Here's Part 2 of Home from Barry's POV. This version of a reunion between them wouldn't leave me alone after watching 2x20 so here it is. It takes place sometime either during or after 2x21. I don't think this will happen in the episode. Also, I have no idea where Barry is I've seen some people say he's trapped in the speed force so that's what I'm going with. Otherwise I'm not really speculating about what happens there and being very vague about it.

Anyway, enjoy part 2 and thanks for all the views, favorites, and reviews from part 1!

He remembers the pain.

He remembers Iris screaming his name.

I'm okay, Iris.

Remembers trying to reassure her that he was okay even though he was in so much pain he could barely speak or think straight.

Remembers that the only thing he could think about was her. How he couldn't stand seeing her so distressed because he's in pain and it's hurting her.

Remembers that he didn't want her to be there, to see him likes this, but she's stubborn as hell and there's no way she wouldn't be there.

He screams and she screams as he's surrounded by what feels like fire.

The last thing he remembers is Iris' face her eyes locked on his complete and utter fear clear on her face.

Then he's gone.

Iris. Iris. Iris.

He walks into the cortex still a little disoriented from his time in the speed force. Cisco is next to him grinning like mad, and he's sure that he would be too if he wasn't still trying to process everything, that and Cisco has been filling him in on all that he's missed which is quite a bit apparently.

Quickly his eyes dart across the room to see who's there. Wells, Joe, Jesse, and Wally. He knows his dad is at his new place, but right away he notices that she's not there. But before he can say anything Joe has him wrapped in a tight hug, so tight he can barely breathe, but he's not going to complain because it feels so damn good. He hugs his father figure back tears burning in his eyes.

They don't say anything for a few minutes and when Joe pulls away tears in his own eyes. "Glad to have you back, Bear."

He nods, the right words aren't coming to him right now, but Joe seems to understand. He's looking around the room again and she's still not there. And all of the sudden the worst possible scenarios are forming in his head and all he knows is that he needs to see her.

"Iris," he says. "Where's Iris?" He looks at Joe trying not to panic when something he can't quite interpret passes over his face. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine," Joe tells him but that does nothing to ease his worrying. "She's in the breach room. Spends most of her time there."

He doesn't give himself time to think about why she's been the breach room he speeds himself there and pauses in the doorway when he sees her. She's sitting on the steps in front of the machine.

"Iris," he breathes out, quiet enough that she doesn't hear. "Iris," he says again louder.

She turns at the sound of her name and his breath catches in his throat. She looks at him like he's not real, but he weakly smiles at her before his feet are moving him towards her by their own volition. She's wearing one of his plaid shirts with a pair of leggings and no make up, she looks like hell, and yet she's still the most beautiful thing in the world to him. The surprise is evident on her face as she stands there with her mouth open forming a small o.

When he's standing in front of her she whispers a quiet, "no."

His fingers close around her wrist and then he's tugging her towards him, briefly resting his forehead against hers, hears her breath hitch before crashing his lips to hers. Her hands fist in to his shirt holding on with all she has as she opens her mouth to him and he sighs into her as she matches his desperation. Desperate to taste and feel her to remind himself that she's real. That this is real. The kiss is frantic as he tries to make up for lost time. He's not exactly sure how long he was gone but it felt like an eternity without her. So he breathes her in as their lips move in tandem. He's pouring everything he has into the kiss and so is she. And he's kissing her and kissing her, he's not sure how much time as passed but he really couldn't give a shit. It's when one of his hands slip under her shirt and touches her soft warm skin of her waist that she freezes.

Then all of the sudden she's wrenching herself away from him, shoving at his chest. He lets out a grunt of surprise stumbling backwards slightly from the force of her hands. All he can do is stare at her in shock, wondering where the hell this is coming from but then he sees the anger burning in her eyes, the set of her mouth as she glares at him.

She pushes his chest again and he lets her. He could easily take a hold of her hands and stop her, but he knows she would hate that even more so he lets her vent, because he really is curious, he honestly thought she would be just as happy to see him as he is.

"I hate you, I hate you so fucking much, Barry Allen," she yells pounding her fists against his chest. "How dare you just walk in here and kiss me like that. Like you have the right to kiss me. You can't do this to me! You can't make me love you like this and then just die. You can't-you can't," she shaking her head tears coursing down her cheeks and he feels his own tears pricking in his eyes at her words, his heart breaking for her. "I hate you," she repeats over and over her hits are getting weaker and weaker and he can feel the fight leaving her body so he carefully grabs both of her wrist when she tries to hit him again. "Fuck you for making me love you like this."


She struggles in his grasp for a moment trying to fight him, but he just holds her hands still and when her shoulders sag he easily tucks her into his chest, his arms wrapping around her. Her head is pressing into his chest like she's trying to burrow her way inside of him; he just holds her tighter absorbing the shudders going through her body as she sobs mumbling how much she hates him into his shirt.

He buries his face into her hair silently apologizing even though it was technically out of his control. And finally he lets go of his tears as they drop into her hair. He cries out of relief that he found his way back to her. He cries because of how much his disappearing hurt her. And he cries because he thought he would be trapped in the speed force forever, thought he wouldn't even come home. Home to her. But he came back to her like he always would.

"You left me," she whispers after a few minutes her voice cracking and broken. Her words are like a punch to the gut and he knows he has to fix this.

"Hey, hey, look at me, Iris," he says gently pushing her back, almost reluctantly so because it feels so damn good to hold her in his arms. His fingers wipe the tears from her face and she sniffs a couple of times but listens to him, looking him right in the eyes.

Whatever happens, it will never change the way I feel about you.

He sees it in her eyes, how much she loves him. He's still at a lost as to why she loves him, he never thought she would, that when she finally moved on from Eddie it wouldn't be him. And he hates himself for letting her walking away that day, for not stopping her and telling her that god yes he still wants to.

"Remember what you said to me?" he asks.

"What?" her brow furrows slightly.

"That I've always had someone to come home to?"

He knows the moment the realization hits her because her eyes widen and he sees the hope in her eyes and he just grins at her

"I'm home, Iris."