Looking at Lissana right now, Natsu suddenly had the image of a little sheep trying to confront a lion or more like a dragon, flash into his mind. He knew this would happen but couldn't do anything to stop it from happening and if he would admit to one little truth it was that he found it exciting. As embarrassing as it was to think that way he had a thrill shoot through him. He couldn't wait to see Lucy claim her territory, that being him. If given the chance mated females would no doubt even piss over their partners to stop other females from approaching but he knew his Lucy was too perfect to do that. She may even do worse!

At that moment Natsu would would give up almost about anything if he could get a glimpse of what his Lucy was thinking. Most probably murder, but still. As Lisanna had neared he could feel Lucy go still in his arms. Her body locked up like a dragon's when sizing up the prey. And Lissana was certainly the prey. He tightened his arms around her as she cocked her head to the side. That was definitely not a good sign. Since he hadn't already given her his little beast, she would instinctively see the female fuming before her as a threat. And to top it of she was on her cycle.

"I can't believe you would do this to me Lucy!" Lissana screeched and Natsu cringed. "You knew I had feelings for him, everyone knew." He should have probably stopped her then. "We were together even as children," The guild had gone silent and when he looked at Gajeel, the dragon slayer looked like he was about to pass out "He is mine!" And there she had done it.

At that moment Gajeel could only think of grabbing his mate and making a run for it. Natsu had brought back Lisanna from Adolas but where Lucy was gonna send her after she uttered the word 'mine' from there he could guarantee no one could bring her back. He looked at Lucy at the same time almost everyone did. The air around the guild had gone still. Damn! Lissana had done it. He watched as her eyes changed color. It was almost fascinating to watch. One could see the ethereal look radiating off of her after her mating and combine that with the utter stillness to her. He could almost imagine she was a beautiful sculpture and not their Lucy. And very suddenly she lunged for Lissana. No one could see her lightening fast movement and stop her other then him and Natsu but both of them were late.

What happened next was not what Natsu expected. Lucy with all her grace was standing in front of a very startled Lissana. And very slowly she whispered something in her ears. So slowly that even he didn't catch it but whatever she said Lissan heard and the changes in her expressions were comical. It went from a wide eyed look to confusion, from there to shock then to disgust and finally that look was all but directed at him.

When Lucy stepped away she had a crazy mischievous look about her. She looked right into his eyes and mocked him. She put her arm around Lisanna and grinned.

"I take all I said back! I didn't mean any of it." With that she left the room.

When Natsu crossed the room he asked her "What did you say to her?"

Lucy leaned in and whispered hotly into his ears "That you can't get it up and you need a certain kind of cosplay to help you along."

"What kind of cosplay." He asked dreading the answer.

"Now I cant tell u that now can I." She smiled sweetly at him and she just issued a challenge.

Thank u guys for waiting so long. I have been in and out of the hospital alot these previous months and couldn't continue but now im back! Ill update soon. Love u guys for the support.