
Minister Amos Diggory Murdered!

The Minister for Magic Amos Diggory was killed yesterday in the ministry during an attack not seen since the killing of Minister Scrimgeour. According to ministry insiders, the former minister was assassinated inside his own office with the killing curse. The morticians found a cold body and broken spine when they were called in to examine the dead body.

The death of the minister leads to one single question: Was his death connected to the other murders given that they occurred simultaneously within the span of two days. If so, the Auror Office has been really incompetent in protecting our nation.

Earlier, the ministry was rocked with seismic tremors which forced the Ministry to evacuate all of its personnel. It is currently unknown whether these tremors are related to the cold-blooded murder of the minister.

"The ministry went into a state of lockdown yesterday", a harried ministry official quoted before disappearing into the floo. Is our nation once again at war? If so, then who will lead us through these troubled times?

For an in-depth analysis of Minister Diggory's life, open page 9

Who will be the next minister? open page 13

Malfoy Manor destroyed!

The Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire was destroyed in a blast yesterday evening. The preliminary investigation has been inconclusive as to who or how was this done. However, one thing that has been confirmed by Auror insiders is Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass, the wife of Auror Draco Malfoy and his son Scorpius Malfoy are alive. Their bodies were not found and are currently presumed missing.

The Auror Draco Malfoy currently lies incapacitated in St. Mungo's due to the injuries sustained by him during an investigation.

For a look at the Malfoy family Tree, open page 20

The St. Mungo's hospital was on high alert since the assassination of the minister. The hospital, after the Ministry and Hogwarts was one of the most important locations of Wizarding Britain. Every off-duty Auror had been called back into active service and Harry spotted four Aurors guarding the entrance of every ward. Inwardly commending Susan Bones for her initiative, Harry approached the ward where Malfoy had been admitted.

"Harry Potter, here to see Draco Malfoy", he said, as the guards attempted to block his path to the ward. The guards shared a look before one of them, a thin faced Auror stepped forward.

"For what purpose, Mr Potter?"

"We have mutual business", Harry replied easily. "If you have any suspicions, perform any tests you need to."

The two Aurors exchanged a look, then with a shrug parted before him, "You will have to hand over your wand as well as pass through this, sir", the thin faced Auror asked, motioning towards a black shroud hanging over the door to the ward.

"Wise move", Harry commented, handing over his wand. "Take good care of it. It is one of its kind." Harry passed through the shroud without incident and found himself inside with Malfoy. Malfoy looked like a mess. The encounter with Creevey had certainly left his marks on Malfoy. His right arm was completely wrapped up in bandages in a weird parody of a mummy. There were several bruises on his face and his legs didn't look that good as well.

However, the Auror must have been alert as his eyes popped open at once. Seeking Harry's face out, they relaxed momentarily before blinking twice.

"What curse did you use on me that nearly killed me during our sixth year?"

Harry's eye twitched before he replied, "It was Sectumsempra and it was Snape who healed you."


"I assume you have heard the news?", Harry settled himself on the seat beside Malfoy's bed and took a notebook and a quill out.

"I have and I really can't say whether I am happy or sad that someone offed the Minister. While he was a pompous ass and an idiot, he wasn't Fudge", Draco replied with a grimace as he shifted to his side with a hiss of pain.

"Huh", was all Harry said before he continued on a different thread, "I am here to ask some questions. They might have some pertinence on how fast I can find your family."

"Ask what you will. In fact, you are my only hope of finding them. With the ministry in the state it is, no one will give a damn about my missing family", Malfoy was bitter in his condemnation of the ministry but Harry believed that he had every right to be.

"Why were you meeting with your old comrades?"

"Because I believed that they would have answers to the recent string of robberies. After all, many of them still have connections to the robberies."

"The Aegis Corporation?"

"Indeed. The corporation has almost been bankrupted by these robberies. What you probably don't know is- "

"That it is a criminal syndicate", Harry dryly finished. "Yeah, I know that."

"Well, another thing about the syndicate was it was comprised of the most powerful pureblood families of Britain. Due to the robberies, the purebloods have lost a lot of money and investments. Many of them are now teetering on the brink of ruin."

"Why? I thought the robberies were simple window dressings. Nothing was taken, according to you. How is it that they have been bankrupted?"

"It was a piece of genius on their part. They pulled the strings and we fell for it", Malfoy said half-admiringly. "After each robbery, all the items in the shops would be moved to the ministry evidence locker…"

"And one day, the locker was emptied."

"Indeed, the shops which had not been looted yet had been keeping their stuff at the ministry as well…."

"So, they were taken too. They played you", Harry concluded.

"Quite", Malfoy grunted before shifting to his side with a wince. "I have been thinking about all the pieces and I believe I have found another link. The potions shop that was blown up, I believe that had dual purposes. First, get me out of commission and leave me open for an attack. And second, I believe that the shop was another of Aegis' businesses. That gives them a motive for blowing up the building."

"We don't have any evidence about that", Harry warned, "It will take more than a hunch to prove this in front of the Wizengamot."

"I know that which is why you will have to go deep", Malfoy retorted.

At that moment, a healer burst in and was startled to see a snub-nosed revolver pointed at him. Letting out a panicked eep, he dove for the floor.

"My apologies", Harry calmly withdrew the revolver inside his cloak and offered a hand to the scared healer. "It is the current situation that had me on edge."

"Understandable", the healer picked himself off the floor and moved towards Malfoy. "It's time for his medication."

"Of course, don't let me keep you", Harry stood up and made a motion towards the door before turning back, "I will be in touch."

Knockturn Alley was five times bigger than Diagon Alley though the herculean task of navigating through the criss cross pathways was better left to them who had actually lived in the Alley or who were regulars. Harry sometimes ventured into the alley for business purposes or in search of rare products. Today, he had another purpose entirely.

He was currently in a place where no one would ever suspect him of being there. A duelling circuit in Knockturn Alley, illegal at that. He had stumbled upon the place by mistake while coming back from Gringotts. Now, he made at least one round every other day. He had been intrigued by the competition and now knew that usually the lower middle class and the occasional half-blood frequented this place.

He was currently fighting a man almost twice his age in an all-out duel for a place in the quarterfinals. Everything from wands, swords and could usually escalate to fists was allowed. To him the man rather reminded him of Vincent Crabbe.

Come on - hit me! Harry thought inwardly and waited for the swaying Crabbe look-alike to make his move. A grin was stretched across his lips, the thrill of competition sending a delicious rush through him. Go on! -

"Argh!" his opponent bellowed and launched himself at him, completely throwing all thoughts of using his wand out the window.

Harry's grin widened. With his glamoured white-blonde hair flashing, he darted past his victim's wild punch with a speed that tore gasps from the audience's throats. Pseudo Crabbe's momentum sent him stumbling into the spot Harry had vanished from. However, pseudo Crabbe managed to turn around in a flash and punched Harry in the head. The blow staggered the younger boy and he shook his head vigorously as if to clear the cobwebs present. Now, rather angry that he had been hit by the man, he decided on a course of action. The man wanted to get physical, he would get physical.

"Yo, Boy! We ain't finished here yet.", the man said with a grin.

Harry threw a disdainful look at Pseudo Crabbe before he quickly conjured a silk handkerchief with his wand and threw it on the man's face to distract the target. Surprised, the man attempted a blind jab with his right hand which Harry blocked and then countered with a left cross to the man's cheek and heard the shattering of teeth. The dazed man attempted a wild haymaker which Harry blocked with his left elbow. Harry brought down a compacted fist on his target which further knocked back the man. Finally, with a punch to the solar plexus and a heel kick to the diaphragm, the man was down for the count with a fractured jaw, three broken ribs and a hemorrhaging diaphragm.

Knockturn Alley's dueling club patrons shouted out what they were owed after winning their bets on him. The occasional person applauded while others futilely hammered against the wards preventing anyone but the competitors from entering and leaving the dueling arena.

Harry felt a mixture of delight and concern as he eyed his unconscious opponent, the top the Manchester underground dueling club offered. He hoped he wasn't too badly hurt. "Let's give another shout of approval to the new quarterfinalist in the dueling competition", the announcer called out rather unnecessarily.

Harry smiled grimly as he assessed his injuries. There weren't many, just a scratch and a bruise here and there. This exclusive club was a haunt for the tramps, nocturnal predators and the like of the wizarding world and a vast majority of the club's patrons were Harry's sources in the wizarding world.

Harry took out his wand and tapped on his wounds and smiled as they quickly healed. Bowing once again to the applauding crowd, he approached the man he had come here for.


"Mr. Potter", a squat man who looked in serious need of a wash spat as Harry approached him. Harry ordered a stiff gin and tonic at the bar and quietly sat down beside the man who looked at him grumpily.

Taking a gulp of the drink, Harry pointedly looked at the tramp who sighed, "I don't have any hard information."

"Tell me what you have."

"Two days ago, a man came to Knockturn alley to buy certain potions. Now the buying of potions is not out of the ordinary but the set of potions he bought is food for thought."

"Is it", Harry said in a commanding manner, throwing a privacy ward around the two that would warp the conversation they were having to any eavesdropper.

Claudius threw a curious glance at the ward and continued, "Well, the man bought essence of isobutylene, dioctyl sebacate and some kind of nitroamine."

"He was making explosives", Harry concluded.

"Indeed, he was. Plus, there have been whispers in the alley about a man named Rhone. Apparently, he is a man of means who wishes to liberate the wizarding world and lead it to the light."

"Doesn't sound like anyone I know", Harry murmured, however he was thinking of a person who could be involved in this plot. After all, who was so passionate about bringing change to the nation than its attorney general Hermione Granger-Weasley.

"Anything else?", Harry looked at Claudius who fidgeted before shaking his head. Harry sighed, the man was hiding something. He put his hand on Claudius' neck and applied pressure on a certain point as the man stiffened.

"Tell me", Harry encouraged the now whimpering man.

"This man Rhone has ties everywhere", the man breathed out "Apparently to the highest levels of the ministry to the lowest bottoms of the world."

The Wizengamot was in full uproar due to the assassination of the Minister. Not only was it bad news for the nation, it also brought back terrible memories about Voldemort's reign. To that effect, a series of legislatures had been pushed through by Kingsley after taking office regarding proper procedure. If the minister was put out of action, the Wizengamot would convene the next day and choose the head as the successor from the most important department of the ministry: The DMLE.

To ensure that the DMLE was never infiltrated as it had been during the Blood Wars, each of its employees underwent a stringent daily check at the checkpoint before entering the DMLE offices. Currently, the DMLE was headed by Hermione Weasley.

"Mrs. Weasley", the chief warlock of the Wizengamot, Romulus Charanton began "As per the legislations passed by our former minister, it now falls upon you to take up the reigns of the country. However, you currently hold two positions of great importance in our world. Before you take the oath as Minister, you will have to relinquish your positions as Attorney General and the Head of the DMLE and choose a successor."

Hermione stood confidently on the dais and said, "As it happens, Chief Warlock, I have already handed in my resignation as Head of the DMLE as well as Attorney General. As my replacements, my husband Ron Weasley will succeed me as the Head of the DMLE while I would like to request Mr. Blaise Zabini to take up the position of Attorney General of Magical Great Britain."

"The Wizengamot will consider your suggestions. Now, if you are ready" at Hermione's nod, the entire Wizengamot stood as one and held their wands aloft and began.

Harry apparated to the roof of the mansion where the Attorney General and the Auror captain lived. After graduating from the Auror academy, Ron had bought this mansion for himself with the money he had earned by doing interviews as a war hero and the bounties that had been awarded to him by the ministry. Soon after that, he had married Hermione.

Surprisingly, there was no guard present at the mansion, giving Harry pause. The Head of the DMLE was a high ranking member of the ministry. Couple that with Hermione's position as the Attorney General, the mansion was supposed to be under a twenty-four guard. Harry cautiously floated down to the back garden and did a cursory sweep of the garden. Finding nothing out of place, he unlocked the back door with a tap of his wand and entered quietly. Closing the door behind him, Harry lit his wand and held it in a wide sweep.

A cursory sweep of the manor revealed nothing out of the ordinary. Harry examined the portraits adorning the walls of Hermione's study without feeling as he looked at familiar moments from his past. There were also recent portraits of Hermione with other high ranking people in the ministry, including Blaise Zabini, Seamus Finnegan, Romulus Charanton as well as with Creevey.

"Interesting", Harry murmured as he tapped Hermione's photo with Creevey and made a copy of it. Having decided that there was nothing more to be found there, he did the last thing he had come here to do. Taking several small metallic balls, he rolled one under the settee in Hermione's study, another under the bed in the master bedroom and the last he slipped in the living room of the manner. These balls were his own inventions, he preferred to call them spy gums. As the name suggested, the balls would find a surface and would adhere to a specific surface and transmit all sounds to Harry.

Throwing a last look at the manor, Harry slipped out the same way he had entered and apparated, first to Diagon Alley and then to Twelve, Grimmauld Place.

Hermione Granger-Weasley settled herself in front of the podium for her first press conference as the Minister of Magic and began, "To all my fellow Magical brethren, I stand before you today as Minister of Magic because Amos Diggory was cowardly murdered in his office. As I stand here today, I swear to you all, I will avenge him and all the others that have died. Therefore, as my first act as Minister of Magic, I ask the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to bring in one Harry James Potter for questioning on his knowledge regarding these deaths. We fear that he has been conducting an illicit investigation with less to no authority." As the flashbulbs went off, Hermione smiled at the shocked audience and took her leave with her Auror escort.

Harry entered his house and called for Kreature. To his surface, the house elf didn't answer his call. Warily, Harry walked through the house, his wand in his hand. As he turned the lights on at the staircase, he felt himself propelled at the Grandfather clock standing in the hall. Smashing headfirst into the clock, Harry swung around dazedly bringing his wand to play. His assailant however slapped it away and slammed the back of his palm at Harry's throat.

Harry gasped at the brutal attack, his hands going to his throat automatically and he fell to his knees. His attacker jammed his knee to Harry's face and then grabbing Harry's head in his hands, slammed it to the ground with full force.

The attacker took his body and apparated to the Tower Bridge. Throwing Harry's unconscious body in front of him, he took out a silver snub nosed revolver and pumped three bullets into his body before throwing him in the freezing Thames river.

Author's Notes: Sorry for the late update, readers. Been busy with my new job.