I know that I already have a fic that's not done yet...and I'm sorry for not finishing it first...I'll try to have the end of 'Ken the Yaoi Boy' up really soon...just have some patience with me!!!


It was two o'clock in the morning, and Ken Hidaka was tired. Yet at the exact same time, hyper and not at all sleepy.

It didn't make sense to the bishounen. He had tried everything he could think of to get to sleep, and still, nothing.

He tried counting sheep. He counted 6, 966 sheep before he gave that up.

Ken tried reading a book. He read 4 chapters of the most boring book he had ever read, and he wasn't any sleepier.

He tried a warm glass of milk. It made him fell sick, and not a bit sleepy.

He had one idea left, and he was sure that it would work.

Ken knew that Yohji was out, so he'd just sneak in about out, and Yohji would never even know that he was there.

Ken tip toed down the hall, and slipped into his friend's room. He started walking towards the nightstand. It was dark, but he knew where it should be. He had almost reached the end of Yohji's bed when he tripped on something and crashed to the floor. On his way down, he had grabbed Yohji's blanket, hoping that he could stop himself from falling. Now he was face down on Yohji's carpet, with Yohji's silky green blanket on top of him.

Ken cursed at the leather pants that had jumped up out of nowhere. Then he suddenly remembered that Yohji had leather pants on when he had left last night. So that could mean......

"What the hell are you doing in here? And why may I ask, are you trying to see me naked? I mean, I know I'm sexy, but damn Ken, it's two o'clock, and I'm trying to sleep."

Ken quickly got to his feet as Yohji turned on his bedside lamp. Noticing that Yohji was in fact, naked, Ken blushed and turned around. "S-s-sorry Yohji! I was just...uh..."

Yohji grabbed his boxers and slipped them on. "I thought that's why you were here Ken, to see me naked. But if it's not, then why are you here?"

Ken slowly turned around, hoping that Yohji had something on by now. "Uh...well...I couldn't get to sleep, so...well, I had read this article in a magazine, and it said that taking a warm bath, and having aroma therapy candles lit, can help you get sleepy."

"Well I'm glad that you're in touch with your feminine side, Ken, but what does any of that have to do with sneaking into my room at two o'clock in the morning, and seeing my sexy naked body?"

Ken blushed once again. "Well, I know that you have candles, I always see you come home with them, and put them in your nightstand. And I must say, Yohji, you go through an awful lot of candles!"

Yohji smiled, and gestured for Ken to come sit down on the bed. He reached into the drawer of his nightstand, and pulled out a candle. "Ken, you see this candle right here? This is just the candle for you. But, I must warn you, it will never, ever make you sleepy."

"What I need is so sleep, Yohji! A candle is a candle, just let me smell it!"

"Oh I will, Kenken. Because this is going to be funny." Yohji moved closer to Ken, looked him straight in the eyes, and took a deep breath of the candle's scent. Without breaking the eye contact, he held it up to Ken's nose.

Ken took a deep breath, mimicking Yohji. It smelt somewhat of peaches, yet it was something different, something indescribable. Ken's eyes went wide, a flush covering his cheeks; his hands quickly covered the growing bulge in his boxers.

Yohji chuckled. His voice was deep and raspy, very sexy-like. "You like it, Ken?"

"What the hell kind of candle is that?"

"It's called an aphrodisiac, Kenken. It's meant solely to arouse. I knew this would be your scent. I prefer the hazelnut scented one, girls normally like the raspberry, or the blueberry. It doesn't work on everyone, but I could tell that you'd be the type, easily aroused by the aphrodisiac candles. In fact, I got this one for you, I was just waiting for the perfect time to use it."

"For me? Why Yohji? I never have any dates, what use could I have for a candle like that?"

"Ken, you have to be the most dense person I know."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean with me, you wouldn't need that candle. But it can make things a little more fun. What do you say, Ken?"

The soccer player stared on in disbelief. Did Yohji just ask him if he wanted to have sex with him? Yohji loves women. He's straight. Although the thought of having sex with Yohji seemed very promising, that's all that it would be. Sex, really incredibly great sex, but only sex. Ken couldn't say that the thought hadn't crossed his mind before. Yohji's damn sexy, you know.


"Yohji, can we talk for a little while?"



I know, that's a horrible ending for a chapter...and it shouldn't even be called a chapter...but this is all I had time to put up...I promise the next part will be better!!! As always, leave me some feedback, pretty, pretty, please???