A clusterfuck of "which Lucifer is she talking about". And some questions answered, somewhat.


"You're an angel." Lucifer Morningstar states angrily, his lips pursing in extreme displeasure. That much was for certain. No one can fake a pair of angel wing shadows, especially with the size of those two, not even the most clever of demons.

"Not just an angel, you filth. I'm an archangel." The blonde man hisses out. That SURELY is a lie. Michael's presence was commanding and pure, Raphael's was soothing and healing, and Gabriel's resonates with peace and harmony. He knows his brothers from the inside out, and this…disgrace of an angel proclaims to be one of them?

What the devil (no pun intended) is his Dad thinking?! This is most likely his doing, if anything else. "I feel nothing from you. No grace, no angelic properties. You're like a blank space. Worthless." He spits out with the intent to insult.

"Likewise." The other man growls. While the two continued to snap at each other, Mazikeen crouches from the bar counter and begins to approach the same man from behind, one of her infamous sharp hell-carved demon daggers at hand. Surely stabbing the asshole could get rid of the problem once and for all. Maybe not kill him, but hey, she'd feel better.

Sam Winchester notices her lithe feline-like form from afar, steadily crawling to Lucifer with that obsidian colored knife and his heart jumps to his throat. He doesn't know why, nor why the feeling is actually unpleasant, but he realizes his mouth is no longer in control.

"Lucifer." Only a mere whisper, but it is enough to be heard. Lucifer whirls around, a hand wrapping itself around Mazikeen's throat harshly and immediately suspending her in the air without a second thought. Sam flinches at the sudden movement, and guilt starts to eat up his mind. It was solely because of him that he noticed her sneak attack. Why was he concerned for the archangel? He can certainly take care of himself, and one simple dagger wouldn't cause him any harm. If anything, his fear should have been for the attractive woman who was clearly way over her head.

"RELEASE my caretaker this instant, you douche!" The dark-haired well-dressed man yells furiously in the distance. Her windpipe no longer functions, but she still manages to hang on to the demon dagger. With all of her dwindling strength, she ferociously drives down the blade into the blonde's neck.


…were those his lips making that exclamation of fear and worry?

Judging by the horrified and absolutely shocked expression Dean was currently giving him, Sam is going to say a definite yes. What the hell is wrong with me? It's like he couldn't control this innate dread whenever he witnessed something potentially threatening the Devil. But WHY? He doesn't know, and it scares him that he doesn't know. It's not like ANYTHING can threaten Lucifer to begin with, except maybe Amara. Dean's eyes also scream 'if we get out of this alive and relatively unscathed, we are going to have a goddamn long chat about what the hell was that about', and it doesn't make him feel any better.

"It's alright, Sammy." Lucifer says smoothly, eyes boring straight into the tan woman, only tilting his head slightly to the left to address the younger Winchester. The knife was still embedded until the hilt in his neck, but there was no blood, and he had Mazikeen suspended in the air by her throat. Now, he actually tightened his grip.

"I'm more than fine." He cooed to her gasping mouth, the silent question of 'how the fuck are you still alive?' clear in her wide filmy eyes. In response to her inquiry, he nonchalantly grasped the handle of the dagger with his free hand and pulled it out with no problem. The blade was charcoal-black and clean, no blood.

What in the- even a goddamn ANGEL is injured with this dagger, what the fuck ARE you?!

"You know who I am, demon." The blonde speaks to her as if her thoughts were transmitted to him directly. Son of a bitch, not even Lucifer reads her mind. This is so far from good, she is actually fearing for her life now. Fuck. His fingers lightly tap on the skin of her neck, as if waiting for her response.

"Say it. Say my name. C'mon Mazikeen, it's not that hard. Bow and pledge allegiance to me, your true Satanic Lord." His lips curl into a cruel grin.

"Alright, this is quite ENOUGH. The people of L.A may be complete bastards, but they are nothing in comparison to YOU, you jackass." For some reason, that phrase makes Sam pause for a second. They are in Los Angeles? A familiar voice sings out in the recess of his mind.

I move to LA, solve crimes!

His brows furrow in bewilderment. Lucifer had said that before, hadn't he?


Lucifer's outstretched clawed hand (not their Lucifer, the other one) is the only proof it was him who sent the blonde crashing twenty-five feet straight into the same destroyed liquor cabinet.

Meanwhile, the Winchesters are absolutely freaking the fuck out. They don't know whether to go after the guy who is calling himself Lucifer Morningstar, try to attack the real Lucifer now that he's down, or just fuck everything, pick up unconscious Cas and run like hell.

"Dude, what the hell is going on…?" Dean whispers to his brother in paralyzed terror. Sam finds himself unable to even get a word out, as he is watching the scene unfold in front of him with a icy chill in his spine.

"I was wondering when you'd start to get serious." Lucifer laughs slightly, shaking off the remnants of glass from his body. No blood on him. Damn.

"Oh darling, I'm just getting started." The well-suited man sneers.

"Bring it then, Morningstar."

Sam feels a ping of memory at the mention of Morningstar, and he doesn't know why that sounds so familiar. As a matter of fact, that woman's name, Mazikeen also sounded so familiar, like he has heard it before—

"Cas?" Dean suddenly says, crouching down, tone desperate with worry.

Sam looks down to the angel's crumpled form, seeing his eyes fluttering open and closing. Castiel is finally waking up. But he doesn't look very good. His face is pale and sickly, his squinty eyes having a hazy quality to them, and he seems to be exerting way too much energy just to keep himself awake. He looks around the unfamiliar place they are in, noticing how unusually quiet his internal mind is. Not to mention that he's in control instead of Lucifer.

"Dean?" He finally croaks out, having no idea what to think. A light sheen of sweat coats his forehead, and his breathing begins to turn labored.

"Hey, hey man. Take it easy, okay? I got you, Cas." He grabs him by the arm tightly, as if trying to convey he really did have him, literally. While his words and tone are reassuring, Dean's eyes are wide with fear and preoccupation for the seraph and Sam notices it immediately. He claps a heavy hand on his brother's shoulder, aiming to let him know that everything will turn out okay. He hopes.

"How am I-?" Castiel begins to ask, but he winces right in the middle of his question, apparently feeling some sort of pricking pain somewhere.

"You okay?" Dean immediately asks him, alarmed.

"I'm…I'm very confused." The angel finally groans out. "How am I in control? I can't hear Lucifer in my head, it's almost like he's—"

"Gone." Sam finishes.

"He is, man." Dean finally gives a small smile, crinkled eyes and all. They actually managed to do something right. Sure, they don't know where the fuck they are, nor do they know why all out of the sudden, TWO Lucifers are duking it out as they speak (one of them is fake sure, but yeah, that's still kind of worrisome), but Cas is finally back.

"We kicked him out of your head. Permanently." His smile grew wider, the relief settling into his mind.

He's back and to hell with everything else, that's what really matters.

Dean can't help it. One minute, he's just kneeling on one knee next to Cas, and the next one, he finds himself swinging an arm around his neck and crushing him with a unexpected harsh hug.

He knew from the way Castiel stiffened at his sudden hug attack, that he was very surprised. In fact, he could bet all of the pie in the world that Sam is also probably looking at him with those wide eyes and raised eyebrows as if trying to figure out what the heck happened. Yet, he doesn't find it in himself to care.

"It's good to have you back, Cas." Dean mutters into his shoulder, the embrace still going strong. It took a couple of minutes, but the angel finally rose his arm and wrapped it around the hunter. He smiles. This is…nice.

"Although, if you weren't hurt right now, I would be beating your ASS for being so goddamn stupid."

Aaaaand, moment broken.

"REALLY, CAS? You said yes to fucking LUCIFER?"

Even though Dean probably could have picked a better time to start chastising Castiel, Sam also wanted to know what in the world made him think being Lucifer's vessel was even a remotely good idea.

Cas withdrew his arm, his jaw tightening. "I needed to do what was necessary to defeat the Darkness." He growled, looking away from both the Winchesters.

Both Sam and Dean open their mouth, apparently about to vehemently protest that same point when they heard another earth-shattering crash about 15 feet away. Castiel whips his head to the noise, eyes wide in surprise.

The dark-haired suited man has smashed into the adjacent wall, his body leaving a painful-looking crater in the plaster. He fell to the floor in a heap, the white button-down underneath his grey blazer dark with blood. Castiel tilts his head just slightly, like he usually does when he finds something particularly vexing. Just who is this man, and why does his presence feel so familiar?

Right at the opposite corner of the club, Lucifer flexed his hands and tightened his fingers into dangerous fists. "You sure know how to pack a punch there, Lucifer." The injured man coughs the phrase out along with dark red blood.

Lucifer really, REALLY shouldn't have clipped his angel wings. Much of his strength and angelic grace came from them. But no, he had to play the part of the rebellious teenager to the T and burn them right up. Goddamn it. Who would have known there was someone else equal to him in power that wasn't his parents?

"I gotta say, I was expecting much more of a challenge. Especially coming from the person who is stealing my identity, Luci." The powerful blonde man smirks evilly. The nickname dripped with mocking cruelty and venom. Mazikeen had taken off running upstairs, attempting to find the cellphone which contained Amanadiel's number on it. He needed to make an appearance, NOW.

"Who…who the bloody hell are you?" Morningstar shakes his head in disbelief, still not willing to accept the fact he is getting pummeled to a pulp. Him, the Devil. With no Decker around in sight. Lucifer shakes his heads, sighing as he pitied the other party. "Okay, this is getting pretty old. And I don't know there's an alternative motive, or if you're just this STUPID, but there must be a reason why you are continuing with calling yourself by MY name."

Castiel's eyes were the widest Dean had ever seen them, and he looked absolutely petrified. Not good.

"Cas…you okay, there buddy?" He asked, voice wavering slightly.

"Not possible…" The seraph choked out.

"Yeah, I don't know how it happened, but Lucifer got his own vessel back. His old one, Nick." Sam begins to explain as much as he knows.

"NO, not that, well actually now that you mention it, that also particularly worries me but it's not what I meant-" Castiel says so hurriedly that it takes the two Winchesters a minute to process what he said.

"Those two…they are the same person." He whispers.


"Their auras are exactly alike. No one in the entire universe has identical auras, not even angels."

The two Lucifers turn around, as if hearing what Castiel just uttered. "Did you say something, little brother?" The face of Nick darkened imperceptively, apparently not liking where he was going with that phrase.

"You mean to tell me, that they BOTH are Lucifer? This Morningstar guy is another legit Satan?" Dean demands in a horrified voice.

"It means that we just fell into an alternate universe which holds its own Devil. But make no mistake, they are still essentially each other." Castiel says solemnly.

Silence. And finally Sam understands it all in one split second.


Satan working with cops. In L.A.


It's that goddamn show.

"Fuck." Sam shakes his heads, burying his face his head. "Just our fucking luck."

"What?" Dean asks.

"It's that stupid fucking TV show. Lucifer is actually real."

Lucifer bites his lips slightly, remembering his old comment when he was still in the Cage.

"Pardon, did you say a TV show?" The bleeding man (or well, archangel) interjects, completely lost on what they were talking about.

Lucifer never actually saw the show, but he knew the humans had been working on a series that focused exclusively on him, only vastly out of character and not to mention a club owner who helped a detective from time to time to solve petty crimes. He found the plot summary disgusting, so he never actually got around to filer through the content of it like some other good series.

He was absolutely furious.

"Another alternative reality?" Dean groans out. "NO. NO, just no, this cannot be happening to us again. Why God does hates us? WHY DO YOU HATE US?!" He shouts directly to the ceiling.

"We had more than enough Lucifer to last us a couple of centuries, and now you send us to the dimension where there's fucking TWO OF THEM?! What is your frigging PROBLEM?!"

He knew God had always been interested in creating alternate dimensions, but he never knew He'd take it this far…to create a copy of not only humans but of his archangels?


He actually felt nauseated. He didn't think the level of betrayal he felt towards his Father could get any higher, but surprise! It just did. He felt like if he'd just gotten punched by God himself.

"Oh, you sick fucker…" He gritted between his teeth.


Some answers but a shit ton more questions. Sorry. I need to call each Lucifer something different because keeping track of which Lucifer I'm talking about is confusing.

I'm thinking:
"Luci" - Lucifer Morningstar
"Lucifer" - Lucifer (SPN)

I feel LM is a lot more... casual and chill than SPN's Lucifer. Which is why I thought calling him Luci might fit better. Or maybe the other way around works better? Let me know please.