Disclaimer: I am not Tolkien even though I dream as if I were.

Chapter 3


Her rusty voice croaked and she urgently asked, "Iesten! Please! Where am I?"


"You are in Imladris, The Last Homely House East of the Sea, my Lady," replied the dark-haired elf at the end of the bed.

"I am Lord Elrond, of Rivendell, and this is is my apprentice, Alassë," he said nodding to the young elleth stationed beside her. "Mae tollen Imladris."

Bemused, Luiloth watched as Lord Elrond politely raised the flat palm of his hand to his chest then smoothly lowered it back down to the right.

"Amatúlië! Welcome!" smiled Alassë copying Lord Elrond's gesture with her free hand. The elleth's other hand was still clasped around her own. She eyed it warily. It made her feel uneasy.

"Man i eneth lín?" Lord Elrond asked. "What is your name?"

"Luiloth i eneth nín," she responded loosening her hand from the young elleth beside her.

"Glassen an ngovaded le Luiloth, it is my joy to meet you," Lord Elrond kindly as he repeated his earlier gesture. "Are you in any pain?"

She slowly shook her head. Yes, she ached, but she felt better than she had in a long time. Her body was finally mending after many weeks of abuse.

"Maer. You have slept for many days. Do you remember how you came to be here?" Lord Elrond carefully inquired as he rested his hands against the frame of the bed.

Luiloth's eyes traveled to the vines underneath Lord Elrond's hands. They were lush with pale green leaves and sprinkled with silver flecks. The leaves glistened from the soft sunlight pouring into the room. Vibrant indigo flowers hummed with life, pulsating energy. She had forgotten the comfort and joy plants provided.

She stared at the blooms sifting through her memories. She remembered her cell. She remembered being locked in the dark, kept from the sun, moon, and stars. She remembered wasting away in the dingy room and of dreaming she was bathing in the starlight instead. She remembered the wall cracking, crashing down to the fires below the tower. The once rich landscape was decimated into a forge. She remembered throwing herself from the opening and twisting in the air. An Eagle of Manwë had swooped towards her carrying a menacing Istari on his back.

"Saruman!" she gasped. "No dirweg! Beware! He has taken the Eagles of Manwë!"

The Great Eagles were sentient creatures; massive birds capable of speech. They acted as messengers and fought evil alongside Men, Elves, and Wizards. They are such pure beings, she grieved. How could Saruman taint them?

She flustered and quickly sat up, "In Isengard, he rode one! They captured me from the sky!"

Her sharp eyes darted between Lord Elrond's knowing mien and Alassë's creased brows. A sharp pain stitched down her side and she clasped her torso.

"Sídh," Lord Elrond soothed raising one hand into the air. "Rest, my Lady. You did travel from Isengard in the talons of an Eagle of Manwë, but Saruman the White was not the Maiar he carried on his back. He carried Mithrandir, Gandalf the Grey Pilgrim.

"Saruman the White has betrayed his mission. He became greedy, lusting for knowledge and power and that greed corrupted him. Saruman stripped Mithrandir of his staff atop the Orthanc and held him prisoner. The Manwë rescued both he, and you."

Relieved, she sank into the headboard behind her and winced as her back rested against the wood.

"Let me, milady!" exclaimed the young elleth, Alassë, as she rushed forward to fluff the pillows behind her back.

Luiloth flinched away from the hands flying towards her. Her arms flew up to block the blow and her eyes squeezed fiercely shut.

The young elleth skidded to a halt, hands hanging in the air, and slowly backed away. "Naethen milady! I am so sorry!" Alassë cried as her eyes widened with shock.

Luiloth knew the young elleth wasn't going to strike her. But her body didn't and had responded instinctively to protect itself. She slowly uncurled and tucked her trembling fingers under the covers hiding them from view. Do not be afraid, she reminded herself, they do not wish to harm you.

"Û, goheno nin Alassë. I was only surprised," she explained leaning forward. "I thank you for your assistance."

She tightly clamped her hands together and held back the urge to flee as Alassë shyly smiled and softly fluffed the pillows behind her.

"You must be careful milady," Alassë warned her. "You are still healing."

"Hannon le," Luiloth replied and weakly as she laid into the pillows. Her body felt like a snapped harp chord. Strung tight for such a long time, it had finally broken from strain and exhaustion. She ached.

"Alassë is correct," Lord Elrond spoke walking around the side of the bed. "You are better, but you have a long journey ahead of you. Your wounds have been tended to, but your mind and spirit must also have time to heal."

Luiloth sluggishly nodded her head and tried to keep herself alert.

"You are weary," Lord Elrond recognized. "There is more we must discuss, but it can wait until after you have rested again.

"Your wounds need to be checked and their dressings changed. Apprentice Alassë will be assigned to your care whilst you reside in the Healing Halls of Imladris." Lord Elrond signaled to the young elleth.

"I trust her with your care. She is a very capable student and shows much promise and talent.. ," Lord Elrond's lips quirked up as he clarified, ".. when she is not running down the serving staff."

Luiloth glanced amusedly towards the young elleth. She saw her face brighten at the praise, then quickly flush to a deep red. The girl fidgeted and wrung her hands together. Her mouth gaped open and closed as she struggled for the correct response.

She took pity on the reddening apprentice. We are all young and impetus once, she thought. She spoke up, "Maer. Hannon le Lord Elrond. I shall be grateful for Alassë's aid."

Alassë mouth snapped closed and she looked gratefully her way.

"Maer, then I leave you to her care," replied Lord Elrond. He raised his hand back over his heart and lowered it saying, "Na lû e-govaned vîn, Hodo vae Luiloth. Until next we meet, rest well Luiloth."

Luiloth dipped her head and murmured her thanks as he left the room. His gesture is one of greeting, she realized as the arched door closed behind him. If I know I am an elf, she wondered, why can I not remember anything else?

Alassë interrupted her musings. Red began to blossom back into the elleth's cheeks and she fiddled with a bandage, "I must thank for earlier milady.

"I assure you, I am not usually so hasty! I find much joy in healing and I am committed to helping you!"

"And I thank you very much for your help. But please call me Luiloth," she responded. "Should I stand or will leaning forward be best?"

Alassë bewilderedly stared at her.

"The bandage you are holding?" she prompted pointing to Alassë's hands.

"Oh! " Alassë replied shaking the cobwebs from her head. "Yes! Wait! No! I mean no, you don't need to stand milad- ...Luiloth. I can change your dressings from the bed.

"Here, lean forward and I will remove your old bandages. I must rinse your wounds then re-apply the athelas ointment. After the ointment, I will re-wrap your torso. I apologize for the discomfort this will bring you, it will be painful."

Ah, her confidence lies in her healing.

"Do not trouble yourself Alassë. I shall be well," Luiloth reassured as she leaned forward. "Let us begin, I grow weary and look forward to resting."

"Be iest lín, please tell me if it becomes too much," Alassë advised washing her hands in the shallow basin at the end of the bed. The elleth dried her hands and began undoing the gauze from her body. She heard Alassë gasp as she uncovered the wounds on her back and a horrified expression crossed the elleth's face.

Luiloth's body tensed. Is it so bad? she wondered. It feels so much better than before.

She relaxed as Alassë carefully removed the remainder of the bandages. She watched the apprentice set a bowl of water and washcloth on the table beside her.

"Are you ready?" asked Alassë. "This will be the worst part."

Luiloth nodded and slowly breathed in a deep gulp of air. Alassë gently raised the towel to her back and began to dab the wounds starting at her shoulder and working down. She hissed sharply at the sting the cloth created. It hurt.

Breathe, she reminded, it is almost over. Come now, you have experienced much worse than this. This is a paper-cut compared to before.

Alassë finished rinsing the wounds on her back and grabbed a jar containing sticky green goo.

"This is athelas, an antiseptic ointment," said Alassë as she scooped some of the goo onto a flat wooden stick. "It should alleviate the burning."

She sighed as the cool paste was applied on her back. It brought immediate relief.

Alassë covered her back in the ointment then placed two long green leaves on top. The elleth held them in place as she wrapped the new bandages around her torso. Luiloth watched as she tucked the ends in, fastened the gauze closed, and walked to the basin to wash her hands.

The analgesic on her back was soothing. It had eased not only the burning, but also the aching in her muscles. She yawned lifting a hand to cover her mouth.

I will just close my eyes for a second, she reasoned listening to the soft noise Alassë made as she cleaned the spoiled linens.

"Milady?" she heard from her slumber.

She cracked her eyes open and drowsily watched Alassë close the canopy at the end of the bed.

"I am leaving you to rest now," Alassë said. "If you should need anything before I return, there is a rope pull beside the bedpost.

"Rest easy, milady. When you wake, I will help you to your bathing chamber and we will wash your hair."

Alassë closed the canopy and Luiloth heard her whisper "may you dream well" as she left the room.

The breeze gently rustled the sheets hanging from the canopy. She heard birds chirping in the trees outside. They flitted from branch to branch cheerily singing to each other. I can not remember a time, she thought, that I have felt so comfortable or safe.

She sensed the plants around her hum. They thrummed with life. She felt their exuberant energy zip across her skin and sink into her body replenishing her spirit. The plants reminded her that she was safe here, that she was no longer trapped in a dark cell.

"Hannon le," she breathed to them as she rested her eyes.

With nurturing plants surrounding her and sweet bird melodies above, Luiloth was quickly lulled to sleep.


Mae tollen Imladris - Welcome to Rivendell

Amatúlië - Welcome

I eneth lín - is my name

Maer- Good

Istari - Wizard

No dirweg! - Beware

Maiar - Wizard

Naethen - Sorry

Û, goheno nin - No, forgive me

Hannon le - Thank you

Be iest lín - As you wish



Haha, anyone know a good beta reader? Seriously though.. I need one!

I use a translator for the Elvish, please do not be too harsh on any errors I have made. Constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated!


Please tell me what you think, do you like it? Xx