Author's Note: A One-Shot based on an idea I've had in my head for weeks, finally going to find my way to writing it.
I really hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think :)
Means a lot

Scott McCall, the True Alpha, was waiting at the top view of Beacon Hills while his best friend, Stiles, was recovering in hospital. Stiles as initially brought in due to an animal attack, a bite on his neck, but unlike anything he and his pack had come across. Demon Wolves, Kanimas, Wendigoes and even Chimeras, but everything that they'd found in the beastiary didn't match anything like the bite that was inhibited on Stiles' neck, but Scott plans were to find out. That was before he got a mysterious and anonymous call by someone who demanded that he meet him in the place he stood, but he had to be alone. Scott had left his pack; which included Malia, Kira, Lydia, Stiles, his newly bitten beta Liam and his girlfriend Hayden back at the hospital to look after Stiles and his mom.

Scott had mixed emotions about the situation. Anger, stress, sadness and hate were driving him crazy more than the full moon ever could, but he was still managing to hold himself together. If the Beast of Gevaudan didn't destroy him, then he felt like his emotions weren't going to.
"Lovely night, isn't it?" a voice said from behind him. It was clearly English and very calm.
Scott turned and face the darkness the voice came from, his heart beating intensely.
"Who's there?" Scott snarls. "Show yourself!"
A man came from the darkness. He looked much older than Scott was, but he didn't look old. He was dressed in nice casual clothes and scruffy facial hair, looking very mysterious and snarky already.
"Well, hello there Scott," the man says. "My name is Klaus. Klaus Mikaelson."
There voice was so familiar to Scott, like he'd heard it before, but nothing had crossed his mind to give him answers. So he just stood there, staring into a man completely unknown to him, even though he could smell one scent on him, a scent that would be completely familiar to him; he could smell evil coming off of him.

"Well, Klaus? Was it you?" Scott asks.
Klaus turned his head when staring at him. "I'm afraid you're going to have to be a lot more, specific, Mr McCall."
"Stiles. Stilinski. Did you attack him?"
"You mean the skinny, pale, teenage boy?" he says, every word antagonising Scott. "Yeah, although, his blood tasted a little, unsatisfying."
Scott's eyes glow alpha red in pure anger towards his guy. Why did he attack Stiles? Why did he taste his blood? So many questions, little answers.
"Why?!" Scott yells, demanding answers.
Klaus smiles at Scott's blind demand for answers he's not ready for.
"Well, mostly to get your attention, but, I guess attacking is fun," he pauses. "Yeah, I think that'd be right."

Scott slowly shifts into his wolf form; with his sideburns, teeth, claws and ears changing. Klaus didn't even flinch at his form, he looked more interested than afraid.
"That's quite, interesting actually. A werewolf with a form like that, it's different to the ones I've seen before."
Scott growls and snarls at the basic man, sure that he's got the upper hand.
"I guess you've never seen an alpha werewolf, let alone a true-alpha."
Scott stands with claws clearly showing, trying to scare Klaus, who still isn't scared at all.
"Do you know what I am, Scott McCall?" Klaus asks. "Like, seriously? Because you seem to be a bit too confident in fighting me."
"I'm not confident. I'm pissed off," Scott growls, clamping his teeth together.
"I'm a hybrid, McCall. One of a kind, Original Hybrid."

As soon as Scott heard "hybrid" he immediately though of an enemy he had just recently faced; the Chimeras.
"I've faced your kind before, Klaus."
"No you haven't, mate!" Klaus laughs in an evil tone. "I'm not talking about the weaklings you faced, those disgusting abominations known as the Chimeras. I'm a real hybrid, a mix of werewolf, and another creature none of your pack has ever come across."
Scott's eyes tense up as he walks towards him.
"Control yourself, mate," Klaus thunders. "You're not ready to face someone like me."
But Scott doesn't stop, his too worked up on his anger and hate for Klaus, so he continues to strut towards him.
"You asked for it, mate."

Klaus rolls his eyes, then uses his vampire speed and strength to fling Scott back into his bike, causing it to fall over along with him. Scott rolls back to his feet, claws sliding across the dirt and looking at Klaus, who was standing back into the spot he was originally standing at. He stares at Klaus' eyes: they were golden like most betas, but there was something odd about them, they were surrounded by flowing black veins.
"What the hell are you?!" Scott yells, standing up normally, still in wolf form.
"I told you, Scott. I'm a hybrid; a mix between werewolf, and vampire."
"Vampire?!" Scott laughs. "Really?"
"Yes, Scott," Klaus growls, showing his vampire fangs, which to no surprise, scared even a true-alpha. "I'm part Original Vampire, which is already one of the strongest of the vampires. Plus I'm part werewolf, which makes me even deadlier. Even deadlier than Deucalion."
"You've heard of Deucalion?" Scott asks, surprise by this monster's knowledge of Beacon Hills.
"Of course, you think I'd come here blind? I'm one-thousand years old, I know everything!"
"Not everything," Scott smiles, signalling Klaus to come fight him with his hand.

Klaus smiles and again, uses vampire speed to warp himself to Scott, who gripped his throat as soon as he was close. Klaus choked on the strength this werewolf inhibited on his neck, surprised and overwhelmed in seconds.
"Who's the confident one now!" Scott roars in his ear.
"You're well out of you league, Scott!" he yells back.
Klaus tires to swing his arm at Scott, but is stopped again with the grip of Scott's other hand. Klaus' eyes change to his black veiny form, his fangs competing against Scott's canines. Scott twists Klaus' arm, hearing a crack that was a potential break. Klaus screeches in pain and head-buts Scott in retaliation, causing him to jolt back. Klaus then clamps his teeth down in Scott's neck, causing him to weep in pain. Scott uses his claws to grip the top of the hybrid's hand and throws him away over him, causing him to flip and land on his feet.

"You know, if you were a vampire, you'd have a toxin running through your veins right now," Klaus stares at the fresh bite on Scott's neck. "But it seems the bite on your neck hasn't even effected you at all."
"I guess that's one of the primes to being a True-Alpha," Scott says, breathing heavily.
Klaus looks at his arm and breaks it back into place.
"You can't kill me, mate. Not even breaking my neck will kill me, all breaking my neck will do will knock me out for a few minutes," Klaus explains, cracking his neck. "One of the primes of being part vampire."
"What do you want?!" Scott growls.
Klaus chuckles at the impatience of Scott, like it was some sort of game.
"I wanted to see a 'True-Alpha' with my own two eyes, I didn't know what one was until I saw you, and I gotta' say," he warps next to a tree with his speed and leans onto it. "You haven't disappointed yet."

Scott's eyes slowly peer at the fairly entertained Klaus, showing that he's no longer afraid of the beast.
"That didn't answer my question."
"Is it not so obvious? I thought you were smart, Scott," Klaus growls. "I guess I underestimated you!"
"I really don't understand what you want, why you attacked my best friend, and what the hell we're doing up here. I really don't. Is this a game? Some sort of trial? I don't understand!"
"He wants you to be a part of his new pack," a voice says from behind Scott.
Scott turns to see someone he never thought he'd see again; Derek Hale.
"In fact, that's always been his plan."

Klaus warps towards Derek but is stopped when Scott grabs him by the neck and throws in away from him.
"What is this? I specifically requested it was only us two!" Klaus yells.
"I didn't call him," Scott says, turning to Derek. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard about what happened to Stiles, and I've heard of this beast, so, I thought you would need a little help," Derek grunts. "Surprised?"
"I'm glad you two have had your little reunion, now, who are you?" Klaus asks, staring Derek in the eye.
"That doesn't matter," Derek snarls. "What matters is you being in Beacon Hills. This isn't a place for your kind."
"You know who I am?" Klaus asks, crossing his arms and smiling.
"Of course I do. I was told the stories of the Beast of Mystic Falls, the Cursed One. People are afraid of you, but I'm not, and neither is Scott. We're far more evolved than your werewolf counter-parts," Derek pauses, eyes glistering blue at the surprised hybrid. "Even you know that."

Silence lingers between the wolves and the hybrid. None of them know how this situation would end, but Derek was ready for anything, even if he had to die to protect Scott.
"That was your plan?" Scott asks. "Turn me into one of you?!"
"Perhaps," Klaus smirks. "Imagine it, a hybrid with the power of a Beacon Hills Alpha. It would be so powerful, so-"
"No!" Derek roars. "It would be an abomination, far worse than anything the world has ever faced. Scott, don't listen."
"KLAUS!" I voice yells from the woods.
Next thing everyone knew, another figure had warped beside Klaus. This figure was wearing a black suit and had black hair. The figure hissed and snarled at Derek and Scott, who started to shift into their forms. This figure had the vampire fangs just like Klaus did, but his eyes only had black veins.
"Back off!" he yells.
Scott roars at the figure, who is joined by Klaus. Both of their eyes are shifted into their black veiny form. Derek stands beside Scott in a line and looks at him, nodding at him to tell him is ready to fight, then begins to shift into his full-wolf form. Scott charges at the smiling Klaus, who charges back at him, indicating the beginning of a battle.

Yeah, I know! A little too abrupt on the ending, but still. I reckon I did okay with this one.
Please review and let me know if I should make a second part later just so you guys get the ending yous want :)
Please review! and thanks for reading! :D