Hello folks, Towermon her. Now I know I haven't published a story in forever, but it is what is, if you want a better explanation check out my page. Anyway, I recently 100% completed Life is Strange, but even before I managed that I came up with some cool story ideas. This one in particular is inspired that ending, spoiler warning for episode five. Honestly I was okay with the ending because I sort of understood what they are going for meaning-wise, but it occurred to me that most people stick with two particular alternate ending scenario. A) Max goes back in time, take the bullet for Chloe, and dies, or B) Max goes back in time, takes bullet, and lives. Now these are fine, but it occurred to me that there is another alternate option no one seems to think about. This is that story.
It should be obvious by now, but I own nothing, Life is Strange is owned by Square Enix and DONTNOD.
The Hardest Choice
Max looked from Chloe to the photograph in her hand, she felt like she had just taken a punch to her gut from the choice laid before her.
One choice saved her best friend, who at that moment looked as upset as she was, but killed everyone in Arcadia Bay.
The other choice saved every man, woman, and child in Arcadia Bay from the horrible fate of a tornado created by her own hubris, but ended the life of the one person that really mattered.
"It isn't fair," she thought, "why is it never fair!"
Burning hot tears of rage started to fall from her eyes, Chloe approached her.
"Max," she said, the sound of tears in her voice, "we have to do this, it's the only way."
"FUCK THAT!" Max yelled.
The surprising and unexpected outburst made Chloe take a few steps back.
"Who gets to decide," said Max, "who gets to decide what choice we make?"
"Max…" Chloe started to say.
"No Chloe," said Max, "I've seen timeline after timeline that has you die, I'm not going through it again."
Chloe looked at Max, who suddenly had a look of great determination on her face, "So what are you going to do?"
Max pause for a moment then stood up straight and looked Chloe dead in the eye, "I'm not letting anyone die today."
Chloe looked at Max with confusion, "How…"
"We're going to go back into town and save as many people we can," said Max, "and the people at the Two Whales we'll drive to the Dark Room."
"You want to go back to that place?" asked Chloe, "Jefferson's there."
"So are the police, and David, the place is built for surviving storms, we could wait it out there and leave when it ends. We could all survive."
"But how do you know it will work?"
"I don't," said Max tears in here eyes, "but I need to at least try."
She held the butterfly photo out to Chloe.
"Keep it," she said, "just in case."
Whatever worry was left in Chloe, faded once she looked into Max's eyes.
She took the photo and smiled, and her words brought a smile to Max's face,
"Let's go save this lame ass town."