemu stepped forward.

"Hey!" Atemu yelled and the man next to the girl darted up, holding his hands up in surrender before darting away. Atemu made to give chase, but Yuugi grabbed his arm before he could so much as take a step and pointed to the still-crying girl. "Right," Atemu said with a scowl in the direction of the suspicious man and Yuugi approached, pausing a little ways away to not startle the girl.

"Hey, you okay?" Yuugi called softly and she looked up at him, rubbing her wet eyes behind her glasses. Shaking her head, she sniffed and Yuugi walked closer, crouching down beside her to meet her at eye level. Behind him, Atemu remained standing.

"I c-can't find my grandpa," she whimpered, trying to stifle her sobs, "and that man said he knew my grandpa, but he didn't even know my grandpa's name!"

"He's gone now," Yuugi said, glancing around carefully, "don't worry about him." The little girl nodded, sniffling. "About your grandpa," Yuugi said softly, "he got himself lost, did he?" He smiled and the girl nodded furiously, face pinched. "My name is Yuugi," he said and motioned to Atemu, "and this is Atemu. What's your name?"

"Rebecca," she replied, wiping her nose noisily.

"Would you like some help finding your grandpa, Rebecca?" Yuugi asked her and Rebecca nodded, though her tears began anew.

"I'm n-never go-going to find my g-g-gran-pa," she sobbed and Atemu made a sympathetic sound in his throat, moving closer.

"I'm sure we'll find him in no time," Atemu said cheerfully and she looked up at him with a tearful glare.

"No, we won't!" she snapped and Atemu stepped back, alarmed. Beside him, Yuugi did not even flinch at her outburst.

"Rebecca?" Yuugi said gently, regaining her attention, "What's your grandpa's name?"

"Arthur Hopkins," she answered readily and Yuugi nodded.

"Do you remember what he was wearing?" Yuugi questioned and Rebecca nodded.

"A white suit and a red bow tie," she said, "grandpa always wears suits and bow ties … he has a mustache too."

"Good," Yuugi said and he hesitated when her eyes watered even more. "Rebecca," he said, "would you like a plushie?" He showed her the ones in his arm and her eyes widened before a happy smile stole across her face. She pointed to a medium-sized coffee-brown bear with a sky-blue shirt and forest-green overalls.

"Can I have this one?" she mumbled and Yuugi nodded.

"Of course," he said. Yuugi offered it to her and she timidly took it, hugging it to her chest securely. When she looked back up at him, her tears had ceased and Yuugi felt his heart lighten with relief. "Now let's go look for your grandpa, okay?" he said and she nodded, taking his hand.

"Would you like to hold my hand too?" Atemu asked her sweetly and she frowned at him.

"No," she said stiffly and Atemu balked in surprise.

He met Yuugi's eyes with uncertainty, searching for some type of guidance, but Yuugi only shrugged and smiled, amused. Wry smile pulling at his lips, Atemu shook his head, befuddled.

"I'll alert security about that weirdo," Atemu said to Yuugi and Yuugi nodded.

"You're going to tell security about yourself?" Rebecca asked oh-so-innocently and Yuugi snorted as Atemu gaped at her in shock and offense.

"I-I'm not a weirdo!" Atemu objected and she shrugged at him, tugging on Yuugi's hand. She pulled him along, away from Atemu and uncaring.

"Bye, weirdo," she said and Yuugi could not help it. He laughed outright, tossing Atemu an apologetic look as they began to leave. In return, Atemu stared at Rebecca, flabbergasted.

"I'm just gonna walk around and see if her grandfather is close by," Yuugi called, mouthing a "sorry" right after, and Atemu nodded, shrugging it off as he walked in the other direction.

x x x

After ten minutes, it was obvious to Yuugi that Rebecca's grandfather was not near by at all. They had walked the area, conversing with passerby and keeping their eyes out for Rebecca's grandfather. Yet the man was nowhere to be seen and Yuugi was growing concerned, his chest tight with apprehension. Beside him, Rebecca was growing anxious. Her hand fidgeted in his own and her tears were beginning to well up in her eyes, but she stubbornly chewed on her lip and continued walking with Yuugi, refusing to break down. As Yuugi asked yet another person if they had seen Arthur Hopkins, her sniffles began and he felt his heart break for her. An idea struck him then and he breathed, calming his nerves.

"Okay," he said, bringing them to a stop and crouching before her, "I bet I know where your grandpa is."

"Y-you do?" she asked, bright blue eyes overflowing as she gazed at him.

"He's not here, right?" Yuugi said and she nodded, "So if I were him and I had lost my granddaughter, I would be checking with security!" He smiled and her eyes widened before she nodded quickly. "Good, so we'll check there and –" Movement caught his eyes then and he looked looked up, surprised to see Atemu waving at him from several yards away, a wide smile on his lips. Yuugi's eyes went from him to the man standing next to him and he grinned. "We don't have to go anywhere," Yuugi said and Rebecca tilted her head in confusion, "because your grandpa is right behind you!"

Instantly, Rebecca whipped around, eyes searching before she squealed in delight and ran up to a thin, elderly man with a cream-colored suit and a crimson-red bow tie. The man embraced her at once and beside him, Atemu beamed at Yuugi. Yuugi smiled back, proud and falling a little more in love as he walked over, the butterflies in his stomach taking erratic flight.

"Found him," Atemu said as Yuugi neared and Yuugi nodded.

"You did," he replied.

"Thank you both so much!" said Arthur, standing straight and looking at them with deepest gratitude, "How can I ever repay you for finding my little Becky?"

"Oh, please," Atemu said, shaking his head, "we couldn't leave her alone. We're just happy she's with you now." And Yuugi's heart melted.

"Grandpa, I wanna go home," Rebecca said and Arthur nodded.

"Of course, sweetheart," he said, "we've both had enough excitement for one day." He looked to Atemu and Yuugi and held out his hand. "Thank you so much," he said and Yuugi shook his hand first, followed closely by Atemu. It was not much longer after that, that Rebecca and Arthur departed. But before Rebecca could even take a step, she rushed to Atemu, quickly hugging his legs before hugging Yuugi next and running back to her grandfather.

The charmed smile that graced Atemu's lips when Rebecca hugged him made Yuugi's heart leap in his chest and his insides turn to mush.

Thank you, Bakura, he thought.

"Uh, Yuugi?" said Atemu and Yuugi shook himself back into the present to see Atemu's wary gaze. His stomach churned with dread.

Did I say something out loud? Yuugi thought.

"Yeah?" he asked, heart thudding in his chest in panic.

"Bakura's here," Atemu said.

"What?" Yuugi said, distracted.

"Bakura is here," Atemu repeated, "I can see him peeking out behind the photo wagon."

It was then that Yuugi realized Atemu was not looking at him, but somewhere beyond him. He turned quickly, just in time to see a head of white hair and a pair of binoculars pull out of sight. Disbelief and indignation rose in Yuugi's throat and he let out an incredulous gasp.

"Bakura!" he shouted and Atemu sighed.

"Has he really been following us?" Atemu mused, "Is he going to come along on all our dates?" But Yuugi was already stomping his way over, prepared to really let his best friend have it. "Wait, Yuugi!" Suddenly, Atemu grabbed his hand and Yuugi paused, turning to look at him in confusion. "I've got a better idea," Atemu said, "let's ignore him – oh, Ryou's here too?"

"Ryou?" Yuugi cried, expression filled with betrayal. He turned to see Ryou peeking out from behind the photo wagon and he gasped. "Ryou!" he shouted indignantly and Ryou hesitated at the sight of him before pulling back, "Oh, now I'm going to kill them both." He started off in their direction and Atemu followed with a bemused smile. "Bakura – I'm not surprised," Yuugi muttered under his breath, "but Ryou? Oh, he's gonna get it."

"Is this normal?" Atemu asked idly, "I'd like some warning if they're going to be following us around everywhere."

"Oh, don't worry," Yuugi said darkly, "they won't be alive long enough to keep following us."

"Need help burying the bodies?" Atemu said seriously, "We can use my dad's ranch. We've got a couple hundred-thousand acres of land, I'm sure we'll find the perfect burial spot somewhere out there." Abruptly, Yuugi laughed and Atemu's serious demeanor broke, a grin spreading onto his lips. "You can meet Barley."

Yuugi stopped then and turned to Atemu, eyes filled with amusement.

"Stop making me laugh," Yuugi reprimanded, "you're making me want to go easy on them."

"Want me to make you mad?" Atemu asked playfully, "Remember, your best friend and his boyfriend are spying on us and are almost definitely using your binoculars to do it."

"You're the devil's advocate, aren't you?" Yuugi accused with a laugh and Atemu shrugged innocently, but the smirk on his face told Yuugi all he needed to know. "Okay," Yuugi said, taking a breath and shrugging off his irritation, "forget them. Let's go where they can't follow." At Atemu's raised eyebrow, Yuugi took his hand, stepping towards him and away from his previous target. "Hurry," Yuugi said, "before they realize I'm not coming over to yell at them." He led Atemu further into the carnival, to the very back. When Atemu realized where they were going, he squeezed Yuugi's hand, an amused smile pulling at his lips.

"For a second, I thought you meant we should go back to my place," he admitted and Yuugi turned a cheeky smile onto him, winking.

"We can do that too," Yuugi replied, "after this." They got into the line and Atemu's eyebrows almost lifted clean off his forehead, surprised and hopeful.

"You want to come back to my place?" Atemu asked and Yuugi turned shining eyes onto him.

"Is that an invitation or a question?" he countered.

"...Both," Atemu said after a second of thought.

"Tell me you have an Xbox and I'm yours," Yuugi said and Atemu grinned.

"Better," Atemu said, leaning in to whisper as if his words were a secret, "I have a PS4 and an arsenal of games." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and Yuugi laughed.

God, tell me he's a fun gamer, Yuugi thought giddily.

"Take me now," Yuugi joked, pretending to swoon. The corners of Atemu's eyes creased in joy, and he squeezed Yuugi's hand gently. With a soft smile, Yuugi squeezed back. Their turn to board came and the carnie kindly took their things, promising to watch over them. They climbed into the seat and the woman closed their gate, locking it in place. Once settled, Atemu and Yuugi placed their hands upon topmost rod, gripping the bar.

"You know," Atemu said thoughtfully as their carriage shifted, moving back and up. It halted after a moment to permit more passengers. "I've never ridden a Ferris Wheel before." He raised his eyes, scanning their circular ride and glancing around, fascinated.

"Really?" Yuugi said, and Atemu stopped moving, turning to look at him with his gorgeous violet-red eyes, "Why not?"

"I don't actually know," Atemu said with a frown, "just never got around to it, I suppose." His hand slid along the bar, trailing over Yuugi's and settling there like it was the most natural thing in the world. Given the number of times Atemu had taken his hand that evening, it should have been, but Yuugi's heart skipped a beat as if it were the very first time and his stomach flipped. Meeting Atemu's gaze, he smiled bashfully. All of a sudden, the wheel moved again and they were alone, just the two of them. Any thought of Bakura and Ryou was left behind on the ground. "I'm happy my first time is with you," Atemu said and Yuugi felt goosebumps break out on his skin, his entire body buzzing.

"Yeah?" Yuugi said and Atemu nodded, the skin of his cheeks darkening in embarrassment. The wheel moved again, clanking along and lifting them further from the ground.

"Yeah," Atemu said sincerely, "I've had so much fun with you today. It's been great."

"Me too," Yuugi said, "I've had more fun that I can remember." The carriage moved a few more times in the silence that followed, and they arrived at the top of the wheel. The evening was perfect, the stars shining above them, the night air sweet in their lungs, and their hearts thudding in their chests. Atemu's face was rather close, his lips plump and perfect, and Yuugi shifted closer. There was a smile on Atemu's mouth and a warmth in his gaze. Their shoulders brushed together and Yuugi felt his cheeks burn without reason. Atemu was leaning and Yuugi could count every lash of his eyelids. He was unbelievably close and Yuugi's eyes began to shut.

Almost, almost, Yuugi thought, and the ride jerked as it began, startling them both into moving away. The ride went smoothly, but Yuugi had a lump in his throat in the shape of his heart.

x x x

"This isn't going to work out," Atemu said resolutely, "if you can't love Vaas Montenegro, I can't be seen with you."

"This coming from the guy who can't appreciate Handsome Jack!" Yuugi retorted.

They were coming off the elevator and it was two in the morning. Yuugi and Atemu were ending the night as Atemu had suddenly recalled that he had to work in six hours. But instead of seeing Yuugi out, he had adamantly insisted on walking Yuugi to his apartment, despite its close location in the building across the street. Slowly, they were making their way down the hall to Yuugi's door, arguing playfully with Atemu holding Yuugi's stuffed animals in his arms.

"Handsome Jack is a joke," Atemu snorted and Yuugi gasped, hand clutching at his chest. He turned around, stopping at his door and fixing Atemu with an incredulous look.

"That's it," he said, "I can't date you."

"Handsome Jack is deluded," Atemu argued.

"Vaas is a psychopath," Yuugi shot back.

"At least he's honest about it," Atemu said with a shrug and Yuugi rolled his eyes. Laughing, Atemu shook his head. "Well, really," Atemu said, "if you had to choose someone to be stuck with, you choose –"

"Atemu," Yuugi interrupted with a raised eyebrow, "if we're ever in a situation where we're stuck with Vaas or Jack? I think we'd have bigger problems than who's a better choice."

"Good point," Atemu said, ceasing the debate, "in that case, I'll just stick with you." He smiled then and Yuugi blushed. "We make a good team."

"We argued the whole time!" Yuugi laughed.

"But when we made choices, it was together," Atemu pointed out and Yuugi felt his mouth part in understanding. He nodded.

"Good point," he said, echoing Atemu's phrase, and Atemu smiled gently. Clearing his throat, Yuugi glanced at his door and back to Atemu, shifting on his feet. "So this is me," he said shyly and Atemu reached up a hand, brushing the bangs from his face as he nodded.

"Yeah," he said, "I had fun tonight."

"Me too," Yuugi agreed.

"Next Saturday?" Atemu questioned, "Dinner?"

"Sure," Yuugi said with a small smile.

"Great," Atemu said, eyes shining, "I can't wait."

The butterflies in Yuugi's stomach fluttered around, still going strong despite the workout they had done the entire evening. He reluctantly took out his keys from his pocket, fiddling with them and unwilling to say goodnight. His eyes lifted to meet Atemu's and he looked away, embarrassed.

"You should probably get going," Yuugi said softly, "you have work in six hours."

"Yeah," Atemu assented with a slight sigh, "but … before I go." Yuugi looked at him and Atemu hesitated, licking his lips anxiously. "Uh, here," he said. Abruptly he held out Yuugi's things and Yuugi took them quickly, laughing nervously. Once he held the prizes Atemu had won for him within his grasp, Atemu coughed behind his hand, clearing his throat. "I was wondering," he said, gaze restlessly wandering around the hall, "if maybe..."

"Yes?" Yuugi prompted and Atemu steeled his resolve, meeting Yuugi's eyes openly.

"Could I kiss you goodnight?" he asked, "If that's okay."

"Yes," Yuugi readily agreed and Atemu smiled, relieved as he leaned in. Immediately, Yuugi's heart leapt into his throat and he waited, expectant. Atemu was looking at him carefully, waiting for him to change his mind. He moved closer and Yuugi felt his insides twist as squirm, his breath caught beneath his heart. Then he pushed forward and his lips were against Atemu's, lightning striking him dumb with bliss. His breath hitched and his lips buzzed, excitement shooting through him as he moved into the kiss. It was brief, a second, before Yuugi moved away, but so thrilling that his legs felt numb.

"Wow," he breathed.

"That was … yeah, wow," Atemu agreed and Yuugi laughed lightly, dropping his gaze.

"Goodnight, Yuugi," Atemu said lowly and Yuugi lifted his head.

"Goodnight, Atemu," he whispered and he turned to his door, his hand slipping not once, but twice, before he managed to insert his key and unlock it. Embarrassed, Yuugi laughed, waving to Atemu, and Atemu smiled as he backed up, accidentally bumping into an unsuspecting Mrs. Henderson, Yuugi's eccentric neighbor.

"Sorry, sorry – I'm so sorry!" Atemu profusely apologized to Yuugi's drunk and laughing neighbor and Yuugi took the moment to step into his apartment, feeling lighter than air. Closing the door, Yuugi let out a happy sigh, locking it and turning around. When his eyes fell on Bakura sitting on his couch, he smiled.

"Hey," he greeted and floated over to Bakura, his entire being happy and effervescent. Yuugi set the stuffed animals, the alien cup, and the cotton candy in the corner of the couch before sitting beside Bakura with a sigh. Clasping his hands in his lap, he hummed softly. The television was on, but Yuugi was not seeing it. His thoughts were on Atemu's kiss and the feel of his plump lips. He smiled to himself, his heart doing pirouettes of delight in his chest.

"Hey, pipsqueak," Bakura greeted, "not gonna grill me for following you?"

"Nope," Yuugi said, shrugging his shoulders with his smile still at his lips.

"Not gonna ask why I'm here?" Bakura continued warily.

"Guessing you wanted to cockblock," Yuugi said lightly, unbothered.

"Kind of," Bakura grunted, "mostly wanted to make sure you got home okay."

Silence fell then and Yuugi did not reply. He knew Bakura would not want him to. So instead of calling attention to Bakura's sensibilities, Yuugi reached out and patted Bakura's thigh before settling back into the sofa, content.

"You look happy," Bakura said, voice gruff, and Yuugi nodded.

"I am," he said quietly.

"If he hurts you, I'll kill him," Bakura promised and Yuugi smiled, shifting so that he was leaning against Bakura's arm. "I mean it," Bakura said and Yuugi nodded, rubbing his cheek into his shoulder.

"Thank you, Bakura," Yuugi said, his words full of emotion and meaning that utterly confused Bakura. After a few seconds, he turned his gaze to Yuugi, intent on questioning him, but instead took pause. He huffed, amused, and shifted, removing his arm to wrap it around Yuugi who was fast asleep. His eyes returned to the television screen and he relaxed, comfortable.

"You're welcome, Yuugi."

The End

A/N: Thank you for staying with this fic to the end. Hope you enjoyed. Show me support by dropping a comment and sharing with friends or fellow shippers. Until next time!