Yes, yes I am mainly a PJO author. BUT CACW, OKAY. I just couldn't resist.

1) Avengers revealing their identity to the general public is a stupid-ass decision

2)Just ask Stark

3)Neither any Avengers or any Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D are to bring any alien tech, especially alien tech in blue cube form, into the S.H.E.I.L.D or Avengers' bases.

4) Yes, even if they are a possible sustainable weapons resource

5) Especially if they are a possible sustainable weapons resource

6)Norse gods are not to allow questionably insane adopted brothers around scepters

7) Especially if the scepters involve alien technology

8) In fact, if it involves Alien technology, assume it's a no

9) Avengers, especially Stark, are not to give Terrorists their home address

10) Pepperis forbidden from using the Iron Man Suit*

11) Pepper can do what she wants*

12) Avengers, especially Banner and Stark, are not to create world-threatening AI in the basement

13) Avengers are not to start Civil Wars

14) Rogers will always choose Barnes

15) Especially over Stark

16) Any of the above, if done at all, are not to be done in the Avengers Tower

17) Or in the general vicinity of New York City

18) Sokovia is off limits, too

19) Battles in Hydra bases, however, are encouraged

20) The Avengers are to make team decisions

21) Especially when paperwork is involved

22) In fact, just let Director Fury handle that

23) Do you even know how many cities you've destroyed because you idiots can't make a team decision?!*

24) "I was brainwashed by Hydra" is not an excuse for any of the above

25) If any of you are thinking about breaking these rules, remember: I've got my eye on you*

*8 and 9 are both written in what looks suspiciously like Stark's handwriting

*20 and 21 are both written in what looks suspiciously like Director Fury's handwriting