Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is so late, I got stuck on a few scenes and then a lot started happening at school… but here it is now, so I hope you like it! :)

The crew was there to meet them when Zoro arrived at the ship. He was barraged with questions as he handed Sanji over to Chopper. So he told the crew about what had happened and by the end of his story, they all looked just as enraged as he had felt.

"Where is their base," Luffy asked, clenching his fists tightly at his sides.

"There's no one left in it," Zoro answered. He knew the crew wanted revenge, but Zoro had already taken it. So they seethed quietly, waiting for Chopper to come out of the infirmary and tell them how Sanji was doing. Finally, after what felt like too long, Chopper came out.

"I… I don't know if I can fix his hands," Chopper said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Zoro asked, sounding a bit harsher than he meant to.

Chopper looked down at his feet, tearing up a little, "there's some nerve damage and I don't know if I can fix that." The crew stood in silence, trying to absorb the information. Chopper looked down at his feet teary eyed. He wanted so much to be able to fix Sanji's hands, but he didn't know how. The damage was too extensive. He couldn't-

Chopper looked up, a sudden idea coming to mind. "Hey Franky, can I see you for a moment?"

Zoro sat in the crow's nest scowling out at the sea. It had been hours since Chopper had taken Franky into the infirmary and no one had left since. It was already late at night and he was on watch.

He figured Chopper must have thought of something, some way to fix what had happened. He didn't really have a clue how, but he was just tired of waiting. Just waiting, and not knowing, and not being able to do anything.

He stood up. Chopper had told them all to stay out too long ago, he had to be done with whatever he was doing by now. He climbed down the ladder and stalked across the desk to the infirmary. He paused for less than a second before knocking on the door.

"Hey Chopper, can I come in?" he asked. There was quiet talking for a few moments before Chopper called out a 'yes.' He opened the door and walked in. Sanji was sitting on one of the cots in the room and Chopper was checking the thick bandages around the cook's hand. Chopper looked up from what he was doing and gave Zoro a questioning look.

"So… how is he?" Zoro asked.

"What, you worried marimo?" Sanji teased.

"Shut up!" Zoro snapped, glaring lightly at the cook.

"I think the surgery went well, but I won't know for sure until everything is settled," Chopper said, looking between the two. Zoro nearly let out a sigh in relief. At least now he felt hope. Now there was a pretty good chance that the cook would be okay. He would be able to pursue his dreams and continue to cook for the crew. He believed in Chopper. If their doctor said the odds were good, then Zoro knew everything would be okay.

"Ok," he turned and left the infirmary. If he stayed around too long Sanji might find out he actually was worried. But he'd better hurry up and heal, so he wouldn't have to worry any more.

The recovery was tough. At first it had seemed like the surgery hadn't even worked, but Chopper had insisted that it would just take time. Thankfully he was right, and after about half a week Sanji had been able to move his fingers. It was a small but very welcome victory. After that his use of his hands continued to get better.

And now here Zoro was, pretending to nap in the kitchen while Sanji cooked dinner. It felt silly that he was even slightly worried at this point, the ero-cook was fine. And he'd be pissed off if he found out that's why Zoro's been napping in the galley before meals. But well, it was almost his job as first mate, to worry about his nakama. Even the cook.

His eyes snapped open when he heard the clanking of a spoon falling into a metal pot. Sanji cursed, clenching and unclenching his fingers before picking up the spoon again. Zoro watched carefully now, noticing the faint tremor of his hand as he stirred the broth.

"Maybe you should take a break." Zoro suggested.

"I'm fine marimo," he growled, not even turning around. Zoro's eyes narrowed as he watched the tremor get slightly worse. He stood up and walked across the room, snatching the spoon from Sanji's hand.

"Hey! What the hell marimo!?" Sanji shouted, trying to grab the spoon back. Zoro blocked him, continuing to stir.

"Chopper said you need to take breaks so you don't mess up your hands worse," Zoro grumbled.

"Since when do you listen to Chopper's orders?"

"That's not the point," Zoro scowled, shaking his head. Sanji sighed but didn't try to grab at the spoon again. Instead, he fished out a cigarette and lit up, blowing out a stream of smoke. They stayed like that in comfortable silence for a while until it was broken by Luffy's calls for meat.

Sanji grabbed the spoon to finish preparing dinner, and Zoro let him. His hands weren't shaking anymore. He walked back over to the table and sat down to wait for the finishing touches on dinner. Sanji would be fine.