Lucy entered the guild thinking of the last job she went on, not noticing the heavy atmosphere in the as she entered the halls a hush went over the guild. Watching as her friends threw her worried looks she searched for Natsu. She looked around but he was nowhere, at least nowhere she could find him. She ignored the onlookers and headed towards Mirajane . She was the only one not acting weird she thought.

"Hi Mira, whats up with everyone. They are acting strange."

"Don't you know its that time of the year" Mira said winking.

" I don't know which time of the year it is?"

"It's the dragon mating season. And everyone is acting strange because Gajeel took levy as his mate." Mira said straight faced.

"What do you mean mate?"

"It means the one special person who a dragon takes for life, making them immortal so that they can go at each other like rabbits, making tons of babies and the only person who can control and ground the inner beast of a dragon slayer is his mate. Isn't it romantic?" Mira replied in a single breath with a dreamy expression.

Lucy was stunned into silence with a gaping mouth

"So you mean levy and Gajeel…..Gajeel and levy…"

"Yup and it was totally consensual on both sides."Mira said.

Lucy looked around and then asked "What about Natsu and Wendy."

"Wendy is a female, they don't go through the same thing, whereas Natsu will be going through the heat."looking at lucy's face and the question there she replied "And no lexus is not going through the same thing since he isn't a full dragon slayer. But I wish he would, it would have made it even hotter in bed."

Looking at the expression on Mira's face lucy cleared her throat and made her concerns known.

"So whats going on with Natsu, is he alright, is lissana alright. And that must be the reason why Erza sent me on a solo mission when I asked for Natsu."

Mirajane replied with a concerned look. "He hasn't chosen anyone yet but I think lissana wishes it is her. But even I am scared for the one he chooses because he isn't like the other dragon slayers."

Lucy casting worried eyes at a very nervous Mira asked, "What do you mean?"

"You know Natsu is the strongest mage in the guild even if he and we don't show it. His dragon is more powerful than Gajeel's and any other dragon slayer's. We all know that he is very protective of everyone, it's because of his inner beast's instinct. Levy won't need to worry about a rough and dangerous mating but Natsu's mate know how animals rut." Lucy nodded " It will be that rough, possessive, dangerous and animalistic. He will make sure she is his and his alone. And make it so that she realizes it too. He will claim her and make sure she carries something of his with her after that."

"Like what?" Lucy asked hesitantly, swallowing.

Mirajane replied slowly while tilting her her towards her "Like his scent and his seed planted in her belly. He will mate till it is done."

"Seed….. in her belly…," lucy stuttered past her suddenly chapped lips "Till its done…."

Mira seeing as what she said had made lucy as white as a ghost quickly replied "But you see how this can't be true because Natsu is nothing like that.

Lucy nodded

And then suddenly two very strong hands crossed over her abdomen. Leaving her trapped in those arms. Lucy jumped at the contact. But then chastised herself that it was probably only Natsu teasing her and all the mating crap was a lie. Just as the thought came a Natsu buried his head in her nape . Inhaling as if it was a drug and with that became doubtful of her conclusion. And just for a moment she thought he nipped at her neck.

"Natsu what are u doing you idiot." She said angrily.

Natsu snuggled one more and then came to face her. His eyes looked hungry for a moment but just as the look came it was gone.

"I see your back from your mission Lucy, me and happy missed you." He said while taking her in from head to toe. When he was halfway through he sniffed and stopped swinging angry eyes at her. He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her towards him with a jerk. He sniffed again and he growled. "Who were you with." He said deep in his throat.

Confused Lucy said "I was with Sarah, a friend."

Natsu growled again and said "You were with a male."

Lucy tried to jerk back her arm but to no avail and replied nervously "I was helping Old Joe with his stuff. Whats wrong with you." Hearing that Natsu suddenly sobered up and said in his usual cheery voice "Nothing just an odd scent." But Lucy noticed that behind it something was wrong. He was cheery on the surface but it couldn't hide the edge and danger to him. One could almost feel his anger back then.

"So I heard," she said swallowing "The mating season and stuff."

Natsu narrowed his eyes and asked slowly "You know."

Lucy forgot all about earlier and replied enthusiastically "So lisanna huh. God can't wait for the babies . All of them calling me aunt Lucy. I can name at least one of them right. Say yes, please," She looked towards a nervous and fidgety Mira and said " I hear wedding bells or," cupping her hand around her mouth and while raising delicately arched blonde brows " mating bell huh."

Natsu looked confused and swung an angry glance at Mirajane who too now was gasping with joy and jumping up and down with Lucy." " Yes , yes Lisanna right I don't want to tell her now so if you two keep this a secret alright ." He said calculatingly.

The beast was raging inside him, so close, she was so close but he couldn't touch her. He had to wait a while longer, if he made a move now the guild wouldn't let her go without a fight. The fight he would win without a doubt but why hurt friends. And hurt they would be if they came between his beast and her. She was all his. She would look beautiful heavy with his child. He would make it so. He would claim her and make sure every pore of her body knew him. He would fill all her holes. That he would. Till his seed was dripping down her pussy, ass and mouth. Oh that sinful mouth. He would make her call out his name in pain and pleasure. He would mark every part of her body. He will do all those fucking things to her that she didn't and couldn't imagine, till she won't be able figure out where she ended and he began. He wanted her to be a part of him, a part of his fucking soul. He would fuck his child into her.

All this time she had tortured him with her body and her heart but now she would know. He knew everything about her from her fucking favorite color to her favorite everything. He even knew when she bled every month. Oh the smell of her blood. A few times he couldn't even resist himself he would sniff her in her sleep like some dog in heat. Once while he was in her shower her caught a sniff of her blood, it was so tempting. Like a bitch he was't able to control himself and searched through her trash for the source and found her menstrual pad. He wanted to squeeze the blood out for himself but found control. He had to claim her soon or he would would kill every male in her vicinity. He wanted to beat his chest like an animal and tell the world she was his.

So guys this is kind of my first, not first but kind of. And I hope u enjoy. There may be some mistakes kindly ignore the.?

And thanx for reading. Then next chap will be posted next week same