At this point you all should know I suck at regular updates. I'm still sorry for them but they just keep on happening. Also for the sake of time let's just say that when this chapter begins Steven and the Gems are almost at the water tower. With that said on with the chapter!
I couldn't help but sigh as I held my knees to my chest. My breath coming out in a fog due to the high atmosphere as I gazed out from the tower Lapis and I had constructed. Her water pulling the Earth's ocean high up as I used my ice to freeze the outer layer to help stabilize it.
While I knew eventually I would have to convince Lapis to return the Earth's ocean, and also convince her that the ocean would not stretch far enough for her to reach her home planet, for now I just needed a break.
A break from the fighting and the Crystal Gems, just a moment of peace where I didn't have to worry about anything and could just lie in silence to take the time to think. Or you know, that was the plan at least.
"Why did you come with me?" Lapis suddenly questioned, breaking my musings as I turned my head to look at her as she continued, "I spent more time with Steven yet when I made the offer to come with me only you accepted, why?"
"Because," I began with a small sigh, my gaze directed at the multitude of stars around us, "it was the right thing to do. I felt as though the gems needed to realize that they can't do what they think is right without taking others opinion into account. They were wrong to bubble gems without at least trying to help them heal just like they were wrong to try and take the mirror from Steven when all he wanted to do was help you. As it stands at the time I was far more inclined to help you than them so I didn't see a problem with coming with you."
"Well for whatever the reason I'm glad you did," Lapis mused as she too stared up at the stars, "I like the company."
"I thought so, after being trapped you recover a lot faster in the aftermath when there is someone to talk to," I informed.
"Have you, experienced something like what I have before?" Lapis questioned and at my nod she turned her shocked gaze toward me, "how? Did the gems-"
"No, it wasn't the gems," I interrupted her as I pulled the thermos off of my belt, as I had remained in my ghost form due to the higher atmosphere, "as you may have guessed I'm not a normal gem. I'm also what humans call a ghost, or a phantom if you will hence my change in appearance earlier. This container is made specifically to trap ghosts, I used it to protect my home-town but I always release any ghost contained inside back to the ghost zone as soon as I can. The reason being that there have been a few time where I've been stuck inside myself and I know firsthand how horrible it can be."
"What's it like inside?" Lapis questioned, her tone curious yet with slight fear underneath.
"Well it's very small for one thing, and cold due to the metal casing. Not to mention it's completely dark and with no room to move you're unable to try and find a way out. You feel like you're sinking into the darkness. Feeling as though your life is slowly being squeezed out of you," I spoke, my voice obtaining a melancholy tone, "however if you're only in there for a short amount of time it's not so bad, but still I hate having to trap anyone in it at all."
"So why do you?" Lapis questioned me, "why not just refuse to capture them?"
"Because the ghosts I trap hurt people, I can not, in good conscious, allow harm to come to an innocent life when I have the ability to stop it," I told her, "though lately I've managed to talk things out with a few of the ghosts. Make agreements with them that so long as they don't hurt anyone I won't try and return them to the ghost zone."
"What exactly is this ghost zone?" Lapis questioned.
"In the simplest of terms it's where all ghosts live, it's their home," I explained.
"Is it your home?" Lapis spoke, "do you live there."
"No, since I'm only part ghost I live in Beach City," I revealed, "what about you? Where is it that you live exactly."
"Homeworld," Lapis spoke before elaborating, "it's a planet far from Earth where gems reside. Like how your ghost zone is where ghosts live Homeworld is where gems live."
"I bet you're eager to get back to it then huh?" I questioned.
"Yes, I've been in that mirror for so long I have no idea how much has changed in my time away. The sooner I go home the sooner I can readjust and return to what my life used to be before I was trapped," Lapis explained.
"I'm sure you'll get home soon," I reassured her.
"I hope so," Lapis mused. I was about to say more before Lapis stood up, a sense of urgency in her stride. "They're here," she spoke simply, her words causing me to stand as well.
"They probably want the ocean back," I mused.
"You shouldn't be here!" Lapis yelled, ignoring my words as her yell echoed throughout the tower in order to reach the gems.
"Lapis Lazuli!" I heard Steven shout, "it's me, Steven!"
"Go away!" Lapis commanded, "before I make you!"
"Um how exactly are you going to make them?" I questioned, a bit worried for despite our argument I did not wish to see the gems hurt."
"But we're Beach Summer Fun Buddies!" Steven argued.
"You're one of them!" Lapis yelled back, "you're a Crystal Gem!"
"What do you mean? We're all gems right?" Steven questioned, "just let us help you."
"You don't understand," Lapis spoke, her voice sounding broken and betrayed, "just leave me alone."
"We're not leaving Lapis," Steven stated firmly just as I suspected, for I highly doubted he would've left someone he considered a friend in need, "not until you give us back our ocean!"
Lapis!" I couldn't help but shout as I heard Steven cry out in alarm, "what are you doing to them?"
"I have to make sure they leave," Lapis stated firmly.
"That doesn't mean you hurt them! They made mistakes but-" I began.
"But what? You said so yourself that they were wrong to bubble gems, wrong to trap me!" Lapis yelled out, "why would you defend them?"
"Because hurting them is just as bad!" I exclaimed, "worse than that I bet with whatever you are doing Steven is getting caught in the crossfire. Do you really want to hurt him? AFter he helped you escape?"
"Danny you don't understand, he's a Crystal Gem," Lapis explained.
"So am I!" I argued with her, turning to give her a glimpse of the white star that adorned my back before looking at her once more, "those crystal gems might have kept you trapped in a mirror, but he saved you as a crystal gem. I came with you as a crystal gem, You can not lump us all together without giving us a chance to prove you wrong."
"But they-" Lapis began before I cut her off.
"I know, they hurt you. They ruined your trust by refusing to free you from your prison. But doesn't Steven deserve a chance considering he is the one that freed you. Please Lapis, just give him a chance to talk to you, don't let their mistake influence your view of him."
As if hearing my words Steven's voice was heard as he was yelling up the tower once more, "Lapis! I don't want to fight anymore! I said I don't want to fight! Lapis, I'm coming up to see you, so please don't drown me."
Sighing Lapis used her powers to bring Steven up to where we resided as I melted the ice to allow Steven to come through before refreezing it, though I could tell she did not want to.
"Lapis, Danny," Steven spoke as soon as he was free of the water.
"What are you doing here Steven?" Lapis questioned.
"What? I-no," Steven spoke as he shook his head in confusion, "what are you doing here? Both of you? This thing, the ocean, this is crazy! Can't we work this out? Gems should be friends, Danny you are my friend."
"Don't you know anything Steven?" Lapis questioned harshly as she brought Steven closer to her, "your friends, they don't really care about other gems. All they care about is the Earth. But I've never believed in this place."
With that Lapis released Steven from the water she held him in, allowing me to pull him in a quick hug to show him I was glad he was there. Before I released him to join Lapis where she sat at the tower's edge, sitting near her a Steven sat in between us.
"I just, want to go home," Lapis spoke solemnly.
"I know how important home can be, but that's why I'm here. You took the ocean away, and the ocean is an important part of my home."
"I'm only using the ocean because my gem is cracked, if I just stretch it far enough," Lapis spoke before she hugged herself in defeat, "this is never going to work."
"I can fix your gem, I have healing powers," Steven spoke suddenly.
"Wait, you have healing powers?" Lapis questioned in shock.
"I know right?" Steven spoke in pure joy.
"Oh, what should I?" Lapis questioned as she turned her gem toward him.
"Oh, uh, sorry, this might be a little weird," Steven apologized in advance.
"What?" Lapis questioned before she shivered as Steven licked his palm and spread it on her gem before stepping back.
The magic working instantaneously as Lapis' gem was healed. Two wings made of water spruting from her back as she turned to reveal that her eyes now had pupils. No longer holding that glassy shine that reminisced the mirror she had been trapped in for so long.
"Thank you Steven," Lapis spoke joyously.
"No prob Bob," Steven spoke as he looked up at her.
"It's Lapis," she spoke back in confusion.
"Yeah," Steven said simply.
"Goodbye Lapis," I spoke, :"and good luck."
"Goodbye," Lapis said simply, speaking to me and Steven as she spread her wings and took off into the cosmos.
"Hey Danny, uh shouldn't the tower be collapsing right now?" Steven questioned me as I stood next to him.
"No, I surrounded it in ice which will only melt once I do so," I explained.
"So, why did you go with Lapis?" Steven questioned me.
"I don't really know," I told him as I looked up at the stars, "at the time it was because I was mad at the gems, but when I came here it was to keep Lapis company. Whatever the reason I am sorry I left you behind."
"Why would you worry about me?" Steven questioned.
"Because I'm supposed to be your guardian yet I left you completely alone by coming here, more than that you are my friend and it wasn't right for me to leave like I did," I explained.
"The gems told me how you were mad at them or bubbling gems, but they only do it because it is the only way to keep other areas safe," Steven explained, "it's their only option and that way they can't hurt anyone."
"I realize that but it still doesn't sit right with me to just let those gems waste away within the temple without at least trying to help them like you did with centipeetle," I explained.
"Danny I want to help those gems as much as you do but until there is a way to save them, truly save them, not just make them docile don't you think it's better to keep them where they won't hurt themselves or others?" Steven questioned.
"Huh, I suppose you're right," I admitted, "when did you get so smart?"
"When I was grounded for freeing a gem," Steven mused, causing me to let out a laugh.
"Well, I think it's about time to collapse this tower don't you?" I questioned once I composed myself, at Steven's nod I picked him up before allowing the tower to fell as the ice melted at once. Flying Steven down with it as I notice the others piled atop of Greg's van. Seeing a simple solution I placed Steven with them before picking up the van altogether and flying it back to beach city. The trip taking little time as I place the van gently back on the beach, yet despite this it still fell heavily on itself as several things could be heard breaking.
"That's how you do it," Amethyst spoke as she jumped off the van to nudge my arm as I returned to human form. The townspeople crowing around Steven as they praised him for bringing back the ocean.
Causing me to watch the scene fondly as Garnet walked up to me. "Good to have you back," she spoke simply as she ruffled my hair.
"Good to be back," I responded, letting out a smile to show her that I held no ill will towards them anymore, as I wouldn't hold on to our past argument. Speaking of which, I decided it was finally time to see Clockwork once again.
I did it! 12:30 at night but I did it! Anyways I am super tired, I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar error but before I pass out onto the reviews!
Gamelover41592: Thank you! Your support is much appreciated!
nervousEnsemble: Bond is no longer broken! Maybe still a bit fractured but not broken. And if it does end up being Lapis it won't be until after she moves into the farmhouse.
ShiraYukiShadow: Thank would be interesting yes.
The Phantoms Wyvern: It was just a spelling error I have now corrected. It is not sland I meant to wright arm not sarm.
jeanette9a: I take all credit for the placement even though I doubt I was the actual cause. Though I like to think I am because how cool would it be if someone from Crewniverse read my fic?
EcoReibun: HAHAHAHAH! This is not the end of it! Only a break in angst for fluff!
Drift219: Thank you! Definitely! I love family relationships with characters not related by blood! It's my favorite trope.
Animazing Narra: We won't get to homeworld until later my friend.
Dolphin loves: Thank you Dolphin! You are not being rude I encourage constructive criticism! And yes Danny's motivation is Steven and the gems but he is not forced to follow his role. He does so as a choice which means he is able to take a break to have his emotional moment with Lapis as he needs time away from the gems. For while he still cares for them he needs to process his view of them.
psychicgirl32: Oh believe me when I say that he still has a lot to learn.
Zanzar: Why would the rating change? Alos, updates are not a schedule thing it's a when I find motivation and time thing.
ImHellaUgly: I just don't see it personally, but to each their own.
Guest: I've seen a lot of crossovers or aus that give Danny a scythe and while I agree that it suits him I just wanted to branch out a bit by giving him a sword.