Big Hero 6: The Art Thieves

Chapter 1: New Home, New Friends

The plane descends, and I look out the window as the city comes into view. I sigh heavily.

Mum looks at me, "Don't worry honey," putting a hand on my shoulder she says, "You'll love San Fransokyo. It has all kinds of things to do and new places to explore. And your new school is the top art school in the state."

I raise my green eyes to look at her. "I know, Mom," I say, "but I was doing really great back home, and I already miss it."

My dad, sitting on my other side, pats my head. "You know, you can always go and visit anytime you like," he says, "but you know we had to move because of my work."

I just nod in reply, going back to watching the plane descend onto the runway.

We get off the plane and go collect our luggage. Once we had everything, we head outside, where my dad hails a taxi. I pull my hat over my hair, looking around. Already, San Fransokyo is so different to home.

"Wow," I say as we ride the taxi through the streets to our new home. "There's so many buildings here...I don't know if I'll fit in, or even be able to find my way around."

Once the taxi stops us at our house, we get out, get out luggage and head to the door, and when my dad unlocks it, we step inside.

The house isn't huge, but it's big enough. My mom gives me a small, encouraging push towards the stairs. "Go on and take a look at your new room, Sakura," she says, smiling. "I think you'll like it."

I nod and hurry up the stairs, and head straight into my new room. There is a huge window overlooking the San Fransokyo bay, the door to my own personal bathroom is on the opposite wall.

Despite missing my old home dearly, I smile. My mum and dad head up and join me in my new room, "I didn't expect it to be so big," I say, grinning at them, "I love it."

I turn and give my mother and father a hug each, before asking, "Can I walk to the café down the street? It's only a couple of blocks away, I saw it when we were coming down the street."

My parents look at each before turning and nodding at me. I hurry down the stairs, dad calling out to be back by dark as I race out the door.

I push the door to the café open, making the bell above it ring. The woman standing behind the counter turns and smiles at me, "Welcome to the Lucky Cat Café! What can I get you?"

"Um, one tea and a strawberry doughnut, please?" I say, a bit shyly.

"Alright," says the woman. "You can have a seat, and I'll bring your order over in a sec."

I smile in reply, sitting down at the nearest table, looking around while I play with a charm on my bracelet. The woman soon returns with a tray, sitting it in front of me before taking a seat opposite me.

"My name is Cass," she says warmly. "What's your name?"

"Sakura," I say, smiling. "It's nice to meet you."

The woman, Cass, smiles back. "Oh, I love cherry blossoms," she says, "they're so lovely in the springtime."

I blush a little at that. She studies me for another moment, and then asks, "I haven't seen you here before. Did you just move in, or...?"

I nod. "Yeah, we just got here today. We are still unpacking, but after the plane ride, I just had to get out and walk for a little while."

Cass smiles in an understanding way, "Well, call this a welcome gift," she says, pushing the tray towards me. "On the house!"

"Thank you." I say, smiling.

The bell over the door rings, and we both look towards it, seeing two boys walk in. One taller than the other, both had dark black hair and blue eyes. The shorter one was wearing a red top with a robot on it, and when he smiled he had a gap in between his front two teeth, making him look adorable. The taller of the two had on a cardigan and a black baseball cap on over his hair. I didn't recognise the logo on it.

Cass waved the boys over to the table, "Welcome home boys," she gestures at me, "This is our new neighbour, Sakura."

I blush as the younger of the two smiles at me. "My name is Hiro," he says. "It's nice to meet you. Oh, and this is my brother, Tadashi."

The older boy, Tadashi, greets me with a smile and nod.

"It's nice to meet you, too." I say shyly, watching as Tadashi and Hiro head upstairs to the upper rooms.

Cass rises to her feet. "Well, I guess I better get back to work." she says, smiling. "Don't be a stranger, now. Come by any time you like."

I smile and, having finished my tea while talking to Cass, get to my feet, and head for the door. Just as I grasp the door handle, Tadashi races back down the stairs, "Wait! You just moved here, right?" I look at him and nod in reply, my head tilted to the side in a silent question, "Well, would you like a tour of the city? I'll try and make it entertaining."

"I'd love to," I say, "the city is pretty crazy, isn't it?"

"Well, that's the city for you," says Tadashi, "but don't worry, you'll know you way around town soon enough and I know the best tour stops in town."

"Well, I can't wait to see the city," I say, fighting down a blush. "If you don't mind being my own personal tour guide?"

"How does tomorrow work for you?"

I nod. "Tomorrow is great."

After saying our goodbyes, I head home, my face bright red from blushing.

As I walk in, my mother turns to me from where she's wiping down the dusty counter top and smiles. "So," she says, "did you have fun at the cafe?"

I nod eagerly. "It's a really cute cafe," I say, "and they've got great sweets."

She smiles. After ordering and eating pizza for dinner, I head to my room to start getting ready for bed. Just before climbing into bed, I look out my window, smiling at the bright, twinkling city lights.

"You know," I say to myself, "I think might end up liking it here."

I crawl beneath the bed covers, close my eyes, and fall asleep.