Sigh, I don't have an excuse. I really don't. Motivation came and went. I got stuck on the date scene and finally I just tossed the entire chapter and started over. I can't thank you guys enough for sticking with me, especially all those times that I said an update was coming. I wish my muse stuck with me but it doesn't.

Again, major thanks to Em for always listening to me and my wandering muse that likes to hop around like a bunny on caffeine.

Anyways, this chapter went in a completely different direction but I hope you guys still enjoy it and hopefully next chapter things jump ahead a little bit. It has not been proofed by anybody but me so I apologize for mistakes.

As always, shoot me a review if you're still around to read this.

Love you all!

Back at One

Chapter Nine-Switching to the Old

"Now listen up!" Chief Boden's voiced boomed throughout the conference room, garnering everyone's attention and effectively putting an end to the small talk that was floating throughout. "We've got a couple of changes going on…" he gave Gabby a small, reassuring nod that went unnoticed by most of the men and women in the room. Hands on his hips, he took a look around, "Starting today, Dawson will be transferring back to Ambulance 61 as P.I.C and Borelli will be rejoining Truck as candidate. Any questions?" Without waiting for a response, he gave another sharp nod, "Good. That's all I've got. Let's have a good shift." He turned to Truck's returning candidate, "Borelli, I've got a few things I need you to sign for HR. Join me in my office?"

Borelli nodded excitedly, "Sure thing, Chief!"

As everybody else started to disperse and go their own ways, Cruz nudged Otis, "Hey, dude, how much you wanna bet that the higher ups got wind of Dawson and the Lieutenant's relationship and put their foot down?"

Unbeknownst to him, his former lieutenant was right behind him, "How much you wanna bet that I can get your lieutenant to come up with some spur of the moment drills for you, huh?"

Cruz met Casey's less than thrilled gaze, "Sorry, Lieutenant."

"Uh-huh…just do me a favor and keep your theories to yourself, will ya?" Not bothering to wait for an answer, he sought out Gabby with his eyes found her listening intently to Brett as they exited the conference room side by side.

Sensing Matt's gaze on her, Gabby glanced over her shoulder and met his gaze. She gave him a small, reassuring smile, letting him know she was fine before returning her attention to Brett as the blonde excitedly filled her in on different ambo related gossip.

Stepping into the common room after coming back from their first call of the shift, Stella was quick to spot Gabby taking up a seat in the far corner of the room. "Hmm…" she stuffed her hands in her pockets and marched right over to her friend, plopping herself down in the empty seat next to Gabby, "So uh…whose idea was it to cancel at the last minute, huh?"

Gabby rolled her eyes and pocketed her phone, "Uh…it was a mutual decision…I guess…"

"Oh?" Stella waved Gabby on to continue, "I'm listening."

Sighing, Gabby sat up straight, wincing at the stiffness in her back as she did so, "Louie had a meltdown, I wasn't feeling very well and…" she shrugged, her jaw tightening just a little despite her best efforts, "Matt had an issue with one of his constituents."

Stella pursed her lips in typical Kidd fashion in an effort to hold back what she was completely thinking, "I suppose those are some valid reasons. Lieutenant's constituent issue had nothing to do with She-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named, did it?"

"Ha!" Gabby exclaimed, missing the curious look Matt shot her from his place by the coffee pot where he'd been listening to Cruz talk about The Bears' draft picks. "She's not Voldemort, Kidd."

"Well she might as well be! She's two-faced and feeds off of trying to ruin lives!"

Gabby raised a single brow, the comparison was definitely there, "Ok, ok, you're not wrong but for once, I can't blame her." Gabby shook her head, "I don't know, things just went downhill almost as soon as the day began yesterday. I wasn't feeling terrible but I don't know, my body just wasn't having it."

"And we know what that's about," Stella quipped. "So that leaves Mister Man…he had a meltdown? Pretty typical for a toddler."

"True," Gabby agreed. "But it was just different…I really want to get him in with a new pediatrician so maybe we can get referrals for a behavioral specialist." She sighed and messed anxiously with the end of her ponytail, "Matt took Louie grocery shopping with him and when they came back, Louie was in tears, Matt was at his wit's end and there were no groceries."


"Yeah, long story short, Louie wanted cookies and Matt told him no. I guess he threw himself down on to ground and just lost it right in the middle of the grocery store. When they got home, I could tell Matt was completely flustered. As soon as Louie was out of Matt's arms, he came running towards me and held on for dear life."

"I am so sorry, Gabby," Cindy explained as she transferred Louie into Gabby's outreached arms, "The school nurse called me and Annabelle's got pink eye so I've got to go pick her up."

Gabby shook her head, "No, no, it's fine." She adjusted Louie on her hip, "Don't worry about it, I'll figure something out." She smiled down at a very confused Louie, "Can you tell Miss Cindy bye?"

"Bye-bye," Louie mumbled, raising his hand just enough to look like a wave.

Gabby sighed as she watched Cindy hurry out of the firehouse before turning her attention back to Louie. "You wanna go find daddy and see what he's doing?"

"Uh-huh," Louie agreed with a sharp nod.

"Ok then, come on."

Heading towards the bunks, the duo ran into an apologetic Herrmann, "Dawson, I just ran into Cindy and I'm really sorry."

Gabby shook her head, "It's fine, Herrmann, really. I'll just call Antonio. He took the week off because Eva and Diego are visiting for spring break. You and Cindy have already done so much so please don't apologize."

Taking one final look over the report he'd just finished up, Matt wasn't paying any attention as he exited his office and headed towards Boden's office.

"Hi daddy!" Louie called out.

Matt's head snapped up, startled and confused by the toddler's voice. The smile was instant, though, as soon as he laid eyes on the tot. "Hey, Louie!" He met Gabby's eyes and silently asked her if everything was ok as he approached them. He tucked the report under his arm and held out his hands for Louie, his heart skipping a beat as the toddler mirrored his actions and willingly went to him.

Yesterday's cookie meltdown had seemingly been forgotten.

"Annabelle has pink eye so Cindy had to go pick her up from school. I'm going to call Antonio to come get him," Gabby explained as she shouldered Louie's bag that Cindy had handed to her in her hurry to leave.

Matt nodded, "Sounds good but in the meantime," he glanced down at Louie, tickling his stomach just enough to earn a few giggles and squirms. "How about we go inspect the firetruck, huh? You wanna go climb up in the firetruck? Otis might even let you check out the driver's seat!"

Louie grinned, his feet kicking in excitement and pointing towards the apparatus floor where he knew the trucks were parked, "Yeah! I go see tuck!"

Gabby grinned, the knot in her stomach easing just a bit at Louie's happiness. "Just don't let Otis give him the keys," she quipped, only half-joking. She pulled her phone from her pocket, "I'll go call my brother."

"Hey! It's Lieutenant Louie!" Cruz exclaimed, throwing his hands up in excitement as he rounded the corner, nearly running into the father/son duo.

"Lieutenant Louie here is on his way to inspect the firetrucks," Matt explained. "Isn't that right, Big Guy?"


"Well you're just in time for lunch! Tony's cousin just dropped off an entire Italian feast!"

Matt looked over at Louie, "What do you say? Lunch first and then we inspect the trucks?"

Louie scowled, "Tuck!"

"We will, we will," Matt promised, "but first, we eat." He tickled Louie's stomach, "Otherwise your tummy will start sounding like a lion. What sound does a lion make?"

"Roarrr!" Louie answered, "Lion go roarrr!"

Matt laughed, "That's right! Come on, let's go before Uncle Cruz eats it all!"

Louie shook his head, and furrowed his brows very seriously, "No eat all!"

"Well then we better hurry up," Matt exclaimed as he sat Louie down on his feet, "Let's go!"

Knowing exactly where the kitchen was, Louie didn't waste another second as he made a dash for it. Not even stopping as his mother came around the corner after finishing her phone call with her brother, "Hey, hey, what's the hurry?"

Matt chuckled as he followed close behind Louie, "Lunchtime. I told him he had to hurry up before Cruz ate it all," he threw over his shoulder in explanation.

"Ok, then," Gabby said as she started towards the kitchen. Making it just in time to see Louie run over to Cruz.

"No eat all, ooz!" He exclaimed very seriously, jumping up and down.

Cruz chuckled as he scooped up Louie and propped him on his hip, "I don't know, dude, I think I could eat it all."

Louie shook his head, "No! I eat all!"

"You're gonna eat it all?" Cruz repeated.

"Uh-huh!" He pointed to the only dish he recognized, "Ma and chee!"

"Come on, baby, let's get you a plate of food," Gabby said as she joined Louie and Cruz up by the counter. She took Louie back into her arms and with her free hand grabbed a paper plate, "What do you want besides mac and cheese?"

"Here," Matt said, joining them and reaching out for Louie, "It's going to be hard to get food with only one hand."

After making sure Louie was settled at the table with his food, Gabby grabbed a plate for herself. For once her stomach was growling at the aroma of food instead of rolling. Sitting her plate of food down in front of the empty seat next to Matt, Gabby was just about to settle in when the bell rang.

"Ambulance 61…"

Gabby groaned, "Figures," she muttered. She quickly dropped a kiss on top of Louie's head, "Be good. I love you." She turned to Matt, "Antonio should be here in about an hour...if you get a call, Connie said she'll keep an eye on him."

Matt nodded, "Stay safe," he managed to get in before Gabby rushed off with Brett.

Kidd watched as Gabby and Brett hurried towards the apparatus floor before turning to Severide, "Lieutenant fill you in on why he and Dawson cancelled their date last night?" Kidd asked as she dumped some stuffed shells on her plate.

Severide shrugged as he used the spatula to cut a piece of lasagna, "Said a couple of things came up….didn't push for details. Not my business."

Kidd rolled her eyes, "That's where you're wrong. You should always ask for details."

"Why? You'll get them for me," he quipped, sending her a smirk.

"Fair enough," she conceded. "But more importantly, they still need that date. And I'll be damned if I don't make it happen for them within the next week or so."

Severide laughed, "You can't play cupid."

"Who said anything about playing cupid? They're already together and madly in love…it's more about playing relationship assistant…is that a thing?"

"If it wasn't before…it sounds like it is now."

It was well into the night by the time truck came back from a call and when Matt walked through the bunk room towards his office, he was a little concerned to see Gabby's bunk untouched.

"She's in your office, lieutenant," Brett answered, briefly looking up from her book just long enough to throw him a soft smile.

"Thanks, Brett," Matt answered with appreciation as he ran a hand through his sweaty locks that were still partially matted to his head thanks to his helmet and continued on towards his office. Not wanting to wake Gabby up if she was asleep, Matt carefully turned the knob on his office door and slowly pushed it open in an effort to avoid the obnoxious squeak it always made halfway through the swing. Sure enough, Gabby was asleep.

She was sprawled out on her stomach on his bunk with her chin resting in the palm of her hand as her head wavered in a light doze. Her laptop was propped up against the metal frame of his bunk and he had no doubt she'd been in deep research about something.

Quietly closing the door behind him, he moved silently over to his bunk and removed Gabby's laptop before she fell face first into it. Closing it, he reached out and sat it on his desk before lowering himself onto his bunk and joining her. The dip in the thin mattress from his weight settling onto it was enough to pull Gabby from her sleep and he winced as he watched her come to. "Sorry…it's just me," he whispered, "go back to sleep." He took the side of her head in his hand and guided it to his pillow where she happily relaxed into it.

"Your call?" Gabby mumbled, tucking one hand under her pillow and reaching for Matt with her other hand.

"Textbook," Matt assured Gabby as he scooted down so he was level with her and pulled her into his chest."

"That's good," Gabby murmured, wrapping her left leg over Matt's right leg as she buried herself in his arms.

Just when Matt thought she had drifted back to sleep, Gabby spoke again. "I was looking up pediatricians...started a list."

Matt dropped a kiss on top of Gabby's head and rubbed her arm, "That's great. We can take a look tomorrow morning."

"I can show you now," Gabby insisted, though she showed no sign of moving from her current position.

"Baby, you're half asleep. Let's look tomorrow, ok?"


Thankfully, the rest of shift went by without anymore calls and both Gabby and Matt had managed to actually get some sleep.

"Dawson!" Otis called out, holding tight onto his bag as he hurried to catch up to Matt and Gabby.

Keeping ahold of Matt's, Gabby stopped and turned around, "What's up?" She asked as he came to a stop in front of them.

"I know it is really last minute but can you cover for me tonight at Molly's?" Otis grimaced as he saw the look of hesitation on Gabby's face and the less than enthusiastic look on Matt's. "I know you've been cutting back on your shifts and doing more behind the scenes stuff since you guys got Louie so I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't really, really important."

The look on Gabby's face softened and her shoulders relaxed, a clear sign that if Otis used his words right, she'd give in. "You gotta hot date or something?"

"Well...yeah," Otis admitted with a sheepish shrug, "There's this girl and I managed to get tickets to this show and-"

Gabby shook her head, waving off Otis from explaining himself any farther, "Ok, ok, I'll cover for you."

"Really?" Otis exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Yeah," Gabby shrugged as she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "I mean, we really didn't have anything going on tonight." She glanced up at Matt for confirmation, "Right?"

Reluctantly, Matt nodded and unlocked his jaw, "Yeah...nothing going on."

"Well great! Thank you so much, Dawson! I owe you!"

"Yes, you do," Matt agreed, digging his hands farther into his jacket pockets.

Gabby sent Matt a glare before turning back to Otis, "Really, it's no big deal. Just enjoy your date."

"Oh, I will!" After thanking Gabby again, Otis turned and headed towards his jeep, an extra pep very obvious in his step.

"Seriously, Matt?" Gabby asked as she started walking, not waiting for Matt to follow.

Matt rolled his eyes, and shrugged, "What? It's very last minute and kind if inconvenient."

Stopping in front of the passenger side door of Matt's truck, Gabby spun around and narrowed her gaze at Matt, just daring him to push it farther, "For Who? You? So it's ok for you to get pulled away last minute for work but when I do, it's suddenly an inconvenience?"

Matt sighed and ran his free hand over the top of his head before bringing it down over his face, "It's not an inconvenience. Please don't put words in my mouth. I've never put Louie to bed by myself before." Reaching around Gabby, Matt opened the passenger door and tossed his bag in the backseat before gently removing Gabby's from her grasp and doing the same. "I mean, you saw what happened yesterday when I told him no. He had a complete meltdown! What if that happens again?"

"If it happens again, you'll do exactly what you did at the grocery store. Hold your ground and let him cry it out."

"That's easier said than done, Gabby," Matt grumbled. "Especially when I'm always the bad guy."

"Matt, you'll be fine and he'll be fine. I'll make dinner early and head out around 6. You two can have a guys night. Maybe go to the park, take him to the pier...or just stay in. Whatever you feel comfortable doing." She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully as she watched the worry only slightly pull back from his features, "Baby?" She reached up and took his face in her small hands and made sure he was looking at her, "He loves you. He's just...he's still adjusting and I think it's all still so confusing for him. But don't you for one minute think that he doesn't love you. Those big brown eyes of his may always reflect worry and confusion but I've seen the gleam in them whenever you walk into the room. I mean, look at yesterday, as soon as he saw you, he yelled daddy and went straight to you." Standing on her toes, she kissed him, "You're an amazing daddy to Louie and you're going to be an amazing daddy to this new baby."

"Mama and daddy!" Louie squealed, jumping down from the couch where he'd been engrossed in watching Diego play Mario Kart. He was still in his pajamas and had his stuffed giraffe tucked under one arm and his sippy cup tucked under the other; but both were instantly discarded as soon as he saw his parents.

"Hey, Louie!" Matt greeted with the same enthusiasm as the toddler just as he collided into him.

"Hi!" He eagerly wrapped his little arms around Matt's neck and pressed his chubby cheek against his father's forehead. "Miss you!"

Matt grinned, his heart filling with joy, "We missed you, too. Did you have fun?"

Louie nodded, "Uh-huh! Go soo!"

Gabby smiled, "You went to the zoo? Did you see lots of animals?"

"Uh-huh!" Louie answered with a sharp nod, reaching out for his mother, "Hi mama!"

"Well hi there," she eagerly took Louie into her arms and dropped a kiss against the side of his head. "How about we go get some breakfast, huh? Maybe pancakes? And then maybe we'll go to the park?"


Feeling her stomach start to turn, Gabby's smile faltered, "Mama has to go to the bathroom so…" she took a deep breath, "how about you and daddy go get your stuff, ok?" She handed Louie back off to Matt, giving him a tight smile before excusing herself to the closest bathroom.

Immediately concerned for his baby sister, Antonio turned to his son, "Diego, pause the game and go gather Louie's things from your room."

Diego knew the tone in his father's voice meant there was no room to argue, "Ok." Pausing the game, he discarded his controller on the coffee table and jumped up from his spot on the couch. "Come on Louie! Let's go get your stuff so the adults can have their secret conversations."

Matt lowered Louie to the ground and watched in amusement as Louie took his older cousin's hand and headed towards the boy's bedroom. Hearing Antonio clear his throat, he looked over at Gabby's brother and instantly knew that he knew something. "Uh…thanks again for watching him on such short notice. Gabby and I are considering finding a nanny to watch Louie during work hours and maybe putting him in preschool so he can interact with other kids his age."

Antonio wasn't buying Matt's attempt to change the subject, "What's up with my sister? She didn't look so good. You guys fighting again?"

"What? No! It's not like that, Antonio," he answered in earnest, the last thing he needed or wanted was getting on the bad side of Gabby's big brother. He'd been there before and he wasn't too fond of it.

Building himself up into interrogation mode, Antonio's hands were on his hips as he stared the lieutenant down, "Then care to explain to me what it is like?"

"Antonio," Gabby scolded, joining the two men in the living room. Looking a little flushed but still able to give her brother a knowing glare, "Do not go all tough big brother on Matt!"

"Well then tell me what's going on!"

The couple shared a glance; Matt giving Gabby an encouraging nod before they both turned and looked at the impatient detective.

Gabby took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?" Antonio repeated, completely caught off guard by the announcement.

Gabby nodded, her hand instinctively going to her stomach, "Yeah. Almost ten weeks now."

"Wow! That's uh…that's great!" He raised a brow, "Right? I mean, the timing is kind of weird but…" he shrugged, "If anybody can do it, it's you two."

Matt chuckled, his hand slipping behind Gabby and resting on her lower back, his smile growing as she leaned into him, "Yeah, it definitely was not planned but we couldn't be more excited."

"Well congratulations!" Antonio grinned at his sister, "Get over here, Gabriela!" He pulled his baby sister into a tight hug. "Have you told mom and dad yet?"

"No!" Gabby shook her head as she pulled back from her brother's embrace. "We're not going to tell anybody else until I'm safely out of my first trimester. Besides you, the only other people that know are Kelly, Stella and Chief Boden."

Antonio nodded, "Ok, ok, fair enough. But hey!" He threw his hands up excitedly, "The kids and I don't have any plans this morning so how about we go out for breakfast, huh? My treat!"

Matt shrugged as he pretended to think about it, "Well, I mean…if you're paying…"

"Ha! I mean, it's the least I can do! You guys are about to be providing for two kids and let me tell you, they aren't cheap!"

By the time Gabby made it home from Molly's, it was well into the early hours of the morning thanks to a fight that had required major cleanup. Stepping through the threshold of the front door, she winced as her heels made contact with the hardwood floor. Shutting the door as quietly as possible and locking it, Gabby pressed her hand up against it to keep her balance as she removed her boots. Tucking them under her arm, she walked slowly through the kitchen and into the living room; coming to a complete stop at the sight in front of her.

The couch, along with the hardly used matching accent chair, a couple of kitchen chairs and Louie's tiny Paw Patrol tent had been turned into one giant, makeshift fort. Louie's comforter went from one arm of the couch, over his tent and settled into the cushion of the accent chair with several pillows on top of it to keep it in place. Sitting in front of the tent were the two kitchen chairs with a blanket draped between them, clearly marking the entrance to the fort. Sitting her boots and purse down on the ground, Gabby lowered herself so could get a glimpse inside of the fort.

Sure enough, both Matt and Louie were sound asleep.

Matt was sprawled out on his back, one arm tucked under his head while the other rested protectively over Louie who cuddled into his side. The sight of Louie sleeping so peacefully in Matt's protective embrace was almost Gabby's undoing as her tears threatened to get the best of her.

Fishing her phone out of her jacket pocket, Gabby checked to make sure the camera was on silent before snapping at least a dozen pictures. Getting a whiff of the alcohol on her clothes, she bit back a groan, her tired body fighting her movements as she stood back up. While she wanted nothing more than to climb into bed, she needed a shower.

Leaving her boys to sleep, Gabby continued on to her and Matt's bedroom, stopping only when she made it to the adjoining master bath.

"Mama seep," Louie whispered loudly before taking another sip of his juice as Matt carried him into the bedroom after an unexpected early morning bath. He'd forgotten to change Louie out of his pull-up and into a diaper last night, resulting in both of them waking up in damp clothes. They'd also gotten behind on laundry so when Matt carried a clean Louie into his room in nothing but a fresh pull-up, it took him quite some time to find something that actually fit due to the toddler's sudden growth spurt.

They'd finally found a green pocket t-shirt that was sporting what was probably a juice stain right under the collar and a pair of gray cotton shorts that would have to work for the time being.

"Yes she is," Matt agreed. "Can you sit with mommy and read your book while I take a quick shower?"

Louie nodded, "Uh-huh."

Sitting Louie down on his side of the bed that was still made, he pulled Louie's blanket from his shoulder and draped it over the toddler's legs and feet. "Try and let mommy sleep, ok? I'll be really fast."

"Ooper fas!" Louie exclaimed in a loud whisper before digging his hand back into the plastic cup full of cereal.

Matt chuckled quietly, "Ok, I'll be super-fast."

Matt grabbed what he assumed to be Gabby's dirty clothes from the night before, intent on throwing them in the hamper but immediately frowned from how wet they were. Catching the strong stench of alcohol, he brought the clothes to his nose but quickly pulled back. "Wow," he muttered before tossing them in the hamper. There was clearly a story there and he'd definitely be asking.

They'd also definitely be doing laundry today.

Reaching into the shower, he turned the water on before going taking one last glance in on Louie before pushing the bathroom door shut, stopping right before it clicked.

Just as he'd told Louie he would, he took a super fast shower and when he was done and dressed, the scene in the bedroom was just as he'd left it.

Louie glanced up from his book and grinned, "Daddy ooper fas!"

Matt chuckled, "I was super, super fast!" Catching movement behind Louie, he couldn't help but chuckle from the cute look of confusion on Gabby's face as she started to wake up.

"Mama up!" Louie gleefully exclaimed, reaching his fingers into the plastic cup and pulling out a handful of cereal, "Here! Mama eat!"

Gabby pushed herself up and leaned against the cushioned headboard, "Oh, no thanks, baby. Mama isn't hungry right now." She grimaced and rubbed her abdomen as the sudden movement into an upright position caused her stomach to roll in anger.

"Mama eat!" Louie repeated, his hand still outreached as he insisted his mother take the cereal. "I share!"

"Ok, ok, I'll eat. Thank you for sharing, baby." Gabby conceded, taking the cereal from Louie's hand and bringing it up to her mouth. Luckily for her, Louie had already refocused his attention to scooping another handful of cereal for himself.

Matt chuckled and moved around to Gabby's side of the bed, taking a seat next to her legs and rubbing her hip, "You ok?"

Gabby nodded as she leaned her head back against the headboard and briefly closed her eyes. "Things got a little crazy at Molly's last night. Didn't get home until well after midnight."

Matt frowned, "Does that have anything to do with why your clothes are soaked with alcohol?"

"Pretty much, yeah." She sighed, "I didn't catch the first part of the argument between these two guys but next thing I know, fists are flying and I somehow ended up in the crossfire of a full pitcher of beer. But because it's Molly's and a lot of our regulars happen to be law enforcement, the fight was short lived and both men left in handcuffs." Running her fingers through her untamed curls, she pulled a few strands over to her nose, satisfied that she no longer smelled alcohol. "Antonio was actually there and of course, he want into big brother mode."

"Well good! Those guys are lucky I wasn't there! I would've-"

"Hey, hey," Gabby chided lightly, leaning in and pressing her lips to Matt's, effectively shutting him up. "I'm a big girl, Matt. I can take of myself. That's something both you and Antonio know but seem to have trouble remembering."

Matt shook his head, "We both know you can take care of yourself, babe. But-"

"Don't," Gabby put her hand up to stop Matt, "If you're going to say what I think you're going to say then please stop while you're still ahead."

"Nope. You can't keep me from worrying about you and this baby, Gabby. You haven't even cleared your first trimester. So I'm not going to apologize for worrying."

Gabby sighed, she really knew she couldn't fight him on the issue especially when her own worries about the pregnancy were constantly at bay. She held her hands up, this time in surrender, "Ok, fine, I get it. You're worried. I am, too." She took a deep breath and gave him a soft smile, "But only two more weeks."

Matt grinned and moved his hand up from her thigh and onto her stomach, "And then we can start telling people."

"All gone!" Louie exclaimed, squeezing himself between the two adults and settling himself on Gabby's lap, "I eat all!"